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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


194 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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Kako je krenulo:

  • Prekrsticu se svaki put ujutro kad udjem na Forum da vidim koje ziv i od ovih koji me psuju po raznim temama - ko je ziv i relativno zdrav?

OTPOOR, bre, stoko: je l` treba neko preko televizije i drustvenih mreza da vas uci da perete ruke, kupate se redovno, da sapun nije nesto sto se salje rodbini i prijateljima... da se vakcinisalo protiv gripa,tetanusa i kojecega zadnjih 40 i kusur godina cemu svedocimo mi koje niko nije pitao, nego: `ajmo PrvoJedan u salu za fizicko,  ostali slede vas za xx minute.

Majkumu - okupljamo se svake godine,  ali najmanje imamo gubitaka od korone, a godiste smo od`70 na dalje i najmanje smo u ovoj statistici.


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58 minutes ago, Kronostime said:

Kako je krenulo:

  • Prekrsticu se svaki put ujutro kad udjem na Forum da vidim koje ziv i od ovih koji me psuju po raznim temama - ko je ziv i relativno zdrav?

OTPOOR, bre, stoko: je l` treba neko preko televizije i drustvenih mreza da vas uci da perete ruke, kupate se redovno, da sapun nije nesto sto se salje rodbini i prijateljima... da se vakcinisalo protiv gripa,tetanusa i kojecega zadnjih 40 i kusur godina cemu svedocimo mi koje niko nije pitao, nego: `ajmo PrvoJedan u salu za fizicko,  ostali slede vas za xx minute.

Majkumu - okupljamo se svake godine,  ali najmanje imamo gubitaka od korone, a godiste smo od`70 na dalje i najmanje smo u ovoj statistici.


i šezdeset i neke druže @Kronostime 🙂

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Što se ambulanti tiče, ne znam na zvezdari ali stari grad jutros oko 07 negde 10ak ljudi, ambulanta šumice oko 08 je 30ak ispred a oko 16h je bilo isto. Pošto već znaš da si pozitivan, ja lično (ako ti ne trebaju papiri za bolovanje) bih uzeo terapiju tih vitamina i uradio krvnu sliku u nekoj lab (šta sve treba da se uradi valjda mogu dr sa foruma da napišu). Tvoji simptomi za sad izgledaju blagi što ne znači da treba da vileniš kao da ti nije ništa.

Nego, pre jedno pola sata pričam sa nekom rodbinom i pomenu mi ženu koja je posle dva kineza dobila treću Fajzera i završila u bolnici. Ja danas išao do svoje dr jer me stegao nos (krenulo od klinca, pa žena pa ja, klinac 5 antigenskih testova u dve nedelje, svi negativni, ja juce uradio - negativan) pa sam tako video redni ispred starog grada. BTW, sa simptomima prehlade, upale sinusa i slično neće da te pogleda niko nego te teraju u kovid ambulantu gde je 30% pozitivnih. Uz to ne pomaže ni sto imam negativni test u ruci. Odes privatno i sve može.

I onda uđem na forum i vidim ti i mitar zakačili. Držite se!

Sent from my Redmi Note 7 using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, Kronostime said:

Kako je krenulo:

  • Prekrsticu se svaki put ujutro kad udjem na Forum da vidim koje ziv i od ovih koji me psuju po raznim temama - ko je ziv i relativno zdrav?

OTPOOR, bre, stoko: je l` treba neko preko televizije i drustvenih mreza da vas uci da perete ruke, kupate se redovno, da sapun nije nesto sto se salje rodbini i prijateljima... da se vakcinisalo protiv gripa,tetanusa i kojecega zadnjih 40 i kusur godina cemu svedocimo mi koje niko nije pitao, nego: `ajmo PrvoJedan u salu za fizicko,  ostali slede vas za xx minute.

Majkumu - okupljamo se svake godine,  ali najmanje imamo gubitaka od korone, a godiste smo od`70 na dalje i najmanje smo u ovoj statistici.



Oce, sisarke, narocito ovo napisano na kraju. Eno ga, kolega Rus iz jedne BG skole ode Bogu na istinu, 76to godiste.


Rodjeni sedamdesetih su u najvecem skrpcu - ne hvali se zdravljem pred generacijom Z, i ne glumi junacinu pred rodjenim 60tih i 50tih - e to su stvarno bile celicne generacije. Ovo posle, ukljucujuci i vas, iz njihove perspektive su sve - mekusci. Dzaba gicanje.


P.S. Ne znam koja je poenta ovih pausalnih ocena iznetim u prvom delu posta, sem da nisam siguran da se sedamdesetih sapun trosio vise nego sto se trosi danas. Plus sto ni sve nas rodjene 80tih i 90tih takodje niko nije pitao dal hocemo ili necemo da se vakcinisemo, pa ne vidim da se bilo ko junaci. 


Bolje daj po jedan spricer da roknemo, nemo si zamerljiv tolko 🙂

Edited by Prijatelj Mitar
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Kad se već žalimo, ja sinoć još negde u toku popodneva počeo da se osećam onako bolesnjikavo, jutros sav polomljen, imam osećaj da gorim, a nemam temperaturu, malo grebucka grlo, kašljucam pomalo, kijam, nos zapušen preko noći… osećaj identičan kao kad sam primio Pfizera, samo još uz kijanje i kašljucanje, reko’ daj ne zajebavaj me… odem kod mene u bolnicu, udele mi jedan antigenski, negativan. 

Mislim, bilo bi previše.


Za svaki slučaj, pcr neću da radim. Mora da je neka prehladica, pa nisu svi virusi netragom nestali.


Druga teorija je da me je Srbija ipak pelcovala, tj. da sam došao u kontakt sa virusom, moj imuni sistem ga sažvakao i ispljunuo i usput malo odreagovao sa simptomima… jer, nekako se drugačije osećam nego kod obične prehlade… ili umišljam, jebat ga.

Edited by Eddard
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Preporuke američkog CDC-a i udruženja akušera i ginekologa za trudnice.

COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all people 12 years and older, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future.


The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that all eligible persons greater than age 12 years, including pregnant and lactating individuals, receive a COVID-19 vaccine or vaccine series.


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Evidence about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy, although limited, has been growing.



No safety concerns were found in animal studies



Early data on the safety of receiving an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech) during pregnancy are reassuring:

CDC released the first U.S. data on the safety of receiving an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy. The report analyzed data from three safety monitoring systems in place to gather information about COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy. These early data did not find any safety concerns for pregnant people who were vaccinated or their babies.1



Many pregnancies reported in these safety monitoring systems are ongoing. CDC will continue to follow people vaccinated during all trimesters of pregnancy to better understand effects on pregnancy and babies.


Sve su delovi iz teksta sa linka CDC preporuke, koji je erwin postovao. Preporuka je update-ovana 7. oktobra, ne znam kad je originalni test izbačen, ali čitajuce ove delove ne znam koliko je pošteno pljuvati i kritikovati lekare koji su vodili trudnoće, a koji pre 5, 6 ili 7 meseci nisu znali kakav savet o vakcinisanju da daju tim trudnicama. 

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Odličan članak Kaja Kupferšmita u novom Sajensu:



Will the pandemic fade into an ordinary disease like the flu? The world is watching Denmark for clues

With the virus “defanged” by high vaccination rates, the Danish government dropped all remaining restrictions this month


Life in Denmark now feels so much like it did before the pandemic that it can put visitors on edge, says Lone Simonsen, an epidemiologist at Roskilde University. The country lifted all of its remaining coronavirus restrictions on 10 September. Copenhagen clubs are buzzing, music lovers flock to festivals, and buses are packed with unmasked commuters. The government has given up its power to close schools and shut down the country. “When we have guests now, they feel uncomfortable about how normal everything is,” Simonsen says.

Denmark is a pioneer. As the second coronavirus winter approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, Denmark and a few other countries where vaccines now protect a large percentage of the population from severe disease are entering a momentous transition: from pandemic to endemic COVID-19, when the virus is still there but ceases to be an overriding public health threat. Researchers are closely watching what happens next, because it could yield valuable information about what lies ahead for the rest of the world.

There are many unknowns: how best to manage the transition out of the public health crisis, how it might go wrong, and exactly what endemicity will look like once it arrives. “Going into a pandemic is hard enough, coming out of it is even harder,” says Jeremy Farrar, an infectious disease researcher who leads the Wellcome Trust. “We don’t just go from a no-vaccine state and horror to a status quo. There’s a transition phase, and I think that will be this winter.”

Denmark has fully vaccinated more than 88% of people older than 18 and an astonishing 97% of those over age 60, the group most vulnerable to serious COVID-19. That allows the country to try to treat SARS-CoV-2 like influenza and other infectious diseases instead of a threat to the entire health system. “We’re thinking of this virus now as a sort of defanged version of the original one. It has gotten its teeth pulled out by the vaccine,” Simonsen says. “What’s left is not much worse than diseases that we’re used to and that we don’t close schools for, like seasonal flu or maybe the 2009 influenza pandemic.”

That does not mean Denmark is out of the woods. There are still susceptible people, including children, adolescents who aren’t yet fully vaccinated, and people in whom the vaccines have not elicited sufficient immunity. Since the measures were dropped, case numbers in Denmark have been slowly rising—there were 542 yesterday—ending a long summer lull. Simonsen is not alarmed. The continuing spread will result in more natural immunity in unvaccinated children and adults, and vaccine coverage will keep inching upward, she says. “All of this together makes me think Denmark will reach herd immunity in the spring.”

Four recently published projections from the Statens Serum Institute (SSI), a governmental public health and research agency, provide some idea of what might happen between now and then. In the best-case scenario, the country reaches 90% vaccination coverage among those over age 12 and there is no increase in social activities, currently still below the prepandemic level; then no surge in cases and hospitalizations is expected, says SSI modeler Camilla Holten Møller. In the worst-case scenario—no further increase in vaccine uptake and a 10% rise in social activities—Denmark could see a wave in cases and hospitalizations as bad as those in December 2020 and January. “We do not expect [that] to happen,” Holten Møller says, but if it did the government would likely bring back some restrictions. “The key is to be ready to change one’s mind as the data comes out,” says Rustom Antia, an immunologist at Emory University.

None of the models included a waning of immunity; Denmark started to give booster shots to vulnerable groups in September and has said it expects to give the entire population a third dose eventually. The models also didn’t include a key wild card: the emergence of nasty new variants of the virus.

Norway, with a similarly high vaccine uptake, followed Denmark’s lead last week. But many countries around the world do not have access to enough vaccine to vaccinate even the most vulnerable groups. And even in Europe, awash in vaccine, few countries are as ready as Denmark to attempt this transition. “If you have a lower coverage in the elderly, you should not try to do what Denmark is trying right now,” Simonsen says. Spain has vaccinated 97% of residents over age 60, for example, France 81%, and Greece 77%. Israel, which fully reopened on 1 June, has double-vaccinated about 90% of its population older than 60, meaning that per capita, it has several times as many unvaccinated people in that vulnerable group as Denmark does. It is now struggling to contain a big new wave of cases.

Countries with lower coverage will have to accept a higher level of restrictions during the transition phase to keep the virus at bay, Farrar says. “I think that politicians across the world are sort of pretending that you can have your cake and eat it: You can have zero deaths, no control measures, vaccinate if you want or not vaccinate—and it will all end. I just don’t think that’s realistic.”

Farrar has seen that happen in England, which celebrated “Freedom Day” on 19 July, when only about half the population was fully vaccinated. Cases began to trend upward in early August, to well over 30,000 per day now; deaths have risen to an average of about 150 per day. Keeping in place some public health measures such as wearing masks would have helped keep the burden of disease down, says Farrar, who is part of the U.K. government’s scientific advisory group on emergencies. The plan to abolish free testing later this year is mistaken as well, he says.

“I don’t really understand the tremendous rush to get rid of light touch things like masks,” adds David Fisman, an epidemiologist at the University of Toronto. Canadian provinces such as Saskatchewan opened up recently with only 60% of the population vaccinated, Fisman notes. “The result is that they’ve crashed their health care system into a tree,” he adds.

Sobering analogy

Meanwhile, scientists are trying to figure out how endemic COVID-19 will behave. “The models are all over the map,” Fisman says. “I know lots of smart people who are projecting very different things.” Endemic COVID-19 probably won’t be like measles, which is highly infectious but leaves people immune from infection for life. That results in a childhood disease with a wave every few years, once a large enough new cohort has been born.

With SARS-CoV-2, it’s already clear that immunity from infection wanes, Antia says. As a result, it might follow the trajectory of the four endemic coronaviruses—which all cause the common cold—in which protection from infection erodes over time, but protection from severe disease does not. That leads to a pattern of a first infection in early childhood, followed by recurring mild infections—like a case of the sniffles—later in life.

The outlook is different if immunity against severe COVID-19 declines as well. In that case, paradoxically, it might be best if the virus keeps infecting people frequently, Antia and Elizabeth Halloran of the University of Washington, Seattle, argue in a paper published in Immunity last week. With a lot of virus circulating, those vulnerable to infection but not yet to severe disease are more likely to be infected and have their immunity boosted; when there’s little transmission, the population would slowly become vulnerable again. Avoiding infection at all costs might not be the best strategy for vaccinated people, Simonsen says: “I just have this gut feeling for myself that maybe it’s not so bad if I meet that virus naturally now that my immune system is strong.”

Influenza is a more sobering analogy. It, too, causes infections throughout life, but reinfections are often more severe than those caused by the four endemic coronaviruses because the virus evolves faster and escapes host immunity. And Trevor Bedford of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center notes that so far, SARS-CoV-2 has evolved about five times faster than H3N2, one of the three influenza types circulating in humans. That rate is likely to slow over time to something comparable to flu, Bedford says. But given SARS-CoV-2’s high transmissibility and the low vaccine uptake in the United States, he thinks it might well infect one-third of the U.S. population every year, causing 50,000 to 100,000 deaths, after society fully reopens.

It’s a grim vision of endemic COVID-19. Measures like better ventilation and even continuing to test, trace, and isolate could reduce the toll, but Bedford doubts there will be any appetite for that, given that the United States routinely tallies 30,000 deaths each year from flu. “We never really did anything about it. People still show up to work sick and so forth,” he says. “I don’t know if 50,000 people dying a year of COVID would somehow be different.”



Edited by erwin
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11 hours ago, DJ_Vasa said:

Imam pitanje za one koji su primili treću dozu. Meni ona po kalendaru sledi ove nedelje, pa me zanima da li je po isteku 180 dana dovoljno da odem i zavrnem rukav ili moram da čekam poziv.

Čekaj bolje poziv da se ne prošetaš džabe. Meni je kalendarski termin bio 7. oktobar (inače negde 185. dan), dobio sam poziv 8. oktobra. Idem sutra. Lik koji im je programirao sistem mora da je dobio deal preko partijske veze.

Edited by Akiro
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6 hours ago, Prijatelj Mitar said:


Yep, ne osecam nista, probao sam sve parfeme u kuci 🙂

Ovo me podseti na onaj vic sa Mujom i kanti govana, da probamo taj lek :classic_biggrin:


Bićeš dobro, siguran sam - ipak si vakcinisan i mesec dana posle vakcinacije anti-tela su na najvišem nivou. Znam da zvuči morbidno ali ako bi birao kada da se zaraziš - ovo se zove perfect timing :classic_biggrin: Šta da ti kažem, Vitamin C, D, Zinc i spavanje/odmor. Keep us updated. 

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2 hours ago, Eddard said:

Kad se već žalimo, ja sinoć još negde u toku popodneva počeo da se osećam onako bolesnjikavo, jutros sav polomljen, imam osećaj da gorim, a nemam temperaturu, malo grebucka grlo, kašljucam pomalo, kijam, nos zapušen preko noći… osećaj identičan kao kad sam primio Pfizera, samo još uz kijanje i kašljucanje, reko’ daj ne zajebavaj me… odem kod mene u bolnicu, udele mi jedan antigenski, negativan. 

Mislim, bilo bi previše.


Za svaki slučaj, pcr neću da radim. Mora da je neka prehladica, pa nisu svi virusi netragom nestali.

Što nisi uradio PCR? Zanima me jer koliko se sećam, antigenski se radi kasnije a PCR kada je virus u nosu/grlu što je obično na početku. Ne bih se uopšte čudio ako je kovid. Mada već si ga preležao tako imaš imunitet pa si se još i vakcinisao - tako nema brige za tebe, sem što bi mogao druge da zaraziš. Al dobro, sve ti to znaš mnogo bolje od mene. 


Piši nam kako ti ide. 

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3 hours ago, Darko said:

Ovo me podseti na onaj vic sa Mujom i kanti govana, da probamo taj lek :classic_biggrin:


Bićeš dobro, siguran sam - ipak si vakcinisan i mesec dana posle vakcinacije anti-tela su na najvišem nivou. Znam da zvuči morbidno ali ako bi birao kada da se zaraziš - ovo se zove perfect timing :classic_biggrin: Šta da ti kažem, Vitamin C, D, Zinc i spavanje/odmor. Keep us updated. 


Kolega @nemanjaol je vakcinisan pre mesec dana, ja pre sedam meseci 😞

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Ovih zadnjih nedelja, 3 barem, sam funkcionisala skoro kao da virusa nema. Znaci letovi, restorani, zurke, barovi.... sledece nedelje jos jedna tura. 

U moju odbranu (sve je skoro poslovno) uglavnom sam bila okruzena vakcinisanim ljudima ili onima koji su prelezali (da ja znam). I niko od tih ljudi nije dobio covid, da ne "ureknem" nadam se I da ja necu.

Onda dodjem ovde da procitam updejt I ko da zivimo u paralelnim svetovima. Tu I tamo moram da namaknem masku (danas dva puta, jedno posta, drugo neki restoran koji bas prati mandat). Naravno aerodromi moras da imas masku, ali kako se prolazi kroz TSA, nemam pojma cemu sluzi.  


Drzite se. 


Ja vise ne znam nikog ko se ili nije vakcinisao ili prelezao.


BTW slusala od poznanice pre jedno 4-5 nedelja, mozda vise kako su joj roditelji eskivirali test, iako su bili izlozeni, sa nekim rodjacima koji su prosli par drzava pozitivni. Nije to samo u Sr. A roditelji bolesni sa ono ozbiljnim oboljenjima. I nisu hteli da se testiraju da ne moraju da se izoluju. Koliko takvih ima?


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7 minutes ago, Darko said:

Izvini, učinilo mi se da si uzeo booster pre mesec dana. Ako jesi, nema brige. Čak i ako nisi, vakcinisan si. 


Valjda je barem neko antitelo "preteklo" 🙂 Isao ja po trecu oko 20.9, ali malecka bila bolesna pa mi rekli da dodjem kad svi u kuci budu zdravi. Tjah...

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[mention=175]Prijatelj Mitar[/mention] Gubitak cula je najcesce predikcija lake klinicke slike bolesti.
Nego ljudi, htedoh da pitam. Otkud sad toliki tekstovi o bustovanju nakon mesec-dva od druge doze. Zar ne bese najmanje sest meseci? Gde odose sad one T celije sto je bila prica?
Ja koloiko sam pročitao, SZO pominje bustivanje nakon 3-4 meseca kod onih koji su primili kineske vakcine (baš kažu sinovac i sinopharm) dok sam negde pročitao da bi osobe sa slabijim imunitetom trebalo da prime posle mesec - dva već treću dozu ali sad ne mogu da se setim gde sam to video i na koje vakcine se taj slučaj odnosi.

Sent from my Redmi Note 7 using Tapatalk

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13 hours ago, Sunshine State said:

Sto bi rekli:"I don't want to rain on your parade", ali tesko cemo  na zelenu granu


Hvalila ja Holandjane, visoka stopa vakcinacije, od 25. septembra popustili mere (ostale maske u javnom prevozu, testiranja za ulazak u restorane, etc...), ukinuli i distancu od 1.5 m, kad ono:




"Situacija u Holandiji sa koronavirusom se pogoršava sa porastom infekcija od 48%; Oštar skok u hospitalizacijama

Broj novih infekcija koronavirusom u Holandiji ove nedelje porastao je za skoro polovinu. U poslednjih sedam dana registrovano je 17.832 pozitivna testa, u poređenju sa 12.016 nedelju dana ranije. To je povećanje od više od 48 odsto. Epidemija je sada na najvišem nivou od kraja avgusta.



Broj pozitivnih testova se povećavao u svakoj starosnoj grupi. Virus je prošle sedmice pronađen u 1.434 djece u dobi od 5 do 9 godina. To je 55 odsto više nego prethodne nedelje. Među 45- do 49-godišnjacima, broj novih infekcija porastao je za skoro 62 posto. Povećanje od gotovo 75 posto utvrđeno je među ljudima u sedamdesetima. Došlo je do skoka od skoro 80 odsto među populacijom starijom od 90 godina, ali je ukupan broj ostao prilično mali.

Brzo se povećava i broj prijema u bolnicu. Podaci iz kancelarije za koordinaciju pacijenata LCPS pokazali su 46 % porasta hospitalizacija zbog Covid-19."





Hm gledam na worldmeter, ne deluje neki preteran skok u bolnicama. Nesto preko 500 pacijenata u bolnicama trenutno. 



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