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NBA 2019/2020 - North remembers



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Kolko tesko sad ulazim u NBA, ovo je bruka. Bukvalno mi treba pajser.

Ti otvoris aplikaciju NBA i oni su u fazonu ajmo, ajde krecemo bre, idemo u fulu.


Ko kad spavas umornim snom u praskozorje a neko vice ustaj vojsko.....

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Ako sta rakete planiraju uraditi u ovoj sezoni, to nece moci bez Gordona. Covek igra nikad losiju sezonu u karijeri. Sut za 3 katastrofa. 


S druge strane Harden, Rasel i Robert su na nivou. Taker tu i tamo, ne moze biti kao proslih sezona, omatorilo se, ali i dalje moze biti koristan. Muce se bas protiv treceg tima Bostona. 

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baš mi je drago za mikal bridgesa, nadam se da će nastaviti u sličnom ritmu



michael qanon porter jako & do samog kraja sveta:



Denver Nuggets forward Michael Porter Jr. made some unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic on his Snapchat on Tuesday, saying it's being used for a "bigger agenda" and "population control."

"Personally, I think the coronavirus is being used obviously for a bigger agenda," Porter Jr. said, per Clevis Murray of The Athletic.

"It's being used for population control in terms of being able to control the masses of people. The whole world is being controlled."

Porter did not provide any evidence for his claims.







Whoever we draft, can we make sure they’re clinically sane?

Michael Porter Jr. apparently is an anti-vaxxer who believes that Covid-19 is being used for population control. I don’t know if I can say he’s overtaken Kyrie Irving yet but….. let’s make sure someone has a brain as well as basketball talent.



4 hours ago, Drakaris said:

Bas losa sreca prati Gordona i rakete, opet povreda... Uganuce levog skocnog zgloba. Nadam se da nece dugo da odsustvuje. 


sve je okej



Eric Gordon’s X-Ray on his left ankle reportedly came back negative. Head coach Mike D’Antoni said he expects Gordon to be out “a few days.”


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2 minutes ago, Død said:

Maga antivakser. Lijepo. 


neki ortak mi slao te domaće qanone i totalno mi sjebao utjub,tako da mi stižu neki opskurni likovi a komentari ispod "ko se probudio, probudio se, vreme je za obračun" 


tako da očekujem da me streljaju kada dođe taj turururu final countdown 

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1 hour ago, Princeton said:

Pa zar nije driblao kada se dizao?

Mislim da moras zadrzati dribling sve vreme ako hoces da ustanes. Ne mozes da krenes da driblas sa zemlje i onda da ustanes. 


Bar tako mislim, ali u okviru FIBA pravila.

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