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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


194 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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5 hours ago, Darko said:

U Srbiji je sada skoro svako ili vakcinisan ili je preležao, valjda bi infekcija omikronom trebala biti blaža za te ljude. Videli smo da herd immunity za kovid ne postoji, ali postoji blaži oblik posle re-infekcije koliko znam. Neka me @erwin, @Eddard i @Sunshine State preprave ako grešim.


I ja pokusavam da nadjem podatak o smrtnosti reinficiranih (nevezano za varijantu covida), no slabo nalazim. Pandemija traje skoro dve godine, ako su reinfekcije (pa i smrtnost kod istih) velike, te brojke bi trebalo da postoje.

Bilo bi dobro kad bi postojao i info za one koji su prelezali covid + vakcinisani (nebitan redosled) - koji su procenti reinfekcije i smrtnost?


Eto zadatka za @erwin  🙂

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Posted (edited)

Koliko vidim, prolazimo istu fabulu kao sa svim sojevima. 'Dolazi, dolazi, priblizava se, tu je'. Verovatno nisam u pravu, ali cini mi se da jedini realan broj koji pravi razliku, a videcemo za par nedelja kako je sa tim, jeste broj hospitalizacija (i onda podatak o brzini oporavka). Jer, broj slucajeva mi se cini da ce vremenom postati statisticki kuriozitet, kao sto bi bio broj prehlada da ga i dalje merimo. I kako virus postaje endemski, samo ce biti vazno koliko zdravstveni sistemi to mogu da podnesu i kako ih ne prenapregnuti. To je bila sudbina i prve smrtonosne korone koju belezimo krajem devetnaestog veka, i gripa, pa ce i ovde tako biti. Ne cini mi se da mozemo izbeci endemicnost, samo jos ne znamo kada ce virus postati takav da ga podnosimo (u najvecoj meri) bez bolnica i bez kasnijih posledica koje prave utrosak zdravstvenom sistemu. 

Edited by handys
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Omicron Up Close: South Africa’s Experts Tell Their Stories
The panicked reaction across much of the world to the omicron variant comes with a scramble for information. In South Africa, the country where omicron was first identified and where cases are jumping, scientists and doctors describe what they are seeing. 

Here are highlights from several interviews and a briefing.

Marc Mendelson, the head of infectious diseases at the University of Cape Town, who also works at Groote Schuur Hospital, where the world’s first heart transplant took place:

• “Anecdotally, we are seeing a lot of reinfections. What we don’t know at the moment, because we haven’t got the data yet, is how many of those people are un-vaccinated versus the vaccinated.”
• “While people are freaking out, the other thing to stress is that if you look across the variants, the vaccines have protected against severe disease, hospitalization and death. And really, looking at the omicron mutations, though there are an awful lot of them, there’s nothing really to indicate that the ability of vaccines to fight this is going to be affected to a very great extent.”
• “In truth, it doesn’t want to kill you, it wants you to stick around.”
• “The only ones putting their hand on their hearts and telling the world don’t worry, this is going to be mild, haven’t learned enough humility yet in the face of this virus.”
• “It’s always nice to hope, but don’t set everything on this because I think your hopes could be dashed.”

Richard Friedland, chief executive officer of Netcare Ltd., which operates the largest private health-care network in South Africa:

• “If in the second and third wave we’d seen these levels of positivity to tests conducted, we would have seen very significant increases in hospital admissions and we’re not seeing that. In our primary care clinics it is mainly people under 30-years-old.”
• “So I actually think there is a silver lining here and this may signal the end of Covid-19, with it attenuating itself to such an extent that it’s highly contagious, but doesn’t cause severe disease. That’s what happened with Spanish flu.”
• “We are seeing breakthrough infections of people who have been vaccinated, but the infections we’re seeing are very mild to moderate. So for health care workers who have had boosters, it’s mostly mild. I think this whole thing has been so poorly communicated and so much panic generated.”
• “It’s early days, but I’m less panicked. It feels different to me on the ground.”

Shabir Madhi, a vaccinologist from the University of the Witwatersrand, who led trials of both AstraZeneca Plc’s and Novavax Inc.’s shots in South Africa:

• “Omicron seems to be moving at a faster speed than delta, but at the same time what seems to be happening is that our hospitalization rate is somewhat more muted.”
• “Vaccine or past transmission create T-cell immunity, which are good at protecting against severe disease and death. The mutations of the virus very likely make it more successful against antibody activities, but it seems like there may well be preservation of the T-cell immunity.”
• “I’m optimistic that in this resurgence, while the total number of cases will probably be greater, hospitalizations and deaths will be lower than what we experienced during the course of any of the first three waves. And that is, because right now in South Africa, all indications are that 75% to 80% of people were infected with the virus during the course of the first three waves. That is probably going to equip those individuals -- not to resist infection -- but rather prevent progression of infection to severe disease.”

Anne von Gottberg, a clinical microbiologist at South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases:

• “All the data has shown that children have a less severe clinical course and we’ve had some anecdotal reports from hospitals in South Africa, that yes, they are seeing a few more children in some of the hospitals and are admitting them, but many of them have an uncomplicated clinical course during the few days that they are in hospital.”
• “We monitored reinfections for the beta and the delta waves and we didn’t see an increase in reinfections over and above what we expect when the force of infection changes, when a wave starts. With omicron, we are seeing an increase in reinfections.”
• “This virus may be similar to delta in its ability to spread or in being contagious. However, it’s the susceptibility of the population that is greater now because previous infection used to protect against delta and now, with omicron, it doesn’t seem to be the case.”
• “However, we believe that with the reinfections the disease will be less severe and the same would hold for those that are vaccinated. So that would be good news.”

Adrian Puren, acting executive director of the NICD:

• “While there are large numbers of cases and evidence of increased hospitalizations, large-scale sequencing would show if this variant is starting to fully displace the delta variant. Current evidence shows that omicron accounts for about 75% of the variants in circulation overall.”
• “If it does displace the delta variant, we’d need to see if this is the result of immune evasion or because of increased transmissibility.”
• “We had the beta variant, which was more about immune evasion and we had the delta, which was more about increased transmissibility. But reinfection data shows that transmissibility is a major contributor, so we are still trying to see if omicron fits more into immune evasion primarily or more into increased transmission or both. Reinfection data points to immune evasion.”

Leon Geffen, a general practitioner in Cape Town’s Sea Point suburb and director of the Samson Institute for Ageing Research:

• “We are seeing a massive upsurge in the total number of cases,” he said. “People are mostly presenting with coughs and upper respiratory tract infections.”
• “Most people I have seen or spoken to have been vaccinated.”

Anthony Smith, a general practitioner in Cape Town:

• “It was like a tap being turned on from Thursday or Friday last week. It’s been mostly young people, but there have been some older people, probably around 20%.”
• “Most of the kids have got it at communal events. They are from a younger demographic and presenting with milder symptoms, mainly sore throats and respiratory phenomenon. But, even in older people, it’s been relatively mild.”
• “No-one has been even close to being seriously ill. But it’s probably too early to tell if this will be a milder variant.”


Posted (edited)




Viral genomes deduced from these 2 SARS-CoV-2‒positive cases differed only by 1 nt. Retrospective investigation, including closed-circuit television camera footage, confirmed that neither case-patient left their room during the quarantine period. No items were shared between rooms, and other persons did not enter either room. The only time the 2 quarantined persons opened their respective doors was to collect of food that was placed immediately outside each room door. The only other time they might have opened their doors would be for RT-PCRs, which were conducted in 3-day intervals. However, because these 2 case-patients arrived 1 day apart, it is unlikely that they would be tested on the same day. Airborne transmission across the corridor is the most probable mode of transmission.



Edited by erwin
12 hours ago, Baby said:


Ja sam imala reakciju temperature jedino posle boostera, ali prve dve nista osim bola u ruci. Proslo me je za jedan dan. Objasnjenje za bol u ramenu je sto tvoje telo prepoznaje protein iz vakcine kao strano telo pa tako i reaguje. 


 Tu je I kod mene 37.8 I glava puca

  • Tuzno 1




Ovo znači da omicron je toliko zarazan da leti bukvalno kroz vazduh i da ni distanca, ni maske neće imati nikakav uticaj na širenje (tj sprečavanje širenja) zaraze. Dakle, ako vakcine i prelezavanje prethodnih varijanti ne daju neku zaštitu, pomor nas čeka vrlo, vrlo brzo.

Ako je tačno kako su se to dvoje u karantinu zarazili.







Ja cisto sumnjam da je mnogo ljudi koji dosad nisu dosli u kontakt sa virusom. Prosto mi deluje neverovatno. Verujem da skoro svi imaju neku zastitu, da li od vakcine, simptomaticno prelezanog virusa ili nesimptomaticno prelezanog virusa. Ili kombinacija svega.


Di je onaj Kosmajac, @urosg3?


"FFP2 maske nude izuzetno visok nivo zaštite od korona infekcije. Ovo je rezultat studije Instituta Maks Plank. Ako se zaražena i zdrava, nevakcinisana osoba sretnu u zatvorenom prostoru na maloj udaljenosti, rizik od infekcije je samo 0,1 odsto čak i nakon 20 minuta. Ako je osoba vakcinisana, rizik od infekcije se još više smanjuje, kažu istraživači."




Naravno, pod uslovom da se pravilno nose!

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13 minutes ago, Sunshine State said:

Di je onaj Kosmajac, @urosg3?


"FFP2 maske nude izuzetno visok nivo zaštite od korona infekcije. Ovo je rezultat studije Instituta Maks Plank. Ako se zaražena i zdrava, nevakcinisana osoba sretnu u zatvorenom prostoru na maloj udaljenosti, rizik od infekcije je samo 0,1 odsto čak i nakon 20 minuta. Ako je osoba vakcinisana, rizik od infekcije se još više smanjuje, kažu istraživači."




Naravno, pod uslovom da se pravilno nose!

Ovo bez dobrog pecenja se ne prasta.



  • Ha-ha 2
1 hour ago, Sunshine State said:

Di je onaj Kosmajac, @urosg3?


"FFP2 maske nude izuzetno visok nivo zaštite od korona infekcije. Ovo je rezultat studije Instituta Maks Plank. Ako se zaražena i zdrava, nevakcinisana osoba sretnu u zatvorenom prostoru na maloj udaljenosti, rizik od infekcije je samo 0,1 odsto čak i nakon 20 minuta. Ako je osoba vakcinisana, rizik od infekcije se još više smanjuje, kažu istraživači."




Naravno, pod uslovom da se pravilno nose!

Okay, super su istrazivanja, dakle umesto novozarazeni da promeni @zoe Bg u "broj ljudi koji nepravilno nosi maske" 🙂

1 hour ago, urosg3 said:

Okay, super su istrazivanja, dakle umesto novozarazeni da promeni @zoe Bg u "broj ljudi koji nepravilno nosi maske" 🙂

Ili/i broj ljudi koji nisu nosili maske

  • Like 1

Kad se buster da na vreme:


"Philippe Douste-Blazy, a former French health minister who now serves with the UN, told the Financial Times that the UK had “acted sensibly” by “turning [its] attention to boosters earlier than the rest of Europe”. A booster uptake of nearly 80 per cent among eligible over-60s in the UK has led to an easing of hospital pressures in the past fortnight. Some 70 per cent of people who received their second dose at least six months ago in the UK have had a booster shot, compared with 52 per cent of eligible citizens in Germany and 43 per cent in Italy."


Na grafovima se lepo vidi ta razlika - ceo clanak:




Sad jedno ozbiljno pitanje - ima li neko od vas vakcinisanih bol na mestu/oko mesta gde ste dobili vakcinu i mesecima nakon vakcine?


Ja skoro svakodnevno osetim bol/probadanje u predelu uboda,  nekih 3-4 cm u precniku od mesta uboda. Nije pocelo odmah, vec neka 3-4 meseca nakon druge vakcine. Sad razmisljam da li buster da dobijem u istu ruku ili da, potencijalno, syebem i drugu 😞

18 minutes ago, Sunshine State said:

Sad jedno ozbiljno pitanje - ima li neko od vas vakcinisanih bol na mestu/oko mesta gde ste dobili vakcinu i mesecima nakon vakcine?


Ja skoro svakodnevno osetim bol/probadanje u predelu uboda,  nekih 3-4 cm u precniku od mesta uboda. Nije pocelo odmah, vec neka 3-4 meseca nakon druge vakcine. Sad razmisljam da li buster da dobijem u istu ruku ili da, potencijalno, syebem i drugu 😞

Moju mamu muci levo rame povremeno, hoce to u cvetu mladosti :classic_biggrin: i kad je isla da se vakcinise prvi put rekla to doktorki, mislila je da primi u desnu ruku ali joj je ova rekla, bolje da vas boli samo jedna ruka a ne obe :classic_biggrin: 

Just now, zoe Bg said:

Moju mamu muci levo rame povremeno, hoce to u cvetu mladosti :classic_biggrin: i kad je isla da se vakcinise prvi put rekla to doktorki, mislila je da primi u desnu ruku ali joj je ova rekla, bolje da vas boli samo jedna ruka a ne obe :classic_biggrin: 


Ali, nije rame, i leva ruka je u pitanju - ne koristim je bas kao desnu, i bol je poceo nekoliko meseci nakon vakcine i to u delu gde sam dobila ubode, deltoid, u prednjem delu 😞


Ne umisljam, stvarno je tako....

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