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NBA 2022/23 b2b ili problemi u raju?

Miki28 Teoljub

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3 minutes ago, SteveFrancis#3 said:

Probao bih sa Humble Mosesom. Ionako je sve otislo dodjavola. Valjda bi i nama neko ucinio uslugu, kad smo vec mi tako lepo pomogli Keeu da dobije Lillarda.

Nazalost nemate ugovore za tako nesto a ni pikove. Jedino neki trejd sa 3 tima ali morao bi ici Nurkic

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3 minutes ago, Dracarys said:

Vrednost Hardena je na istorijskom minimumu. Zanima me u koju će on ekipu otići. Klipersi slabo šta imaju dati.


Jedino mi padaju na um Niksi i Majami.



Pitanje je da li ce Harden i biti u NBA posle ove sezone.


Sa druge strane Morey on Harden: "He continues to seek a trade, and we're working with his representation to resolve that in the best way for the 76ers and for all parties."


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2 minutes ago, Miki28 said:

Pitanje je da li ce Harden i biti u NBA posle ove sezone.


Sa druge strane Morey on Harden: "He continues to seek a trade, and we're working with his representation to resolve that in the best way for the 76ers and for all parties."


Možda ga niko ne bude želeo da ga angažuje zbog neozbiljnosti, ali je on po kvalitetu i dalje vrh igrač.


Ne znam šta Mori iz Hardena može izvući. Mislim da je situacija u Filadelfiji načisto propala, sem ako Tajris ne napravi neki ludački napredak i postane igrač ol star nivoa. Mislim da su dani za Embida u Fili odbrojani.

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Damian Lillard believes he’s serviceable on defense 

“If you take a look into my progression defensively you’ll see I’ve gotten better year after year.  I understand where to be on the floor, how to rotate and how to play team defense.  I’m not gonna come in here and be Jrue Holiday but I’m gonna compete.  I ain’t a pushover”


@DameTime Nek se spremi Boston!!! Dame ce igrati odbranu

  • Ha-ha 3
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5 minutes ago, Miki28 said:

Damian Lillard believes he’s serviceable on defense 

“If you take a look into my progression defensively you’ll see I’ve gotten better year after year.  I understand where to be on the floor, how to rotate and how to play team defense.  I’m not gonna come in here and be Jrue Holiday but I’m gonna compete.  I ain’t a pushover”


@DameTime Nek se spremi Boston!!! Dame ce igrati odbranu


Sreća pa će ovi da kamenjare u plej ofu 😂


Mislim dobro, jeste se malo poboljšao, ali i dalje je užasan.

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