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Mislim jasno je da ovakve 71pts performanse uz efikasan šut može da izvede veoma malo ljudi na svetu, ali da li je samo meni degutantno ovo potezanje Lillarda iz čista mira sa pola terena u petoj sekundi napada? Može da prođe protiv bande iz Hjustona ali imho je klasična egzibicija na granici cirkusa i ne baš nešto što volim da gledam.


PS kad će više taj play off

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To je sad šbbkbb. Bilo bi lepo da uzme titulu, a ako je ne uzme uvek će biti komentara na tu temu. S druge strane, nekom je možda smešna njegova priča o lojalnosti Portlandu, ali ja mislim da on svoj legacy ima - što je true leader, tu će završiti karijeru i sve što je uradio za franšizu i zajednicu u Portlandu. 

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The Knicks and May

No hay pájaros en los nidos de antaño

By MMiranda  Feb 26, 2023, 11:50pm EST 





The first two weeks of May 1984 saw the New York Knicks and Boston Celtics face off seven times in the second round of the playoffs. The Celtics were the league’s best team that year, winning 62 games, the fourth season in five they won 60+, a feat they’d repeat the next two. Larry Bird was in year one of what would be an MVP three-peat, joining Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain as the only NBA players to do so. It wouldn’t be long before LJB was getting GOAT talk. In May of 1984, today’s consensus would be considered nonsense.




You can either remember or imagine why the folks at 33rd and 8th were feeling so good that spring, even after losing the series. Bernard King went toe-to-toe against the best player in the world minute for minute, bucket for bucket. The Knicks led the league in defensive rating that year. That balance meant that spring spirits were high. The next season started with nine losses in 11 games and ended with 58 Ls and King tearing his ACL, a career-threatening injury. In one year the pride of Fort Greene went from the masthead to the margins as the next big thing arrived care of Dorothy Ewing. That quickly.


May, 1989. The folks at 33rd and 8th are feeling good about the future even after losing a tough second-round series to the best player in the world. Rick Pitino is the Brad Stevens of his day: the bright young vanguard of coaching, Alexander the Great with nothing in front of him but time and worlds to conquer. New York’s Bomb Squad are explosive* from deep and anchored on both ends by Patrick Ewing. Mark Jackson followed up his Rookie of the Year in ‘88 with an All-Star selection that season. Charles Oakley averaged a triple-double in points, rebounds and contusions caused. Future so bright you gotta wear shades.


*They averaged not quite five 3s a game, but it was a different world. We still had to get up to change the channel. One 3 a quarter was excitement enough, thank you.

By May 1991 the folks at 33rd and 8th are wearing night-vision goggles, it’s so dark. The Knicks are coming off a losing season and a first-round sweep at the hands of the best player in the world, including a 41-point loss in the opener. Ewing is suing the team as part of his greater strategy to get the hell out of New York (years later it’d turn out he had eyes on Golden State — that would have been something, the big man and Run TMC). In two years the Knicks went from Chicago’s peer to their doormat. That quickly. At the end of the month the team hired Pat Riley as head coach, and things changed even quicklier.


On May 9, 2019, the Warriors hosted the Houston Rockets in game 5 of their second-round series. Late in the third quarter, Kevin Durant started limping after a non-contact injury that knocked him out of the game. 33rd and 8th inhaled sharply. Initial fears were he’d suffered an Achilles injury, but the MRI showed a calf strain. 33rd and 8th exhaled long and slow. KD was only two months away from joining the Knicks and quite possibly bringing the second star of his choice to join him. The draft lottery was five days away, with the Zion dreams a-feverin’. Future. Shades. You know.


May 2020. The Knicks announce the hirings of Brock Aller, Walt Perrin and Frank Zanin to the front office of new team president Leon Rose. Rose has no experience working in an NBA front office, but as one of the league’s preeminent player agents the man has more connections than Kevin Bacon. His is the rare gravity powerful enough to send stars spinning. Durant and Zion may not have ended up at 33rd and 8th, but the team Rose inherited? A losing outfit led by Julius Randle, he of the 27% 3-point (in)accuracy and the 1:1 assist-to-turnover ratio? Yeah, you know what’s gonna change? That. Quickly.


May 2023: the first two weeks of the month see the Knicks and Celtics face off seven times in the second round of the playoffs. The Celtics were the league’s best team that year, winning 62 games and advancing to the conference finals for the fifth time in seven seasons. Jayson Tatum is in year one of what could become an MVP three-peat, joining Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain and Larry Bird as the only NBA players to do so. Randle went toe-to-toe against the best player in the world minute for minute, bucket for bucket. A number of Knicks had breakthrough showings that postseason. Brunson. Mitch. Oh, that Quickley. That spring, spirits were high.

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7 hours ago, Milos 3.14 said:

Nikakvu. Problem je što se Lebronovi svedoci i on sam tripuju da je to isti igrač od pre 5 godina, tj. jedan od najboljih igrača lige.

Istina je da je on sa 4 banke odličan sidekick i da bi AD trebao da bude taj koji vuče tim i koji je glavni igrač ekipe što po talentu definitivno može.

Ovim ne želim da umanjim to što čovek radi sa 4 banke, samo to nije ono što smo navikli. 

Lejkersi su zavisniji od AD nego od bilo kog drugog i od njegovog raspoloženja i zdravlja im sve zavisi.


 E jbg sad, kada je postavljao strasne brojke i procente a Lejkersi su gubili onda je bilo pumpanje statsa. Sada ekipa pobedjuje, UPRKOS njemu


  Znam da ovo ti nisi napisao, nego je vise narativ na topiku a primecuje se da je @Chaos Is Me zesce salty jer ga Lebron vodi u B ligu na fantaziju, kao i mene pre 2 sezone, been there done that bro ;D  


 Pao je u formi nije sporno, ali je osurio decembar i januar i uz Tomasa Brajanta i Srudera odrzao ovaj tim na plej-in kursu nekim pobedama i dao nadu ekipi dok se Davis ne vrati, tada je upalio turbo mod. Kada se Davis vratio i kada su ojacali tim i resili se stetocina, logicno je da malo prikoci i prepusti nove igrace da se uigraju i Davisa da se razmase, no ? 


 Miki je primetio, na niskom postu je toliko dominantan i ne postoji igrac sa boljim footworkom dole i sa vise opasnosti kada se spusti u stav, i to bi moralo da se eksploatise do maksimuma. Juce je imao toliko dobrih resenja, nekoliko step-througha kojima je izbacivao multiple cuvare. 


 Uostalom, sve mozemo da posmatramo kako to mi hocemo, pa tako i ovu 71PTS partiju Lillarda (koju sam vam uzivo najavio dok sam pogledao 1 suterski isecak) -> Strasna partija dominantnog ofanzivnog igraca i partija za anale, ili samo nakantavanje i izivljavanje na tuznom Hjustonu iz nemoci u regularnoj sezoni u kojoj ce verovatno izvisiti i za plejIn. 

8 minutes ago, delgado said:


Miki je primetio, na niskom postu je toliko dominantan i ne postoji igrac sa boljim footworkom dole i sa vise opasnosti kada se spusti u stav, i to bi moralo da se eksploatise do maksimuma. Juce je imao toliko dobrih resenja, nekoliko step-througha kojima je izbacivao multiple cuvare. 



преузимање (12).jpeg

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4 hours ago, gggggggg said:

sacramento odbija da se raspadne. bice interesantno na kraju, opet ce biti ciljanja sestog mesta umesto cetvrog ili petog.


Ako sliznemo u plej in na kraju, sezona ce se racunati kao neuspesna, ovaj tim mora da ide cisto u PO konacno. 

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E, al najbolje je kad tvrde da Jokic nije stat padder, a njemu na sredini cetvrte falilo 2 asistencije za TD pa je namjerno odigrao losije da se udje u overtime. Prejadno i prozirno.











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8 hours ago, Miki28 said:

To sam se i ja pitao ali ocigledno ke tvrdoglav oko tih stvari. 

Nemoguce da dublje patike nisu sigurnije od plitkih.

Ovo je inace jedna od zescih debilana moderne kosarke, nosenje plitkih patika kad je igrac sklon povredi. A tek klubovi koji im to dopustaju....

23 minutes ago, AgroLaki said:


Ako sliznemo u plej in na kraju, sezona ce se racunati kao neuspesna, ovaj tim mora da ide cisto u PO konacno. 


tesko cete van 6, iako imate jedan od tezih rasporeda do kraja. mora da se desi neki niz od deset uzastopnih poraza ili slicno..

2 minutes ago, gggggggg said:


tesko cete van 6, iako imate jedan od tezih rasporeda do kraja. mora da se desi neki niz od deset uzastopnih poraza ili slicno..


Pa da, kad smo dovde ovoliko dogurali odmah rastu apetiti, jbg. 


Gledao sam malo Dejmov performans. Prvo, Dejm ima veličanstvenu mehaniku šuta, neki miks snage trbušnjaka, listova i guzice koji mu omogućava da potpuno isti šut ispaljuje sa 3m ili sa 9m i zaista je jedan od najbolji šutera svih vremena. Postaje polako neka vrsta Portlandovog Redžija Milera.


Budimo realni, Hjuston je bio gotov u 3. četvrtini i ono je bio klasičan stat padding, da se vidi dokle može da broji. I okej, ne zameram njemu ništa, možda treneru koji  bi trebalo malo više da ga čuva. Neću da poredim, ali koliko puta su Stef ili Klej izbačeni celu 4/4 kada je bilo plus 25 za GSW proteklih godina? Na treneru je da ga zaštiti, a na igraču je da trpa i za to chapeaux za Dejma. I budimo realni pt.2 - svako od nas ovde da ima takav šut i da mu ulazi preko ne 70% nego 50% trojki, bi lagano pomerao liniju unazad iz čiste radoznalosti i kurč-a, što je ljudski suviše ljudski. We ve all done it na basketu. 


Voleo bih da vidim Dejma u prejakom settingu, sa 4-5 dobrih plejof igrača, a zaista igra zadivljujuću sezonu, za all NBA petorku, da li prvu ili drugu, svejedno.

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