Shunsuke Nakamura Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 Čestitke Baksima na tituli! Očekujem sad da me neko od Sansa kamenuje ili da mi gurne kola u more. 1 1 8
didžej hel Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 odem na brewhoop, bucks community na sb nationu, tamo stoji naslov Game Six Rapid Recap: Bucks 105, Suns 98, ono, nije zgoreg napisati da ste šampioni ispod teksta 342 komentara, toliko na P&T bude na vest da su knicksi održali trening sa nekim levim draft prospectom, dok se snažno rumori da im treba desni makar sam naišao na ovaj gif u komentarima 1
Miki28 Teoljub Posted July 21, 2021 Author Posted July 21, 2021 (edited) 25 minutes ago, Referent said: A šta bi bilo da KD nije gazio? Netsi prosli i uzeli titulu. Ovako su Bucksi a usput smo gledali legendarne partije Janisa👍 Edited July 21, 2021 by Miki28 1
Sector Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 2 hours ago, bosMan_jr said: Nema se razloga za biti skenjan. povrede jesu uticale na ishod sezone, ali u eri razmazenih zvezdica, u eri supertimova, ovo pokazuje da nista ne moze preko noci i da dobar rad i predanost na kraju donosi rezultat. Janisova kosarka cesto nije najlepsa za oko, ali mi je beskrajno drago sto je uzeo zasluzenu titulu. Ima razloga, ne podnosim njegovu kosarku. Kad je vec finale ovakvo zao mi je sto Sunsi nisu dobili. Ali sta je tu je, nadamo se nekim boljim vremenima sa manje povreda.
Tamburinjo Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 I daleki Finiks su pogodile prorocke reci velikog Barda 10 3 3
stoudemire Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 23 minutes ago, Betolingar Misdongard said: Čestitke Baksima na tituli! Očekujem sad da me neko od Sansa kamenuje ili da mi gurne kola u more. ne brini, nista od toga, i sam sam najiskrenije cestitao bucksima. ali ti i jos par likova (slucajno ili ne fanovi blizanaca iz el-eja) nastavljate da probijate limite u mizeriji. ok, samo nastavite, to vise govori o vama. ovo je generalno dosta dobar forum za nba, steta samo sto se najglasnije cuju gloryhunteri.
Ludi za Poli Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 Granica je slobodnog svijeta, gdje se Saracen sa armijom seta! 4
SteveFrancis#3 Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 45 minutes ago, Betolingar Misdongard said: Čestitke Baksima na tituli! Očekujem sad da me neko od Sansa kamenuje ili da mi gurne kola u more. Dovoljno je samo da se otpuste kocnice... 7
Shunsuke Nakamura Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 Frensis je profesionalac, nije sirovina kao Stoudemire. 1 1
Don Dusko Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 2 minutes ago, Betolingar Misdongard said: Frensis je profesionalac, nije sirovina kao Stoudemire. Pre bih se plasio Frensisa...Sa sirovinama lako izadjes a sa profesionalcima.... :P 1
Ta'veren Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 21 minutes ago, stoudemire said: ovo je generalno dosta dobar forum za nba, steta samo sto se najglasnije cuju gloryhunteri. Moracemo da uplacujemo pare uini-ju na tekuci racun kako bi pisao jos vise. Vise puta se pokazalo da moze sam da ih pobedi, kao da igra 1 na 5. Niko drugi nema taj kapacitet. Kvalitet teme je skocio kako se vratio, cak bi i Lilika trebalo da prizna da saigrace cini boljima. Cim prestane sa pisanjem, temu cupaju samo veterani foruma. 1
Manu Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 Da nije bilo uinija ovo bi stvarno bilo najgore finale u poslednjih 30 godina 2 1
Ludi za Poli Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 Zamislite jos da je igrala rugobica iz Hawksa umjesto lijepo isklesanog Giannisa. Tacno mi ljubitelji estetike, muske ljepote i dobrih sila ne bi imali u cemu uzivati.
didžej hel Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 5 hours ago, BartonFink said: Čestitke Nlavrnji. vaistinu čestitke lavrnji2, izgleda je apgrade na 2.0 ver presudio evo top10 liste toliko mi je stalno na prnt scrn
Darko Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 (edited) Tanka je linija između ispadanju u playoff-u i titule: 3 hours ago, MilošVB said: Janis će na kraju karijere biti u konverzaciji sa Dankanom za GOAT PF 🙂 Edited July 21, 2021 by Darko 1
Ta'veren Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 (edited) ^ Igrao sam na Sanse samo kako ne bi ispostavilo da sam skocio dve pozicije napred. Nisam zeleo da od toga profitiram. Kada sam bio klinac, nisam se kladio ni protiv omrazenih timova. Nisam se tako vodio emocijama. Edited July 21, 2021 by Ta'veren
Barkley#34 Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 17 minutes ago, oubrevo. said: vaistinu čestitke lavrnji2, izgleda je apgrade na 2.0 ver presudio evo top10 liste toliko mi je stalno na prnt scrn Kakvo si neočišćeno đubre sa Menhetna i to ono u sred štrajka komunalaca, namerno si me ispustio sa odličnog 12. mesta. 1 1
DameTime Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 2 hours ago, Chaos Is Me said: Nisam ja ni tvrdio da on nije u istoj rečenici sa njima, tako da kucaš na pogrešna vrata, učestvovao sam samo u konverzaciji ko ima bolji tim oko sebe. Među njima trojicom, ja lično biram Luku any given day. Onda izvini, tako si zvučao, kao i svi drugi u toj konverzaciji što su zvučali. :) Ja lično bih birala Janisa uvek ispred ove dvojice, samo zbog karaktera, svaki njegov potez i izjava su kontra ega što je po mom mišljenju idealno za građenje franšize (MJ i Kobi su izuzeci koji potvrđuju pravilo). 2 hours ago, oubrevo. said: nakon osvojene titule raptorsa i imajući u vidu leonardov dotadašnji legacy sa spursima, ja sam bio ubeđen da čavu ledenog u plej ofu može da izbaci samo očigledno jača ekipa. prosto, taj famozni najskoriji rezultat ukomponovan sa svime što pokazuje individualno + godinama me je ubedio da komotno može da uzme i titulu dve sa clippersima od odma'. e sad, jebeš i titule na kraju krajeva, već to što me je odmah naredni plej of demantovao. i to ne zato što su clippersi izgubili od lošije ekipe, već što je leonard chokeovao najbizarnije. to opet ne znači da leonard nije među tih top 10 aktivnih igrača koji u svakoj sezoni mogu da izdominiraju ostale. isto važi i za janisa: to što je sada izdominirao ostale, ne znači da automatski treba da ga krunišemo sa naj ovo & naj ono. ova serija & poslednja tekma svakako odlaze u istoriju nba lige. kao što je i ona dirkova u malo drugačijim okolnostima i odnosu snaga. nema potrebe za žurbom a tu je uvek dnevna goat lista ako je frka. samo u proteklih par sati je to pomenuto u više od nekoliko postova. a priča se o tome kad god se spomenu giannis ili bucksi. ali fakat im niko nije još uručio titulu za najdraft-oriented ekipu ove sezone. treći na goat listi najdraft-ekipa u poslednjih 5 godina su raptorsi, ni njima nisu dali titulu. mislim, i sunsi su prilično solidni na temu ali ko ih yebe, pošto su lzeri, izgubili finale ( : Iskreno ne znam za tvoje hot tejkove, nisam bila pod utiskom da se tako lako "popališ", više sam referirala na to što je na topiku do sada bilo X hot tejkova za neke druge igrače koji nisu tako duboko analizirani kao oni vezani za Janisa. Sad smo kao svi oprezni. Ne možeš egzaktno da znaš granice ni peak bilo kog igrača, kao ni kada će to dostići, tako da samo treba prihvatiti da je Janis trenutno najbolji evropski igrač u ligi bre 😄
didžej hel Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 4 minutes ago, DameTIme said: Iskreno ne znam za tvoje hot tejkove, nisam bila pod utiskom da se tako lako "popališ", više sam referirala na to što je na topiku do sada bilo X hot tejkova za neke druge igrače koji nisu tako duboko analizirani kao oni vezani za Janisa. Sad smo kao svi oprezni. Ne možeš egzaktno da znaš granice ni peak bilo kog igrača, kao ni kada će to dostići, tako da samo treba prihvatiti da je Janis trenutno najbolji evropski igrač u ligi bre 😄 ja nisam ni govorio o mojim hot tejkovima već o tvojem : i moji su ionako mild takes u najbolju ruku 1
Cavani Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 (edited) Na niske grane je spala NBA cim ovako dominira grcki siledzija, za mene je njegova kosarka totalno negledljiva. Edited July 21, 2021 by Cavani
Don Dusko Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 Pa dobro covek koristi ono sto mu je priroda dala.Pa i ja bi igrao tako da mogu. 1
Manu Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 Aj ovde da pitam posto valjda najvise ljudi citaju trenutno, hoce biti nekog fantazija za OI? 1
didžej hel Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 evo još dnevno-sezonskih goat lista: The Athletic’s NBA Power Rankings following the conclusion of the NBA Finals! 1. Milwaukee Bucks (Previously 5th), 46-26, +5.8 net rating Was last season a success? Yeah, I’d say the Milwaukee Bucks had a successful season. Regardless of how you want to bargain with them winning the title, the Bucks won the championship. It’s theirs. Giannis Antetokounmpo stamped his stardom over and over. Khris Middleton and Jrue Holiday redeemed themselves. And Mike Budenholzer … well, he’s legally a championship head coach. Phenomenal season for the Bucks and an incredibly fun ride for them on the way to the championship. How big is the draft for them? It isn’t. Doesn’t mean they can’t grab a good player at No. 31 (their first-rounder was swapped for Houston’s second-rounder), but the Bucks aren’t likely to look there for a contributor right away. Biggest goal this offseason? Keep this train chugging along by signing role players who want to help you defend your title. The Bucks have a real opportunity to keep building out this roster, and this should give them some great chances for getting veterans at a discount. Key free agent to keep? P.J. Tucker and Jeff Teague are unrestricted free agents. Thanasis Antetokounmpo and Justin Jackson can be restricted free agents. Keeping Tucker would be huge here, but we’ll see how interested he is in a discount to stick around. 2. Brooklyn Nets (Previously 3rd), 48-24, +4.2 net rating Was last season a success? Big success considering the injuries, but ultimately they fell short of the only goal you’re allowed to have when you employ Kevin Durant, James Harden and Kyrie Irving: a championship. Acquiring Harden turned them into a super team. Signing Blake Griffin turned them into a conversation about competitive balance. Injuries turned them into a vulnerable team the Bucks took down in the playoffs. But the Nets might be the standard moving forward … if they’re healthy. How big is the draft for them? Not big, and with this core, it’s hard to consider them really wanting to add a rookie to the mix. Maybe the Nets will make a trade at some point with the 27th pick. They also have three second-round selections scattered throughout. Biggest goal this offseason? Just keep signing those bargain guys. Veterans will flock to the Nets at some point to try to win a championship. Grab some size, grab some shooting and try to keep a playmaker on the bench in case of injury to the backcourt. Key free agent to keep? Blake Griffin, Tyler Johnson, Jeff Green and Timothe Luwawu-Cabarrot are unrestricted free agents. Bruce Brown Jr., Mike James and Chris Chiozza can all be restricted free agents. Spencer Dinwiddie is expected to decline the player option and become a free agent. Bringing back Griffin, Green and Brown are all necessary moves. Dinwiddie should be re-signed, but he’s going to be looking for a massive pay increase. At some point, the luxury taxes you. 3. Phoenix Suns (Previously 6th), 51-21, +5.9 net rating Was last season a success? An absurd success for the Phoenix Suns this season. We went into it wondering if they could maybe challenge for home-court advantage in the first round. Instead, they were the No. 2 seed and won the West. They went up 2-0 in the NBA Finals before bowing to the Bucks’ overwhelming play. It hurts being that close to an NBA championship, but Chris Paul was brilliant, Devin Booker was a star and Deandre Ayton emerged as a big man everybody needs to worry about. Plus, look at all of their great, young role players. How big is the draft for them? It is not. The Suns have the 29th pick. I expect them to find a good role player but not someone who likely contributes right away. Biggest goal this offseason? Figure out how much money Robert Sarver is willing to commit. Ayton and Mikal Bridges are up for contract extensions. Paul will likely become a free agent. Cameron Payne is going to be a free agent. Retaining all four will be a ridiculous payroll. Sarver has historically been pretty frugal. Ayton will get the max. Bridges’ agent will be able to demand a crazy extension. CP3 will look for a historic deal for someone this old. It’s a lot on the table. Key free agent to keep? Paul is going to decline his player option to become a free agent. Payne, Torrey Craig, Frank Kaminsky, Langston Galloway, Abdel Nader, E’Twaun Moore and Ty-Shon Alexander are all unrestricted free agents. Keeping Paul is a must. Craig and Payne should be targets, but they’re likely luxuries. 4. Los Angeles Lakers (Previously 4th), 42-30, +2.9 net rating Was last season a success? Absolutely not. The defending champion Los Angeles Lakers were expected to stroll to at least the NBA Finals to try to go back-to-back. Instead, injuries hit them hard. LeBron James and Anthony Davis both missed huge chunks of the season, which forced them to win the 7-seed in the Play-In Tournament. Once Davis went down with another injury in the playoffs, they got smoked by the Suns. There are a lot of reasonable explanations for why they fell short, but they still fell short, and titles are the standard with this group. How big is the draft for them? Not very. The Lakers select at No. 22, and they certainly can grab someone of value there. But they aren’t going to be likely to play this guy for a while when they’re trying to win titles. Biggest goal this offseason? Retool that support system around LeBron and AD. Dennis Schröder wants a big payday, and he wasn’t all that good for the Lakers this season. They might be able to move Kyle Kuzma as a part of a trade to bring in a veteran, but most of their additions will happen via free agency. A lot of this can be done with re-signing, but they still need a creator on offense who isn’t LeBron. Key free agent to keep? Schröder, Andre Drummond, Alex Caruso, Markieff Morris, Ben McLemore, Wesley Matthews and Jared Dudley are all unrestricted free agents. Talen Horton-Tucker, Kostas Antetokounmpo and Devontae Cook can all be restricted free agents. Retaining Caruso and Matthews should be priorities, along with Horton-Tucker. Everybody else could be nice, but upgrades are possible. 5. Philadelphia 76ers (Previously 2nd), 49-23, +5.5 net rating Was last season a success? The Philadelphia 76ers were the No. 1 seed in the East and damn near made the conference finals, but the way everything ended makes it hard to feel like it’s a success. So many positive things for the Sixers seemed to get washed away as soon as Ben Simmons refused to try to dunk against Trae Young and Danilo Gallinari. A lot more contributed to them losing to Atlanta in the second round, but that moment deflated all of the good. Joel Embiid and Tobias Harris had great campaigns, Seth Curry was incredible and Simmons was a Defensive Player of the Year candidate. And yet … he wouldn’t dunk. How big is the draft for them? Not big at all, although it is Daryl Morey, so you never know. The Sixers pick at 28 and 50 in this draft. They can absolutely grab a role player to contribute at 28, but if he’s playing in his rookie year, he’s either the steal of the draft or things have gone horribly wrong. Biggest goal this offseason? Figure out the Simmons thing. Does that mean helping him get confidence in going to the free-throw line, which is a much bigger deal than him not being able to make a jumper? Does that mean trading him and seeing what you can get in terms of a value in return? Either way, the Simmons conundrum became ugly at the end, and Morey has to resolve it as soon as possible. Key free agent to keep? Danny Green, Dwight Howard, Furkan Korkmaz and Mike Scott are all free agents. George Hill can be, since he’s not fully guaranteed. Keeping Green, Howard and Korkmaz have to be the priorities. 6. Utah Jazz (Previously 1st), 52-20, +9.0 net rating Was last season a success? It was until it wasn’t. The Utah Jazz were the best team in the NBA pretty much all season long. They withstood some injuries to Mike Conley Jr. and Donovan Mitchell and still maintained that 1-seed status. Rudy Gobert won Defensive Player of the Year for the third time. Everything looked really good. And then once again, they couldn’t pull through in the playoffs. How bad was it? They lost to an LA Clippers team that didn’t have Kawhi Leonard the last two games of that series. Sure, the Jazz had their own injuries, but that was brutal. Like Philadelphia, a great season was deflated by how it ended. How big is the draft for them? Not very. The Jazz have the 30th pick in the draft, and whomever they pick probably won’t be a contributor any time soon. Wouldn’t shock me if they tried to move it. Biggest goal this offseason? The Jazz have a new front office with Dennis Lindsey effectively being replaced. So now they have to decide if these playoff struggles are random or a trend. It’s not up to anybody else but them. If it’s a trend that can’t be bucked, then how do you reshape this roster? How do you make Gobert a playoff force? How do you maximize Mitchell? Maybe the Jazz need to shake things up by bringing in some different wings to complement everybody. Key free agent to keep? Conley, Ersan Ilyasova and Georges Niang are all unrestricted free agents. Juwan Morgan and Jarrell Brantley can be restricted free agents. Keeping Conley has to happen because you can’t just easily replace him with a starting point guard. They are capped out and will go into the luxury tax at this point. 7. Denver Nuggets (Previously 7th), 47-25, +4.8 net rating Was last season a success? Considering the Denver Nuggets had to play without Jamal Murray during the most important part of the season, I think it’s safe to say Denver had a successful season. Nikola Jokic won the MVP in convincing fashion, and the Nuggets had a lot of buzz from around the league about being a title contender after they traded for Aaron Gordon. Michael Porter Jr. started to realize some of that ridiculous scoring potential. But things just didn’t work out in the postseason, and getting swept by Phoenix deflated things a little. How big is the draft for them? It probably isn’t, but the Nuggets will need some depth next season in the backcourt. Because of that, their selection at No. 26 could end up netting them a contributor right away. Biggest goal this offseason? How do you find a stopgap in the backcourt as you await Murray’s return? I don’t think we expect Murray to be back next season, or maybe if he is, he probably won’t be the Murray they need him to be as he works his way back to 100 percent. So is there a way to fill in the gap? Is it Cameron Payne on the full midlevel or a guy like that? The Nuggets didn’t have the backcourt depth they needed during the postseason, so that needs to be addressed. Key free agent to keep? Will Barton will decline his player option, per our Shams Charania, but Denver hopes to re-sign him. Austin Rivers, JaVale McGee and Paul Millsap will be free agents. Shaq Harrison could be a restricted free agent. Bringing back Barton is huge for them, and they’ll probably need Millsap back on a cost-effective deal too. 8. Atlanta Hawks (Previously 13th), 41-31, +2.2 net rating Was last season a success? It was a resounding success. It didn’t start out that way. The team was 14-20 under Lloyd Pierce to start the season. He was fired and replaced by Nate McMillan, which turned everything around. The Hawks went 27-11 under McMillan. Trae Young figured out the balance as scorer and playmaker. Clint Capela was unbelievable on defense. And the Hawks marched to the Eastern Conference finals. This season realistically could not have gone better. How big is the draft for them? Not very, but they can still get a nice player at No. 20. Maybe they go with a backup point guard or maybe they add another wing, but they’ve got options. They also pick at No. 48. Biggest goal this offseason? Keep the core together, and find a backup point guard. We saw things fall apart a bit, and understandably so, when Young couldn’t be on the court in the playoffs. They tried to plug this last year with Rajon Rondo, and it didn’t stick. So let’s see if they can bring in a veteran who works for them this time. With John Collins hitting restricted free agency, they’ll need to figure out that contract situation. Key free agent to keep: Collins and Brandon Goodwin are restricted free agents. Lou Williams, Tony Snell and Solomon Hill are unrestricted free agents. The restricted free agency will be tricky with Collins, but bringing him back is preferred. Just have to wonder if they’ll match a max offer sheet if someone overpays to pry him away. 9. Golden State Warriors (Previously 14th), 39-33, +1.1 net rating Was last season a success? It was ultimately not a success. Everybody was reminded how ridiculous Stephen Curry is on a basketball court, but the Golden State Warriors weren’t able to properly support him consistently. Draymond Green was doing his best to make them an elite defense, and he played some of the best basketball of his career. However, the Warriors didn’t have any consistency, or at least not enough to take them through the Play-In Tournament. How big is the draft for them? It’s really big if they keep those picks. The Warriors are selecting at No. 7 and No. 14 in the first round. Maybe they’ll try to package the picks with someone on the roster for a big swing at another star, but as of right now, they have two lottery picks. Biggest goal this offseason? Decide how big of a splash they can make. Will trading James Wiseman and their two lottery picks get them a star in return? Is Klay Thompson getting back on the court going to solve their issues supporting Curry? Or is the real issue for the Warriors a need for depth and intelligent role players? The Warriors can go a bunch of different directions this summer, but the goal needs to be getting back to contention as quickly as possible. Time is ticking on Curry. Key free agent to keep? Kent Bazemore and Kelly Oubre Jr. are unrestricted free agents. Bringing back either player on a reasonable contract is fine, but Oubre is looking for $20 million per season. That is way too much for the Warriors to think about. 10. Miami Heat (Previously 9th), 40-32, -0.1 net rating Was last season a success? No, it wasn’t. Like many teams, the Miami Heat got hit hard by the health and safety protocols throughout the season. They dealt with injuries and were constantly trying to piece together lineups and rotations to get their games in. They kept thinking if they could just be healthy by the playoffs, things would click. But it didn’t work out that way. They made deals at the deadline for Victor Oladipo and Nemanja Bjelica, but nothing really swung things in their favor by the time the Bucks swept them out in a revenge series. How big is the draft for them? As of right now, not at all. Oklahoma City owns their first-round pick, and Atlanta has their second-round pick. Don’t anticipate the Heat trading back into the first round. Biggest goal this offseason? Find another whale for this team. Pat Riley loves to go whale hunting when it comes to bringing stars to South Beach. Right now, who might be available? Can they swing a trade for Bradley Beal? Probably not. Can they try to persuade Kawhi Leonard to move across the country? Seems unlikely. So what’s the next big move? The Heat need another big-time acquisition to compete with the likes of Brooklyn and Milwaukee in the East. Key free agent to keep? Oladipo, Bjelica, Udonis Haslem, Dewayne Dedmon and Trevor Ariza are all unrestricted free agents. Duncan Robinson, Kendrick Nunn and Gabe Vincent can be restricted free agents. The Heat also could clear space by declining player options on Goran Dragic and Andre Iguodala. 11. Boston Celtics (Previously 16th), 36-36, +1.2 net rating Was last season a success? No, it was pretty brutal for the Boston Celtics. It was all understandable. Jayson Tatum missed a bunch of time, and the year hit the Celtics pretty heavily. Jaylen Brown got hurt before the playoffs. They made the Play-In Tournament, took the 7-seed, then got bounced pretty easily by Brooklyn. After that, we saw a big shakeup. Danny Ainge stepped out of the front office, Brad Stevens left the sidelines to become the president of basketball operations and they hired Ime Udoka as head coach. How big is the draft for them? No first-round pick after the Al Horford trade, but they do have one selection at No. 45. Don’t think they trade back into the first round, so not a big draft for Stevens as of now. Biggest goal this offseason? Let’s see how Stevens shapes the support staff around Tatum and Brown. He’s already traded for a familiar face in Horford. It turned a couple of heads in that same way a German Shepherd might if they think you’re offering them a treat. They have a bunch of young role players, but they need more guys like Marcus Smart in the mix. Finding ways to get them will be tough. Key free agent to keep? Evan Fournier, Semi Ojeleye and Luke Kornet are unrestricted free agents. Tacko Fall and Tremont Waters could be restricted free agents. If they’re going to bring back anybody, it should be Fournier. This team is going to be up against the luxury tax though. 12. LA Clippers (Previously 8th), 47-25, +6.1 net rating Was last season a success? Once again, it was not. When the LA Clippers brought Kawhi Leonard and Paul George together, the standard was winning championships. They weren’t able to get that this year. Serge Ibaka had a big injury that kept him away from most of the postseason. Leonard and George each sat out a bunch of games. And then even though Reggie Jackson emerged as a reliable weapon in the postseason, Leonard tore his ACL and effectively ended their chances of advancing to the NBA Finals. Valiant effort through the injuries though. How big is the draft for them? I don’t see the Clippers’ first-round pick being a guy who gets minutes right away, so I’ll say it’s not a big draft for them. But there is value at 25th in this draft, which is where they pick. Biggest goal this offseason? Make sure Leonard doesn’t go anywhere, and then let’s see if they can get some better role players to populate this roster. If Leonard is back in free agency, the Clippers are still going to miss him for almost the entire season, if not the whole thing. How can they stay afloat with George running things? Need to upgrade some of these positions. Key free agent to keep? Leonard has a player option many people expect him to decline, making him a free agent. Jackson, Nicolas Batum, Patrick Patterson and Jayden Scrubb are all unrestricted free agents. Amir Coffey can be a restricted free agent. Keeping Leonard is obviously the key. Keeping Jackson could be tough because he’s earned himself a payday. And before you get mad about them being 12th, they would have been fifth, but does anybody really expect Leonard to play next year? Or play much at all? 13. Dallas Mavericks (Previously 11th), 42-30, +2.3 net rating Was last season a success? Not really. It wasn’t a failure either. But the Dallas Mavericks sort of just existed in-between. They got exactly as far this past season as they did in the bubble. We saw Luka Doncic look even better than we previously thought possible. The Mavs played some excellent basketball at times. And yet, it ended very ugly with the Donnie Nelson, Haralob Voulgaris and Rick Carlisle situation within the team construct. Nelson and Carlisle leaving like that wasn’t a great look, so now the Mavs have to establish continuity once again. That takes time. How big is the draft for them? Not at all as of right now. New York has their first-round pick, and New Orleans has their second-round pick. Biggest goal this offseason? The Mavs brought in Nico Harrison to run the front office and Jason Kidd to coach the sidelines, so all of the ugliness and power struggle happening before should be gone, in theory. So now they have to figure out what to do about this Kristaps Porzingis situation. It’s no secret that he doesn’t love it there with Doncic. But will anybody take him in a trade at that money? Key free agent to keep? Tim Hardaway Jr., JJ Redick and Boban Marjanovic are all free agents. Josh Richardson could decline his player option and become one too. Nicolò Melli can be an unrestricted free agent. Bringing back Hardaway and Marjanovic have to happen in free agency.
DameTime Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 (edited) 28 minutes ago, oubrevo. said: ja nisam ni govorio o mojim hot tejkovima već o tvojem : i moji su ionako mild takes u najbolju ruku Rečenica "Janis je trenutno najbolji evropski igrač u NBA ligi" nije hot tejk već fakt, jer iza toga stoje činjenice i njegov CV. Već tvoji postovi gde opisuješ kako ti se njegova igra ne sviđa i zbog toga kao nije najbolji jesu hot tejk, kao i svih ostalih na forumu koji to navode ofc. Ali ok, očigledno ja treba da prekinem borbu s vetrenjačama jer kao što sam već jednom napisala, šta god Janis uradio u karijeri, ko želi naći će razlog da ga osporava. Koliko god to besmislen razlog bio, kao npr. elegancija. Edited July 21, 2021 by DameTIme 1
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