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On 10/18/2022 at 11:46 PM, SteveFrancis#3 said:

Izgleda da Payne i Mckay imaju nekakav fetis sa ponavljanjem, posto nas ocigledno ceka jos jedan odlazak Saurona na Numenor, a cini se i povratak u Eregion - Galadriel u poslednjoj epizodi kaze Elrondu i Celebrimboru da ako se Halbrand vrati niko ne treba da ima bilo kakvog posla sa njim, a kako smo videli da autorima suptilno bas i nije jaca strana, ubedjen sam da cemo videti jos jednu ekskurziju Saurona medj vilenjake. Sad, da li ce to biti u oblicju Vickersa uz dodatak siljatih usiju ili ce uskociti neki drugi glumac, videcemo.


Ne mozemo znati jos uvek jesu li i koliko svi ovi rumori tacni, medjutim, do sada su pomenuti kanali imali jako malo 'promasaja'. Ovo prakticno potvrdjuje moj zakljucak i hipotezu od pre koji mesec, iz citiranog posta odozgo.


So I wanted to compile a list of rumors/leaks we've heard so far about Season 2 from the more credible leakers.

Obviously, none of these rumors have been confirmed 100% so we can take all of them with a grain of salt. For the sake of brevity, I'm not including casting news/scoops or character name reveals in this list.

The Tunnels in the Southlands will continue to be a key setting.

Fellowship of Fans reported that the Southlands Tunnels set has been expanded for season 2 and extensive filming has already taken place there featuring Adar with a new prosthetic makeup design.

Elrond was with a group of elves in an outdoor setting.

From the earlier set pictures of elves that were leaked, Fellowship of Fans was only able to confirm that Elrond was filming in that location.

Ismael Cruz Cordova is taking a year long break.

The One Ring.net reported that Ismael Cruz Cordova might not be in season 2 or feature as heavily because the actor will be taking an extensive break.

Theo is adopted and has something to do with Celebrian.

The One Ring.net reported that season 2 will reveal that Theo is not Bronwyn's biological child and that she agreed to adopt him when he was a baby. Theo's storyline might be connected to Celebrian, though The One Ring.net were not sure how.

Tom Bombadil is going to be a character in season 2.

Dr. Nosy on Twitter reported that Tom Bombadil would be in season 2 and his code name is Errol Pram. The One Ring.net also reported that Tom Bombadil would be in season 2 and that their sources had seen the actor for Tom Bombadil playing him on set.

Annatar will be in season 2 and Sauron will be played by different actors.

Dr. Nosy and The One Ring.net reported that Annatar will be in season 2, with The One Ring.net reporting that a new actor has already been cast to play him.

The One Ring.net and supposedly reliable leakers/insiders from a private TROP Discord (full disclosure I'm not part of this Discord) reported that different actors will be playing Sauron in future seasons.

The One Ring.net reports that in addition to casting a new actor as Annatar, Amazon is looking to cast a very big and tall actor to play masked Sauron. The Discord leakers/insiders report that the plan is to have Charlie Vickers play Sauron only up to season 2 then new actors will take on the role (similar to Dr. Who).

What do you think of these rumors? Was there any I missed?

If you got to decide, which ones do want to see happen and which ones would you rather not happen?

The only rumor for season 2 that was confirmed to be true was that Adar was recast. I believe The One Ring.net leaked that before it was officially announced, though it seems to have been a big rumor amongst the leaker community way before then.


These are extra rumors some users replied to this thread with.

According to some members of the Unhinged Fellowship Discord that were able to talk with Lloyd Owen, the showrunners are reportedly looking to put 1 to 2 storylines per episode. (Source: Unhinged Fellowship Discord)

There might have been reports of Ismael filming scenes for season 2. (Source: I'm not sure yet

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1 hour ago, SteveFrancis#3 said:


Ne mozemo znati jos uvek jesu li i koliko svi ovi rumori tacni, medjutim, do sada su pomenuti kanali imali jako malo 'promasaja'. Ovo prakticno potvrdjuje moj zakljucak i hipotezu od pre koji mesec, iz citiranog posta odozgo.



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So I wanted to compile a list of rumors/leaks we've heard so far about Season 2 from the more credible leakers.

Obviously, none of these rumors have been confirmed 100% so we can take all of them with a grain of salt. For the sake of brevity, I'm not including casting news/scoops or character name reveals in this list.

The Tunnels in the Southlands will continue to be a key setting.

Fellowship of Fans reported that the Southlands Tunnels set has been expanded for season 2 and extensive filming has already taken place there featuring Adar with a new prosthetic makeup design.

Elrond was with a group of elves in an outdoor setting.

From the earlier set pictures of elves that were leaked, Fellowship of Fans was only able to confirm that Elrond was filming in that location.

Ismael Cruz Cordova is taking a year long break.

The One Ring.net reported that Ismael Cruz Cordova might not be in season 2 or feature as heavily because the actor will be taking an extensive break.

Theo is adopted and has something to do with Celebrian.

The One Ring.net reported that season 2 will reveal that Theo is not Bronwyn's biological child and that she agreed to adopt him when he was a baby. Theo's storyline might be connected to Celebrian, though The One Ring.net were not sure how.

Tom Bombadil is going to be a character in season 2.

Dr. Nosy on Twitter reported that Tom Bombadil would be in season 2 and his code name is Errol Pram. The One Ring.net also reported that Tom Bombadil would be in season 2 and that their sources had seen the actor for Tom Bombadil playing him on set.

Annatar will be in season 2 and Sauron will be played by different actors.

Dr. Nosy and The One Ring.net reported that Annatar will be in season 2, with The One Ring.net reporting that a new actor has already been cast to play him.

The One Ring.net and supposedly reliable leakers/insiders from a private TROP Discord (full disclosure I'm not part of this Discord) reported that different actors will be playing Sauron in future seasons.

The One Ring.net reports that in addition to casting a new actor as Annatar, Amazon is looking to cast a very big and tall actor to play masked Sauron. The Discord leakers/insiders report that the plan is to have Charlie Vickers play Sauron only up to season 2 then new actors will take on the role (similar to Dr. Who).

What do you think of these rumors? Was there any I missed?

If you got to decide, which ones do want to see happen and which ones would you rather not happen?

The only rumor for season 2 that was confirmed to be true was that Adar was recast. I believe The One Ring.net leaked that before it was officially announced, though it seems to have been a big rumor amongst the leaker community way before then.


These are extra rumors some users replied to this thread with.

According to some members of the Unhinged Fellowship Discord that were able to talk with Lloyd Owen, the showrunners are reportedly looking to put 1 to 2 storylines per episode. (Source: Unhinged Fellowship Discord)

There might have been reports of Ismael filming scenes for season 2. (Source: I'm not sure yet



Cordova bio jedan od glavnih likova a sad pauzira. Svakako cemo se nacekati do druge sezone

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Ja ne zameram Džeksonu što je morao da krati i kondenzuje, ali dodavanja i debele izmene su me i dan danji žestoko odbile od trilogije (da ne pominjem Hobita).


Da je Tolkin hteo da se Aragorn rve sa vargama, ili da Saruman pogine na Ortanku, ili da se vilovnjaci bore u Helmovom ponoru, tako bi i napisao. Sam Tolkin je pričao da je "Čišćenje Okruga" jedno od esencijalnih poglavlja LOTR, jer LOTR nije priča o kralju Aragornu, o Legolasi i Gimliju, o Denetoru, Boromiru  i Faramiru, to je priča o Hobitima. Da su četiri praktično naivčine koji na početku knjige ne znaju da l' su pošli il' su došli na kraju svih zbivanja sada sazreli heroji koji bez pomoći Čarobnjaka mogu da se reše zla koje je spopalo njihov rodni prag. Džekson je izabrao da glavna faca u filmovima bude Aragorn, putešestvije od Šumara do Kralja. Ne zameram mu, ali Tolkin to nije tako napisao.


A i Sarumanova smrt je potpuno isečena iz bioskopske verzije, pojavljuje se tek u EE.

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Ja sam posle ovoliko vremena izgubila račun šta je tačno u bioskopskim a šta u produženim verzijama. Imam i ja svoju listu zamerki oko stvari iz knjige koje su izostavljene, ali u to od početka sigurno ne spada Tom Bombadil.

Čišćenje Okruga bi zahtevalo još minimum pola sata filma, i da se radi o seriji sasvim bi bilo opravdano da se ubaci. 

1 hour ago, Stiletto said:

Ne zameram mu, ali Tolkin to nije tako napisao.

Upravo tako. To nije Tolkinov film, nego Džeksonova vizija Tolkina, a verovatno je njemu bilo logično da u filmu koji se zove Povratak kralja toliku ulogu da baš pomenutom kralju. S jedne strane, Čišćenje Okruga je donekle nagovešteno kad Frodo gleda u Galadrijelino ogledalo, a s druge značaj hobita u svemu je opet donekle pokriven onom scenom "you bow to no one" koja priznajem da mi je jedna od najdražih dodataka originalnom materijalu i nekako mi deluje da bi je Tolkin odobrio :classic_love: 

Opet, sa svim zamerkama, iz današnje perspektive mnogo više cenim Džeksonove filmove nego u vreme kad su tek izašli. Ipak su imali budžet dovoljan za tri produžene verzije, a ne za pet nastavaka koji bi eventualno sve obuhvatilii. S onim što su imali na raspolaganju (budžet jeste bio ogroman ali i obim poduhvata je bio zastrašujući) vidljivo je koliko se pazilo na detalje i koliko je ljubavi i truda uložila cela ekipa. Tako da sve te zamerke u odnosu na knjigu, kojih naravno ima dosta, idu u drugi plan pred ukupnim utiskom koji ostavljaju sva tri filma. Ne verujem da će biti snimljena bolja verzija, svakako se niko skoro neće na to usuditi, a kad bude jednog dana neko probao, verujem da će biti samo još dalja od originala.

Onda se to uporedi sa bespotrebnim razvlačenjem Hobita na onoliko delova uz ceđenje suve drenovine, sa serijom neću da poredim jer je nisam gledala... i stvarno posle toga nemam srca da filmu zameram ni Legolasa na olifantu ni vilovnjake u Helmovom ponoru ni Golumove mrvice lembasa ni Denetora,  sve mi to deluje minorno u kompletnoj slici.

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Izbacio je Nerd od the rings 1+ h dugacak review prve sezone i sustinski ponovio bas masu stvari koje su i ovde napisane tokom trajanja sezone. Moze se sada vec reci da su prakticno univerzalno izdvojene i dobre i lose stvari od strane gledalaca sa svih meridijana i da postoji konsenzus oko dominantne vecine kreativnih resenja. Ponovicu - moze da se pise o hejtu i bombingu do beskraja, ali je fakat da je ocena na imdb realna i sasvim fitting za produkt koji su isporucili.


Edited by SteveFrancis#3
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1 hour ago, Drug Crni said:

Dok @alcestanije jos pogledala RoP (nijednom),dotle sam ja konacno pogledao seriju po drugi put..:smiley53:

Oko Nove godine sam pričala sa drugom koji je pogledao prvu sezonu. Njegovo mišljenje je da je serija apsolutno očajna, ali je uredno odgledao svaku epizodu i gledaće i drugu sezonu. Ja ga pitam pa zašto pobogu i drugu sezonu ako je toliko loše, i dobijem odgovor da on kao fan Tolkina ima osećaj da mu je dužnost da sve to isprati. Ne shvatam što bi neko to sebi radio, ali očigledno nikad od mene pravi fan :classic_biggrin:

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Ja mislim da je ova sezona, jedina visokobudzetna serija koja ima nizi racio ponovnog gledanja od poslednje sezone GoT-a. 


Jos kad ubace Bombadila, pa malo narodnih posalica i cudnih obicaja kao sa harfutima, bice to humor na nivou Tike Spica i ujka Zitka. 


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27 minutes ago, AgroLaki said:

Jos kad ubace Bombadila, pa malo narodnih posalica i cudnih obicaja kao sa harfutima, bice to humor na nivou Tike Spica i ujka Zitka.

Sve razumem ali cemu ovo... 😂


27 minutes ago, AgroLaki said:

Ja mislim da je ova sezona, jedina visokobudzetna serija koja ima nizi racio ponovnog gledanja od poslednje sezone GoT-a. 

Bukvalno vec neko vreme zelim da pogledam opet prvu sezonu ali nikako da se nateram.

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Ne verujem da su toliki idioti da rade rimejk. Najverovatnije ce se ici u ekspanziju nekih bocnih grana radnje ili tek ovlas dotaknutih tema u filmovima, tipa sta je Aragorn radio pre Druzine. Nisam siguran i dalje da li opseg prava koje drzi WB/NL obuhvata recimo storiju o Witch Kingu, raspadu Arnora na Arthedain, Cardolan i Rhudaur, bitku kod Fornosta i sl... To bi svakako bio odlican materijal za rad, medjutim, opet je kao i sa serijom kljucno da na njemu rade kompetentni ljudi da ne bismo opet imali tek protracenu sansu za nesto zaista epsko.



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