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NBA 2019/2020 - North remembers



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Orlando školuje Miami u floridskom derbiju. Kad ne ide šut za tri (večeras trenutno 2-17) Miami djeluje baš, baš tanko. S druge strane, T-Ross je u zoni - a onda spašavaj se ko može. Razlog odlične igre Magica je i što je organizacija igre oduzeta Fultzu (jako malo ima loptu u rukama, bez poena i asistencije za 14 minuta na parketu, uz solidan defanzivni effort) i to mi se čini kao dobar recept za uspjeh. Highlight poluvremena je brutalno kucanje Aarona! :Hail:


Naravno, za očekivati je crne minute Orlanda u nastavku - a da li će to biti dovoljno za preokret ostaje da vidimo... :kece:

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Phila odlucila da veceras opet izgleda kao contender izgleda. Odlicna odbrana Simmonsa na Hardenu, a kada preuzmu rade sada vec standardna udvajanja do pola terena. Pringles i dalje nema odgovor na 4:3 hendikepe koji se otvaraju posle.

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Za tri 7-37, cigla za ciglom. :kece: Kad ne ide šut, uz lošeg Dragića - bukvalno ostaje samo Jimmy u stanju da iskreira nešto za sebe i druge. Kada ide šut uz već standardni hustle i dobru defanzivu sve izgleda kao pjesma. Nažalost, takva igra, makar ponekad izgledala atraktivno, je previše nestabilna i za eventualni uspjeh u plej-ofu sasvim nedovoljna. 

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If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d be celebrating a four-game winning streak.




  • This was Booker’s fifth straight game with 30+ points, tying the franchise record held by Charlie Scott and Charles Barkley.
  • Another big night for Oubre, who’s doing that more and more. Remember: last year the Wizards traded him away for 43 games of Trevor Ariza.
  • Oubre busts out a bit of the KD shimmy as part of his free throw routine. Even on Oubre it looks cool. Amazing that a player as cornball as Durant can be so stylistically delicious in all phases of the game.
  • On one sequence Oubre got ahead on a breakaway, dunked, then got a taunting technical for being remotely demonstrative toward Randle after Randle got away with a push. Not a big deal, but it did remind me how unlikable the Suns have been in recent years. Having adopted the Mike D’Antoni Suns as my second team during the depths of the Isiah regime, it saddens me to dislike a Phoenix team.
  • The box score says Payton only had two turnovers. The box score lies.
  • I can’t find any evidence that Payton had any children before yesterday, but I assumed that couldn’t have been his first-born. Just ‘cuz I can’t imagine rushing back to work the day after my first child was born. I’m not judging him; every family is unique. But I can and will take a day off for any one of a hundred reasons. Best believe.
  • If you’re wondering why the Knicks’ best perimeter defender played 16 minutes in a game when the opponent’s premier perimeter player was scorching hot, get in line.
  • Visually, the Knicks wearing their blue & white alternates coupled against the Suns in their orange jerseys was stunning.
  • Seeing NBA soccer, in its aesthetic of play, becoming more and more like soccer with hands is really something to see. If you dig, you dig.
  • Reggie Bullock’s last name is pronounced “Bull-OCK.”


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2 hours ago, Miki28 said:

Brat macuje cijele sezone a ne zna ni sam sa kim. I mene ovo bas iritira a mogu mislit tek neke koji ne vole Lejkerse.  


Postavite se u njegovu kozu. Imas po prvi put u karijeri tezu povredu, zbog toga ne odvedes raspad od tima u plejof i odmah te prozivaju da si prop'o.  Sto je jos gore, iz nekog razloga te uporedjuju sa igracem koji ti nije ni blizu(Kawhijem*). Ja bih u sljedecoj sezoni imao stosta da dokazem i, svaki put kad odigram dobru partiju, svima to natrljao na nos.


*i dalje mi nisu jasni ljudi koji ih porede. Otprilike level kao da uporedjujemo Jeretina i Rakocevica. Kawhi da bi uopste dosao u recenicu sa Bronom, mora da udje u jos barem 4-5 finala i da ove vrhunske partije roka jos barem 6-7 godina. Bez load managementa, real guys, real basketball.


Inace, urnebesno mi je koliko Ameri razvlace stavove o Doncicu, od nemila do nedraga. Jeffersonu Luka nije ni u prvih 10 igraca lige(!!), a Shaq i Sir Charles ga nenormalno hvale nakon sto je usao u zivot nikad jadnijim Spursima i pobijedio ih sa 4 razlike. Haha.

Edited by Kosta
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28 minutes ago, riviera said:

Poprilicno sigurna prognoza. Mali je, ipak, level iznad Dirka.

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