Drug Crni Posted January 28, 2021 Posted January 28, 2021 12 hours ago, AgroLaki said: Ne postoji zapravo ni ikakav konvoj ka Helmovom ponoru, vec Teodenova vojska koja je krenula da brani Zapadni prevoj, dok je Eowyn ostala u Edorasu da povuce zene i decu u planine. Jomer je sve vreme sa njima, a njegovu ulogu iz filma zapravo ima Erkerbrand, ali je po meni jednostavno sve bolje u filmu odradjeno da se vise povezes sa likovima i da dozivis tesko sve te momente. U pravu si,naravno da nije konvoj..napravih gresku zbog brzine misli i kucanja
alcesta Posted January 28, 2021 Posted January 28, 2021 11 hours ago, Nicklord said: Ja se sećam da sam imao nekada davno bukmarkovan link ka arhivi foruma gde su bile tako vrhunske rasprave da bih nekada bukvalno samo otvorio random temu na random mestu i uzeo da čitam Da, sjajnih rasprava je bilo, verovatno je sve to u arhivi, ovo što je ostalo je već mnogo posle zlatnog doba foruma. Sećam se i Apokalipse, Star Wars nadmudrivanja i konkursa za najbolji rad na temu Tolkina žao mi što sam pogubila kontakte sa većinom ljudi.
SteveFrancis#3 Posted March 3, 2021 Author Posted March 3, 2021 Amazon’s Lord of the Rings series casts a group of warlords
Besni lala Posted March 17, 2021 Posted March 17, 2021 (edited) Amazon’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ Series Has Apparently Filmed Enough to Abruptly Replace a Cast Member We will all be on our way to the Undying Lands by the time this show comes out. Edited March 17, 2021 by Andrej 1
Prijatelj Mitar Posted April 10, 2021 Posted April 10, 2021 Publik Praktikum objavio novo izdanje "Dece Hurinove". Kratko pitanje za @SteveFrancis#3 (a i ostale na temi): da li vredi citati?
Drug Crni Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 Cisto da te ispostujem za odgovor - ja nisam citao. Eto,i ja bih voleo da cujem misljenja onih koji jesu. 1
SteveFrancis#3 Posted April 11, 2021 Author Posted April 11, 2021 (edited) @Antizemljaš koji lebdi Vredi citati, sto se mene tice, e sad za konkretno izdanje ne znam da li nudi nesto novo i kakav je kvalitet. Ako si citao Silmarillion, tu je samo jedno poglavlje (ne znam bas tacno koliko strana, ali nije neki veliki broj u pitanju) posveceno Turinu, gde su pomenuti isti dogadjaji. Deca Hurinova bi trebalo da ima preko 200 strana, koje god izdanje da je u pitanju. Dakle, u tom smislu nesumnjivo vise 'mesa' i potpuniji dozivljaj. Edited April 11, 2021 by SteveFrancis#3 1 1
SteveFrancis#3 Posted April 16, 2021 Author Posted April 16, 2021 Holy mother of god Amazon plans to spend about $650 million on season one of the show 1 3
Nicklord Posted April 16, 2021 Posted April 16, 2021 Meni je priča o Deci Hurinovoj najbolja Silamrilion priča. Grčka tragedija u Srednjem svetu u suštini. Napisana kao puna priča od 200 strana dobije mnogo više emocije nego u Silamrilionu 1
Chaos Is Me Posted April 18, 2021 Posted April 18, 2021 Ko nije gledao ruski lord of the rings iz devedeset prve bolje da se ne javlja ovde, transcedentalno iskustvo
40Wins Posted April 18, 2021 Posted April 18, 2021 13 hours ago, Chaos Is Me said: Ko nije gledao ruski lord of the rings iz devedeset prve bolje da se ne javlja ovde, transcedentalno iskustvo KAko su oni uopste snimali film 91. kad im je zemlja bila u raspadu?
Chaos Is Me Posted April 18, 2021 Posted April 18, 2021 Za ovo nije trebala neka logistika, veruj mi, samo imaginacija i dosta psihodeličnih supstanci. 1
Drug Crni Posted May 13, 2021 Posted May 13, 2021 Porucio sam "Decu Hurinovu" i malopre mi stigla knjiga Kvalitetna izrada,lepe ilustracije,mirise na novo..sta moze da mi se ne svidi? Sad samo da pronadjem vremena da je procitam u mom rasporedu.. 1
alcesta Posted May 18, 2021 Posted May 18, 2021 14 hours ago, aloviti said: koja je razlika izmedju vilenjak i vilovnjak? dublet ili razlicita mitska bica kao fairy vs elf? @alovitida ne uzurpiramo tamo temu... Elem koliko se sećam upravo je to bila ideja prevodilaca, da se napravi pandan toj razlici u engleskom, pa da vilenjak bude za fairy a vilovnjak za elf. Inače kod nas tu nema veće razlike, pošto u našoj mitologiji ionako nema vilinskih naroda kao kod njih pa nam različiti termini nisu ni trebali Naravno nije ni to nešto u kamenu uklesano, pa zavisi od konkretnog prevoda. Naš prevodilac Gospodara trudio se da ispoštuje verziju Hobita koji su preveli Milišićevi, ali već u prevodu Silmariliona piše Vilenjaci, a nisam čitala prevod Nedovršenih priča, ali verovatno i tamo. 1
SteveFrancis#3 Posted June 10, 2021 Author Posted June 10, 2021 'Lord of the Rings' Gets Anime Film With 'The War of the Rohirrim' About Origin of Helm's Deep 2 1
alcesta Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 https://www.theonering.net/torwp/2021/07/20/110907-spy-report-incredible-details-from-amazons-lord-of-the-rings-characters-sexless-nudity-halflings/ Quote First off, we are hearing that the Tolkien Estate is very happy with how things are progressing. Seems they really are more involved in this Production than with any previous LOTR adaptation ever [including the Bakshi version in 1978 and the six Middle-earth films from Peter Jackson; per the terms of the newest deal] and are thus enjoying the creative process. The overall plan for the show has instilled confidence in the Production and more story rights have been assigned to the show. *CONFIRMED* for the 1st time EVER: elements & passages from “The Silmarillion” and “Unfinished Tales” are licensed by Amazon Studios for this adaptation [we broadly speculate those are sections of the book relative to Númenor and Rings of Power including full rights to stories licensed in the Appendices of “The Lord of the Rings,” which already mention Númenor and much more. Actors had posted instagram pics from Silm over the last 18 months.] Amazon DOES have merchandising rights Three lore experts / Tolkien scholars were on set for a time during production Tolkien Estate is said to be very happy with how things are progressing. Detalji su na linku gore. Ja im i dalje ništa ne verujem dok ne vidim na šta će da liči. 2
Besni lala Posted July 22, 2021 Posted July 22, 2021 (edited) Dakle ... *CONFIRMED* for the 1st time EVER: elements & passages from “The Silmarillion” and “Unfinished Tales” are licensed by Amazon Studios for this adaptation [we broadly speculate those are sections of the book relative to Númenor and Rings of Power including full rights to stories licensed in the Appendices of “The Lord of the Rings,” which already mention Númenor and much more. Actors had posted instagram pics from Silm over the last 18 months.] Amazon DOES have merchandising rights Three lore experts / Tolkien scholars were on set for a time during production Tolkien Estate is said to be very happy with how things are progressing Men, Elves and Dwarves have their own sequestered production units for the different Free Peoples [this intriguing bit rather suggests the narrative might be constructed across wide time jumps or told from pockets of different historical viewpoints, perhaps even an anthology approach rotating characters from the various Free Peoples all reacting to the same thing, or just not cooperating with each other in Season 1: but over what timelines we still do not know]. Scripts are only digitally shared among actors and crew under draconian control mechanisms to track any persons who could access them There is a fake production team shooting decoy footage on fake sets unrelated to the real Production – [thus making some “reports of location sightings” false leads by tricksy hobbitses and we must admit this is very clever indeed! Peter Jackson never used decoys!] Main unit wrapped shooting in April 2021; while many actors are back in the U.K. or are now on other productions J.A. Bayona’s episodes are a standalone entry point to the series [like a feature film] There are more incredible directors and big stars yet to be announced LOTR & Wheel of Time are sharing crew & directors They are aiming for a mid-2022 release [that is only one short year away and must mean the pressure on Post Production must be remarkable] Some Halflings are dark skin precursors to Shire-hobbits quite possibly “one of three somewhat different breeds” maybe Harfoots; [described by Tolkien in the Prologue to LOTR ‘Concerning Hobbits’ pg. 12: “they were browner of skin,” and also “they moved westward early,” alluding to a time in their Wandering Days, or perhaps earlier when they kept no records of their journeys over the Misty Mountains westward (which may explain a little of why any early antecedents of pre-Shire migration hobbits would appear here in the Second Age instead of Third Age narrative)] Sir Lenny Henry portrays one such early halfling [Harfoot] Celebrimbor the ringmaker has been recast Tom Budge was in that role Certain creatures are referred to as Ice Trolls because they can’t be called Cave Trolls (Warner Bros. licensing restriction) Nudity is sparse and not sexualized— contrary to earlier concerns: but rather this artistic choice represents very dark thematic material suggestive of concentration camp-type visuals of victims, a harrowing portrayal of the corruption of the Elves by dark powers to ultimately become Orcs Editors note: if this plays out fully it will may well be one of the most ambitious things undertaken by this production and perhaps by anyone attempting to adapt Tolkien Elves will have short/ shorter hairstyles (cue the Twitter threads, both pro and con, and the voting polls, and endless constellations of lovely fan art, so please bring it fans; I’m here for it] Sauron/Annatar will not be revealed in Season One [going with the oldest axiom of show business “Always leave them wanting more.”] ... Sve mi se ovo sviđa u principu - ali ipak to je "AMAZON" - a od njih još ništa inteligentno ne videh. Strepnja mi je dublja od nade ali držati ću palčeve i čekati trejler.... Edited July 22, 2021 by Andrej
Besni lala Posted July 22, 2021 Posted July 22, 2021 Divan intervju https://www.danas.rs/drustvo/kako-su-nastali-hobiti/ A voleo bih da nekako dođem i do pomenute knjige...
SteveFrancis#3 Posted July 22, 2021 Author Posted July 22, 2021 6 hours ago, Andrej said: Dakle ... *CONFIRMED* for the 1st time EVER: elements & passages from “The Silmarillion” and “Unfinished Tales” are licensed by Amazon Studios for this adaptation [we broadly speculate those are sections of the book relative to Númenor and Rings of Power including full rights to stories licensed in the Appendices of “The Lord of the Rings,” which already mention Númenor and much more. Actors had posted instagram pics from Silm over the last 18 months.] Za ovo realno i nije bila potrebna formalna potvrda, bilo je jasno na osnovu mapa koje su objavili, kao i onog kratkog sinopsisa koji je procureo preko theoneringa, a Amazon ga potom potvrdio. Amazon DOES have merchandising rights Three lore experts / Tolkien scholars were on set for a time during production Tolkien Estate is said to be very happy with how things are progressing Men, Elves and Dwarves have their own sequestered production units for the different Free Peoples [this intriguing bit rather suggests the narrative might be constructed across wide time jumps or told from pockets of different historical viewpoints, perhaps even an anthology approach rotating characters from the various Free Peoples all reacting to the same thing, or just not cooperating with each other in Season 1: but over what timelines we still do not know]. Time jumps su takodje mogli biti nasluceni na osnovu mapa, ali u kojoj meri i kakvi ce biti, to je veliko pitanje. Scripts are only digitally shared among actors and crew under draconian control mechanisms to track any persons who could access them There is a fake production team shooting decoy footage on fake sets unrelated to the real Production – [thus making some “reports of location sightings” false leads by tricksy hobbitses and we must admit this is very clever indeed! Peter Jackson never used decoys!] Ovo mi je besmisleno pomalo, ali kako imaju skoro neogranicen budzet, ne cudi toliko da su i na ovo trosili novac. Main unit wrapped shooting in April 2021; while many actors are back in the U.K. or are now on other productions J.A. Bayona’s episodes are a standalone entry point to the series [like a feature film] There are more incredible directors and big stars yet to be announced LOTR & Wheel of Time are sharing crew & directors They are aiming for a mid-2022 release [that is only one short year away and must mean the pressure on Post Production must be remarkable] Ima vec dosta kako sam naisao na rumore da je plan da se te 2 uvodne epizode Bayonine puste negde na jesen, oko godisnjice prvog prikazivanja Fellowshipa. Kako su te epizode zavrsene znatno pre ostalih iz prve sezone, logicno je da su znatno ranije usle i u postprodukciju, te stoga ne vidim zasto ne bi mogle biti emitovane pre ostatka. Some Halflings are dark skin precursors to Shire-hobbits quite possibly “one of three somewhat different breeds” maybe Harfoots; [described by Tolkien in the Prologue to LOTR ‘Concerning Hobbits’ pg. 12: “they were browner of skin,” and also “they moved westward early,” alluding to a time in their Wandering Days, or perhaps earlier when they kept no records of their journeys over the Misty Mountains westward (which may explain a little of why any early antecedents of pre-Shire migration hobbits would appear here in the Second Age instead of Third Age narrative)] Sir Lenny Henry portrays one such early halfling [Harfoot] Ovo je ok, ako se vidi logika i neka koherentnost u prici koju ce ispricati i predstaviti. Celebrimbor the ringmaker has been recast Tom Budge was in that role Certain creatures are referred to as Ice Trolls because they can’t be called Cave Trolls (Warner Bros. licensing restriction) Nekako sam bas i mislio da je Budge mogao biti Celebrimbor. Nudity is sparse and not sexualized— contrary to earlier concerns: but rather this artistic choice represents very dark thematic material suggestive of concentration camp-type visuals of victims, a harrowing portrayal of the corruption of the Elves by dark powers to ultimately become Orcs Editors note: if this plays out fully it will may well be one of the most ambitious things undertaken by this production and perhaps by anyone attempting to adapt Tolkien Sa ovim se slazem, bas ambiciozno i vraski tesko za predstavljanje. Margina greske je minimalna i nisam siguran zasto bi zeleli da se uhvate bas toga imajuci u vidu da apsolutno nije pod moranje i da je taj deo vrlo lako zaobici tako da radnja nimalo ne trpi. Elves will have short/ shorter hairstyles (cue the Twitter threads, both pro and con, and the voting polls, and endless constellations of lovely fan art, so please bring it fans; I’m here for it] Nisam siguran da kapiram ovaj deo, nadam se da se to odnosi na nove likove za koje ne postoje opisi u literarnom predlosku. Nece valjda Elrond da fura cirokanu... Sauron/Annatar will not be revealed in Season One [going with the oldest axiom of show business “Always leave them wanting more.”] Verovatno najpametnija odluka. Sa njim i jeste kvaka u postepenom uvodjenju i sporijoj progresiji u 'izgradnji' lika. Takodje pipav teren, ali uglavnom je sve u vezi sa serijom takvo zbog izbora bas ovog perioda. 1
alcesta Posted July 22, 2021 Posted July 22, 2021 4 hours ago, Andrej said: Divan intervju https://www.danas.rs/drustvo/kako-su-nastali-hobiti/ A voleo bih da nekako dođem i do pomenute knjige... Pa to i jeste iz knjige, nije intervju. Knjiga je odlična, ali mogli su stvarno pomenuti i ko je preveo. 1
Besni lala Posted August 3, 2021 Posted August 3, 2021 (edited) Op op Znači - ipak Valinor Spoiler Edited August 3, 2021 by Andrej 1
SteveFrancis#3 Posted August 3, 2021 Author Posted August 3, 2021 Moram priznati da me je slika zbunila. Ocekivao sam flesbek (prve svega u te prve 2, najduze epizode koje), medjutim na pamet mi nije palo da ce se vracati toliko u proslost, sve do Tiriona koji se 99% vidi na slici. Nisam siguran da mogu da povezem zasto je to bilo neophodno kada je centralni plot oko Prstena i vremenski okvir Second Age. Ne vidim nikakve direktne poveznice - ako ce ti Sauron/Mairon/Annatar/Gorthaur biti glavni villain, sta se zeli sa vracanjem na Dane Drveca, Finwea, Feanora ili cak Morgotha i Ungoliant..? Mozda da se da kontekst za Celebrimbora koji je Feanorov unuk, ali opet tu nema neposredne veze jer im se 'opsesije' razlikuju i njega nije vezivala zakletva Feanorovih sinova... 1
alcesta Posted August 3, 2021 Posted August 3, 2021 Ima i snimak Dva drveta (koja se više naziru nego što se vide) pa možda hoće da počnu uvodom od Kulina bana, kao što je uvod u filmove bio priča o kovanju prstenja.
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