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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


194 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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kad smo vec kod broja zarazenih i vakcinisanih:

u Nemackoj je u ove 2 godine identifikovano 13.445.094 zarazavanja. ako pretpostavimo da su u pitanju samo oni koji su se jednom zarazili, sto nije slucaj, narocito sto se tice omikron varijante, kao i da su svi inficirani identifikovani (a nisu), onda je to nekih 16% nemacke populacije.

zvanicna cifra ljudi vakcinisanih s 2 doze je negde oko 74% (postoji analiza de je ova brojka nekoliko procenata veca - posto nema centralnog registra za vakcinisane, veliki propust sto se tice analize brojki, onda se procene rade na osnovu brojki koje su dobili u RKI, a gde je mozda nesto propusteno da se "izvesti").


mislim da je veliki deo od ovih 16% inficiranih vec primio vakcinu, ali ima neki ddeo i koji nije, narocito deca i omladina. recimo da bi onda moja slobodna procena bila da je recimo oko 80% nemacke populacije imunizovano. ovo bi trebalo da bude dovoljno za imunitet krda da su se obistinile procene/nadanja s pocetka pandemije. na zalost to nije slucaj. ne samo sto kolicina antitela (koji su prva linija odbrane) opada s vremenom (bez obzira na nacin sticanja istih), vec i virus mutira i izbegava vec postojeci imunitet. naravno, situacija je mnogo bolja nego pre 2 godine, ali jos uvek nije idealna i jos uvek ne moze sve da se vrati na staro.


sinoc sam uhvatila neku anketu gde su pitali ljude na ulici da li zaista ima vise smisla drzati sve mere (koje onda negativno uticu na druge delove populacije, u drugim aspektima: ekonomski itd.) da se zastite nevakcinisani stariji sugradjani koji su do sada imali priliku da se vakcinisu a nisu hteli. dobar deo ljudi je odgovorio da polako gubi smisao da se ostatak naroda zrtvuje za te starije koji nece da se vakcinisu, a mogli su. 

Edited by wwww
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sad citam o tome kakva je situacija u Austriji oko obavezne vakcinacije:




Why Austria suspends compulsory vaccination


Despite the high level of infection, Chancellor Karl Nehammer and his Green coalition partners have announced the end of almost all measures - and a reversal in compulsory vaccination. It is a liberation with an uncertain outcome.


Before the press conference begins in the imperial ambience of the Vienna Chancellery, helpers from the government headquarters distribute a lot of paper. Every journalist gets three pages in their hands: a sheet on the corona measures that will soon be shut down.


An excerpt of a law is printed on the other two sides. The second paragraph of paragraph 19, which can be described as a special treat for lovers of complicated legal German :classic_biggrin:, is marked in yellow. A single sentence, turned into eight lines. It regulates the suspension of a measure that divides the red-white-red republic like no other set of rules: compulsory vaccination, which has been in effect since the beginning of February.


At the press conference, the conservative Chancellor Karl Nehammer and his Green Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein explained verbosely what had previously leaked through the media: the legally prescribed immunization is about to be suspended.


This is not explicitly stated, politicians are protecting themselves: A commission is to be formed soon from members of the Corona expert committee Gecko and lawyers. On their advice, the government should then officially declare the project mothballed in mid-March. Nehammer assures that there should be clarity before the first penalties are pronounced.


Austria relaxes


But the perceived abolition of compulsory vaccination is only part of the message that emanates from the Palais am Ballhausplatz that day. The chancellor and his health minister announce that the corona measures in the republic will soon be reduced: where the 2G rule has been in force up to now, it is to be largely switched to 3G from next Saturday, and sports facilities and events should then also be equipped with a current version for the unvaccinated test be accessible. From March 5th, almost all measures will be lifted: Only the mask requirement will initially remain in retail and on public transport. Stricter rules only apply in particularly vulnerable facilities such as clinics, old people's and nursing homes.


However, the federal state of Vienna remains more cautious: the 2G rule in the catering trade should initially continue to apply in the capital.


And yet: Austria is just loosening up - an experiment is beginning, the outcome of which is uncertain.


Several journalists raise this question and refer to the active infection process in Austria. More than 38,000 new cases were reported in the morning, and almost 310,000 people are currently infected - and that in a country with fewer than nine million inhabitants. The question was asked: Does it make sense to let the protective measures expire so early?

Chancellor and Minister of Health point to a stagnating infection curve and to the statements of researchers who hold out the prospect of a slowdown. And yet: the far-reaching easing in the near future harbors risks. Nehammer is also aware of this, so he emphasizes that he should proceed “carefully and with care”.


The announcement and the suspension of compulsory vaccination were a liberating blow


The head of government has prepared special formulations for this press conference. It's about "getting our freedom back from the virus," the Chancellor asserts several times. And his health minister speaks of a “dignified spring awakening”. They are sentences that should exude harmony: There is no longer talk of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, the rhetorical gulf should only run between humans and the virus.



It has only been eight and a half weeks since the previous corona course was turned upside down almost overnight at a federal-state meeting in Tyrol: At the urging of the federal states, compulsory vaccination was decided in addition to a lockdown.

Back then, for a short time, people in Austria felt like they were part of the European avant-garde. And in fact, the rushing forward in terms of compulsory vaccination also had an impact on Germany. Now the Austrian political decision-makers are in a hurry again - to get rid of the subject of compulsory vaccination. In the federal states there was a noisy retreat days ago, now the chancellor and health minister followed.


The obligation to vaccinate has been suspended but not abolished


However, Nehammer and Mückstein do not want to politically bury compulsory vaccination. During the press conference, the Chancellor spoke of a law that should be as flexible as the virus, and the comparison with a "tool box" was also made: "The right tool at the right time" was the obligation to vaccinate.


The vaccination requirement in Austria has not been abolished, Nehammer's coalition partner is also making sure of that. The law is of "great relevance" for Austria, says Green leader Werner Kogler to SPIEGEL.

"Of course it is an encroachment on a fundamental freedom," said the Vice Chancellor. This encroachment is "only acceptable because it will hopefully end other massive encroachments on everyone's fundamental rights as soon as possible."

Kogler cites restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly as examples.


It is also remarkable on this day how the chancellor differentiates himself from his predecessor and fellow party member Sebastian Kurz without naming his name. "We haven't overcome the pandemic yet," he repeats like a mantra, "the corona virus is still a part of our lives."

There are tips against Sebastian Kurz, who just a few months ago predicted the Austrians full-bodied beautiful prospects. Last summer, he promised a “cool time” and had the plague declared “mastered” on posters. The gifted self-marketer acted as a herald of the positive post-corona period, but then an unpleasant rendezvous with reality followed. Because the Chancellor's dictum about the end of the pandemic ignored the infection process, Austria slid into the delta wave at full speed in the fall.

Nehammer also wants to appear as a good mood maker, but also as a warning crisis manager. Unlike Sebastian Kurz, whose comments often conveyed unambiguousness and aimed above all at the sovereignty of the current headlines, today's chancellor is already planning ahead. The vaccination rate in Austria is still low in international comparison, new mutations are likely. "No expert can predict what will actually happen in the fall," he once said. Apparently Nehammer really doesn't want to be short.

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We’ve built up strong protections against this virus over the past two years through the vaccine rollouts, tests, new treatments, and the best scientific understanding of what this virus can do.

Thanks to our successful vaccination programme and the sheer magnitude of people who have come forward to be jabbed, we are now in a position to set out our plan for living with Covid this week.

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U pripremi sezone Grci i dalje ostaju na liniji dosadašnjeg pristupa. Ukidanje mera krajem marta samo za vakcinisane. Distanca i maske napolju ostaju i dalje na snazi za sve, jer su "nežne" mere.


Restrictions for vaccinated to be lifted by end of March, says Greek health minister

February 21, 2022 CORONAVIRUS, FEATURED 7 Comments

More freedom for vaccinated citizens will come by the end of March, health minister Thanos Plevris said on Monday morning adding that unvaccinated citizens will have to live longer with restrictions against the spread of the coronavirus.

Speaking to ANT1 TV, Plevris said

“There is still no discussion about lifting restrictions for unvaccinated citizens on the horizon. These people have made a choice that poses a risk to themselves and the society. At the moment we are talking about lifting restrictions only on vaccinated people. By the end of March, most of the measures for the vaccinated will have been lifted”

The use of mask outdoors and keeping distance are gentle measures and do not affect the normalcy, the minister noted.


He added “the feeling that exists and I have said it is that for the next 6 months Europe will be in a better situation, very close to reality, however there is a preparation in all countries for the case the coronavirus returns in the autumn.”


Greece slowly opens up and lifts some restrictions for the vaccinated eyeing an early opening of the tourist season in March.



Pored toga što ukidanje mera neće važiti za nevakcinisane, neke stvari im i dalje pooštravaju. Ko zakači reinfekciju, a nije vakcinisan, više neće moći da dobije potvrdu da je preležao.


Unvaccinated who get reinfected with Covid-19 not eligible for recovery certificate

February 18, 2022 CORONAVIRUS 2 Comments

People who become reinfected with Covid-19 and have not been vaccinated against the virus will no longer be eligible for a certificate of recovery, professor Vana Papaevangelou  and member of the health Ministry epidemiologists’ committee said at the weekly live briefing on Thursday.

She stressed that the specific group of those who have been reinfected vaccination against the coronavirus is precondition for recovery certificate.

This means that they will no longer have access to the indoor spaces of restaurants, bars, and other entertainment venues, while they will need a negative Rapid test to be allowed to public venues, shops and banks.

Greece is lifting more restrictions as of Saturday, February 19, 2022, as the country is getting ready to open the tourism season.



Svakako dobra vest za laboratorije, nastaviće još neko vreme da uzimaju pare notornim avaxima. Koliko će to pomoći da se pred jesen još dalje poveća procenat vakcinisanih je upitno.  Dostigli su 75% delimično vakcinisanih i 70,5% full vakcinisanih, teško će  značajnije preko toga. Doguraće na negde 75% full vakcinisanih i to je to. Turističkoj sezoni svakako neće time doprineti. U međuvremenu cene im rastu li rastu. Vidim već da Turska trlja ruke. 

Edited by Akiro
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3 minutes ago, Akiro said:


Unvaccinated who get reinfected with Covid-19 not eligible for recovery certificate

February 18, 2022 CORONAVIRUS 2 Comments

People who become reinfected with Covid-19 and have not been vaccinated against the virus will no longer be eligible for a certificate of recovery, professor Vana Papaevangelou  and member of the health Ministry epidemiologists’ committee said at the weekly live briefing on Thursday.

She stressed that the specific group of those who have been reinfected vaccination against the coronavirus is precondition for recovery certificate.

This means that they will no longer have access to the indoor spaces of restaurants, bars, and other entertainment venues, while they will need a negative Rapid test to be allowed to public venues, shops and banks.

Greece is lifting more restrictions as of Saturday, February 19, 2022, as the country is getting ready to open the tourism season.



Svakako dobra vest za laboratorije, nastaviće još neko vreme da uzimaju pare notornim avaxima. Koliko će to pomoći da se pred jesen još dalje poveća procenat vakcinisanih je upitno.  Dostigli su 75% delimično vakcinisanih i 70,5% full vakcinisanih, teško će preko toga. U međuvremenu cene im rastu li rastu. Vidim već da Turska trlja ruke.

:classic_blink: Pa to nema veze sa zdravim razumom, ni naukom. To je bukvalno prisilna vakcinacija na nekom kome vakcina ne treba. Tiranija, i nikom ne smeta sto je vakcina postala religija? Zasto bi se neko ko je dva puta prelezao virus, vakcinisao?

Kako je to dobra vest? Zar ne bi bilo bolje da se te vakcine upotrebe negde gde treba a nemaju dovoljno?

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7 minutes ago, Akiro said:

Turističkoj sezoni svakako neće time doprineti. U međuvremenu cene im rastu li rastu. Vidim već da Turska trlja ruke. 

Samo da prijavim da je porodična skupština precrtala Grčku sa liste potencijalnih destinacija. Lepa je Grčka, puno istorije i svašta da se vidi, gostoljubiv narod ali ne hvala.
Njihova zemlja njihova pravila, naš odmor, naše pare - naš izbor.

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Izrael najavio da ce od Marta otvoriti granice, I primati nevakcinisane turiste. 

U US se vodi rasprava, da li ce ljudi koji su religiozno prihvatili maske, I mere, moci da se priviknu na situaciju da je pandemija gotova. Brojke drasticno padaju, cekamo State of the Union da nam Biden kaze da je pobedio virus. Testovi koje je drzava obecala sa Omicronom su meni stigli pre pet dana, nemam pojma sta ce mi sada.


@Eddardsta se desava u Nemackoj, tamo su cifre jos uvek jako visoke? 

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Istovremeno se siri prica da ce traziti 4tu vakcinu kao booster, i da ce covid vakcina postati obavezna godisnje. Pre par dana je izasao tajni snimak FDA official koji je rekao da ce se ovo desiti, jer pravi profit.


Oficijalno prelazim u covid conspiracy theorist...😅


Daily mail je tabloid, ali se vec par puta ispostavilo da su bili u pravu. 

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3 hours ago, Angelia said:

Istovremeno se siri prica da ce traziti 4tu vakcinu kao booster, i da ce


Eh, kako bi bilo lepo kad bi ljudima bila dovoljno dobra neka tajna pozitivna studija o efikasnosti vakcina da bi se vakcinisali, umesto da traze deset godina detaljnih ispitivanja kako bi doneli sud o vakcini...ili bar kad bi trazili od daily maila i slicnih deset godina (ili bar deset dana) dubinskih istrazivanja o tome sto se fljasne kao 'kriju ss podaci!', pre nego sto se donese sud o CDC ili FDA ili cemu god.

No eto, zanimljiva pojava. O nekim stvarima sud donosimo brzo i lako, i ne trebaju nam in-depth analize, a za neke druge smo vrlo oprezni i nije dovoljno ni hiljadu takvih analiza...

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3 hours ago, handys said:


Eh, kako bi bilo lepo kad bi ljudima bila dovoljno dobra neka tajna pozitivna studija o efikasnosti vakcina da bi se vakcinisali, umesto da traze deset godina detaljnih ispitivanja kako bi doneli sud o vakcini...ili bar kad bi trazili od daily maila i slicnih deset godina (ili bar deset dana) dubinskih istrazivanja o tome sto se fljasne kao 'kriju ss podaci!', pre nego sto se donese sud o CDC ili FDA ili cemu god.

No eto, zanimljiva pojava. O nekim stvarima sud donosimo brzo i lako, i ne trebaju nam in-depth analize, a za neke druge smo vrlo oprezni i nije dovoljno ni hiljadu takvih analiza...

Nazalost, CDC i FDA nisu nastali juce, a i 2 godine u pandemiji se nisu proslavili. 

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7 hours ago, Angelia said:

Oficijalno prelazim u covid conspiracy theorist...😅


Daily mail je tabloid, ali se vec par puta ispostavilo da su bili u pravu. 


4 hours ago, Tomiprunet said:

Eeee od kad sam ja bio upravu. 😂

Dobro dosla medju odabrane :bravo:


Svaka ptica svom jatu leti. 

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