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Prilično sam siguran da će izbacivati i nove kontigente, ali sam uzeo odmah da bih bio siguran. Inače Arena je poprilično mala, kapacitet za košarku je samo 11200.

Posted (edited)

Uzeo sam Air BnB 20 minuta od hale sada. Sve spremno, samo da mi brat @Manu jos javi kad izlaze kontingenti za 1/8 i 1/4 (prijavio sam se pre nekoliko nedelja za mailing listu ali nista nije stiglo). Na pocetku je FIBA rekla da ce ti dodatni kontingenti biti dostupni u martu, elem, javi preko inboksa kad nesto saznas. Jos jednom - HVALA!



Edited by Problem sa licnim greskama
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Nikola Jokic and Team Serbia won bronze at Paris Olympics, then the shirts came off: “We are going to get historically drunk”



“We have so many losses in life, so many wins, that I think we as the players learned that there’s no room for crying a lot,” Bogdanovic told The Denver Post. “There’s another opportunity tomorrow, and you’d better get ready. Because nobody will get you ready if you don’t get yourself ready. I think we had that mindset. And we were up late. We were up to, like, 6 or 7 a.m., talking.


“With friends, and being there with friends, it helps you go through these moments. That’s what we believe.”



Bogdanovic: “Before the game against Germany, it was like, ‘Yo, let’s win this game, and we have the rest of the day free.’ It’s early, but let’s wake up, let’s get this game, and then we have the rest of the day to spend with our family. We don’t know what we’re going to do. And everything after that happened spontaneously.”



Nikola Jovic, Miami Heat and Team Serbia forward: “There’s a soccer player, (Aleksandar) Mitrovic, who plays for the national team. And there’s a song that goes, ‘Mitro’s on fire!’ That’s what we used to do back home. But when we won against Canada in the semifinal last year in the World Cup, I think it was Bogi’s idea to do that. And we just rolled with it.”



Bogdanovic: “It was a very tough game. When you win at the end, it’s an unbelievable feeling. And it was, I don’t know, 1 p.m., 2 p.m. We are taking our time celebrating, all that. But we are slowly heading to the hotel, so we are like, ‘What do we do?’ … I think the Olympic organization told us we need to come back to the podium around 11 p.m., and our bus was going to be 10 p.m. at the hotel. So we only had one obligation, which was 9:30 to be back in the hotel.”



Jovic: “It started off slow. I mean, it had to start off slow. Everybody’s waiting for food and everything. But after about an hour, everybody was already, like, half-drunk. Players were calling their whole families. There was family there. Brothers, sisters, parents. So like, 3 or 4 p.m., we were already basically gone.”


Bogdanovic: “At that place, we said, ‘We are going to get historically drunk.’ We were joking. ‘Historically drunk, because we make history.’”


Jokic: “That was the plan. I don’t know if we made it, but that was the plan.”



Bogdanovic: “We found a Serbian singer there, in Paris. I don’t know how we found him. He came and performed live.”


Jovic: “I thought it was Bogi’s sister, who found the band.”


Stojakovic: “I’m not sure who organized it. I heard that (it was) one of the players.”



Jovic: “I was so tired I had to leave at, like, 6. So I left at 6, went to the hotel, slept for an hour, showered and came back at about 7 or 7:30. By the time I came back, now everybody’s shirtless. It’s just a crazy scenario. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I think everybody started out with beer, and then I don’t know. I had a few bottles in my arms. They just passed out bottles. Whatever you wanted to drink. You just had to drink. I guess that was the rule.”



Jokic: “We felt that we were on the top of the world.”


Jovic: “We were interacting with the guys from USA because they were the closest ones to us. The guys playing for the USA were a great group of dudes. So they’re just joking with us and everything. … You just look at us, (and) we look funny as hell. We go out. We go on a stage. We feel like we were first, basically. We felt like we won gold.”



Jokic: “I tricked them. To let them know. I tried to trick them to think I’m drunk. I was not really that drunk.”


Bogdanovic: “I don’t know (who was drunkest). For sure, Nikola, or the big guys. Our centers, they can drink a lot. Historically. Our bigs can drink historically. At least we didn’t (screw) anything up. We showed up maybe five minutes late, but we were there. We did the whole ceremony. We respected everyone. Took selfies and all that.”



Curry: “You could tell they were happy they were getting a medal. You could tell they also didn’t really want to be there because they had already had their fun, if that makes sense. And it took forever. So they were trying to hurry it up so they could probably get back to the party.”



Jovic: “Because the president of France was in the arena, we basically weren’t able to leave before him. So we’re in the bus. They’re saying, ‘You can’t leave. You can’t leave.’ We’re just trying to get back to the hotel. So I remember, everybody was like, ‘(Screw) this, we’re gonna walk.’ So we walked with the medals, without any security or anything. We just walked for, like, 25 minutes through Paris to get to the hotel after the ceremony. The whole team. We have medals around us. I have the flag with me.”



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Jokić da nije oženio Nataliju, oženio bi Bogdana :classic_biggrin:


Ove slike me podsećaju na ono kad se neki par veri, pa onda naprave sliku za društvene mreže, da se vidi prsten :lol_2:



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Pešić: Nikakvu atmosferu nismo imali, već igru

Selektor Svetislav Pešić budućim trenerima na Visokoj zdravstvenoj školi govorio o bronzi sa OI iz Pariza

Odlukom da ostane na klupi reprezentacije Srbije Svetislav Pešić je obradovao celokupnu naciju, zajedno sa igračima. Na Olimpijskim igrama u Parizu jasno je  sa malih ekrana mogla da se oseti hemija u kolektivu, što je na kraju rezultiralo bronzanom medaljom i epskom proslavom. Držeći predavanje budućim trenerima na Visokoj sportskoj i zdravstvenoj školi selektor Orlova se još jednom prisetio učinjenog u Francuskoj podelivši korisne savete budućim kolegama.

- Nikakvu atmosferu nismo imali mi, da se razumemo. Šta znači atmosfera, da se ljubimo i grlimo? To što se priča po Srbiji imali smo odličnu atmosferu, ne znam šta se podrazumeva pod time. Mislim da smo pre svega dobro igrali. Imali smo „dobru atmosferu“ i na Evropskom prvenstvu i izgubili, pa su rekli nemamo dobru. Prema tome, pustite tu atmosferu – ona je jedna stvar, a rad koji stoji iza tog procesa je sasvim druga – rekao je Pešić.

Okupljene je zanimao i čuveni plan trofejnog stručnjaka za polufinalni meč protiv selekcije SAD

- Nismo se mi pripremali samo za tu utakmicu, spremali smo se mnogo ranije da vidimo šta možemo da uradimo, što bi u određenom momentu moglo da nam pomogne da rešimo probleme. Igrali smo sa Amerikancima u Abu Dabiju, videli smo ko su. Znali smo mnogo, ali ne sve.

Nastavio je, popularno nazivani, Kari u identičnom tonu.

- Utakmica je bila odlično pripremljena. Na nekim drugim smo pokazivali neke varijante odbrana i napada koje nismo upotrebljavali pre. Da li ih je to iznenadilo? Ne verujem previše u to. Uvek želim da u igru uvodim novine koje sam isprobao sa igračima da ne bude onda pripremili smo iznenađenje i sami sebe iznenadili.

Međutim, Orlovi nisu uspeli da uđu u borbu za najsjajnije odličje, iako je ogromna šansa postojala.

-Nama je žao što smo izgubili tu utakmicu, ali bili smo spremni da pobedimo, tako smo i igrali. Napadali smo ih ispod koša, u leđa. Koliko smo imali fizičke snage, toliko smo uspevali. Neki igrači su bili i bolesni – Vanja, Milutinov... Bilo je i nekih odluka, ali to je prošlost...


Fali ovde deo u kojem je govorio o Jokiću i njegovom uticaju na reprezentaciju.
Da sublimiram taj deo: selektor je istakao da je Nikola zapravo potpuno podređen kolektivu,pravi timski igrač i da prvi dolazi na trening i poslednji odlazi sa njega.


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Posted (edited)

A da, već sam zaboravio tu čuvenu nagradu jbt 😄 Jokić, koji je sigurno poslednjih 7-8g najbolji Srpski košarkaš, je eto zvanično proglašen najboljim košarkašem Srbije 4-ti put :lol_2: 


Edited by Marko
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17 hours ago, DejoLazaKalina said:

 rivil da li ce Pokusevski igrati na 4 ili 5. 

Prognorizao sam mu potencijalan povratak u Tursku kada je bio draftovan, ali kako trenutno igra i to može biti problem. Stvarno je lik enigma.

Posted (edited)

Ako se pitate gde je i šta radi selektor:




Regrutuje nove talente još od malih nogu po aerodromima 😎😁. Eddardica ga spopala, nisam ja, majke mi. 

Edited by Eddard
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16 minutes ago, Eddard said:

Ako se pitate gde je i šta radi selektor:




Regrutuje nove talente još od malih nogu po aerodromima 😎😁. Eddardica ga spopala, nisam ja, majke mi. 


Ne damo vas Nemcima 😛


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