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13 minutes ago, uini said:


2019e je fournier bilo alfa & omega, da ne kažem omg.


Nesto je bila mala razlika u ppg izmedju njih dvojice koliko se secam zbog fantazija. Koliko se secam Furnije odigrao odlicno u grupi i amera a epski se raspadao protiv Argentine u polufinalu i Australije za bronzu

10 minutes ago, Devil In My Pants said:

Za Nedovica se zna. Bezveznjakovic nabedjeni. Talenat, koji nije iskoristen


mislio sam na to da su obojica spektakularni igrači kada su u zoni; puno sam gledao fourniera u knicksima a moglo se to videti i 2019e protiv amera. jednostavno je nezaustavljiv kada mu ide, plus ume da odigra 2na2 i slično. takav mu dođe i nedović u najboljem izdanju


kada ne ide, onda je najbolje da ga zaboraviš na klupi, jer će šutnuti 0-13 iz igre sa nula doprinosa u ostalim segmentima igre.


ovaj deo revizije evanove sezone to najbolje opisuje (staviću u spoiler)



Ups and downs, highs and lows

The highs were super high, including three of Fournier’s top-5 games this season happening against Boston. Can’t complain. Fournier dumped 32 points on the C’s on opening day, added 41 (season-high) on Jan. 6, and then poured 32 more on them come Feb. 14. That’s 105 points alone in three games against Boston. Oh Là Là!



The lows were super low. And remember, Fournier started every game of his 80 played this season, so get ready for some ridiculously bad numbers because they’re surely coming. This is a totally subjective exercise I’m doing here, but I have just picked a bunch of random games to put on this handcrafted bad-game list:


vs POR (Feb. 12): 36 minutes of playing time. 4 points on 13 field-goal attempts for a ridiculous 7.7% shooting percentage from the floor, going 1-of-2 from the free-throw line and (thank God) contributing 3 boards, 3 dimes, 2 steals, and a block. Of course, he turned the ball over three times.

vs WAS (Dec. 23): 38 minutes of playing time. 8-3-1-1 line shooting 15% on 13 FGA to go with a 2-for-2 from the charity stripe. Again, 38 minutes played.

vs PHI (Mar. 2): 27 minutes of playing time. Cardio game. 3-0-0-2-1 line. 1-of-8 from the field, no treys, 1-of-2 from the charity stripe. Somehow, two steals and a block because Fournier operates in another dimension.


I could keep going, but I also could highlight some perfectly valuable nuggets from Fournier’s first campaign as a Knick, don’t get it wrong.

Fournier was one of only seven players with 10+ 3PM in a game in the 2022 season.

One of only 16 with 15+ games in which he made at least 5+ three-point shots.

One of only nine with 21+ games in which he took 5+ 3PA, hitting 50% or more.

At the end of the day, the couple of small lists above are enough to get to know Fournier’s calling card. He can shoot, he will hoist shots no matter what, but that’s pretty much all he does. And that’s the problem, too.


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12 minutes ago, uini said:


mislio sam na to da su obojica spektakularni igrači kada su u zoni; puno sam gledao fourniera u knicksima a moglo se to videti i 2019e protiv amera. jednostavno je nezaustavljiv kada mu ide, plus ume da odigra 2na2 i slično. takav mu dođe i nedović u najboljem izdanju


kada ne ide, onda je najbolje da ga zaboraviš na klupi, jer će šutnuti 0-13 iz igre sa nula doprinosa u ostalim segmentima igre.


ovaj deo revizije evanove sezone to najbolje opisuje (staviću u spoiler)


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Ups and downs, highs and lows

The highs were super high, including three of Fournier’s top-5 games this season happening against Boston. Can’t complain. Fournier dumped 32 points on the C’s on opening day, added 41 (season-high) on Jan. 6, and then poured 32 more on them come Feb. 14. That’s 105 points alone in three games against Boston. Oh Là Là!



The lows were super low. And remember, Fournier started every game of his 80 played this season, so get ready for some ridiculously bad numbers because they’re surely coming. This is a totally subjective exercise I’m doing here, but I have just picked a bunch of random games to put on this handcrafted bad-game list:


vs POR (Feb. 12): 36 minutes of playing time. 4 points on 13 field-goal attempts for a ridiculous 7.7% shooting percentage from the floor, going 1-of-2 from the free-throw line and (thank God) contributing 3 boards, 3 dimes, 2 steals, and a block. Of course, he turned the ball over three times.

vs WAS (Dec. 23): 38 minutes of playing time. 8-3-1-1 line shooting 15% on 13 FGA to go with a 2-for-2 from the charity stripe. Again, 38 minutes played.

vs PHI (Mar. 2): 27 minutes of playing time. Cardio game. 3-0-0-2-1 line. 1-of-8 from the field, no treys, 1-of-2 from the charity stripe. Somehow, two steals and a block because Fournier operates in another dimension.


I could keep going, but I also could highlight some perfectly valuable nuggets from Fournier’s first campaign as a Knick, don’t get it wrong.

Fournier was one of only seven players with 10+ 3PM in a game in the 2022 season.

One of only 16 with 15+ games in which he made at least 5+ three-point shots.

One of only nine with 21+ games in which he took 5+ 3PA, hitting 50% or more.

At the end of the day, the couple of small lists above are enough to get to know Fournier’s calling card. He can shoot, he will hoist shots no matter what, but that’s pretty much all he does. And that’s the problem, too.


Ne volim igrace koji n vol sport kojim s bave. Podseca me na Milicica u tom mindsetu. Harizma na nivou Nebojshe Stefanovica..

8 hours ago, zastotako said:



Maledon ima nekih 40% sanse  da bude u rosteru OKC. Znacajnu ulogu moze samo da sanja. SGA, Giddey, Dort, Mann je super interesantno i kvalitetno.

On je vec imao znacajnu ulogu, bio je 8. skorer Okc-a prethodne sezone od igraca koji su odigrali 30+ meceva u sezoni. Ukoliko imaju roster od 16 igraca 8. skorer je znacajna uloga, a recimo da su prvih 4-5 najznacajnije uloge, pa imas znacajne, imas par koji se retko skidaju da kazem beznacajne uloge. Postoji valjda i neka sredina, plus momak ima 21 godinu. Zbog cega 40% kad je u prethodnoj sezoni odigrao 51 mec 17 minuta prosecno. Sezonu iza 64 meca 26 minuta prosecno. Ja bi rekao da ima 99,9% sanse da bude u rosteru.


10 hours ago, McLeod said:

Italija mi je ultra prosecna

Pa sad ako pogledas ostale reprezentacije sve sa evropskog oni su iznad proseka, daleko od ultra prosecnog. Plus su kompaktan tim i neko vreme su tu zajedno.


Galinari, Melo, Fontekio, Polonara. Ozbiljna osnova ova trojica su jedni od boljih evroligaskih igraca na svojoj poziciji plus Fontekio se pridruzio i Galinariju u Nba. Tu je i Datome uvek koristan igrac rotacije, zatim Tonut odlican igrac i nije uzalud zavrsio u Armaniju. Spisu takodje malo zapostavljen u Uniksu u senci Lorenca Brauna al u sustini jedan veoma koristan plej. Pajola i Manion bekovi Virtusa uvek dobri za reprezentaciju kao i Tesitori bek ap centar koji je cini mi se otisao iz Virtusa. To je neka osnova uz Ricija iz Armanija, Dela Valea koji je imao odlicnu sezonu u Italiji i bio dosta bolji nego u Buducnosti a ni tamo nije bio los. Svakako su iznad prosecne reprezentacije na ovom evropskom prvenstvo, al dobro nisu ni prvih 5 favorita realno.


Sto se tice Nemaca jes da su znacajno oslabljeni al i dalje je to pristojna reprezentacija po imenima, i oni su nesto iznad proseka kada pogledate ko jos sve igra.


Sruder, Maodo Lo, Obst, Vajler-Beb, Gifaj, Bertel, Vojtman, Tieman, Tajs. Oni kao Italijani 2 Nba igraca i jos nekoliko iskusnih evroligaskih igraca. Sasvim korektno ukoliko kliknu na terenu i imaju dobru hemiju eto njima mozda boljeg plasmana nego od nekih drugih reprezentacija koje su jace na papiru.



To sto je neko u NBA ne mora da znaci apsolutno nista. Maledon trenutno nije Micicu ni do kolena i ne moze u poredjenje sa njim.


Doduse Vasa je bolji igrac od mnogih, pa u dresu reprezentacije ne izgleda tako, ali to je druga stvar.

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5 minutes ago, Del Piero said:

To sto je neko u NBA ne mora da znaci apsolutno nista.

Naravno, o tome sam vec pisao.


5 minutes ago, Del Piero said:

Maledon trenutno nije Micicu ni do kolena i ne moze u poredjenje sa njim.

Naravno, i o tome sam vec pisao. 


Ovaj poslednji upis sam pisao samo o jacini na papiru i ko je iznad proseka odnosno iz kojih im klubova poticu igraci.

16 minutes ago, 1945 said:


Galinari, Melo, Fontekio, Polonara. Ozbiljna osnova ova trojica su jedni od boljih evroligaskih igraca na svojoj poziciji plus Fontekio se pridruzio i Galinariju u Nba. Tu je i Datome uvek koristan igrac rotacije, zatim Tonut odlican igrac i nije uzalud zavrsio u Armaniju. Spisu takodje malo zapostavljen u Uniksu u senci Lorenca Brauna al u sustini jedan veoma koristan plej. Pajola i Manion bekovi Virtusa uvek dobri za reprezentaciju kao i Tesitori bek ap centar koji je cini mi se otisao iz Virtusa. To je neka osnova uz Ricija iz Armanija, Dela Valea koji je imao odlicnu sezonu u Italiji i bio dosta bolji nego u Buducnosti a ni tamo nije bio los. Svakako su iznad prosecne reprezentacije na ovom evropskom prvenstvo, al dobro nisu ni prvih 5 favorita realno.


Sto se tice Nemaca jes da su znacajno oslabljeni al i dalje je to pristojna reprezentacija po imenima, i oni su nesto iznad proseka kada pogledate ko jos sve igra.


Sruder, Maodo Lo, Obst, Vajler-Beb, Gifaj, Bertel, Vojtman, Tieman, Tajs. Oni kao Italijani 2 Nba igraca i jos nekoliko iskusnih evroligaskih igraca. Sasvim korektno ukoliko kliknu na terenu i imaju dobru hemiju eto njima mozda boljeg plasmana nego od nekih drugih reprezentacija koje su jace na papiru.



Polonara i Manion su igraci koji njih podizu, ne ovi ostali pobrojani. Ne postoji po imenima na papiru jaka a istovremeno mekana reprezentacija poput njih i oni su bili kanta za nabijanje i u eri Belinelija, kada su imali jos jaci tim na papiru.


Sa Jokicem, Kalinicem, Lucicem i cvrscom igrom na postu mi bi njih trebalo da bijemo tu jedno 30 razlike objektivno i ostaje da nemaju sut za tri 15 od 25 posto ce sutirati 20 i kusur puta sigurno i to bi bilo to.


Reprezentacija koja nam je idealan protivnik od tih iz "sireg kruga favorita".

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Just now, McLeod said:


Polonara i Manion su igraci koji njih podizu, ne ovi ostali pobrojani.

Fontekio je protiv nas ubacio 21 poen, Tonut 15, Pajola 10. To su igraci koji su uvek dobri i u svojim klubovima i u reprezentaciji. Meni je i Meli odlican igrac, videcemo ga u reprezentaciji posto ga se nesto ne secam kad sam gledao Italiju da sam ga upamtio.


Reprezentacija zavisi od mnogo faktora, naravno da "jacina na papiru" ne garantuje nikakve pobede. Maltene svako reprezentativno prvenstvo do nekih polu finala dogura neka ekipa koja nije bila u 4 favorita po Fibinoj listi favorita.

On 8/13/2022 at 12:06 AM, Snjofko said:

I, ko je gledao, sta vise govori ovaj neresen rezultat? 


Da su i Turci i Slovenci jaki i da ce nam biti pakleno i u kvalifikacijama i na EP ili da Turci i nisu nesto, a samim tim ni Slovenci kad moraju produzetke sa njima?

Sve to

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Maledon je jako blizu da luta nekih godine dve u gleague pre povratka u evropu. 


By Nick Crain @Forbes


“There’s going to be competition on the roster, that’s healthy and good,” said Oklahoma City Thunder GM Sam Presti at the end of last season.

It was no secret that the Thunder would have a roster crunch in training camp leading up to the 2022-23 season, but that’s something Presti was looking forward to. It’s not a bad problem to have, as it means the roster is loaded with talent the front office likes.

As of now, Oklahoma City has 18 players on the active roster on full-time NBA deals. By the end of camp, that number will need to be trimmed down to 15.

Whether that’s by cutting players or making trades to clear up the roster, moves will have to be made. Three players will not make the cut.

Who on the active roster is most likely to not be in a Thunder uniform next season?

Theo Maledon

The expectations for Maledon last season were high, but for good reason. After a solid rookie campaign, he looked prime to take a leap during his second NBA season. However, he didn’t live up to expectations.

In fact, his role was nearly cut in half at the NBA level and he spent quite a bit of time in the G League. On a roster that is filled with quality guards, Maledon wasn’t able to carve out a real role on the Thunder. After being taken just outside of the first round in last year’s draft, the French guard isn’t worth giving up on. With that in mind, he’s got a ton of competition moving forward. Oklahoma City doesn’t have many guard minutes to go around, so Maledon is in a spot where he might be expendable before the start of the season.

Standing at 6-foot-4, Maledon is a solid floor general but doesn’t play a flashy game. He’s put together some really good games in which he’s produced high assist or point totals, but not consistently enough.

If the Thunder staff doesn’t think he can break through and earn a spot in the rotation this season, it would make sense to move forward without him on the team.

Maledon has produced 8.8 points, 2.9 assists and 2.9 boards per game over the course of his career, but after two seasons in Oklahoma City it’s unclear where he will be next season.


By Ryan Stiles @ Fansides


The chopping block is a scary place to be, no one wants to enter into a position battle or have their job on the line, but that is the nature of this business. So who finds themselves in limbo as training camp arrives?

Theo Maledon, 1.9-million dollars to waive 

Maledon was selected with the 34th pick in the 2020 NBA Draft, the Oklahoma City Thunder invested a high second-round pick on him via Philadelphia in the Al Horford trade. Theo Maledon led the team in minutes his rookie year, averaging 27-minutes per game in 65 games played (out of 72 that season), 49 starts while scoring ten points, hauling in three rebounds, and dishing out three assists per game while swiping a steal per contest on the defensive end.

The former second-round pick regressed in his second season, seeing his minutes dip by ten minutes per game and still struggling to shoot the basketball. Maledon dropped four percent from beyond the arc, down to 39 percent from distant.

Maledon does not three anywhere on the floor offensively as a scorer. He is poor at the rim (53 percent), in the mid-range (39 percent), and three-point land (even shooting just 22 percent in the corner), and the combinations of guards on this roster who have seemingly taken even more of his minutes, makes it hard to find a spot for Maledon on this roster. A theme you will see in this article is Chip Engelland.

What if Chip Engelland comes into camp working with Maledon and makes him a respected shooter in a small preseason sample size? The decision to waive the recent second-rounder becomes a lot harder.


By Ben Crider @ SI FanNation



With a bevy of potential rotational pathways, let’s break down Theo Maledon, who will be looking to make the final 15-man roster.


After being selected 32nd in the 2020 NBA Draft, Theo Maledon looked to be a gem selection for the Thunder. As a rookie, Maledon posted averages of 10.1 points, 3.2 rebounds and 3.5 assists while leading the team in minutes (1778).

The 21-year-old saw a stark slice in minutes last season, playing between the Oklahoma City Blue, the team’s G League Affiliate and the end of the Thunder’s rotation. Across 51 games, Maledon averaged 7.1 points, 2.2 rebounds and 2.6 assists.


Maledon is entering year three of his rookie-scale contract. He is guaranteed $1.9 million for the upcoming season, carrying a team option for the 2023-24 season.

Selling Points:

Theo Maledon entered last season as the presumptive sixth man. As the Thunder’s minute leader as a rookie, the guard showed flashes of being a nifty passer in the backcourt who could pick apart defenses playing off high-ball screens. The Frenchman showed all the makings of a second-round gem with his smart on-ball play but also his shades of functioning as an off-ball piece with last year’s incoming talent.

Due to Maledon losing out on rotational battles with Tre Mann and Ty Jerome, he spent portions of the season in the NBA G League. In six regular-season games, he starred, averaging 23.3 points and 5.3 steals across a 13-of-37 (41.7%) clip from distance.

Simply put, the minutes weren’t available for Maledon last season. However, if the Thunder are still looking to develop guard prospects – the 21-year-old still possesses some untapped potential.

Sell-Off Points:

While Maledon undoubtedly has shown flashes as a playmaker, the Thunder’s needs have significantly altered in the last two seasons. When Maledon was selected, Oklahoma City’s backup point guard was George Hill, and even then, there was no long-term one outside of SGA. Now, the Thunder are overloaded on guard talent, particularly on-ball.

With Gilgeous-Alexander, Josh Giddey and Tre Mann handling large on-ball positions with the current Thunder squad, Maledon’s on-ball skill has been put on the backburner in most rotations – being shuffled to a secondary ball-handling role at the wing. To this point in his career, he hasn’t proven himself from this aspect.

There’s an NBA-caliber player in Theo Maledon. However, the Thunder’s abundance of ball-handling guards makes him a tight fit, especially when his back-end rotation role may not fetch consistent minutes.

If the Thunder are keen on a set off-ball role for their final guard spot, Maledon may be on the outside looking in.


Sanse da ostane je nekih 40 %, tako da je sinonim za fringe player koji se bori svaki sekund da bi ostao.



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2 hours ago, zastotako said:

Maledon je jako blizu da luta nekih godine dve u gleague pre povratka u evropu. 

Ako ga Thunder otpusti (što se po meni neće desiti), pola lige će ga potpisati da ne trepne, momak ima 21 godinu i već je pokazao da može da igra NBA

4 hours ago, Beonegro said:

Ako ga Thunder otpusti (što se po meni neće desiti), pola lige će ga potpisati da ne trepne, momak ima 21 godinu i već je pokazao da može da igra NBA


Beo i Maledon better love story than uini i Niktilina 🙂

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  • Ha-ha 5
Posted (edited)

Zamenio prvu ljubav Mareja.


Od igraca koji pocinju na M samo Marjanovica ne voli. Boleciv je i na Marinkovica.


Cini mi se da je jos davno pricao kako Motejunas ima dobar frejm i da moze da uspe u NBA.


Ima tu nesto.

Edited by McLeod
8 hours ago, McLeod said:

Zamenio prvu ljubav Mareja.


Od igraca koji pocinju na M samo Marjanovica ne voli. Boleciv je i na Marinkovica.


Cini mi se da je jos davno pricao kako Motejunas ima dobar frejm i da moze da uspe u NBA.


Ima tu nesto.

Nisam to bio ja za Motejunasa, a Murray je pokazao u PO 2020. gdje mu je plafon, sad mi je samo krivo što ga nisam još više hvalio onomad.

Odervajz, Marjanovića baš volim, extra je u John Wick i Hustle, nadam se da su to tek počeci jedne velike karijere.


Da se vratim na Maledona, Zvezdan Mitrović je za njega više puta rekao da je momak jako ozbiljan i posvećen, znajući Zvezda jasno mi je koliko je to zapravo veliki kompliment. Uzimajući u obzir to, kao i činjenicu da ima odlično tijelo za poziciju koju igra, ja sam stvarno ubijeđen da će prije ili kasnije da ispliva kao ozbiljan igrač. Možda ne u OKC (da ne ostane nezabilježeno, SGA mi je jedan od dražih igrača u ligi, a svakome je jasno da je Giddey jedan od najvećih talenata na svijetu na bekovskim pozicijama), ali sam ubijeđen da ima mjesto u NBA, i to ne kao igrač sa kraja klupe, i da je samo pitanje ko će mu dati šansu da igra.


I meni, ali ako insistiram na tome napravicu bar novog Mareja od njega, tako da necu 😄


Svakako igrac koji donosi odredjeni kvalitet Francuskoj, to ne treba negirati, pogotovo imajuci u vidu gde je sada Ertel i da im De Kolo ne igra.

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