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He used to sing the songs

And the emigrant departed,
He brought with himself the [food] supplies
And two or three stacks of magazines.
And the emigrant came [back],
He came back to his village
Carrying a photo of Bice,
[She] was as beautiful as an actress.
And he sang the songs
That he used to hear at the seaside.
And he sang the songs
That he used to hear at the seaside.
And the mercenary departed
To satisfy his son's hunger
And to shoot an enemy down.
And the mercenary went
Towards a new crusade
Fighting for an effigy
And for loving Bice once more.
And he sang the songs
That he used to hear at the seaside.
And he sang the songs
That he used to hear at the seaside.
And the producer departed
To shoot a [new] film
And to save a company.
And the producer departed,
With a hurriedly written script:
He was looking for some good looking actress,
But Bice was the only one he loved.
And he sang the songs
That he used to hear at the seaside.
And he sang the songs
That he used to hear at the seaside.


Edited by Asterion
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11 hours ago, Južni said:

Korisna rasprava, kupio sam kola pre mesec dana i sad po prvi put treba da kupim 4 zimske gume. I ja sam kontao Lassa ili Hankook. 


Ima li neko iskustva sa Hankook?

Da ne pisem na PDF.

Ja imam Lassa letnje i ok su. Medjutim za zimski set ne bih uzimao Lassa. Ne prolaze bas dobro na testovima (npr.na cuvenom Bildovom testu). Ako ti je dilema Lassa ili Hankook - onda zapravo ne razmisljaj i uzmi Hankook.
Moja preporuka ti je Hankook Winter i-cept RS2. Ne znam koje dimenzije trazis, ali 195/65/R15 su oko 50evra po komadu. Ja mislim da je to dobra cena..cak vrlo dobra za nesto sto nije premium guma.
(jako dobre ocene na Bild testu)
@CLakiSHi ti da procitas (mada ti uzimas premium :classic_tongue:)

Edited by Crni Bombarder
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29 minutes ago, NMX said:

Kleš uzima preko ultra kop doo, koristi ulazni PDV da prebije sa izlaznim što fakturiše Vuliću pa mu dođu jeftinije. 

Kad se ide preko ultra kop doo onda ima samo ovaj deo uzima, bez suvisnih detalja tipa cena, placanje, pdv i ostale gluposti.

Jebse @Crni Bombarder taman sam se dogovorio sam sa sobom oko Lasse a ti mi sad rovaris sa Henkokom.

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41 minutes ago, CLakiSH said:


Stvarno znacajna razlika u ceni..ja sam prvobitno gledao neke manje dizmenzije gde razlika nije tako drasticna.

Ne znam sta bih ti rekao..:smiley33: Meni se letnja Lassa pokazala dobrom. Za zimsku nemam licno iskustvo. Raspitaj se u svojoj okolini sa iskustvima vozaca..

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Jebena dimenzija, moja dimenzija. [emoji16].


Da su samo 205/50 bile bi za šaku pirinča, ali ove su uvek neka "crkni sirotinjo ovo je exkluziva" cena ajme.gif


Ipak, go with Hankook...


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