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Novak Djokovic


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Neviđena upornost i posvećenost. Pored dvojice najboljih u istoriji stići do vrha i tu ostati 12 godina ( uz manje prekide) je neverovatno, isto koliko i ovaj broj od 23 slema. Neverovatno je i kako je od dečka koji se klizao na travi i padao stigao do pozicije neprikosnovenog kralja Vimbldona. 



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Ovaj (deo) komentara najbolje opisuje Novaka



Novak acknowledged other great sports champions in attendance at RG in his trophy acceptance speech today but his accomplishments, as an individual, clearly exceed any and all of theirs.

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Evo mog predvidjanja za blizu buducnost glede Novaka obzirom da su se dosadasnja prakticno ispunila :thumbup:: ocekujem osvajanje narednih 4 GS - a , znaci 5 u nizu (ukljucujuci karijerni ofkors), mozda naredni RG bude upitan, a onda osvajanje Wimbldona jos jednom i zlatne medalje :18:

Za posle Olimpijade cemo da vidimo posle 😎

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37 minutes ago, DameTime said:


Da iskoristim ovu tabelu


3 GS

14 masters

1 year end 1st

41 nedelja no1




3 GS

10 masters

2 year end 1st

78 nedelja no1


Sta je bolja karijera - Mari ili trenutna razlika Novaka i Federera?

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9 hours ago, unagi said:

Nadam se da ce Nadal sto kasnije da objavi da ide u penziju jer mislim da ce i Novak vrlo brzo za njim jer ce da izgubi motivaciju.

Ne verujem, Alcaraz je dovoljna motivacija. Za razliku od Novaka, trenutno nema baš neku konkurenciju osim Noleta. 

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7 hours ago, orionbre said:

Da iskoristim ovu tabelu


3 GS

14 masters

1 year end 1st

41 nedelja no1




3 GS

10 masters

2 year end 1st

78 nedelja no1


Sta je bolja karijera - Mari ili trenutna razlika Novaka i Federera?


Mari ima odličnu karijeru.


Odgovori na mnoga pitanja postaju laki (i najvećim hejterima (i denierima)), ako se naglas izgovori (po potrebi nekoliko/mnogo puta): NĐ je GOAT.



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Misljenja sam da ukoliko ove godine osvoji WB o baksuznom USO necu ni da pricam. Jedini cilj iduce godine bice OI, jedino sto mi fali u karijeri.


Ako osvoji OI mislim da ce 2024 godina biti poslednja u njegovoj karijeri.


Do OI bice veliki favorit na jos 3 turnira WB x 2 i AO x 1. 

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9 minutes ago, medobrundo said:

hahaha, i mi posle pljujemo informer i sl


da li je ovo najgluplji tekst godine? vrlo verovatno




Why so salty 🤣🤣🤣



"So, let’s do that. Since 2019, Djokovic has won eight slams. But during this time, Federer was too old and injured to play his best, and the competition was generally pretty weak. It is not that these eight slams don’t count. But they are worth less."


Ali to nije posteno, zabraniti mu da trci i da proklizava. 


"Consider next physical advantages. Djokovic isn’t 10 feet tall but he is extremely fast and flexible. He is, as they say, “the rubber man”. This is an immense physical advantage. It allows him to extend points and grind his opponents down. His abilities as a returner and defender, and indeed a strategist who runs his opponents around, are part of his greatness. But his physical advantages, at the same time, reduce the greatness of his achievements."


Koliko ih boli.

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19 minutes ago, medobrundo said:

hahaha, i mi posle pljujemo informer i sl


da li je ovo najgluplji tekst godine? vrlo verovatno




Lik je filozof, profesor i nekada je igrao tenis, navijač reklo bi se...

Meni je mnogo gori tekst samog Gardijana i njihovog sportskog novinara 




gde tekst lagano provlači light ksenofobiju kao trešnjicu na torti



You can always spot the Djokovic fans at a grand slam tournament. There is a definite type at these events. Bored-looking blond men in designer shades. Crudité-thin women who for some reason refuse to use their jacket sleeves. Against this backdrop of clinking champagne glasses and easy unearned wealth, the boisterous Team Nole crews stand out like a breadstick in a Martini. What must it be like to glimpse this walled garden party from the outside, particularly when you started life with as little as Djokovic did? If you build yourself a glass palace, don’t be surprised if people want to break the windows.



Edited by NMX
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Slažem se sa NMX-om, ovaj tekst što ga medo prenosi je samo glupkast.


Međutim, kad vidim ovakve stvari u Gardijanu:


This is Djokovic’s world now. You can shout whatever you like before a point and all you will get is a shush from the people around you. You can essentially advocate wiping Kosovo off the map and face no consequence. On the internet and in the corridors of power, the doctrine of self-actualisation – the idea that the world exists simply to fulfil your chosen destiny – is no longer sociopathy but orthodoxy. No wonder Djokovic was smiling in his chair. He is no longer the unruly trespasser, but the man who owns the deeds and the keys.

od lika koji ne voli Đokovića van terena se pretvaram u onog najgoreg Noletovog fana, što navija da Nole pobedi samo da bi Englezi patili.


Zbog ovoga Vimbldon treba uništiti i prebaciti grenslem u Argentinu gde će tokom poena da se deru kao da su na fudbalskoj utakmici.

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Plači mala plači, osto sam na Rači, ne daju mi sići jure me prasićiii...


Koliko god me Djolo nervira za masu stvari, baš mi je drago što ih je sve natakario na vršnjaka. 


Vidim da je Budjoberg priznao GOATness, ostaje da procuri kako je Mirka reagovala, dal će Fed morati da pere sudove rucno godinu dana za kaznu, pošto je 3 GSa već opipljiva prednost, najlepši bekend sad slabo šta znači. 


Najjači su mi ovi instagram fanovi, pa ka'e: više Vimbldona i veći broj nekih Milan Gale Muškatirović turnira, lepši džemper i bekend. 

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29 minutes ago, Indig0 said:

"So, let’s do that. Since 2019, Djokovic has won eight slams. But during this time, Federer was too old and injured to play his best, and the competition was generally pretty weak. It is not that these eight slams don’t count. But they are worth less."


Da li je autor ovog teksta @McLeod? 😛 

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