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16 hours ago, oubrevo. said:

melo je stalno na meti ovih internet pregalaca koje predvodi gggg. sad valjda samo đanis i trejo smeju da igraju košarku.


kada je bio u godinama za glavnog igrača, onda je ballhog. onda se pisalo da mora da se specijalizuje za skorera sa klupe, pa kada je u portlandu to uradio sa odličnim procentima, onda je al vidi odbranu. pa nađi nekog startera na PFu da igra odbranu, simple as that.


e kada je postao skorer sa klupe, onda "e al' ne sme toliko midrangea, mora trice više da opaljuje" (kao da nikada u karijeri nije šutirao trice)

e sad kad šutira, kako gggg kaže "dobro" (ima jedan od najvećih procenata & najviše ubačenih trojki u ligi za sada) - e ala trljaju ruke, svi se raduju i veseli su jer će da ga urnišu u odbrani.


mislim super, al' lik je backup na PF, valjda je i taj neki šut okej (i to kakav 'oćeš šut - da uzme spotup, da izmisli sam nešto) za ekipu koja ne blista u tom departmanu a imaže te famozne defanzivce uskoro zdrave.




Pa to se dešava kad se publici ne sviđa neki igrač, pa se pred njega konstantno stavljaju određene stavke koje mora da ispuni da bi kao bio poštovan. Ali on nikada ne ispuni te stavke iz prostog razloga zato što mu ih uvek dodaju još. Ostavljam svakome izbor da Mela gotivi, voli ili pak ne, ali da je vrhunski napadač - to je fakat. Kao i to da trenutno igra najbolje u LAL.


Dame noćas protiv Indijane 4 pts (0/6 za 3 pts), 4 reb i 11 ass. Pre dve godine, gotovo u dan, postigao je 60 pts ali je ekipa izgubila. Noćas su pobedili. Pitanje je - šta je bolje? 

5 minutes ago, freethrow said:

Dame pokušava nešto da saopšti upravi kluba, ali ovi baš i ne kapiraju?




uzeo je 13 šuteva ali je ubacio samo dva. i on i makoluma bez pokušaja sa sklobodnjaka. ne liči mi to na pasivno-agresivno bojkotovanje igre

takođe je imao 11 asistencija i dve prodate. desi se liliki povremeno tako neki šuterski raspad.


Nije Dame u pasivno-agresivnom fazonu, on je otvoreno pričao sa upravom. I ako nije zatražio trejd kad je mogao, sigurno neće da sabotira ekipu, stvarno ne mogu da zamislim da to radi. U lošoj je formi i to je to.

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Jesi razmisljao da krenes u neki mrchndajzing, recimo majice, duksevi, solje... Mozda cak i da brendiras...

Rano je još, ljudi će to shvatiti tek za par godina. Plus, mozda se ispostavi da je to bio trend, a ne pravilo.

Послато са SM-A705FN помоћу Тапатока


5a tekma sa 20+ pts redno.  the prime minister of canada


i dalje nema hajlajca jer nije zion.




The Knicks outscored the Bucks 94-60 over the last three quarters. I was going to post another boxing clip here, but this is a family website and I’d have to post some dark web nightmare fuel to properly analogize the whupping they whipped up.


MVP chants for Randle in Milwaukee. You could tell this game meant a lot to him before it even tipped-off. Would you agree with Giannis Antetokounmpo being better, but Randle being more skilled?


One of these dudes in the best basketball player in the world. The other’s the dude who just outplayed him.


Clyde Frazier compared Nerlens Noel’s shot-blocking to Bill Russell’s, specifically his rejections leading to possession for his team rather than flying out of bounds. High praise.


It took just a game and a half to remember how bad Noel is catching passes. Rose found him in a beautiful spot a few feet from the hoop, with Toppin open in the corner. A likely deuce or an open corner triple — both ideal outcomes. Instead, Noel couldn’t handle the pass and lost it out of bounds. You hear “it’s always the passer’s fault,” but that’s the “the customer is always right” of basketball. Everybody who’s ever worked in food service knows the customer is not only not always right but frequently, royally, dickishly wrong.


Numbers fun #1: for the Bucks to score 38 in the first quarter and not reach 100 is...wow. Milwaukee hit eight of their first 16 3-point attempts, then just eight of their final 27.


Numbers fun #2: If you see this, bluecheese — have the Knicks ever been down 20 or more in a game they went on to win by 20+?


You get an appreciation for Antetokounmpo’s athleticism when you see him break up two early alley-oops meant for Mitchell Robinson. Not a lotta cats control the airspace at Mitch’s altitude, but the MVP does.


A Giannis Euro-swoop nearly halfway through the first quarter was the first 2-pointer of the game. Basketball really is always evolving. That’s baseball, Suzyn.

Clyde made a Giannis comparison to Dr. J. If you’ve never done it, take a look at Erving’s numbers when you get the chance. Randle had 32, 12 and four assists last night. Erving averaged that for an entire season. And 2.5 steals. And nearly two blocks. On 50% shooting. At age 22.


Knox played a single minute and still managed to turn the ball over after catching the ball with his foot out of bounds. He’s good for one of those a night, whether he plays 20 minutes or two. Or one.



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Gordon se posle brda povreda baš fino pripremio za sezonu, igra dobro, kao iz onih Harden-Pol dana. Verujem da će biti trejdovan i da će neka ekipa pokupiti njegov trogodišnji ugovor koji nije baš mali

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