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El finale  

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ne verujem da bi dali horfordu 100 milja na 4 godine  da bi pocinjao sa klupe. startovace on i embid a i zavrsavati utakmice skoro sigurno sem ako bi se bas pokazali nekompatibilni. i sam horf je izjavio da se raduje sto ce konacno vise igrati na svojoj prirodnoj poziciji k. centra.

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Ja cu sa paznjom da pratim Filu. Upside nekih igraca je ogroman, a i bio bi mi gotivan proboj visoke ekipe u favorite, kao neki kontrapunkt postojecem trendu.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, freethrow said:

potcenjuje se opet srce šampiona... smh

Precenjuje se, 4 mjesto na istoku itekako velikodusno... Ipak otisla 2 bitna srafa u Los Andjeles

Edited by Miki28

Ali kojom madjijom Finiksu daju vise pobeda od bilo koga na zapadu? To je bukvalno jedina ekipa na zapadu za koju stavljam ruku u vatru da ne ulazu u PO, a 99% ce biti poslednji.

18 minutes ago, pepe sancez said:

Ja cu sa paznjom da pratim Filu. Upside nekih igraca je ogroman, a i bio bi mi gotivan proboj visoke ekipe u favorite, kao neki kontrapunkt postojecem trendu.


pa prvaci nba lige su ekipa koja igra ponekad sa gasolom i ibakom

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Pa igrače Sixersi sigurno dosta sa tom "velikom petorkom", videćemo kako će funkcionisati. AL Horford je doktor ali on izuzev ranih dana u Atlanti igra isključivo peticu i ima verovatno najsporiji izbačaj lopte u ligi (kad je onako nateže kao iz katapulta). On gađa isključivo spot up spolja. Bukvalno sam bio preneražen kad je objavljen taj potpis, smatram da bi Horford bolje legao u 29 preostalih ekipa nego u Philly, baš teško luksuziranje. J-Rich je dobar i simpatičan igrač ali realno za popunu petorke, a Toby Harris je lik koji je dobio ogromne pare na osnovu jedne dobre polusezone, mislim da će on ružno da ostari i da će uskoro njegov ugovor biti jedan od gorih u ligi.


Za Buckse gubitak Brogdona jeste gadan udarac (mada je Brogdon do jaja kao treći po kvalitetu igrač u ekipi, kao drugi ne znam baš), ali i dalje su oni najposloženija ekipa na Istoku gde se tačno zna ko šta radi. Giannis će biti naprženiji i nema nikog na putu ko bi mogao da mu poremeti dominaciju na Istoku.


Boston je za mene dark horse. Biće dosta slabiji defanzivno, ali malo se situacija pročistila, biće prostora za svakog, Kemba je daleko bolji za svlačionicu od Irvinga (i Roziera, razume se) a donosi sličnu produkciju. Centarska pozicija jeste problem, ali Kanter - Timelord - Poirier je ipak pristojno, u kombinaciji ima tu od svega po malo. 


To su top 3 ekipe na Istoku bez dileme, možda neki haos mogu da naprave Netsi, mada ne verujem. Raptorsi će gritati i grindeovati ali nemaju oni bez Kavaje šta da traže, druga runda PO plafon ako i toliko. Indiana isto može da bude prijatno iznenađenje. Ovi ostal na Istoku ili su mladi, ili su loši ili su depresivni.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, Chaos Is Me said:

 Ovi ostal na Istoku ili su mladi, ili su loši ili su depresivni.


postoji ekipa koja objedinjuje sva tri kriterijuma. samo kažem.


slažem se za ranu procenu 76ersa i bucksa.

za raptorse nisam siguran, pogotovo što nije isključeno da će pokušati nekoga da dodaju tokom sezone


očekujem da i ovakvi kakvi su budu u 4-5 ekipa po broju pobeda

  • Like 1

Uvek sam bio loš u ovome što me ne sprečava da opet probam:


LAC 55.5 under
MIL 54.5 over
PHI 53.5 under
UTA 52.5 under
HOU 51.5 over

LAL 51.5 over
DEN 50.5 over
BOS 48.5 over

IND 48.5 under
GSW 47.5 over
BKN 45.5 under

TOR 45.5 under
POR 44.5 over
SAS 43.5 under
MIA 42.5 under
DAL 41.5 under

ORL 41.5 over
NOP 36.5 over
DET 35.5 over

MIN 35.5 over

SAC 35.5 over
ATL 32.5 under

OKC 32.5 under
CHI 30.5 over
WAS 28.5 under
MEM 27.5 under

NYK 27.5 under
PHX 26.5 over
CLE 25.5 under
CHA 23.5 over

3 hours ago, Marvin said:

Ali kojom madjijom Finiksu daju vise pobeda od bilo koga na zapadu? To je bukvalno jedina ekipa na zapadu za koju stavljam ruku u vatru da ne ulazu u PO, a 99% ce biti poslednji.


Memphis je potpuno razjebao tim, to je sad prva faza rebuildinga pa ne cudi da ih vide sa fenjerom. Kingsi nisu bas narocito unapredili roster, a prilicno sam ubedjen da se svuda po juesofej na njihovu proslu sezonu gleda kao na fluke. Sunsi su se oslobodili velikog broja mladih igraca, konacno doveli PG-a koji je kalibar NBA startera i vecinu pozicija popunili igracima sa iskustvom, izuzev ove dvojice rukija koji su opet medju starijima u klasi i nisu raw prospekti vec igraci sa za NBA upotrebljivim skilom.







Ostaje da se vidi koliko se izgubilo sa TJ-om i da li je ful rotacija Bridges-Oubre -Johnson > Warren-Jackson-Bridges. Dodatni iskorak Kala i Aytona se svakako ocekuje + cela liga tripuje da je Monty odlican trener. Manje-vise na tome se temelji ova predikcija koja predstavlja izuzetno veliki skok u broju pobeda.


  • Like 1

Pozz braćo

Evo me na poslu, radim drugu

Isključiše nam struju dušmani juče jer drug nije plaćao mesecima

Kuvao sam nudle u vrućoj vodi iz wca

Ko može da dođe u bbet u prvomajski 36l u Zemunu nek Bane

Snalazim se, razmišljam pozitivno


@Miki28 kako ide ? Hoće li doći korvelier? Melo, Smit??



  • Like 8
Posted (edited)

Definitivno imaju jaci roster od prosle sezone, jos ako Buker konacno izgura citavu sezonu, onda se i imaju cemu nadati. Konacno mu je doveden plej, neko ko ce mu skinuti teret sa ledja, usled toga ce poboljsati i svoje procente, verujem da ce biti dosta bolji protok lopte. Ejton bi takodje morao vise uraditi u sledecoj sezoni. Takodje, mislim da se Saric bas dosta potcenjuje i da Sansi nisu pogresili sto su dali 6. pika. Dario je skroz ok igrao i u Fili i u Minesoti, tako ce biti i u Finiksu, uopste nije za potcenjivanje kada krilni centar ima 39% za 3. Svetlosnim godinama je ispred Bendera. Nije iskljuceno i da kliknu, nikada se ne zna, nakon cetiri sezone u kojima su bili svajcarski sir, konacno su sklopili ekipu po meri. 

Edited by Drakaris

Javi kad neko zategne neki opasan singlic.


Kako greje vodu taj CW? Nesto 'vako?


Cuvaj se kladionicarske atmosfere, proveo sam 3,4 god u istoj, nije zdrava za mentalno stanje..
nadam se da imas sto manje redovnih blejaca, to su neljudi

  • Ha-ha 1
1 hour ago, delgado said:

Pozz braćo

Evo me na poslu, radim drugu

Isključiše nam struju dušmani juče jer drug nije plaćao mesecima

Kuvao sam nudle u vrućoj vodi iz wca

Ko može da dođe u bbet u prvomajski 36l u Zemunu nek Bane

Snalazim se, razmišljam pozitivno


@Miki28 kako ide ? Hoće li doći korvelier? Melo, Smit??




  • Ha-ha 2
  • Tuzno 1
 Advanced issues found
7 hours ago, uini said:


postoji ekipa koja objedinjuje sva tri kriterijuma. samo kažem.

Ali to je naša stvar, biti ružan, pametan i mlad, ionako nema veze...

  • Like 1
  • Tuzno 1

PG 》 Rubio | Jerome | Carter | Okobo? | Lecque*

SG 》 Booker | Johnson T

SF 》 Bridges | Oubre | Johnson C

PF 》 Saric | Kaminsky | Diallo

C 》 Ayton | Baynes


Treba adresirati jos 3rd string SG i roster je zaokruzen.


Dakle, ocekujem sporiji pace, bas mnogo pickandpopa, urucenja dok je Armani na parketu. Jedini upitnik trenutno jeste sta ce Monty sa centrima - hoce li kampovati u reketu ili ce i oni najveci deo vremena provoditi napolju postavljajucu screenove ne samo za svoj dive vec i za cutove Kala i Papia npr.


domaći zadatak od teksta za sve one koji struktuiraju procenu igrača kroz video i statse

ako vas zanima barrett, pročitajte



Breaking down RJ Barrett’s (Summer League) offense

My takeaways from his dramatic character arc over five games.

By New York Basketball Observer  Jul 17, 2019, 5:30am PDT
Why waste time say lot word when few word video do trick? It’s been a while since I’ve written a piece, so let me get these shots off and hit you with a clip before I even get three sentences deep.




In a nutshell, this will be the RJ Barrett experience all season long. Within seconds, Stephanie Ready compares his struggles to the Summer League struggles of Steph Curry and Trae Young. She mentions that his godfather is Steve Nash and says “not to worry” about his shooting struggles. Barrett immediately airballs. In addition to the above connections, get ready to hear about how his dad went to St. John’s — and you’ll hear about Rowan Sr. and Steve Nash’s Canadian national team friendship every game until 2021, I’m sure.

I saw Barrett play in high school. Everyone saw him play in college. Most people have made their mind up about the kid, and as with most rookies, people will highlight his ups and downs respectively to support their argument about him. Truthfully, it will be easy to do. He’s going to show flashes, and he’s certainly going to struggle at times.

I can tell you this: he ain’t Steph Curry. For that matter, he ain’t Trae Young, either. Both of those players were phenomenal shooters (with VOLUME!) in college who came in and had an off week in Summer League. RJ Barrett is not a good shooter, but he does so many other things well, so let’s properly calibrate our expectations, shall we?

Today, we will be speaking strictly offense. Don’t worry, the defensive breakdown is coming.

Over five Summer League games, Barrett’s basic stats looked like this:

  • 34 percent from the field (26 of 77)
  • 24 percent from 3 (7 of 29)
  • 40 percent from 2 (19 of 48)
  • 60 percent from FT (18 of 30)
  • 2.8 turnovers per game (three MORE turnovers in Game 2 than the rest of his Summer League combined)
  • 4.2 assists per game
  • 8.6 rebounds per game
  • 42.6 TS%
  • 38 eFG%

It’s hard not to dive right into the shooting from here. Let’s start by taking a look at some of his strokes from Summer League.





So this doesn’t look disastrous, right? But the truth is, I’m a little concerned, and I think you should be too, regardless of what Stephanie Ready thinks.

RJ is trained by Drew Hanlen, probably the most popular basketball trainer of the last several years outside of Chris Brickley. However, Hanlen has been training Barrett since high school. The shot doesn’t look awful, but the numbers do (and have). Here is a little background on what changes Hanlen made to RJ’s shooting stroke since he was a Blue Devil.

I’m most concerned about the free throw numbers. There’s a lot (and I mean a lot) of cues to look at when trying to project a good NBA shooter. Certainly, one of the most simple ones is free throw percentage. RJ shot about 67 percent from the stripe in his one year at Duke, per Sports-Reference. I’d say Knicks fans should be happy if he hovers around 70 percent this year and should be ecstatic if he can exceed that in his second year. RJ shot just 60 percent during Summer League.

This is especially problematic because Barrett seeks out contact like Danny Ainge seeks out draft picks.





The free throw is statistically the most efficient shot in basketball, and Barrett needs all the efficiency he can get. He’s going to live at the line, so he absolutely needs to make those at a higher clip — regardless of his shooting from distance during game play.

Something else I picked up on was just how often RJ missed short. Maybe this is a distance adjustment? Maybe his legs were just a bit out of condition? I tracked all of RJ’s 3-point attempts, and of his 21 misses, 15 of those hit the front rim (not counting a blocked 3-point attempt at the end of a quarter). That’s 71 percent of his shots off the front rim.




Barrett didn’t force too many of those jumpers, so that’s a good sign. His in-game IQ stood out. Barrett has to shoot when he’s open, and I think he knows that — even if he’s inefficient from deep for the foreseeable future. I also notice that his jumper seems a bit more sped up since his days at Duke — probably a good thing, but expect one hell of a learning curve.

When Barrett is forcing the issue, it’s usually on drives — and this is an enigma wrapped in a riddle. Let’s start by looking at some of the ways he presses too hard:



Most of those are attempts at drawing contact gone awry. All the more reason to be hopeful about his proficiency at the charity stripe, but also cause for concern in some regard.

Forcing the issue into traffic is one thing, but Barrett wasn’t exactly cash once he got there. Although he attacked the paint like a man possessed, I was taken aback by the amount of point-blank misses Barrett had.



Barrett is brute force by trade — and partially by necessity. To say Barrett’s handle is suspect would be underselling it. He’s not exactly Stanley Hudson out there, but it’s an area he needs to improve. Barrett is a point guard trapped in Ron Artest’s body.





It’s not just the handle that holds Barrett back. RJ doesn’t have elite NBA burst or leaping ability. He’s a fine athlete, but not in those ways. Barrett struggled throughout the five games to beat defenders off the dribble or create any real separation on his own.





The lack of speed and handle might hinder who he could be, but RJ’s kind of found a way to be “the best RJ Barrett he can be,” and I mean that in the most complimentary way. For a young player, it’s impressive how much he already plays to his strengths. Barrett has a package of hesitation moves and half-Euro steps that don’t leave anyone in the dust, but simply allow him to get shots off or draw fouls. Just a nose of an advantage is all you need in the NBA.





To this point, Barrett might look mostly pedestrian, but RJ as a playmaker is perhaps the most exciting area of his potential role as a pro. I think RJ has a chance to be truly special in pick-and-roll considering his vision, IQ, and willingness to attack the rim. What the hell do I know, maybe just knowing Steve Nash actually does make you a better passer.





When Barrett plays at his speed and under control, he can be a brilliant decision-maker. There was a healthy dose of Mitchell Robinson/RJ Barrett pick-and-roll in these games and I would like to borrow a pencil from someone to sign up for 82 games of that. However, without being a shooting threat, there is an undeniable ceiling there.





Speaking of Mr. Robinson, Barrett rewarded Mercedes Mitch a few times with entry passes that weren’t always routine. These aren’t going to knock your socks off, but it’s a legitimate skill that got Gumbo Guwop free buckets he wouldn’t have otherwise had. Six extra points for the big fella could be the difference between an All-Star bid and a mid-season vacation, so you never know.





Barrett seems like an old basketball soul. As a guard/wing, he’s kind of a throwback to 90s guards like Jalen Rose or he who shall not be named Mark Jackson, who bang in the post. He plays like he’s older in some ways. He’s not blowing you away with speed, and he’s got some of the same craftiness that 10-year vets have.





Offensively, the kid is working. There’s a lot to clean up and definitely some limitations, but the noise about him as a gamer is legitimate.





Barrett rebounded the ball at a high clip and should be an above-average rebounder at his position. He has the ability to start the break and he’s been good in transition, but it will be interesting to see how his half-court game develops over the next few years. Barrett wasn’t much of a threat off of the ball and his strengths definitely shine through when he has the ball in his hands.

Teams were already funneling Barrett baseline, which isn’t uncommon, but he struggled to turn the corner and generally becomes much less effective as you shrink the floor on him. Barrett was much better working from the right side (going downhill or driving middle) as opposed to starting on the left side of the floor, something I don’t think the Knicks picked up on.

RJ has been a high-usage guy his whole life, leaving less time to worry about the nuances of defense — the medium of peasants!

So, naturally, we will examine how he did defensively later this week. I just hope he can keep that same energy...

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