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22 hours ago, Død said:

Ja prvo imam problema sa time sto nekome treba SP da dokaze tu tvrdnju. Naravno da komparativno ne moze da ide onaj tvoj model jer bi ove godine od Tea bio bolji samo da se pojavi na terenu. Dakle, jedini nacin je da se sabere sve na kraju kad Rubio i Teo zavrse karijeru (taman da se izmeri i ko je koliko potrajao). 

Ako se takmicenje zavrsava samo na premeravanju ko je sta ostvario u reprezentaciji, to je opet zavisno od toga ko sta vise ceni i veoma je nezgodno izmeriti.


Diskutovali smo o (cini mi se, delgadovoj) izjavi da je konacno dokazano da je Rubio > Teo. To znaci da je Rubio 2015 > Teo 2015, ne da je Rubio kroz karijeru igrao bolju kosarku ili da je Rubio bolji sada (ovo nije mnogo tesko, Teo je pred penzijom).


Jednostavno, ljudi koji vise cene evropsku kosarku i, da tako kazem, nacionalisti ce uvek da Tea stave ispred Rubia, ljudi koji od kosarke samo cene NBA i koji ni ne poznaju (ili se prave da ne poznaju) igrace koji nikada nisu igrali u NBA ce reci da je Rubio bolji.


Retko ko ce objektivno da ocenjuje i to mi smeta. Ne mora ni objektivno, ali bar da da svoje misljenje bez spoljneg uticaja tipa "nas je Teo bolji od spanskog kamenjara" ili "Teo ko - sta je to CSKA i evroliga, jel' to novi zacin?"


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Sergio Tavčar  o SP 3/3



On Sunday afternoon I made an important decision after seeing the World Cup final, but above all after the award ceremony, that is, to stop playing basketball. Simply this sport, for how it is played now, but above all for how it is perceived, is no longer for me. It is something completely different from the thing I fell in love with in my most tender years and that then, willingly or not, dictated the whole path of my life. That's enough. Stop the world, I want to go down.


Okay, the thing was more or less expected. That is, Argentina would have suddenly found itself without gasoline and that the Spaniards, having broken every experience and trick, would have paved it. But there was always the hope that he could still concentrate by making a last effort to be able to play in a similar way to what he had done against the Serbs, when he had played the perfect game. The game started at two in the afternoon, at the same time as the engines at Misano roared. I obviously watch basketball. The Argentines take the field as if they were in the grip of one of the deadliest sedatives there is, they are completely scared, Scola misses the first ones (and then the following ones too) shots, Spain goes on 14 to 2 and ride on MotoGP. When the race (very beautiful, among other things) ends up back on the basketball, Spain is ahead by almost 20 and the game I don't watch anymore. I don't want to suffer anymore. But the worst is yet to come. I watch the awarding and I see that the MVP award of the match (and steps, in the final played in a decent way), but also the MVP prize of the entire championship was attributed to Ricky Rubio. I must confess that my decision to detox from basketball matured at that precise moment. I do not know, dear friends, if you have ever experienced the distressing feeling of feeling yourself out of the world, when you did not understand what was happening around you, and you were panicked, convinced that you were crazy, as it is impossible for you to go crazy all over world with you who have remained the only transparencies. To me this feeling has manifested itself, oppressively, Sunday afternoon shortly after four.

As far as I know, and for what I've seen, Ricky Rubio seems to me to be both the player and the match against Italy by far the best player in Italy. I remember that Italy (Italy! - certainly not the representative of Mars) was ahead four to three minutes from the end and that Italy that game could have easily won it if only it had one, one, player in the field that he knew how to play in those situations and that he knew what to do. And I also remember that if Italy wins, Spain would have gone directly to the place of the aforementioned Italy. Truly a sumptuous contribution of Rubio (I remember, at least for what it seems to me, that to be MVP of the tournament you must have played by MVP for the whole tournament. Or not?). I also remember that Spain came in the final substantially thanks to a wrong free throw by Mills (who awakened in me anguished memories of a similar free throw wrong by the true Gentile against Scavolini many years ago), if we could analyze the contribution of the single players in that game, the final won it thanks to the fantastic game of Marc Gasol, who not only scored a trentello, but also scored seven points in a row, with a triple, in the third quarter at the crucial moment in which it looked like the Australians were running away. Not to mention the two free throws scored in the last seconds of the first extra. In the same game the decisive triples, those that have materially won Spain, have been scored by Sergio Llull, so we have at least two players who have far greater merits for the Spanish victory in that decisive game.

Okay, Rubio has played in these leagues in a surprisingly positive way, but above all he has pulled well, which doesn't happen very often, but from this to elect him best player he runs there and I don't see any reason why they could have done it. It cannot be the best player in a tournament, one who plays basketball in a completely instinctive way, but which above all has none of the characteristics that make a player a leader, and ultimately, in the group of mid-level players. certainly one of the best, but it is certainly not a champion. To be an MVP a player must necessarily be one who cannot be imagined that his team could win without him. Do you seriously think that Spain, without Rubio, would not have won the same?

Do you see then why I don't want to have anything to do with basketball anymore? Simply because I'm too old to understand certain things. Offer me something else, please.


What you have just read is my final piece of commentary at the World Championships that appeared today on Tuesday (as I write) on Primorski and I have nothing more to add to it, except that it cost me an enormous effort to write it, because of basketball, at least for a while, I don't want to talk anymore. What happened at the World Cup, 32 teams with too many after-workers, an increasingly aping game at the NBA (although, incidentally, the teams that have come farther away are the ones that, or have too few NBA players to make critical mass, or those, like Australia and Spain, which have NBA players, but have been playing together for a very long time, so when they get together they also find the motivation to play as a group and then as a team), the everyone's inability to play decent crunch minutes, those in which matches are decided, lysergic refereeing with whistles that were neither in heaven nor on earth, and finally the straw that broke the camel's back, Rubio MVP , he honestly made me hate what I saw and, if I watched the games, it was solely because I had the daily column in the newspaper.


Edited by Asterion
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10 minutes ago, MrTwister said:








Ovako bi trebalo da izgledaju sesiri bez ako se nesto u medjuvremenu u rankingu ne promjeni.


Četiri turnira po 6 ekipa, kraj jula i početak avgusta sledeće godine. Kakav je format tih turnira?


Edit: najbolji sa turnira ide dalje ali mi nije jasno kako se određuje najbolji. 🙂

Edited by stefan81888
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Pa sa jedne strane je i lakse jer je tako podeljeno. Ako se zaista zreba 1-3-6 kako bi trebalo, iz sestog nijedna ekipa ne bi smela da pravi problem, a iz treceg je ultra zajebana samo Slovenija. Ni ostali nisu za potcenjivanje naravno, ali ni tu ne bismo smeli da kiksnemo.


I posle 2-4-5 jedna ekipa, Kanada najteza ako dodje u najjacem sastavu i tu bi mogli da budemo i autsajderi, Brazil, Ceska, Italija, Poljska, Nemacka, sve to objektivno bijemo 10+ razlike.


Ako bi igrali svako sa svakim, tu mozda imas prostora za jedan kiks, ali je mnogo i napornije i mnogo je veca sansa da te neki autsajder zvekne na duzem takmicenju nego ovako kad se igraju samo tri utakmice, od cega je jedna prakticno trening.

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Izašao je na mondu članak prema kome je ovo sklapanje grupa po renkingu jedna od opcija. Druga je valjda bila aktuelna na prošlim kvalifikacijama, grupisanje po šeširima bi bilo po regionalnom principu a samo bi prvi šešir bio po rang listi Fiba.



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