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Transferi (Joe Saward):



There are various other rumours around about drivers, notably involving Scuderia AlphaTauri, where the word is that there could be major changes this year (let alone next year). One rumour that is interesting is that IndyCar star Alex Palou currently had a contractual window that might allow him to jump out of IndyCar and into an F1 drive, before the doors slam shut and he has to stay where he is, with either current employer Ganassi or McLaren. The word is that Dr Helmut Marko likes the look of the Spaniard and might offer him an AlphaTauri when the IndyCar season ends in September, which would set him up nicely for next year and ultimately could lead to work at Red Bull Racing as Sergio Perez is not really flavour of the month there because he had completely failed to keep up with Max Verstappen and the fear is that if the team has more opposition next year (we can hope), the team needs a better number two to help win the Constructors’ title as Max might not be able to win it on his own… There is also talk of Daniel Ricciardo coming into replace Sergio for a year or two while Red Bull prepares some new juniors…


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On 7/7/2023 at 5:00 PM, Radoye said:





Many of the current 10 teams have opposed calls to expand the grid by adding an 11th or further entries. Last week Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff said anyone wishing to join F1 should “buy a team”.


However Andretti made it clear that is not an option at the moment. “We’ve tried. Nobody’s interested,” he told media at the Sardinia X-Prix, an event of the off-road Extreme E series his team competes in.


“We’ve been to every single team. They keep saying ‘well, buy a team’, and nobody wants to sell! You go there, and they’re not even interested in talking. I’ve been there, done that, and not happy.”



1 hour ago, Alex_Serbia said:

F1 stranica objavila. To je to. Ne znam koliko je za Denija dobro da se vrati u F1 u nagorem autu, ali dodjavola, jedva cekam 🥳


Malo da opipa volan, pa od jeseni umesto Checa. S obzirom da ceo RBR tim stoji iza Checa, računam da je mrtav pilot.


Latifi napustio trkanje, resio da se posveti studiranju, upisao master.



Ocito nije mogoa da se uglavi nigde, Radoje je vec pominjao kako ga niko nije hteo u Indikaru kao da je vasljiv, tako da se sad verovatno sprema da preuzme upravljanje tatinim parama.


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valjda ce tu biti uspesniji posto od trkanja slaba fajda...


u drugim vestima, uhapsilo organizatora VN Singapura zbog korupcionaskog skandala. navodno nema veze sa samom trkom, i za ovu godinu je sve OK ali moguce da ce imati posledice za njeno dugorocno odrzavanje...


Baš im je u indycaru trebao još jedan Devlin Defranchesco, kao čmar na laktu im je trebao...da zajebe nešto na ovalu pri 370 km/h.

2 hours ago, Romantik said:

Latifi napustio trkanje, resio da se posveti studiranju, upisao master.


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Ocito nije mogoa da se uglavi nigde, Radoje je vec pominjao kako ga niko nije hteo u Indikaru kao da je vasljiv, tako da se sad verovatno sprema da preuzme upravljanje tatinim parama.


a i tu je zbog keša: Tuition fees for the 2023 MBA intake are £109,700. Baš me zanima da li je dobio stipendiju ili je iskeširao.






Lewis Hamilton’s controversial championship defeat in 2021 gave people more sympathy for Mercedes, says team principal Toto Wolff.



“Both drivers started with equal points into this race,” he said. “Best man and best machine wins, and the best men that day didn’t win. And it’s still something that that stings, not of losing it because I would have been able [and] all of us would have been able to lose that race fair and square and admit that. But it was stolen and that made it difficult.”


  • 2 weeks later...




Helmut Marko thinks he has the ideal solution for Formula 1's Andretti-Cadillac dilemma.




"Andretti should buy the Alpine team," he said, amid the management chaos that is currently unfolding at the Renault-owned outfit.


"That would be best for everyone. Formula 1 would keep its 10 teams, Andretti could finally get in, and Renault can still be involved."







The big question in the driver market in F1 at the moment is still whether Lewis  Hamilton will go on racing. It is clear that this is the intention but it is not clear how long a new deal would be for. Mercedes needs to know this so as to plan for the future because if Lewis is going to stop in 2025 (for example) the team needs to be in the market NOW. There are a few names that are on the list of the top teams for the future: Charles Leclerc, Lando Norris and Alex Albon have all been mentioned as possible recruits for top teams. It would be amazing if Oscar Piastri was not also being looked at closely.



Glasine s ove strane bare, sve glasnije - navodno, lider Indikar sampionata Aleks Palu koji ima ugovor sa Meklarenovim Indikar timom za narednu sezonu a neke spekulacije su ga dovodile u vezu sa AlfaTaurijem (ili kako ce se vec ovaj tim zvati dogodine) bi mogao da zavrsi na pozajmici u Vilijamsu umesto Logana Sardzenta koji bi otisao u suprotnom pravcu u Indikar (gde tacno - jos nije jasno). Naime, izgleda da je Lando na izlaznim vratima (vidi post iznad, kao Hamiltonova zamena u Mercedesu za koju godinu) pa Zek Braun hoce da pruzi Paluu najbolju mogucu pripremu pre nego sto postane Pjastrijev timski kolega. Vilijams je tim koji nije u igri za najvise plasmane pa ne postoji toliko veliki pritisak, a Albon kao proveren solidan timski bi bio odlicna mera da se proceni Paluov potencijal...

On 8/8/2023 at 9:07 PM, Radoye said:

Glasine s ove strane bare, sve glasnije - navodno, lider Indikar sampionata Aleks Palu koji ima ugovor sa Meklarenovim Indikar timom za narednu sezonu a neke spekulacije su ga dovodile u vezu sa AlfaTaurijem (ili kako ce se vec ovaj tim zvati dogodine) bi mogao da zavrsi na pozajmici u Vilijamsu umesto Logana Sardzenta koji bi otisao u suprotnom pravcu u Indikar (gde tacno - jos nije jasno). Naime, izgleda da je Lando na izlaznim vratima (vidi post iznad, kao Hamiltonova zamena u Mercedesu za koju godinu) pa Zek Braun hoce da pruzi Paluu najbolju mogucu pripremu pre nego sto postane Pjastrijev timski kolega. Vilijams je tim koji nije u igri za najvise plasmane pa ne postoji toliko veliki pritisak, a Albon kao proveren solidan timski bi bio odlicna mera da se proceni Paluov potencijal...


Posto su zvanicne vesti da je Palu opet odlucio da prekrsi ugovor zbog cega se prosle godine sudio da iz Ganasija predje u Meklaren, i da sada zeli da ostane kod Ganasija, ove glasine gore su prilicno lose ostarile.

No sada se prica da su Sardzentu dani odbrojani i pre kraja ove sezone i da bi umesto njega u Vilijams mogao Mik Sumaher...


- Felipe Masa tuzi FOM i FIA sudu, trazi finansijsku odstetu i da mu se prizna status svetskog sampiona za sezonu 2008. zbog afere sa namestanjem trke u Singapuru. 





Felipe Massa’s legal challenge relating to the 2008 Formula 1 world championship is continuing, with the Brazilian’s lawyers seeking significant compensation for “a conspiracy” that cost him the title.
A letter from Enyo Law has been seen by the Reuters news agency, claiming Massa was “the victim of a conspiracy committed by individuals at the highest level of F1 together with the FIA and Formula One Management.


Simply put, Mr. Massa is the rightful 2008 drivers’ champion, and F1 and FIA deliberately ignored the misconduct that cheated him out of that title.


“Mr. Massa is unable to fully quantify his losses at this stage but estimates that they are likely to exceed tens of millions of Euros. This amount does not cover the serious moral and reputational losses suffered by Mr. Massa.”


Koliko je Masino drzanje na podijumu u Sao Paolu te godine bilo za svako divljenje s obzirom kako se sve izdogadjao, ovo sada vec polako klizi u ekstremnu jadnost. OK, ako zanemarimo da je proslo 15 godina od tada, Masin zahtev da se kompletni rezultati trke u Singapuru poniste nema nikakvog smisla i bio bi presedan. Ono sto bi moglo da se uradi i sto je u ovakvim situacijama radjeno (doduse ne retroaktivno sa 15 godina zadrske) je da se tim koji je uhvacen u varanju diskvalifikuje sa trke - a mozda i iz sampionata konstruktora za tu sezonu uz gubitak finansija koji sledi iz toga. No to ne bi Masi pomoglo da postane sampion jer bi ga samo pomerilo sa 13. na 12. mesto, dok bi Hamilton umesto 6 bodova dobio 8 i tako na kraju sezone uzeo titulu sa 3 boda prednosti umesto sa samo jednim. Na kraju krajeva, da Ferari nije zabrljao u boksu i pustio Masu sa jos uvek prikopcanim crevom za gorivo on bi trku zavrsio ispred Hamiltona bez obzira na marifetluke Renoa i Alonsa.

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