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Novi sef Vilijamsa bivsi strateg Mercedesa:





James Vowles replaces Jost Capito, who stepped down as Williams chief executive and team principal in December after two years at the helm; Vowles leaves his role as Mercedes strategy director to take on the role



Pokušavaju da opravdaju ogromne cene ulaznica, a možda će ih čak i povećati zbog inflacije pa eto da ponude nešto više nego do sad.


Ne znam kako će to funkcionisati kada se budu vozili back-to-back vikendi pogotovo što se dešava da se vikend za vikend vozi u Americi pa u Evropi.

1 hour ago, Drago said:

Ne znam kako će to funkcionisati kada se budu vozili back-to-back vikendi pogotovo što se dešava da se vikend za vikend vozi u Americi pa u Evropi.


Pa nece funkcionisati, narocito ne sa ogranicenjima budzeta i broja zaposlenih, trebace timovima prakticno dva kompletna tima sve s ljudima, opremom i repromaterijalom, jedan za na aktuelnu trku a drugi vec doputovao na sledecu i priprema sve. Onda dok se vozi sledeca trka ovi sa prve putuju i spremaju onu tamo sledecu i tako. Samo bi vozaci i top osoblje putovali na svaku trku, sve ostalo bili bi dva paralelna tima.

Problem ovde je sto Amerikanci gledaju na Naskar koji vozi nekih 40-tak trka godisnje i misle da i F1 moze tako, ne razumevajuci da Naskar sve svoje trke vozi u SAD i to vecinu u jednom zapravo prilicno malom delu jugoistoka Amerike. Logistika putovanja s trke na trku u jednom prakticno regionalnom sampionatu i ovog gde se rutinski prave distance od 5-6 hiljada kilometara i 3-4 vremenske zone (a nekad i po 10-tak) se ne moze porediti. To sto nesto funkcionise u Naskaru ne znaci da moze i u F1.


Ono sto F1 treba da uradi ako zeli da ponudi vise fanovima je da otvori padok i ucini ga pristupacnijim obicnim smrtnicima kao sto to radi Indikar. To ce u mnogo vecoj meri da opravda cenu ulaznice nego dodati na vikend jos jedan dan na kojem se ne desava nista bitno - jer, zar nismo zbog toga dobili "sprint" vikende jer se navodno petkom ne dogadja nista bitno?

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Otvaranje padoka je sigurno velika atrakcija za navijače. Sećam se kako si i sam ovde prenosio svoje utiske iz Indikar padoka. Medjutim ne znam na šta bi padok ličio kada bi se sjatilo desetine hiljada Maxovih fanatika koji bi okupirali Red Bulov motorhom i garažu. Jedva se obuzdavaju kada su na tribinama.


Poenta je kako opravdati precenjene karte pogotovo za stajanje na "prirodnoj tribini" tj običnoj poljani na 40 stepeni. Mislim da je neko od forumaša prošle sezone pisao svoje iskustvo iz Monce koje je bilo jako negativno, a čitao sam i nekoliko sličnih iskustava sa ostalih autodroma i to u Evropi na "tradicionalnim stazama".

20 minutes ago, Drago said:

Otvaranje padoka je sigurno velika atrakcija za navijače. Sećam se kako si i sam ovde prenosio svoje utiske iz Indikar padoka. Medjutim ne znam na šta bi padok ličio kada bi se sjatilo desetine hiljada Maxovih fanatika koji bi okupirali Red Bulov motorhom i garažu. Jedva se obuzdavaju kada su na tribinama.


Jbt ako nije problem u Indijanapolisu iskontrolisati 300+ hiljada gledalaca na dan trke sa otvorenim padokom, najboljem najfantasticnijem najnajnaj sampionatu ne bi trebao da bude problem da iskontrolisu 1/5 do 1/4 toga i to sve sa fudbaloidnim debilima medju njima. Ako su zaista toliko najnaj.



20 minutes ago, Drago said:


Poenta je kako opravdati precenjene karte pogotovo za stajanje na "prirodnoj tribini" tj običnoj poljani na 40 stepeni. Mislim da je neko od forumaša prošle sezone pisao svoje iskustvo iz Monce koje je bilo jako negativno, a čitao sam i nekoliko sličnih iskustava sa ostalih autodroma i to u Evropi na "tradicionalnim stazama".


Slazem se. Mene ceo vikend za Toronto Indi - sa sve tribinom, pasovima za padok, pojesti-popiti i kupiti neki suvenir kosta koliko samo "prirodna tribina" u Montrealu - odakle ne moze nista da se vidi i gde si kao ovca u oboru. Sad sve i da zanemarimo razliku u "prestizu" i atraktivnosti izmedju ova dva sampionata, to ipak nema smisla. To je sve Bernijeva zaostavstina, on je zeleo od F1 da napravi ekskluzivu, san mu je bio trka bez "obicne" publike samo sa par stotina VIP gostiju. Jos mnogo vremena ce trebati da se ispravi sva steta koju je on napravio, pod uslovom da uopste postoji volja za to a ne cini mi se da postoji.

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On 1/15/2023 at 9:49 PM, Radoye said:


Jbt ako nije problem u Indijanapolisu iskontrolisati 300+ hiljada gledalaca na dan trke sa otvorenim padokom, najboljem najfantasticnijem najnajnaj sampionatu ne bi trebao da bude problem da iskontrolisu 1/5 do 1/4 toga i to sve sa fudbaloidnim debilima medju njima. Ako su zaista toliko najnaj.




Slazem se. Mene ceo vikend za Toronto Indi - sa sve tribinom, pasovima za padok, pojesti-popiti i kupiti neki suvenir kosta koliko samo "prirodna tribina" u Montrealu - odakle ne moze nista da se vidi i gde si kao ovca u oboru. Sad sve i da zanemarimo razliku u "prestizu" i atraktivnosti izmedju ova dva sampionata, to ipak nema smisla. To je sve Bernijeva zaostavstina, on je zeleo od F1 da napravi ekskluzivu, san mu je bio trka bez "obicne" publike samo sa par stotina VIP gostiju. Jos mnogo vremena ce trebati da se ispravi sva steta koju je on napravio, pod uslovom da uopste postoji volja za to a ne cini mi se da postoji.


Pa šta ja znam.... Mene recimo 80 ojra na Hungaroringu za General admission gde se dosta dobro vidi pista ne vredja, ili 150-160 za Spielberg izmedju T1 i T2 sa monitorom preko puta u drugom, trećem redu. Ipak je to pinnacle of motor sport i jednom, dva puta godišnje, mada se to u ovom postfuckin'covid vremenu promenilo... Sve rasprodato unapred, ne znam kad ću opet..

4 minutes ago, alberto.ascari said:


Pa šta ja znam.... Mene recimo 80 ojra na Hungaroringu za General admission gde se dosta dobro vidi pista ne vredja, ili 150-160 za Spielberg izmedju T1 i T2 sa monitorom preko puta u drugom, trećem redu. Ipak je to pinnacle of motor sport i jednom, dva puta godišnje, mada se to u ovom postfuckin'covid vremenu promenilo... Sve rasprodato unapred, ne znam kad ću opet..


Samo general admission za Toronto Indy je CAD$110 za ceo vikend (~75EUR). Paddock pass je daljih $60 po danu ako uzimas jedan dan, $150 ako uzmes za ceo vikend. Obicno to uzimam, ima dovoljno mesta odakle se staza dobro vidi a i neki od ekrana pored staze. Dakle ceo vikend $260 / 180EUR.


U Montrealu je samo general admission upad $250 za ceo vikend ($175 / 120EUR jednodnevna za dan trke), bez pristupa u paddock i uglavnom bez pogleda na monitore.


Nije stvar u tome da li mogu to da priustim ili ne nego sta dobijem za taj novac. F1 jeste pinnacle ali sansa da dozivis sve to skroz izbliza, da gledas timove kako pripremaju bolide, da vidis kako prolaze tehnicki pregled, da popricas sa nekim od vozaca/inzenjera/sefova timova i stisnes mu ruku, da popricas sa nekima od najvecih legendi nekih proslih vremena, i sve to bez da sam nekakva statijaznam VIP faca ili da me kosta pola godisnje plate to je jedno neverovatno iskustvo. Koliko puta sam video caleta sa sitnom decom u padoku, i snimi ih neki od mehanicara, uvede ih u ogradjen prostor / "garazu" oko bolida i stavi klince da sednu u kokpit. Tako se stvaraju buduci dozivotni fanovi, a ne glumljenjem nekakve ekskluzive, ko sto je Berni onomad rekao za F1 publiku "ako nemaju Roleks ne interesuju me"...



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Pretumbacije u FIA:





The FIA has restructured its racing operations with Nikolas Tombazis, who has led the FIA’s Formula 1 technical team since 2018 becoming Single Seater Director.


There will be four divisions: Sporting, Technical, Financial and Strategy & Operations all reporting to Tombazis.


Following many years of close collaboration with the FIA in his previous position at FOM and reflecting that continued collaborative working relationship, Formula 1’s sporting director Steve Nielsen is to move across to take the same role at the FIA, and will be responsible for overseeing all sporting matters including the ongoing development of Race Control and the Remote Operations Centre, as well as future updates to the Sporting Regulations.


Tim Goss will take over Tombazis’s role as technical director, having already served as deputy for the last couple of years.


Federico Lodi, who has led the FIA’s Financial Regulations team since its inception, is now becomes the FIA’s Formula 1 Financial Director.


Former Sporting Director François Sicard will take on a newly-created position within the FIA as Formula 1 Strategy & Operations Director, responsible for long-term strategic planning, and also for key trackside activities and logistics.


The Formula 1 Group says that it is currently assessing a new sporting structure, following the departures of Ross Brawn and Nielsen, although with the new appointments this should not really be necessary as the F1 group is simply the commercial rights holder and should really only advise on sporting matters. This will solve the problem of clashes between the regulator and the series promoter. And that has to be a good thing.



Problemi u raju:





Formula 1’s lawyers have sent a letter to the FIA World Motor Sport Council warning the governing body over comments made on Twitter by FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem.


The FIA president posted a thread of tweets on Monday – retweeted by the FIA official account – that questioned the reported value of the sport following a Bloomberg article that claimed Liberty Media had turned down an offer from Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund that placed the commercial rights at $20 billion.



Novi FISA/FOCA rat na pomolu, FIA podseca FOM da nisu vlasnici prava na F1 nego ih samo iznajmljuju od FIA (dil Mozlija i Eklstona na 100 godina) i da FIA moze i da im ih uskrati:





FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem insists that Formula 1's governing body will have a say on who controls the commercial rights.


This week, F1's American owner Liberty Media lashed back at Ben Sulayem after he said the FIA is "cautious" about reports that Saudi Arabia is interested in buying the sport for $20 billion.


Formula 1's legal department slammed the FIA chief's comments as "unacceptable", insisting Liberty Media has the "exclusive right" to "exploit the commercial rights".


F1 concluded by threatening potential legal action against the FIA, indicating that the new-in-2022 president of the Paris-based federation has kicked off a period of potential internal conflict.


Dubai-born Ben Sulayem, however, appears reluctant to back down for now.


"The championship is ours," he is quoted by Auto Motor und Sport as saying at the Monte Carlo rally. "We have only rented it out."


Indeed, just over 20 years ago, a 100-year lease deal was agreed between the FIA and former F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone for what the German magazine described as a "ridiculously low" $300 million.


The new spat between the FIA and F1 indicates that the former may now be looking to renegotiate that deal.


"So far there are only rumours about a possible sale," said Ben Sulayem. "But the FIA should have a say and be able to offer advice."


In fact, part of the original deal is known as the 'Don King clause', named after the legendary boxing promoter, giving the FIA veto power over any sale.



U drugim vestima, Zauber / Alfa Romeo, uskoro Audi, dobio novog VD sefa tima:





The Sauber team, which competes in Formula 1 as Alfa Romeo, have appointed managing director Alessandro Alunni Bravi into the new role of team representative.


Alfa Romeo has been without a team principal since Frederic Vasseur left to head up Ferrari. Sauber Group CEO Andres Seidl – formerly team principal of McLaren – has appointed Alunni Bravi as the team’s new representative, who will represent Sauber and Alfa Romeo during race weekends, such as during press conferences.



I politika se ukljucuje:



Mohammed Ben Sulayem has drawn the ire of Liberal Democrat MP Lord Scriven after the FIA president allegedly failed to respond to a letter raising human rights concerns over F1 racing in Gulf states.


Lord Scriven was one of 90 European politicians who wrote to the FIA president last year over concerns that the governing body was “facilitating sportswashing” in Gulf states such as Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates due to their human rights records. In a follow-up letter sent to Ben Sulayem, Lord Scriven accused him of being “deeply discourteous and unprofessional”.


“Why do you think you can ignore parliamentarians?,” Lord Scriven was reported by the Independent to have written. “Do you think that concerns raised over human rights and the policies of the FIA should be above scrutiny?


“We wrote to you in order to raise concerns that are in the public interest, and we expect openness and transparency from the FIA. For the sake of clarity, I still expect to receive a response to our letter.”


(E sad, to sto su LibDems znacajni u 3PM sa 14 od 650 poslanika u UK Parlamentu to je vec druga prica...)


Kosturi iz ormara:





The governing FIA has defended its president amid an escalating political climate in Formula 1.


In recent days, weeks and months, it has become ever clearer that a rift is forming between the teams and Liberty Media on one side, and the newly Mohammed Ben Sulayem-led FIA.


They have collided over the issues of political speech in F1, the Andretti-Cadillac entry bid, and most recently the potential sale of the commercial rights to Saudi Arabia.


As the fronts harden, it is highly conspicuous that quotes attributed to Ben Sulayem on a defunct 2001 official profile website paint him as sexist.

In the profile, he is quoted as saying he doesn't "like women who think they are smarter than men, for they are not, in truth".


A spokesperson for the Paris-based federation strongly defended the FIA president.


"The remarks in this archived website from 2001 do not reflect the FIA president's beliefs," the spokesperson said.


"He has a strong record on promoting women and equality in sport, which he is happy to be judged on. It was a central part of his manifesto and actions taken this year and the many years he served as FIA vice president for sport prove this."


According to Sport1, Liberty Media - having lashed out at Ben Sulayem last week over his opposition to the potential sale of F1 for $20 billion - would prefer that the current FIA president is ousted.


The German source said former F1 team boss David Richards is being promoted as a potential successor.


Last week's highly critical letter, however, was signed off by F1 lawyers Sacha Woodward Hill and Renee Wilm - not the sport's chief executive Stefano Domenicali.


Roger Benoit, the veteran correspondent for the Swiss newspaper Blick, quoted Domenicali as saying amid the conflict: "The FIA is doing its job.


"We are doing ours."


Forbes, the highly respected American business magazine, has named Liberty Media the 'world's most valuable sports empire' in 2023 with its Saudi-linked $20 billion valuation.



- Sve glasnije se cuju glasovi da ce Ford i RBR da udju u nekakav vid saradnje od 2026. Po pisanju pojedinih medija ocekuje se zvanicna objava vec sad u petak...

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Ovo sa ratom FIA vs Liberty Media, kao nekada u kosarci, pa je nastao ULEB i Evroliga kakvu sad gledamo a FIBA prakticno izgubila top takmicenje (koje sad pokusavaju da vrate, tj. klubove pod svoju Ligu Sampiona).


Da li ce FIA biti pametnija od FIBA?


Nije u redu ovo protivljenje ekipa oko ulaska Andretija. Umesto da se sport ukrupnjava oni prave neku zatvorenu franšizu sa svojim monopolom oko tehničkih i sportskih pravila i naravno raspodele zarade. Uostalom i oni su nekada ušli u F1 kao novajlije pa ih nisu saplitali.


A priča oko Bliskog Istoka i slobode govora je teški bullshit. Imali su savršenu priliku da ne voze prošle godine nakon raketnog napada nedaleko od staze u toku vikenda. Taj voz je prošao i sada neka ćute i voze i dalje. U tom regionu se ne vozi od juče nego još od 2004. i VN Bahreina. Trebalo im je 19 godina da se sete da im smeta nedostatak demokratije. 

On 1/30/2023 at 7:57 PM, Radoye said:

- Sve glasnije se cuju glasovi da ce Ford i RBR da udju u nekakav vid saradnje od 2026. Po pisanju pojedinih medija ocekuje se zvanicna objava vec sad u petak...



Video sam negde headline, pa sam prekliknuo stranicu, a posle nisam uspeo da nadjem...😒


Nešto kao u smislu Due to F1 popularity Ford is considering..., ne znam da li bilo na Autosportu ili gde..


Krenulo je iz Holandije, pokupili britanski tabloidi, sad vec ima skoro svuda ukljucujuci i ozbiljniju auto-moto stampu. Zato sam jos uvek pomalo skeptican ali gde ima dima...

Posted (edited)

Mislim očigledno je da RB traži partnera za sledeću promenu pravila, videćemo sa kim će se dogovoriti na kraju

Edited by Nicklord
5 hours ago, Drago said:

 U tom regionu se ne vozi od juče nego još od 2004. i VN Bahreina. Trebalo im je 19 godina da se sete da im smeta nedostatak demokratije. 


Bila je frka one jedne godine kad je bila pobuna u Bahreinu pa su neki timovi uhvaceni u unakrsnu vatru izmedju demonstranata i policije (bese li Vilijamsovi mehanicari popili molotovljev koktel?) ali tada se jos Berni pitao za sve i niko pod njim nije smeo da pisne. Berni u sprezi sa Mozlijem je imao moc da bilo koga bankrotira i trajno udalji iz sporta ako mu se tako prohte.


Danas vise nisu takva nazadna despotska vremena, nakon sto su Ameri preuzeli sport cvetaju sloboda i demokratija ali samo dok se svi ponasaju i govore onako kako gazda naredi. 😉





Politicka bura se ne stisava, sada timovi traze da se sve odluke vezane za sport moraju aminovati kroz F1 Komisiju gde timovi ucesvuju i gde se odluke donose konsenzusom - sto prakticno znaci da bi oni dobili pravo veta na sve odluke FIA i/ili FOM...





Recently, the trio of parties have seemed at loggerheads over a range of issues - the most pressing being F1's legal warning to the FIA over the issue of a potential $20bn sale of the sport's commercial rights.


But now, Auto Motor und Sport claims a new row is brewing over the new 2026 engine rules.


According to the German magazine, the teams "are demanding that the fundamental decisions be approved by the Formula 1 Commission".


(opsirnije u clanku linkovanom gore)


U medjuvremenu, FIA je ozvanicila tender za dva nova tima od sezone 2025 - 2007:




The governing body of motorsport announced “the official launch of an application process to identify prospective teams seeking to participate at a competitive level in the FIA Formula One world championship.”


Successful new applicants may choose to enter in 2025, 2026 – when new technical regulations are due for introduction – or 2027.


Kao sto znamo, jedan od glavnih kandidata za ulazak u F1 je Andreti Autosport sa mladim Indikar supertalentom Koltonom Hertom a kao kandidat za drugog vozaca koji bi doneo predjasnje F1 iskustvo nedavno je pomenut Roman Grozan, takodje trenutno na Andretijevom Indikar platnom spisku:




Interesantna vremena...

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Timovi - za sada samo kroz "anonimne izvore" - zahtevaju promenu na celu FIA:




Formula 1 and its teams are reportedly becoming increasing unhappy with FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem following a number of controversies.


Ben Sulayem has clashed with the sport and its owners Liberty Media over the last year over plans to expand the current F1 grid beyond its current ten teams. Yesterday, the FIA formally launched its application process to add two teams for 2025 at the earliest.


However, Ben Sulayem has courted controversy over comments that reports F1 was recently valued at $20billion were overinflated, while a sexist comment made on his now-defunct website 20 years ago resurfaced last week.


The BBC reports that figures within the sport are becoming increasingly disgruntled by the FIA president. “There has been widespread disgust,” the BBC quoted a senior source as saying, with one anonymous team principal stating that “everyone thinks he’s got to go. That is definitely the general view.”



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