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El finale  

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  1. 1. U ciji vagon uskacete za ovo finale?

    • Golden Stejt Voriorsi (mi smo ceta kapetana Kera)
    • Toronto Raptorsi (mi smo sever i volimo zimu)

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samo da cestitam braci sa crazy northa, rl me sprecio da ispratim sinoc, tek se spremam da odgledam snimak ali unapred sam znao da dobijamo jer necu moci da gledam live


mislim da je ovo pocetak jednog divnog bandwagoninga, da ostane Kandza pa da nas za 2, 3 godine mrze kao Karijevce :classic_biggrin:


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7 minutes ago, gggggggg said:

ako se penzionisu iguodala i livingston to je vec 25 miliona. cousins verovatno ide, otvara mesto za mle.


ako iguodala i livingston ostanu, uzece mnogo manje para. livingston mozda minimalac a iguodala nekoliko miliona vise.


za ocekivati da looney, bogut, cook, jerebko odu

Mislim da Iguadala ima ugovor za sledecu sezonu, nekih 16-17 miliona. Rekao je da se nece penzionisati. Son vec razmislja o kraju karijere. 

15 minutes ago, LayupFromTheMidget said:

 jes da je kancer ali i kao takav se uklapa u Heat kulturu


true that 




  • Ha-ha 2

Čekajte, da li je moguće da max dobiju 4 igrača istog tima? Kako je moguće da GSW mogu da imaju sva 4 all stara na rosteru sad kad Klay može da dobije opak ugovor, a i Iggy ima 17 milki? 

Posted (edited)

pa bird rights


platice milione i milione luxury taxa. pogotovo ako i green dobije max nakon sl sezone

Edited by gggggggg
12 minutes ago, Chaos Is Me said:

Čekajte, da li je moguće da max dobiju 4 igrača istog tima?


Naravno da nije. Mislim da je maksimum 2 igraca sa takvim ugovorom.


12 minutes ago, Chaos Is Me said:

Kako je moguće da GSW mogu da imaju sva 4 all stara na rosteru sad kad Klay može da dobije opak ugovor, a i Iggy ima 17 milki? 


Koja 4 all star igraca? Green i dalje ima stari ugovor, a nekako sumnjam da mogu da daju i Durantu i Thompsonu ugovor koji ima Steph.

20 hours ago, freethrow said:

Kapiram da će se Kerr povući uskoro. Nisam nigde pročitao, jednostavno mi ima smisla.


ma gde nisi....





19 hours ago, Chaos Is Me said:



Ne znam da li postoji neka korelacija povreda sa ovim životinjskim bildovanjem igrača, svakojakim suplementima koji se koriste i slično. Ne bih da zvučim kao Duci Simonović ali svedoci smo da mnogi igrači bukvalno za mesec dva nabiju ogromnu masu ili je izgube. To nikako ne može da bude zdravo i deluje mi sasvim realno da negde mora da ostavi posledice. Činjenica je takođe da danas košarkaši ne izgledaju kao što su izgledali do početka 90ih, visoki, vižljasti, ali manje više mršavi. Ogroman novac je u igri i priča o modernom gladijatorstvu itekako ima smisla. 

Pa normalno da je "morao" da igra, ako moze da oddjuska onako ima da izadju nove tike na teren, sve kamere na njemu bla bla to je reklama havarija i jbg onda..


18 hours ago, uini said:


hajde da ne komentarišem 76erse, mislim da je bespredmetno. imaju jimmy butlera koji je strava igrač ali ne i nivo leonarda, duranta, curryja + igrače koji su opasni ili dobri ali im je ovo praktično prvo plej of iskustvo (embiid / simmons), pri čemu jedan često ima problema sa povredama a drugi nema šut. nisu raptorsi igrali tu seriju na nivou na kome su odigrali protiv bucksa i dubsa.


btw, buckse više niko ne spominje a pre ovog finala su bili otprilike tim koji jedini može da ugrozi dubse (legitimna misao)


rocketsi su u još goroj poziciji nego dubsi: harden / paul / gordon / capela a iza njih sidekicks još tanji nego kod dubsa


Evo ga glas razuma, potipishite me vec da Janis uzima dogodine, nece biti 2x kiksa... 🙂

9 hours ago, Baron23 said:

Ali kad se setim upisa kako je uzasan za gledanje, kako ne ume da spusti loptu u dribling ko da je fakin Marko Simonović.. 

Evo meni je Klay jako antipatican, ali ne sporim da je majstor i da je ovo velika gre'ota sto se sjeba' ovako..

3 minutes ago, Malkolm Brogdon said:

Mogu da maksuju koliko god igraca zele dok imaju bird rights, ali ce zato placati ko zna koliko novca na luxury tax.


To im omogućava da zadrže postojeće igrače (i naplaćaju se poreza na luksuz), ali im samim tim i značajno sužava prostor da sa strane dovedu bilo šta (što valja) (jer su pojeli cap), zar ne?

Just now, medobrundo said:


To im omogućava da zadrže postojeće igrače (i naplaćaju se poreza na luksuz), ali im samim tim i značajno sužava prostor da sa strane dovedu bilo šta (što valja) (jer su pojeli cap), zar ne?

Pa da, kad prebacis cap, osim bird exceptiona imas MLE, koji su oni bacili na Kazinsa, i veteranske minimume i rukije da se popuni roster.


U sustini imace ~5 miliona MLE da bace na nekog, i ostalo ce biti minimumi.


Key Terms

I know you folks want to get into the meat of the article, but knowing the important terms is critical to evaluating the offseason. If you don’t know the difference between Full-Bird Rights and Non-Bird Rights, it can cause confusion. Here are the terms:

  • Salary Cap Exception: The basic rule of the NBA’s salary cap is that a team can’t sign a player or make a trade that leaves the team’s team salary above the cap unless the team is using an exception. Full-Bird Rights, Early-Bird Rights, and Non-Bird Rights are considered exceptions.
  • Full Bird Rights: This exception allows teams to exceed the cap in order to re-sign their own free agents, up to the player’s maximum salary. The player needs to be under contract for three or more years. These contracts can be up to five years in length, with raises up to 8% of the salary year-over-year based on the first season of the contract.
  • Early Bird Rights: A team may use the Early Bird exception to re-sign its own free agent for up to 175% of his salary in the previous season, or 105% of the average salary in the previous season, whichever is greater. The player needs to be under contract for two or more years. Early Bird contracts can be up to four years in length, with raises up to 8% of the salary year-over-year based on the first season of the contract.
  • Non-Bird Rights: This exception allows a team to re-sign its own free agent to a salary starting at up to 120% of his salary in the previous season (not over the maximum salary), or 120% of the minimum salary. Raises are limited to 5% of the salary year-over-year based on the first year of the contract, and contracts are limited to four seasons when this exception is used.
  • Minimum Player Salary Exception: Teams can offer players minimum salary contracts even if they are over the cap. Contracts can be up to two years in length. For two-year contracts, the second season salary is the minimum salary for that season. The contract may not contain a bonus of any kind. This exception can also be used to acquire minimum salary players via trade. There is no limit to the number of players that can be signed or acquired using this exception.
  • Cap Holds: Cap holds are placeholders for players the team is expected to sign in the future. For example, a team is expected to sign its unsigned first-round draft pick, so an amount is reserved for this signing in the form of a cap hold. A team $10 million below the cap with $4 million in cap holds has $6 million in cap space. A team $5 million under the cap with $6 million in cap holds is considered $1 million over the cap and must use exceptions to sign players. In order to remove cap holds to not have them count against the salary cap, teams must waive their rights (like Non-Bird Rights) to their pending free agents.
  • Qualifying Offer: In order to make their free agent a restricted free agent, a team must submit a qualifying offer to the player between the day following the last game of the NBA Finals and June 30. The qualifying offer is a standing offer for a one-year guaranteed contract, which becomes a regular contact if the player decides to sign it. This ensures that the team does not gain the right of first refusal without offering a contract themselves. The amount of the qualifying offer for players on rookie scale contracts is based on the player’s draft position. The qualifying offer for all other players must be for 125% of the player’s previous salary, or the player’s minimum salary plus $200,000, whichever is greater. A qualifying offer counts as a cap hold.
  • The Stretch Provision: A team can waive a player with his salary divided into even amounts over a period of time. This is the formula to use: (the number of years left on a players contract x 2) + 1. Using Joakim Noah as an example: If Noah is waived using the stretch provision once the 2018 year begins, his $37,825,000 remaining on his contract would be spread out over 5 years ([2 x 2] + 1) for roughly $7,565,000 per year. That $7,565,000 still counts as a cap holds for each ensuing season’s cap sheet.
  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, medobrundo said:


To im omogućava da zadrže postojeće igrače (i naplaćaju se poreza na luksuz), ali im samim tim i značajno sužava prostor da sa strane dovedu bilo šta (što valja) (jer su pojeli cap), zar ne?

Brogdon ti je ispisao a recimo GS ce imati DPE zbog povreda KD i Kleja, a zavisi kakve ugovore potpisu ako ostanu ali recimo neki raspon od 6 do 10 milki po jednom

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Posted (edited)

dpe mogu imati jedino ako durant stvarno ne bude igrao uopste sledece sezone. sto se jos ne zna i siguran sam da bi pre koristili duranta u playoffu nego igraca sa dpe


a  i povreda je morala da se desi offseason da bi imali sanse za dpe. npr boston je dobio za haywarda 8 miliona dpe. dakle ili se povredi igrac tokom sezone i sigurno je out za celu sezonu ili se povredi u offseason i sigurno je out za narednu sezonu.


Edited by gggggggg
8 minutes ago, gggggggg said:

dpe mogu imati jedino ako durant stvarno ne bude igrao uopste sledece sezone. sto se jos ne zna i siguran sam da bi pre koristili duranta u playoffu nego igraca sa dpe


a  i povreda je morala da se desi offseason da bi imali sanse za dpe. npr boston je dobio za haywarda 8 miliona dpe


treba stići do PO bez Duranta i Kleja.

24 minutes ago, medobrundo said:


treba stići do PO bez Duranta i Kleja.


sticice...verovatno. sve zavisi kakve su prognoze za povratak ovih igraca. ako su stvarno out verujem da ne bi bili protiv nekog odmora od playoffa. ipak su se prethodnih 5-6 godina naigrali utakmica. kada se sve doda gotovo jedna sezona vise odigrana od vecine lige. rekao bih i da je to doprinelo svim ovim povredama ove sezone.


3 hours ago, uini said:

Key Terms

I know you folks want to get into the meat of the article, but knowing the important terms is critical to evaluating the offseason. If you don’t know the difference between Full-Bird Rights and Non-Bird Rights, it can cause confusion. Here are the terms:

  • Salary Cap Exception: The basic rule of the NBA’s salary cap is that a team can’t sign a player or make a trade that leaves the team’s team salary above the cap unless the team is using an exception. Full-Bird Rights, Early-Bird Rights, and Non-Bird Rights are considered exceptions.
  • Full Bird Rights: This exception allows teams to exceed the cap in order to re-sign their own free agents, up to the player’s maximum salary. The player needs to be under contract for three or more years. These contracts can be up to five years in length, with raises up to 8% of the salary year-over-year based on the first season of the contract.
  • Early Bird Rights: A team may use the Early Bird exception to re-sign its own free agent for up to 175% of his salary in the previous season, or 105% of the average salary in the previous season, whichever is greater. The player needs to be under contract for two or more years. Early Bird contracts can be up to four years in length, with raises up to 8% of the salary year-over-year based on the first season of the contract.
  • Non-Bird Rights: This exception allows a team to re-sign its own free agent to a salary starting at up to 120% of his salary in the previous season (not over the maximum salary), or 120% of the minimum salary. Raises are limited to 5% of the salary year-over-year based on the first year of the contract, and contracts are limited to four seasons when this exception is used.
  • Minimum Player Salary Exception: Teams can offer players minimum salary contracts even if they are over the cap. Contracts can be up to two years in length. For two-year contracts, the second season salary is the minimum salary for that season. The contract may not contain a bonus of any kind. This exception can also be used to acquire minimum salary players via trade. There is no limit to the number of players that can be signed or acquired using this exception.
  • Cap Holds: Cap holds are placeholders for players the team is expected to sign in the future. For example, a team is expected to sign its unsigned first-round draft pick, so an amount is reserved for this signing in the form of a cap hold. A team $10 million below the cap with $4 million in cap holds has $6 million in cap space. A team $5 million under the cap with $6 million in cap holds is considered $1 million over the cap and must use exceptions to sign players. In order to remove cap holds to not have them count against the salary cap, teams must waive their rights (like Non-Bird Rights) to their pending free agents.
  • Qualifying Offer: In order to make their free agent a restricted free agent, a team must submit a qualifying offer to the player between the day following the last game of the NBA Finals and June 30. The qualifying offer is a standing offer for a one-year guaranteed contract, which becomes a regular contact if the player decides to sign it. This ensures that the team does not gain the right of first refusal without offering a contract themselves. The amount of the qualifying offer for players on rookie scale contracts is based on the player’s draft position. The qualifying offer for all other players must be for 125% of the player’s previous salary, or the player’s minimum salary plus $200,000, whichever is greater. A qualifying offer counts as a cap hold.
  • The Stretch Provision: A team can waive a player with his salary divided into even amounts over a period of time. This is the formula to use: (the number of years left on a players contract x 2) + 1. Using Joakim Noah as an example: If Noah is waived using the stretch provision once the 2018 year begins, his $37,825,000 remaining on his contract would be spread out over 5 years ([2 x 2] + 1) for roughly $7,565,000 per year. That $7,565,000 still counts as a cap holds for each ensuing season’s cap sheet.

Sto li je samo dat primjer streca Noe :lol_2:


Inace, dobro bi bilo da i drugi imaju stvarne primjere, npr. za ovo ljeto. Kontam da vi fantazeri znate dobro, ali ima nas i neukih 🙄

4 hours ago, medobrundo said:


To im omogućava da zadrže postojeće igrače (i naplaćaju se poreza na luksuz), ali im samim tim i značajno sužava prostor da sa strane dovedu bilo šta (što valja) (jer su pojeli cap), zar ne?


Evo ti odje ukratko presjek sto bi se desilo, da potpisu oba na neki max njihov i Looneya na neku konkuretni ugovor od 8 miliona, izasli bi skoro na 350 miliona payroll.




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