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  1. 1. Da li KKCZ osvaja ABA ligu?

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    • Ne, loši smo ove sezone
    • Ne znam, još uvek nisam siguran

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1 minute ago, VISOKOLETAC said:

Ono sto je bitno, bio je solidan u odbrani, a to je bitno, a ostalo ce doci sa iskustvom i sa treningom.


Ovo je diskutabilno. Za pravovremeno dodavanje, i osjecaj za igru treba bas talentovan igrac. Anticipacija gdje ce se igrac otvoriti, kakva ce biti reakcija odbrane, gdje igracu najbolje odogovara da primi loptu.. pa onda i sama egzekucija, jaka pravoliniska lopta, i lijeve i desne ruke. Bas trebaju spretne ruke i brz mozak, a to se dobije spojem talenta i svakodnevnog igranja. Na visem levelu kosarke, gdje su odbrane veoma agresivne, nema tu puno prostora na stimanje/razmisljanje - puki instinkt isprogramiran satima i satima ponavljanja, pravih situacija, onako kroz basket.


Danas, vecina mladih igraca imaju samo timske treninge, i 1na1 privatne treninge gdje rade na svojim individualnim nedostatcima. Kroz to izrasta problem gdje igrac jednostavno ne osjeti igru, i tim postane skup individualaca koje moras da kalupis u sistematski napad, sa limitiranim opcijama. Recimo Sasa nije mogao da odigra continuation napada, u situaciji gdje JOB treba da odradi izrucenje sa Dobricem na krilu, ovaj pobjegne na drugu stranu, jer nije navikao da bude ball handler, da preuzme inicijativu i odigra taj pick na krilu.


Kod Uskokovica ja taj prirodni talenat nisam primjetio. Nagovjesti u nekim situacijama da moze, ali to su bas rijetki segmenti.. vise ima onih glavom kroz zid, gdje vidi samo kos. Nekako standardni mladi kombo bek, nema tu puno playmaking-a.

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4 minutes ago, Princeton said:


Ovo je diskutabilno. Za pravovremeno dodavanje, i osjecaj za igru treba bas talentovan igrac. Anticipacija gdje ce se igrac otvoriti, kakva ce biti reakcija odbrane, gdje igracu najbolje odogovara da primi loptu.. pa onda i sama egzekucija, jaka pravoliniska lopta, i lijeve i desne ruke. Bas trebaju spretne ruke i brz mozak, a to se dobije spojem talenta i svakodnevnog igranja. Na visem levelu kosarke, gdje su odbrane veoma agresivne, nema tu puno prostora na stimanje/razmisljanje - puki instinkt isprogramiran satima i satima ponavljanja, pravih situacija, onako kroz basket.


Danas, vecina mladih igraca imaju samo timske treninge, i 1na1 privatne treninge gdje rade na svojim individualnim nedostatcima. Kroz to izrasta problem gdje igrac jednostavno ne osjeti igru, i tim postane skup individualaca koje moras da kalupis u sistematski napad, sa limitiranim opcijama. Recimo Sasa nije mogao da odigra continuation napada, u situaciji gdje JOB treba da odradi izrucenje sa Dobricem na krilu, ovaj pobjegne na drugu stranu, jer nije navikao da bude ball handler, da preuzme inicijativu i odigra taj pick na krilu.


Kod Uskokovica ja taj prirodni talenat nisam primjetio. Nagovjesti u nekim situacijama da moze, ali to su bas rijetki segmenti.. vise ima onih glavom kroz zid, gdje vidi samo kos. Nekako standardni mladi kombo bek, nema tu puno playmaking-a.

Ne znam, ja sam bas stekao utisak da ima taj osecaj. Cini mi se da se vise plasi greske, pa se onda trudi da odigra na sigurno. Sto bude vise igrao, tako ce mu neke odluke delovati prirodno. On je plejmeker i njegovo napredovanje dolazi kasnije, kao sto je npr Micic tek pre koju godinu postao to sto je sada. Jednostavno iskustvo, trener koji ti veruje da i ako pogresis ne ides odmah na klupu i pravi saigraci i onda se pitas kako si nesto lako uradio i kako to nisi radio do sada.


Sasvim moguce, ja mu (nama) zelim da se oslobodi i izraste u odlicnog PG-a. Ja ga inace ne posmatram samo kroz prizmu igara ove sezone, nego i kroz reprezentaciju gdje se takmicio sa svojim vrsnjacima, u FMP-u gdje nije toliko bilo zahtijevno i kriticki nastrojeno, sa slicnim kvalitetom suigraca.


Micic je sa 16-18god. bio vanserijski igrac, njega je povreda koljena (i vjerujem losa rehabilitacija) samo usporila da postane ono sto je danas. Uvijek je imao taj kliker, dok su mu fizikalije poslije povrede bile upitne, brzina i rad nogu, lateralne kretnje itd.


Evo pokusavam da se sjetim nekog klasicnog pleja koji je imao losiji pocetak u karijeri, pa nesto kasnije izrastao u dobrog igraca - ne mogu da se sjetim.

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4 minutes ago, đubrivo. said:

dobrić izgleda ima tremu kad ga gledam. po statsima sinoć dobra partija

Odbrana solidna.

Sem kad mu Simon postavi blok za Mekkoluma.

To je Dobrivoje.

Uglavnom znaš šta od njega možeš da očekuješ.

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Ovo sto Dobric ove godine pruza je bolje nego svih prethodnih zajedno. Ovoliko agresije pri ulasku pod kos, sut iz driblinga koji do sada nismo videli... to nije pokazivao prethodnih sezona. Kao da mu je konacno kliknulo u glavi da moze mnogo vise od epizodiste koji ce da odigra dobro svaku desetu utakmicu.


nemojmo preterivati

mislim, nije on ni raanije igrao svaku desetu dobro, vec je imao i ima puno rupa u igri, pre svega defanyivno


ima bolji handle i ulaz nego ranije definitivno a i sut mu je konstantniji

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sa athletica (mislim da i dalje imaju neki dil dolar mesečno, što je džabaka za ovakvu štivo) od juče:






The thought that continues to creep into Jordan Loyd’s mind, nearly two years after his 15 minutes of fame came and went, is “how in the hell did I end up there?”

If you know Loyd’s name at all, chances are it’s because you remember him in a dark suit, T-shirt, gold chain and fresh, Air Jordan XII sneakers, spread out and hunched over in front of the Toronto Raptors’ bench like he was riding a wave on a surfboard, with his eyes popping out of his head as Kawhi Leonard crouched before him, waiting to see if Leonard’s shot at the end of Game 7 of the 2019 Eastern Conference semifinals would stop bouncing on the rim and fall through the hoop.


Hell, maybe Loyd’s name escapes you, because ESPN dubbed him the “random guy in a suit” in its highlight package of Leonard’s shot, which of course did ultimately splash the net and sink the 76ers. Loyd even had a shirt made for the Raptors’ championship parade that said, well, “random guy in a suit.”


Today, Loyd, 27, is starring for Serbia’s KK Crvena Cvezda (in English, “Red Star”) in the EuroLeague. As of this writing, he is third in the league in scoring 17.0 points per game in 23 contests, and another 14.4 points in 13 games in the regional ABA league. The 6-foot-4 shooting guard is being recruited heavily by some of Europe’s top clubs for next season, and back home, NBA teams are taking notice. 


Twice in the last year, in two different countries, Loyd has been in quarantine due to COVID-19, including in December and January when he wrestled with fever, chills and a loss of taste and smell in his Belgrade apartment, thousands of miles away from his family home in suburban Atlanta.


Also somewhere in the U.S., though Loyd won’t say where, precisely, for fear someone might come looking for it, he has his 2019 NBA championship ring from the Raptors. He was the last member of that title team to see his ring, because he was in Spain until July 2020. At Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, he is featured prominently in a mural of Leonard’s miraculous shot. “People even message it to me on social media, like I haven’t seen it before,” Loyd said.


So, how in the hell, exactly, did Loyd’s life take this path, from obscurity to NBA champion to where he is now?


It started with a $240,000 buyout from his father.


Kenny Loyd, Jordan’s dad, is the president and co-founder of the successful South Coast Paper company, and, a spy novel enthusiast. In the fall of 2018, the Loyds nearly found themselves in the middle of a scene from right out of one of those books.


Months earlier, Jordan signed to play the 2018-19 season with Darussafaka Istanbul, of Turkey, following a successful campaign with Hapoel Eliat of the Israeli League. At the time, he thought there was an out clause in the contract with the Turkish team, on the off chance something better came up in the NBA.


For the second consecutive summer, the Raptors invited Jordan, a Division II standout at the University of Indianapolis who starred as a G League rookie for the Fort Wayne Mad Ants, to join them for the Las Vegas Summer League. It didn’t go all that well. Slowed by back spasms, he appeared in four games in Vegas, averaging just 8.3 points and 2.8 assists. He boarded the flight home to Atlanta thinking his next stop in basketball would indeed be Turkey.


“I was excited because they were going to be a EuroLeague team,” Jordan said. “I think they had just won EuroCup, and I was really anxious to be able to go play EuroLeague basketball because I didn’t think the NBA was a possibility.


“Sure enough, right as I get off the plane from Summer League, (his then-agent) calls me like, ‘Hey, Toronto wants to offer you a two-way contract.’ I’m like, ‘What?’ I was completely shocked because I didn’t think I played well enough at all or showed enough to be able to get that call. When I did, the first thing I thought was I was super excited, and then I was like ‘Oh no, first I’ve got to get out of this contract.’”


Jordan Loyd said his agent at the time led him to believe there was an out clause in his contract with Darussafaka and getting free from his commitment to realize his NBA dream would be no problem. And that turned out to be way off.


Enter Agent 00-Kenny.


“The only way to get out of it was to pay some money,” Jordan said. “And at first I was just kind of like, ‘Of course not.’ I don’t want my family, I don’t want anybody having to spend unnecessary money for our mistake, because I signed too quickly. My dad basically sat me down and said, ‘Look, son, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, thank God we’re able to do this and it’s going to help your career, then let’s do it.’” 


Jordan’s initial reluctance had some to do with not wanting to ask his parents to help him out of a mess he made, but also, there was a simple pride factor. He was already a college graduate and a pro earning, as far as most Americans are concerned, a great paycheck in Israel. He wanted to try and talk his own way out of Turkey, and if that didn’t work, he was prepared to report to Istanbul. What made him begin to consider his parents’ offer (Andrea, Kenny’s wife and Jordan’s mother, was also part of the family deliberation) was when he stopped thinking about the burden his parents would carry financially and started to imagine the opportunity that money would buy.


“My ultimate dream was to walk out on an NBA court, so I started looking at that and was like ‘OK, if we’re able to do it, let’s do it,’” Jordan said. “It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”




The Raptors waited patiently for the Loyds to complete the buyout with Darussafaka, which dragged out. At one point, Jordan thought the family might have to fly to Turkey to negotiate his release from his contract in person (like a spy novel!), but it didn’t come to that. A wire transfer sufficed.


Jordan, with everything to play for and the sacrifice his parents made for him burned onto his brain, was fantastic in the G League. He averaged 22.5 points, 6.1 boards and 6.1 assists in 42 games for the Raptors 905 and was a runner-up for G League MVP.  On a two-way contract, meaning he could split time between the G League and the NBA, Jordan also appeared in 12 games for the big-league Raptors.


Per NBA rules at the time, players on two-way deals could not appear in the playoffs, so Jordan’s season was over. But he continued to practice and travel with the Raptors, all the way through their Game 6 triumph over the Golden State Warriors for Canada’s first NBA championship.


“I did a lot of reminiscing that year,” Jordan said. “I never, I always wanted to be in the NBA, but I never truly thought I’d be good enough. I know that’s every kid’s dream. I didn’t have a lot of publicity coming out of school or high school, things like that. I always wanted to play, but I never really thought, like, wow I have a chance. Once I just looked at all that and then everything we did to get to that point, it was like I had no choice but to play well.


“We got out of the contract and just to see it pay off like that, it was amazing. It came back tenfold.” 


As the ball left Leonard’s hand, Loyd didn’t think he’d make the shot.


“I was like, ‘Man he’s not getting this off,’ because Joel Embiid was closing,” Loyd said. “Kawhi’s jump shot is usually pretty narrow. He doesn’t have the highest-arching jump shot. So that’s what I’m thinking, I’m going to this dead corner and I just hope he gets it off. And then once he shoots it, it’s like super high, I’m like OK, it’s higher than normal. And then I’ve always told people I thought Scotiabank has the hardest rims, basketball rims, ever. You don’t get a lot of bounces in these arenas, and then for that ball to bounce around like I don’t know how many times, and then fall in, was like, come on man. It was insane. I didn’t think it had a chance, and sure enough, I was in so much shock.”


It’s a photographer’s dream for the end of an NBA playoff game, one that decides who advances and whose season dies, to come down to a single shot, and have that shot bounce, so deliberately, and hang, so dramatically, on the rim.


The expressions were priceless. Leonard in a full crouch, with his tongue out. Embiid with his mouth agape and eyes that said, “No way.” Raptors bench players, like Danny Green, in full-on stare. Fans, waiting to erupt. 


“All this stuff happening, and then you’ve got Jordan Loyd, just like in the front and center,” Loyd said. “Which I am not big on being, honestly, I prefer to be in the background, but that game was so crazy. I just had to watch the game. I was in a suit, I didn’t have any pressure, I’m just having fun watching the game, and then there we go with this picture, it’s just, it’s all she wrote after that.”


Loyd was under contract for another season with the Raptors, but it was still the same two-way deal — which meant less money and more time in the G League. He thought he had nothing left to prove in the NBA’s minor league and was hopeful the Raptors would tear up the two-way deal and give him a full contract. But they didn’t. So Loyd asked for and received his release, so he could try his hand in the EuroLeague with Valencia Basket of Spain.


Marc Gasol told Loyd to hit him up if he needed anything while he was in Gasol’s home country. There would be texts with Chris Boucher, who thrived alongside Loyd in the G League in 2018-19 but was on his way to Toronto, and with Green and Fred VanVleet. Loyd was already overseas on Toronto’s ring night but received a nice shoutout from Kyle Lowry during the ceremony.


“I was on a two-year two-way, which probably ended up being a big mistake — I should’ve been on a one year,” Loyd said. “I just thought, ‘Hey, I played well in the G League, I showed what I can do on and off the court,’ and I thought that was enough for a roster spot. Like Freddy said, you’ve got to kind of bet on yourself, so I said, ‘Hey, if you guys wouldn’t mind,’ and we mutually agreed to get out of the contract, and I could go play EuroLeague, which I had never done before. That was my mindset, go and grow your stock somewhere else, keep trying to get better every year, and you might end up back.”



During one of his first road trips with Hapoel Eliat, maybe to Tel Aviv, Loyd heard his first bomb siren.


“In your apartments, you have basically like these bomb shelter rooms,” he said. “The doors are different, the windows are different. We were on the road, and this siren went off. I am looking at my teammate, he’s from the states too, and we’re kind of like, ‘What’s going on?’ And I guess that just means there’s been rocket sightings or something in the area. It’s pretty common, it’s nothing to be too afraid of, but at the time, I’m freaking out. It’s my first year overseas, and it was just kind of crazy.”


Last season playing in Spain, where the pandemic struck hard, he spent 59 out of 60 days inside his apartment, waiting for the season to resume. He walked to a corner store, once, and spent hours laying outside in a small courtyard. “I started writing, reading, and I don’t even like to read or write,” he said.


And this season in Belgrade, Loyd said, on the route he drives from his apartment to the gym, is a roundabout with lanes for automobiles, buses, and trains. And he said every driver takes the turn as though a Formula One cup is on the line. “There are no traffic lights, it’s just chaos, like an accident about to happen every single day,” he said.


These are just some of the slices of life of playing overseas that can make an American desperate to get a call from an NBA team. Loyd already got to live that life with the Raptors, flying chartered planes, staying in his own room in the plushest hotels, being pampered at every turn. And with this being his third season overseas, he’s taken those commercial flights from Belgrade to Barcelona, on planes stuffed with business travelers and vacationers, the morning after a game, only to be on a bus two days later to Montenegro.




This is Loyd’s best all-around season as a pro playing overseas. He dialed up 31 points against EuroLeague power CSKA, 24 against Maccabi and 22 against Real Madrid, which opened eyes. While he’s enjoying great personal success, it’s been a tough go for Red Star, which is losing games by the bunches in both leagues, has already undergone a coaching change and had its roster torn apart by COVID-19. The virus cost Loyd five EuroLeague games.


From all the travel hazards to two quarantines in foreign lands to the substantial taste he’s already had of the NBA — he has a ring, for goodness sakes — one could understand any desperation Loyd has to get another chance. But for the first time in his career, Loyd said he has none.


“I always had that in the back of my mind — ‘I need to do this, I need to do that because I want to get to this place,’” Loyd said. “What you find out over the years is it doesn’t work that way. Whatever you have in your mind, what you think is gonna happen or where you want to go, it doesn’t work that way. This year I’ve had a completely different approach. It’s just like, I’m happy where I’m at, I’m playing EuroLeague basketball, getting a chance to showcase what I can do, and then whatever happens, I’m just going to let it happen.”


Loyd’s current agent, Andy Bountogianis, has been close to the family for decades. Kenny Loyd used to live in suburban Cleveland, Ohio, where Bountogianis still lives and works, and they used to play in a local summer basketball league together. Former Cleveland Cavalier Bobby Sura was on their team. Bountogianis started representing Loyd last summer and is expecting to land his client on a top-flight EuroLeague team next season if an NBA team doesn’t make an offer.


“Loyd is one of the more fun, under-the-radar basketball stories of the last five years,” said Sam Vecenie, The Athletic’s resident draft expert. “Anywhere he’s gone at this point, he’s had success. I think Loyd is a legit NBA talent due to his feel for scoring the basketball. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’d look right at home with a second unit. But his lack of NBA chance at this point speaks to just how high the standard is for players who are sub-6-foot-5 scoring guards. There are so many of them coming out of college every year and so many of them out there on the free-agency marketplace that it’s often tough to stand out in the pack. In my opinion, Loyd has done that at this point and has earned his shot if he so chooses. He’s at the top of that group. Having said that, given his terrific performance for Red Star this year … it might end up actually being more lucrative for Loyd to stay overseas than to come back to a minimum contract. He’d need to find the right opportunity and the right role for it to be worthwhile for him. But in terms of pure talent, Loyd is among the more interesting overseas prospects out there.”    


As it stands, Loyd is probably already the only player ever to buy himself out of a contract overseas and win an NBA championship ring the same season. The return on his father’s investment has already come.


Who wouldn’t pay for the chance to become the “random guy in a suit?”

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9 hours ago, VISOKOLETAC said:

Poprilicno kasni sa prvim dodavanjem i onda malo ustopuje napad, ali sve u svemu nije to tako lose izgledalo danas. Ono sto je bitno, bio je solidan u odbrani, a to je bitno, a ostalo ce doci sa iskustvom i sa treningom.

izgledalo je lose

da, nije ispadao u odbrani kao obicno, ali to je slaba uteha

sto se tice ostalog - ako do sada nije naucio da vodi loptu, tu mu iskustvo nece mnogo pomoci


Sinoć spoljna linija 79 poena od 92 ukupno.


Klasična posljedica obrajantovanja, genijalan potez. Kuzmic i Kuridza ne mogu da pogode iz reketa sve i da je obruč duplo širi. Rit izvadio stvar, samo ne znam šta je čekao Dejan 3 četvrtine sa njegovim uvođenjem. Nnoko će biti bolji i ima svoje kvalitete ali u napadu ne može puno bolje od kucanja - mada i je i to nemoguća misija za domaće gardiste.


Kad je u završnici uveo Kuridzu da odmori Rita mislio sam da se zajebava.

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Od kad igramo Euroligu smo najlosiji  na pozicijama 1&5, zilom kucavicom svake ekipe. Pri tom se ne zna da li je bila gora selekcija ili doselekcija, pa nam sada tu igraju Uskok&Kuridza. Sve sami promasaju u vidu igraca kao Teri, Obrajant, Rocesti, Kolom, Hal.. Prosto neverovatno.

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Lepo je sto smo konacno pobedili u EL, sto se vidi da je igracima stalo, i sto smo bar na jedno vece izasli iz gubitnicke aure.

Ipak, za to je bilo potrebno da nas sut prosere do nivoa neverovatnosti i da lipsu oba igraca Himkija koje imaju na raspolaganju.

Blago receno sam zabrinut i osim neke timske hemije i zelje, ja zaista ne vidim neki narocit napredak u odnosu na ono sto je tim pruzao kad smo najurili Obradovica.

Ono sto najvise brine, je sto Radonja izgleda nema bas ideju kako da upotrebi ovu ekipu, a to je narocito vidljivo na pozicijama 1, 4 i 5, gde je ocigledno da nema previse poverenja ni u jednu od postojecih opcija. Ne zna se ko je startni plejmejker, Aleksa mu je neiskusan i nesiguran, Hall i kad igra kao da se ceka prvi kiks da se izvede, pa se to zavrsi sa guranjem Voldena na 1, valjda logikom - ok nema plejmejking, ali ce bar nesto da utrpa i napadu.Kuz je tu reda radi, iako je i Radonja svestan da je pokojni, Nnoko je zbog silnih problema daleko od ozbiljne forme a posledicno i od timske uigranosti, MJK je ogranicen ko zabran, ali nema mnogo drugih opcija, pa drlja 20+ minuta bez obzira na svu svoju ogranicenost, a posledica svega je pokojni Simon koji glumi cetvorku 30tak minuta, sto je zlocin protiv kosarke.

Cak mi se cini da je Reath opcija na kojoj se najvise moze dobiti na dugorocnom planu i igrac kakav je mogao u ranijem Radonjinom sistemu, da bude izbrusen do nivoa veoma vrednog igraca, ali je nevolja sto on nema ugovor za sledecu sezonu, a nema vise tu ni Borka Radovica.

Sve u svemu, sredina je marta, a mi smo daleko od ozbiljne timske koncepcije, i to je bas zabrinjavajuce, i bio bih cak i u panik modu, da Djetici nisu pucali sebi u koleno otpustanjem Mijovica, i dovodjenjem Milojevica, koji se ipak do sada pokazao kao trener za male klubove i jos manje utakmice. COL ima odlicnog trenera, ali i tezak krs od ekipe, a Mornar je ipak Mornar, putujuci cirkus od ekipe, koji svakog moze da zatrpa na 5 minuta, ali na duze staze ipak nedovoljno ozbiljna ekipa.

Komsije svi znamo gde su ove sezone...

Mozda se nekako dovucemo do titule ABA, ali nista ovo ne valja, a vec me unapred strah sledece sezone sa postojecim kadrom


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Dokle god Laza , Deda i Šegi budu ovako igrali , ne brinem se za ABA ligu.Za 5 min ozbiljnije igre smo dobili Himki. Pohvala za Reatha koji je uneo odličnu svežinu i to posle kovid pauze. Naravno, imaju još prostora ova trojica gore pomenuta da napreduju ali se vidi da su dodali malo gas.


Walden se dosta osporava, ali on je ove sezone ubjedljivo drugi najbolji igrač ekipe. Meni se isto čini da je Dobrić popravio ulaz, sada sa nešto više osjećaja završava na obruču. Uskoković je tehnički skroman igrač, ali ima dosta hrabrosti, barem ide jako na obruč i ima neki solidan midrange šut. Pod košem smo bijeda gola, jedino je Noko pristojan igrač. Tragično je da Simon u 2021 igra po 30 minuta.

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23 minutes ago, Betolingar Misdongard said:

Walden se dosta osporava, ali on je ove sezone ubjedljivo drugi najbolji igrač ekipe. Meni se isto čini da je Dobrić popravio ulaz, sada sa nešto više osjećaja završava na obruču. Uskoković je tehnički skroman igrač, ali ima dosta hrabrosti, barem ide jako na obruč i ima neki solidan midrange šut. Pod košem smo bijeda gola, jedino je Noko pristojan igrač. Tragično je da Simon u 2021 igra po 30 minuta.

boldovano vise govori o samoj ekipi nego voldenu


1 minute ago, Takeshi_Kovacs said:

boldovano vise govori o samoj ekipi nego voldenu


Walden bi imao svoje mjesto i da je stanje u ekipi dosta bolje. Nije neki siledžija, ima odličan šut, igra dobar difens, fizički je dobar. Nadam se da ostaje i sledeće sezone.

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Voleo bih da je Džoni sad ovde, mislim da bismo bili brutalni sa njim. Ovako sve pada na pleća Nnoka i Rita, pa šta urade.

53 minutes ago, Gudura said:


Mozda se nekako dovucemo do titule ABA, ali nista ovo ne valja, a vec me unapred strah sledece sezone sa postojecim kadrom



Ne treba biti zabrinut, Simon je tu i sledeće sezone.

  • Ha-ha 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Betolingar Misdongard said:

Walden bi imao svoje mjesto i da je stanje u ekipi dosta bolje. Nije neki siledžija, ima odličan šut, igra dobar difens, fizički je dobar. Nadam se da ostaje i sledeće sezone.

imao bi, ali ne da toliko zavisimo od njega

donosi to sto si napisao...i nista preko toga

kreiranje za sebe i druge vrlo tanko...a to nam jeste jedan od najvecih problema ove sezone

handle isto ispodprosecan za beka


ne kazem da je los, vec da nije sad neka bekcina, i da, pre svega, zbog nekvaliteta ostalih toliko odskace

nadam se i ja da ostaje...ali ne kao ubedljivo drugi najbolji igrac

Edited by Takeshi_Kovacs
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1 minute ago, Laki21 said:


Ne treba biti zabrinut, Simon je tu i sledeće sezone.

Ostaje samo Kuridža bez ugovora, valjda će i njega produžiti ... od domaćih.

  • Ha-ha 1

Au jbt, za vikend opet derbi. Sigurno su komšije na max naloženi da nam vrate za ovo ispadanje iz EC. Koja je kvota na partizan? Mogla bi tu neka kuća da se stavi na pobedu. 

  • Ha-ha 2

Ja mislim da ce Borisa da napravi daleko bolju karijeru od ocekivane, ali kasni se sa ovim raskidom jedno godinu dana i jace, jer je van svih planova bio od odlaska Tomica.


Bojim se da i Radanov ne dozivi slicnu sudbinu, jer za obojicu je navodno prica da nisu nas najvredniji na treninzima i da zato i ne dobijaju vecu sansu. Dok je za Uskokovica prica da sad i igra, samo jer je medju najvrednijima i najborbenijima.


Videcemo dal su dobri potezi, ali od finala Kupa, nisam pogledao minut nase igre. Bas smo nekako mrtva ekipa, ne znam sta treba da se desi da se to malo poremeti. Verovatno osvajanje ABA lige, steta sto nece biti antologijskih duela sa komsijama tu, to obicno ume da vrati zar pracenju, ali sta je tu je. 


Kako god bilo, na leto mora mnogo pametnije da se sastavi tim. Cak smo i prosle godine posle Sakotine doselekcije izgledali smislenije nego danas. 

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Ja više ne znam šta da mislim u vezi Boriše. On je isti igrač kao i na početku karijere, sjajna dužina i atletika, meka ruka. Na stranu glava, kao da nije očvrsnuo za sve ove godine, i dalje je pero laka kategorija koga unose svi redom, razmišljanje na terenu nepostojeće, nekako uvek na pogrešnom mestu. Dribling mu je užasno nerazvijen, agility i agresivnost ravni nuli. Al opet, ne može takav fizički primerak mekanog šuta da ne bude intrigantan i pored svega.


Ja sam čuo iz dosta proverenih izvora da on često kasni na treninge, a takođe da je Obradović imao planove sa njim al kad je video kako ga Kuridža rastura na svakom treningu baš mu je pao u očima.


Ovaj rastanak je jedina logična stvar, jbga. Nadam se da će uspeti na nekom drugom mestu da barem delimično razvije potencijal, mada nisam neki optimista.

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