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Excerpts from the new book ‘Tanking to the Top’ by Yaron Weitzman, a behind the scenes look into The Process

Fultz never wanted to play for Philly

Fultz learned of the [trade] while driving around his hometown with his mom and Kenneth Tappin, a longtime friend, on the Friday night before the draft. He groaned upon hearing the news. In the weeks leading up to the draft he’d told Tappin that Philadelphia was one of the two cities he was hoping to avoid (the other being New York). He was worried about living and playing in such major markets and also about being so close to his hometown of Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

The first signs of trouble after Summer League 2017

He and Lloyd Pierce, a Sixers assistant coach, set up on one side of the team’s temporary practice gym during an off day. Fultz launched dozens of jumpers. His form was disjointed. Only a few of the shots went in. ”I’ve never seen anything like that before,” Pierce told colleagues afterward. “The kid can’t shoot”. After Summer League, Fultz then returned to Maryland to pack up his stuff and continue training with Keith Williams (Fultz’s trainer) and Tappin, who had become his unofficial manager. ”My shot’s trash now,” he told Tappin.

Fultz had a dysfunctional relationship with his mom

[Ebony Fultz] took more control of Fultz’s schedule and finances. She’d argue with Markelle, whom she continued to view as her baby boy despite him now being a multimillion-dollar brand. They’d fight over cleaning out storage boxes in the family home. She’d call him dozens of times a day. One day, after a particularly trying fight with Ebony over his desire to purchase a new car, Fultz met Williams at the gym. “He shot the ball worse than he had in weeks,” said an onlooker.

Around September, Fultz moved into a house in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. “That’s where everything went south,” a friend said. Ebony got an apartment downtown but felt like she needed to exert even more control.

She’d become annoyed if Markelle had girls over at night. She installed security cameras around his home. She’d often eavesdrop and sometimes even call to scold Markelle about comments she’d heard.

A couple weeks after they moved in, Ebony printed dozens of flyers for Tappin to put in their neighbors’ mailboxes, asking them to stop bothering her son. Tappin only distributed them to families that he thought had kids, which led to a fight, which led to her offering Markelle an ultimatum: Tappin or her. Tappin, knowing Fultz had no choice, moved out. That night, Ebony and Williams met Markelle at his home. Before long, Markelle and Ebony were yelling at each other. Crying, Markelle ran out of the house and into the street, barely avoiding a streaking car. Williams chased after him.

”The money did all this,” Markelle, tears streaking down his face, sniveled to Williams. “I don’t want this no more. You should have left me in college.”

Living in a new city by himself with Tappin gone and Williams pushed to the side left him with few places to turn. He’d found some solace in Embiid’s apartment, playing the card game Exploding Kittens and watching NBA games and highlights, but an argument between Ebony and some people in Embiid’s circle had strained that relationship.

Fultz’s trainer’s questionable methods

Fultz’s form was deteriorating. A small hitch had developed. He’d bring the ball up toward his face and pause before pushing it forward. ”It’s like somebody’s holding my arms down when I’m lifting them to shoot”.

Keith Williams (Fultz’s trainer), searching for answers, instructed Fultz to shoot while lying on the gym floor, or by dribbling the ball into his shot to create a rhythm—anything to help reset his muscle memory.

One morning in early September, Brett Brown approached Williams at the facility. “What do you think is going on?” he asked Williams. “It’s mental, Brett,” Williams replied. He told Brown he was working to fix Fultz’s release point.

Fultz continued working with Williams through the season, often without the Sixers’ knowledge, and that as recently as January Williams had led Fultz through a shooting session involving three different-sized basketballs.

Breakdown of Fultz’s relationship with the Sixers

Fultz participated in a number of informal team scrimmages before training camp, never shooting the ball from outside the paint. Brown took it upon himself to “fix him.” When that proved unsuccessful, he began consulting with team doctors, searching for a medical explanation.

”I remember getting a phone call and [Sixers’ VP of player personnel ] Marc Eversley is at my ass,” Williams recalled. “He said, ’Keith, this is not the fucking kid we drafted. What the fuck is going on?’”

In late January, during a national broadcast of a Sixers game, Brett Brown informed the ESPN crew that Fultz was dealing with “some psychosomatic issues involved with getting over the hump and getting back on the court.”

The comments stung Fultz. “You really can’t trust NO ONE!” he tweeted that night

Fultz was already leery of Brown, who he believed had promised him a starting spot before the season and then gone back on his word, and of the front office, who he felt had tried forcing him to play a few weeks earlier during a trip to London

Fultz’s new trainer Drew Hanlen states that it was the ‘yips’

He’d trained with Drew Hanlen, the skills coach who also worked with Embiid. Hanlen spent the summer hyping up Fultz’s progress on social media, but never shared video of Fultz’s supposedly reworked shot. He also became the latest person close to Fultz to attribute the shooting breakdown to something beyond a physical injury. “Markelle, obviously, he had one of the most documented cases of kind of the yips of basketball in recent years,” Hanlen told the Talking Schmidt Podcast in June, “where he completely forgot how to shoot and had multiple hitches in his shot.

Fultz gets traded

[Elton Brand] dumped Fultz onto the Orlando Magic in exchange for reserve Jonathan Simmons and a pair of late draft picks. Fultz hadn’t played since November. His shot had short-circuited once again, and after Brown had played T. J. McConnell over him in a game against the Phoenix Suns his mother had berated Sixers assistant general manager Ned Cohen. The following morning, Fultz’s agent, Raymond Brothers, notified The Athletic’s David Aldridge that Fultz would see a shoulder specialist and that he would not participate in any games or practices until then. The Sixers learned of the news via Twitter. Fultz visited around ten specialists (none affiliated with the Sixers), and in December was diagnosed with a nerve disorder called thoracic outlet syndrome. It was reported that he’d miss three to six weeks, but by then the Sixers were ready to move on.





43 minutes ago, Carl Johnson said:

A gde pricate & sto si toliko tajanstven?


samo mi trebaju celtics fanovi 

ma tebratore, eno nekolicine postova na oldie but goodie, kontam nema puno aktivnosti ovih meseci pa nije teško naći (:

33 minutes ago, uini said:


samo mi trebaju celtics fanovi 

ma tebratore, eno nekolicine postova na oldie but goodie, kontam nema puno aktivnosti ovih meseci pa nije teško naći 🙂

Nista nije pisano od emitovanja, tj od jutros, pa zato pitam. Prva epizoda mi je dobra, ali me nije oduvala nesto, videcemo za dalje. Dugo nisam iscekivao nesto kao ovo, pa necu odmah da pogledam sledecu, cuvam za veceras. 😄


@Zvezdinho obrati se Pipenu i pitaj zasto je potpisao takav ugovor iako je savjetovan i od svojih agenata da ne potpisuje?

Mislio sam da sam ti sve fino objasnio ali izgleda da nije dovoljno.


@uini evo sta je Green izjavio:


Imao je nesto da kaze i na temu odlaska KD-a



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Pitanje Pippenove plate postaje naporno, gde god da se okrenes na internetu eto ga neki podatak kako je bio malo placen.


Kao da ga je neko puskom terao da potpise sedmogodisnji ugovor. Hteo si sigurnost, dobio si, sad cuti i igraj. MJ je u sezoni 95/96 bio 32. najplaceniji igrac u ligi iz istog razloga kao i Pippen, pa ne vidim da se o tome pravi neka fama.


Pippen je lepo to sve naplatio posle Bullsa, cak je od nba ugovora zaradio vise nego Michael.

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Upravo ovo sto kaze Miki...Scottie je potpisai taj ugovor, na njegovo insistiranje...Pri tom je upao u period kada su se primanja u ligi zbog tv prava drasticno povecala...jbg, los splet okolnosti...naplatio je to sve kasnije...

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