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Posted (edited)
U Finiksu toplotni talas traje već skoro mesec dana sa prosečnim dnevnim maksimumima od skoro 46°C, a temperatura je išla i preko 48°C. Prosečna minimalna temperatura tokom noći ne spušta se ispod 32°C.






I u Japanu se obaraju rekordi.



Edited by erwin
  • WOW 1
  • 3 weeks later...
21 minutes ago, Helena said:

Ta Parlićka je budala, vezano i nevezano za temu.

Nema ona veze sa suštinom priče. Svako je mogao da postavi ovog čiču, ali je meni interesantna tvrdnja, da uvodjenjem do 2030.g. električnih automobila..svakako ne bi imali dovoljno ni litijuma i generalno struje da to opsluži. Ako su procene tačne...a smanjenje globalnog zagrevanja za 0,002 F, tj. oko 18 C ali tek oko 2100 godine. Nije ni to zanemarljivo, ali nam treba nešto brže i efikasnije.



Da, treba.

Poisključivati klime, ovo je nenormalno šta se radi.

Pazi, vrućO nam u julu i avgustu.

Ali ja sam htela i da naglasim da je Parlić budala.

5 minutes ago, Helena said:

Da, treba.

Poisključivati klime, ovo je nenormalno šta se radi.

Pazi, vrućO nam u julu i avgustu.

Ali ja sam htela i da naglasim da je Parlić budala.

OK...ne znam gde si ti, ali u Nišu je danima 37 stepeni C, mereno u hladovini, u niškoj tvrdjavi. Bez klime, katastrofa. Noću nema spavanja 😰


Ne mislim da ulazim u prepirku, ni ovde nije ništa bolje...

ALI-samo se osvrni oko sebe i reci da se ne preteruje sa klimatizacijom, od kancelarija, aerodroma, privatnih prostorija, prodavnica i molova...

To preterivanje ide do besmisla I štetno je po zdravlje, kad se napravi tolika temperaturna razlika.

Svi možemo da podnesemo 28 C temperaturu, ali ne, klima se mora staviti na 22, pa to ti je.

(Rekla bih ti rado odakle sam, ali već sam kazala ime i zanimanje...bilo bi previše još i to).

  • 2 weeks later...

NP ''Biogradska gora'' je osnovan 1952. godine. Smjesten u prostoru sjevero-istocne Crne Gore, izmedju rijeka Tare i Lima, u sredisnjem dijelu planine Bjelasice, zahvata povrsinu od 5.650 ha.
...Omedjen planinskim visovima, ispresijecan potocima i uvalama, ukrasen prelijepim jezerima, okicen stoljetnim sumama i pitomim livadama, predstavlja velicanstven dar prirode.

... Njegova zastita datira jos od 1878. godine, kada je ova teritorija postala ''Knjazev zabran'', poklon ondasnjem gospodaru Crne Gore knjazu Nikoli. Pejsaz je izuzetno pitom, sa dominantnom zelenom bojom usled prostranstava jedinstvenih sumskih ekosistema, koje smjenjuju zivopisni krajolici sa livadskom vegetacijom.

...Glacijalni oblici reljefa kao sto su vrhovi visoki i preko 2ooo m (Crna glava - 2.139 mnv) i glecerski valovi i cirkovi, sa vise glecerskih jezera, daju predjelu neponovljivu ljepotu.

...Najznacajnija prirodna vrijednost ovog NP je prasuma Biogradska gora, koja zauzima povrsinu od 1600 ha i jedna je od poslednjih triju u Evropi. Ima karakter strogo zasticenog rezervara.

... U srcu prasume smjestilo se prekrasno Biogradsko jezero, najvece i najpoznatije u nizu lednickih jezera na podrucju Nacionalnog parka. U bistroj jezerskoj vodi ogleda se sva ljepota drevne sume dajuci joj modro-zelenu boju i cineci pejsaz takvim da ostavlja utisak duboke impresije.

... Znamenitosti prasumskog rezervata, ostale prirodne vrijednosti i pejzazne ljepote NP kandiduju ovo podrucje za ukljucenje u Svjetsku prirodnu bastinu i medjunarodni ekoloski program ''Covjek i biosfera''.

... Istorija je na ovim prostorima ostavila duboke tragove. Kulturno-istorijsko nasledja NP ''Biogradska gora'' cine arheoloski lokaliteti, sakralni spomenici, narodno graditeljstvo. Brojni autohtoni objekti narodne arhitekture u selima i katunima, kuce, brvnare, kule, vodenice rasuti su po obodu prasumskog rezervata planine Bjelasice.
... Vrlo slikovito i atraktivno djeluju katuni Pesica rupe, Vranjak, Siska, Vragodo. Ljeti padine ozive, katuni se ispune, a proplanci zaspu zvucima caktara.

Setam ovim nacionalnim parkom i u toj divnoj prasumi uvek iznova tragove ljudskog nesoja.

Na pr. "Nikola 2005." urezan u stogodisnju brezu, zajedno sa drugarima.

Fuck you, Nicola, idiote !


Na jednoj tabli stoji informacija da je Crna Gora 1991. postala prva ekoloska drzava na svetu.


Muka mi je bilo videti po prodavnicama kolicinu plasticnih kesa, koje se kupcima automatski nude i zacudjene poglede kada kazem da mi ne treba jer sam poneo svoju papirnu kesu. Inace te papirne kese su ovde standard. Lagane su, kostaju 1/3 Franka (do skoro je bilo 1/5), mogu da izdrze i preko 18 kilograma robe (!) i naravno mogu se upotrebljavati veoma dugo.

Evo jedna emisija gde su ih testirali - Torbe za nošenje moraju izdržati mnogo toga u svom kratkom vijeku.

René Gross gomila težinu dok se vreće ne pokidaju. Slaže i slaže: 18 kila. Nitko više ne donosi kući.

Nevjerojatno: nema poderane vrećice.


Test izdržljivosti pokazuje koliko se brzo torba umara kada se koristi više puta. Vreća je natovarena s jedanaest kila. Robot simulira čovjeka koji uvijek iznova spušta torbu. Najbolje torbe za nošenje postižu više od 1000 pokreta prije nego što se potrgaju.



Nije ni cudo da onda iste te plasticne kese, plasticne flase, aluminijumske doze i ostalo smece lezi razbacano svuda sirom "ekoloske" drzave.

Ukljucivo nacionalne parkove "Biogradska Gora", "Durmitor" ...

U Herceg Novom se vidi da se gradska cistoca trudi i rade vise i bolje, ali cak i ako uracunamo efekat turizma, nece biti bitnijih promena dok se ne resi problem odlaganja smeca i dok se ne povisi svest gradjana o sopstvenoj ekoloskoj odgovornosti.

Reciklaza je isto jedan izgleda strani pojam u Crnoj Gori.

Hrvatska je otisla jedan korak dalje - barem su postavili kontejnere za razdvajanje PET, papira, stakla, ali ne znam da li to stvarno funkcionise, ili je samo kozmetika.

Kakva je situacija u Srbiji ?



8 hours ago, Dragan said:

Kakva je situacija u Srbiji ?


Ne znam da li bi mogla gora da bude. Nema svesti i odgovornosti ni institucija ni pojedinaca. Postoje, tu i tamo, kontejneri za prikupljanje reciklažnog otpada ali i snimaka kako se sve odnosi u istim vozilima i reciklažni i obični otpad, navodno se naknadno razdvaja. Nigde informacije, snimka, gde se to razdvaja, šta se posle dešava sa tim otpadom, šta se prerađuje, u kojim pogonima, šta se dobija preradom. Jedino što verujem da se prerađuje je metalni otpad, ono što sakupljaju oni što kruže gradom i selima, razglas grni: Staro gvožđe, stari kumulatori, oni to plaćaju koliko-toliko, znači prodaju dalje, niko ne bi davao novac ako to ine iskoristi. Drugo što znam, površno, je da se plastični čepovi skupljaju u humanitarne svrhe, neko ih otkupljuje, prerađuje.
Uvek postoje i dodatna pitanja, recimo, koja je ekološka cena papirne kese, koliko se drvne mase potroši za proizvodnju jedne kese, koliko energije, šta je nusproizvod, kakav ekološki otisak ostavlja proizvodnja papira. Bilo je članaka koji dovode u pitanje opravdanost nekih procesa koji na prvi pogled izgledaju ekološki prihvatljivim, na većinu nisam našao neki konačan odgovor. Recimo, koliko štete pravi proizvodnja električnih vozila i njihova reciklaža, isto za opremu za solarnu energiju, energiju vetra. 

Skoro je donet neki zakon ili uredba kojim se kazne za firme koje izbacuju otriv u reke smanjuju u nekom procentu, ne sećam se tačno kolikom, ali zvuči kao poziv na slobodno trovanje vode.




Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Div said:


Ne znam da li bi mogla gora da bude. Nema svesti i odgovornosti ni institucija ni pojedinaca. Postoje, tu i tamo, kontejneri za prikupljanje reciklažnog otpada ali i snimaka kako se sve odnosi u istim vozilima i reciklažni i obični otpad, navodno se naknadno razdvaja. Nigde informacije, snimka, gde se to razdvaja, šta se posle dešava sa tim otpadom, šta se prerađuje, u kojim pogonima, šta se dobija preradom. Jedino što verujem da se prerađuje je metalni otpad, ono što sakupljaju oni što kruže gradom i selima, razglas grni: Staro gvožđe, stari kumulatori, oni to plaćaju koliko-toliko, znači prodaju dalje, niko ne bi davao novac ako to ine iskoristi. Drugo što znam, površno, je da se plastični čepovi skupljaju u humanitarne svrhe, neko ih otkupljuje, prerađuje.
Uvek postoje i dodatna pitanja, recimo, koja je ekološka cena papirne kese, koliko se drvne mase potroši za proizvodnju jedne kese, koliko energije, šta je nusproizvod, kakav ekološki otisak ostavlja proizvodnja papira. Bilo je članaka koji dovode u pitanje opravdanost nekih procesa koji na prvi pogled izgledaju ekološki prihvatljivim, na većinu nisam našao neki konačan odgovor. Recimo, koliko štete pravi proizvodnja električnih vozila i njihova reciklaža, isto za opremu za solarnu energiju, energiju vetra. 

Skoro je donet neki zakon ili uredba kojim se kazne za firme koje izbacuju otriv u reke smanjuju u nekom procentu, ne sećam se tačno kolikom, ali zvuči kao poziv na slobodno trovanje vode.





Otvorio si dosta široku temu, ja bih se osvrnuo samo na par stvari.


U Srbiji je 2021. napravljeno 11 miliona tona otpada, a reciklirano nešto preko milion tona. Podaci se mogu naći u izveštaju Agencije za zaštitu životne sredine.


Stanje je zaista alarmantno, naročito ako se uzme u obzir da u Srbiji čak i JKP odlažu otpad na nesanitarnim (!) deponijama.


Što se tiče ekološkog tj. karbonskog otiska koji pominješ u drugom pasusu, važno je razumeti da se on definiše na tri nivoa, a električna vozila su dobar primer za pojašnjenje ovoga. Postoje direktne emisije (scope 1), to bi bilo gorivo koje se sagori u automobilu za vreme vožnje, u slučaju el. automobila su ove emisije logično nula. Energija tj emisije koje se utroše za proizvodnju vozila , dakle na početku njihovog životnog ciklusa, na šta mi kao korisnici ne možemo da utičemo, predstavljaju scope 3. Ovo je i u daleko razvijenijim zemljama tek u povoju i tek će za nekoliko godina stupiti na snagu direktive EU koje se bave smanjenjem ovih emisija. Scope 2 predstavlja električnu energiju i toplotu koju vozilo koristi, i u tom grmu leži zec. Kod nas električna vozila imaju izuzetno visok nivo scope 2 emisija jer nam je energetski miks (od koga zavise emisioni faktori) katastrofalan. Energetski miks je zapravo pita dijagram proizvodnje električne energije u zavisnosti od energenta koji se koristi za proizvodnju. Tako npr. u Albaniji, koja 99% svoje el. energije generiše iz hidroelektrana, električno vozilo uopšte ne doprinosi scope 2 emisijama, dok se kod nas većina el. energije generiše u termoenergetskim postrojenjima, pa nam je energetski miks jedan od najgorih u Evropi. Što dovodi to toga da kod nas električna vozila trenutno neznatno manje zagađuju okolinu od vozila na gas. Ovo je sve dvosmerna ulica, tako da kada se Tesla vozi i puni u Srbiji, scope 3 emisije Tesle kao firme rastu jer njihovo vozilo doprinosi zagađenju okoline. Od 2025-6 će kompanije u EU (ali i u Srbiji) biti obavezne da uz godišnje finansijske izveštaje dostavljaju i izveštaje o scope 1,2 i 3 emisijama.


Što se tiče trovanja vode dovoljno je reći da Beograd nema postrojenje za preradu otpadnih voda. Dakle cela kanalizacija odlazi u Dunav, a genijalci grade nacionalni stadion. 

Edited by robespierre
Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, Dragan said:


Nije ni cudo da onda iste te plasticne kese, plasticne flase, aluminijumske doze i ostalo smece lezi razbacano svuda sirom "ekoloske" drzave.

Ukljucivo nacionalne parkove "Biogradska Gora", "Durmitor" ...

U Herceg Novom se vidi da se gradska cistoca trudi i rade vise i bolje, ali cak i ako uracunamo efekat turizma, nece biti bitnijih promena dok se ne resi problem odlaganja smeca i dok se ne povisi svest gradjana o sopstvenoj ekoloskoj odgovornosti.

Reciklaza je isto jedan izgleda strani pojam u Crnoj Gori.

Hrvatska je otisla jedan korak dalje - barem su postavili kontejnere za razdvajanje PET, papira, stakla, ali ne znam da li to stvarno funkcionise, ili je samo kozmetika.

Kakva je situacija u Srbiji ?



Kontejneri mogu da se postave svuda, sve u raznim bojama za razne materijale, ali da li tu ima hepienda?

Jok bre, salje se sve na reciklazu u Afriku i na recimo Filipine. Znacilo bi da smo kod kuce cisti, cestiti, svesni i savesni,

da se cudimo nekoj plasticnoj kesi u CG, ali nam je normalno da nase djubre ( uglavnom plastika) ide u Afriku.

Svi su ti kontejneri diljem Europe sa sve CH cista kozmetika i zamajavanje naroda. Dok se ne vratimo na staklene

flashe za jogurt i mleko bice sve gore i gore. U samoposlugama se 100 grama necega pakuje prvo u neku foliju

pa onda u cvrstu plastiku. Zasto? Niko se ne buni, ali je vazno da za sve to nepotrebno djubre postoje kontejneri

u raznim farbama.

Edited by Selina
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Selina said:

Kontejneri mogu da se postave svuda, sve u raznim bojama za razne materijale, ali da li tu ima hepienda?

Jok bre, salje se sve na reciklazu u Afriku i na recimo Filipine. Znacilo bi da smo kod kuce cisti, cestiti, svesni i savesni,

da se cudimo nekoj plasticnoj kesi u CG, ali nam je normalno da nase djubre ( uglavnom plastika) ide u Afriku.

Svi su ti kontejneri diljem Europe sa sve CH cista kozmetika i zamajavanje naroda. Dok se ne vratimo na staklene

flashe za jogurt i mleko bice sve gore i gore. U samoposlugama se 100 grama necega pakuje prvo u neku foliju

pa onda u cvrstu plastiku. Zasto? Niko se ne buni, ali je vazno da za sve to nepotrebno djubre postoje kontejneri

u raznim farbama.

Da, steta je sto ovde nema vise staklenih flasa za jogurte (mada istini za volju ovde i nema tecnog jogurta na koji smo mi navikli i pored stotine vrste sira i ostalih mlecnih proizvoda nemaju ni nas kajmak).

Gledao sam neku emisiju koja je putem GPS Trackera pratila put otpadnih materija i koja delimicno potvrdjuje to sto pises o izvozu djubra u Afriku, ali ako se dobro secam radilo se o Nemackoj.

Nisam siguran da to vazi za Svajcarsku. Na interenetu nisam nasao podatke pa ako nesto imas - davaj.



Although consumption rates are above the global average, Switzerland is often cited as a recycling role model because of its waste collection, separation and recovery system. In addition to a state-of-the-art waste management infrastructure, the authorities actively encourage the population to recycle as much as they can. 




Waste reflects society's consumption patterns. Switzerland has one of the highest municipal solid waste volumes in the world per head of population. As the economy grew, so too did the amount of waste which Switzerland generated. Volumes more than doubled after 1970, going from 309kg per person to 706kg per person in 2010. Over time, however, the Swiss have become champion recyclers. 

Public-private partnership

Public and private stakeholders are involved in Switzerland's waste management system. The country has a series of legal provisions in place to encourage waste disposal. Raw materials are scarce and expensive, which is why material cycles of all kinds must be closed. This system is an integral part of a sustainable and comprehensive resource management policy. Recycling therefore is considered a specialised industry.

Waste disposal

There are many ways to dispose of waste. Recycling is the most popular method in Switzerland. This means either the direct re-use of used products or the recovery of raw and secondary materials. Another method is thermal recycling. Here, household waste is sent to incineration plants where it is converted into energy. If material recycling or thermal treatment is not a technically or economically viable option, the waste is first treated before being deposited in a landfill.

Municipal waste

Paper, glass and organic matter are the largest source of municipal solid waste. Half is collected and recycled. Switzerland has an extensive system for collecting paper, cardboard, glass, PET bottles, tin and aluminium cans. Switzerland has enacted a number of legal provisions on recycling. For example, the Beverage Container Ordinance requires that the recycling level of beverage containers made from glass, PET and aluminium must be at least 75%. If the target is not achieved, the federal authorities may require dealers, manufacturers and importers to charge a minimum deposit on the containers concerned.

Protecting the environment

Switzerland earmarks around 1.8% of its GDP for environmental protection efforts. The lion’s share goes on waste and wastewater management. The largest impact on the environment comes from food, energy consumption and mobility.

Circular economy

As a country with few raw materials, Switzerland began using circular economy approaches in the mid-1980s. The circular economy is an integrated approach that takes account of the entire life cycle of a material or product, right up to and including the recovery and recycling phase.  The circular model is now widely adopted by the waste management sector. Federal measures to promote the circular economy are based on the precautionary and polluter-pays principles, technological advances and innovation, as well as cooperation with industry in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act.

Life cycle assessments

Sometimes the measures needed to close cycles do not yield much environmental benefit. Life cycle assessments are therefore an essential tool. They evaluate the potential environmental relevance of a circular economy-related measure, and factor in the potential environmental impact that a good or service will have during its entire life cycle. This is good not only for the environment but also the economy. Moreover, the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) works with associations that promote the circular economy.


Switzerland leads the way in PET recycling

Switzerland is frequently commended for its exemplary waste collection, sorting and recycling system. Plastic bottle recycling is just one example of Switzerland's sustainable waste management. Let's take a tour around Müller Recycling, where innovative technologies extend the lifecycle of plastic bottles.

Every year Müller Recycling sorts and recycles 20,000 tonnes of bottles, representing more than half of Switzerland's plastic bottle waste. Thomas Müller is the third generation of his family to manage the company, which is based in Frauenfeld in the canton of Thurgau. If he were asked to give Switzerland a score for PET (polyethylene terephthalate) recycling, it would have to be an 'A'. "PET is by far the most widely used packaging polymer, with a 95% recycling rate, which is outstanding." There are more than 56,000 PET collection points throughout Switzerland. Some 200 million bottles are recycled every year, corresponding to roughly 6,950 tonnes of PET. 


Addressing the impacts of increasing consumption

PET Recycling Switzerland has been playing a key role in plastic bottles recycling since 1990. It has an extensive logistics system which ensures that empty bottles are collected efficiently and transported to facilities such as Müller Recycling. The recycling centres separate the waste and sort the bottles by cleanliness, colour and quality. Recycling enables valuable secondary raw materials to be salvaged, waste to be reintegrated into the economy, future strategies to be built, and new jobs to be created. 

Recycling helps protect the environment, save resources and energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

says Thomas Müller. But he is also aware of the downsides. Although the Swiss are highly adept at collecting PET and sorting aluminium, glass, cardboard and paper, they are also producing more and more waste. According to the statistics, the volume of waste has more than doubled in Switzerland, rising from 309kg per capita in 1970 to 716kg in 2016. This increase has been driven by economic growth and consumer trends.

Thomas Müller is the third generation of this family at the helm of Müller Recycling. © Müller Recycling AG


Towards a circular economy

But the good news is that the bulk of this waste is recycled in recycling plants such as the one operated by the Müller family for the past sixty years. Müller Recycling is among the most efficiently run facilities in Switzerland, with two teams sorting up to 90 tonnes of plastic bottles per day. Many of Müller Recycling's processes are automated. "We're proud to play a role in reducing Switzerland's carbon footprint and preventing waste from being transported abroad," says Thomas Müller, who manages a 35-strong workforce. Müller Recycling's state-of-the-art sorting technologies, developed in-house, facilitate top-grade bottle-to-bottle recycling.

New lease of life

PET is produced from petroleum or natural gas and is 100% recyclable. It retains its fundamental properties, which means it can easily be recycled and remade into bottles. In other words, old plastic bottles become reusable as new bottles. Once the bottles have been separated by colour, they are compressed into bales and transported by rail to the processing facilities, where they are shredded into flakes and pellets.

Of the 23,500 tonnes of plastic bottles sorted annually by Müller Recycling, 20,000 tonnes remain in a closed loop recycling system. Plastic bottles can be recycled over and over again, as substances can always be added to help create the new bottle. As Thomas Müller explains, the process allows bottles to be recycled up to six times. Unlike other packaging materials, PET has benefited from the shift in attitude towards recycling that started some 30 years ago. "Thanks to innovative developments, we now produce recycled PET that is so pure and of such high quality that it is barely distinguishable from new," says Müller.





Recycling in Switzerland

Waste is a reflection of our consumer behavior. Switzerland has one of the highest levels of waste produced by its population in the world. Between 1970 and 2013, the annual production of waste more than doubled, from 309 kg to 707 kg per person. This increase is due, among other things, to our economic growth.

Over time, however, not only has more and more waste been produced, but the Swiss have also become world champions in recycling. In Switzerland, 53% of municipal waste is currently recycled.


Legislation around waste and recycling

A lot has changed in Swiss legislation over the last 25 years, which has had a significant impact on separate collection and recycling.

The Environmental Protection Act (USG) of 1983 established the following principles, which are important for separate collection: Waste must be recycled as far as possible and in an environmentally friendly manner, and if possible and sensibly disposed of domestically.

For over two and a half decades, this TVA (Technical Ordinance on Waste) regulated the handling of various waste in Switzerland. As of January 1, 2016, the TVA was completely revised and has since been called the “Ordinance on the Prevention and Disposal of Waste” (VVEA) or “Waste Ordinance” for short. The avoidance, reduction and targeted recycling of waste are given greater priority.

According to VVEA, the cantons ensure that usable portions of municipal waste such as glass, paper, cardboard, metals, green waste and textiles are collected separately and recycled wherever possible.


How is recycling financed in Switzerland?

Different financing models are used for the recycling systems in Switzerland depending on the recyclable material:


Advance disposal fee (VEG) for glass and batteries

The VEG is required by the federal government for certain waste (glass beverage bottles, batteries). It describes a fee that is based on a legal basis and is charged when a product is placed on the market with the purchase price in order to cover the costs of subsequent disposal.

The early disposal fee for glass beverage packaging (VEG) aims to distribute the costs of waste glass disposal and recycling in a way that is fair to those responsible.


Advance recycling contribution for aluminum, sheet steel and PET beverage bottles (VRB)

This recycling contribution is a surcharge that is levied at the producer, importer and trade level and covers the financing requirements for recycling the product in question. In contrast to the VEG, it is based on a voluntary industry agreement and is used for packaging made of aluminum and sheet steel as well as for PET beverage bottles.

The recycling contributions are paid to the industry organization by those placing the drinks on the market for each disposable unit sold and are passed on to the sales price of the drinks.


Recycling fee regulation (vRG)

Thanks to the so-called advanced recycling fee (vRG), which is paid when an electrical or electronic device is purchased, sustainable e-recycling can be financed in a competitive manner in Switzerland. At the same time, e-recycling can be guaranteed easily and efficiently - used electrical and electronic devices are taken back by manufacturers, importers, retailers and collection points at no additional cost and returned to the e-recycling cycle.

In spring 2020, it was decided to revise the regulation on the return, taking back and disposal of electrical and electronic devices in the sense of a “compulsory requirement with the possibility of exemption”.

In our table “Information on collection, recycling and financing” you will find a brief overview of how each recyclable material is collected and recycled and how the recycling system is financed.

Actors in the recycling system in Switzerland

In order for the recycling cycle to work, the interaction of various actors in the value chain is required. On the one hand, producers and manufacturers must design products and packaging in such a way that they can ultimately be recycled. On the other hand, you also have to help finance the recycling system by paying early contributions on your packaging. The (retail) trade then brings the products to consumers, who in turn have to return and recycle the packaging in an environmentally friendly manner. The recyclable materials are then taken from the collection points (either by municipalities, private individuals or retailers) by transporters to the sorting and recycling centers. The latter then make the recyclable materials available to manufacturers in high quality as secondary raw materials. The entire recycling system, including the quality of the recyclate, is monitored, operated and financially regulated by an organization. It also ensures that the entire industry is involved and that legal requirements are adhered to. These recycling organizations are the Members of Swiss Recycling:

Ferro Recycling for sheet steel packaging


IGORAfor aluminum packaging


Inobat for batteries and accumulators


PET-Recycling Schweiz for PET beverage bottles


SENS for electrical and electronic devices


Swico for electrical and electronic devices


SLRS for lamps


VetroSwiss for glass



Edited by Dragan

Ovo nije tačno, barem za plastični otpad. 3% plastičnog otpada koji generiše EU se izvozi, uglavnom u Aziju. Nešto ide i u Tursku. U Afriku praktično ništa. To je oko 1 milion tona plastičnog otpada godišnje.
(odnosi se na post od @Selina)

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11 minutes ago, shonke said:

Ovo nije tačno, barem za plastični otpad. 3% plastičnog otpada koji generiše EU se izvozi, uglavnom u Aziju. Nešto ide i u Tursku. U Afriku praktično ništa. To je oko 1 milion tona plastičnog otpada godišnje.
(odnosi se na post od @Selina)

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33 miliona tona otpada iz EU.



To je zvanicna brojka, a nezvanicna je 30% vise.

Plastika ne moze da se risajkluje jer je to preskupo, a i komplikovano.

Moze da se spali, ali za to treba energije, a emituje se otrov u atmosferu i zato je

lepim i pametnim Evropljanima najjednostvnije da zazmure, izvezu otpad u Aziju, a ovi

to onda bacaju u mora i okeane. Otuda i u kitovima tone plastike.

8 minutes ago, Kronostime said:


PET ambalaza se relativno jeftino reciklira




Da, one se recikliraju ( valjda zato sto su ciste) tako da u novoj pet flashi imas 30% resikliranog materijala.

Plastika su i cipele, odeca, a to se kupuje i posle nedelju dana baca. Sve sto kupujemo u nekoj je ambalazi

od plastike.

33 miliona tona otpada iz EU.
To je zvanicna brojka, a nezvanicna je 30% vise.
Plastika ne moze da se risajkluje jer je to preskupo, a i komplikovano.
Moze da se spali, ali za to treba energije, a emituje se otrov u atmosferu i zato je
lepim i pametnim Evropljanima najjednostvnije da zazmure, izvezu otpad u Aziju, a ovi
to onda bacaju u mora i okeane. Otuda i u kitovima tone plastike.
Ja sam rekao za plastiku koja ide oko milion tona napolje što je 3% ukupnog plastičnog otpada generisanog u EU.


U Afriku ne ide.


Drugo, ne znam da li se baviš ekologijom ali treba da znaš da izvoz otpada nije baš najjednostavnija stvar na svetu. Potrebne su razne dozvole, kako zemalja iz kojih ide tako i zemalja primaoca pa i tranzitnih zemalja. Procena da na 33 miliona tona 30% (BTW u tekstu piše između 15 i 30%) čak čini ilegalni izvoz otpada iz eu je po meni veliko preterivanje.

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11 hours ago, shonke said:

Drugo, ne znam da li se baviš ekologijom ali treba da znaš da izvoz otpada nije baš najjednostavnija stvar na svetu. Potrebne su razne dozvole, kako zemalja iz kojih ide tako i zemalja primaoca pa i tranzitnih zemalja. Procena da na 33 miliona tona 30% (BTW u tekstu piše između 15 i 30%) čak čini ilegalni izvoz otpada iz eu je po meni veliko preterivanje.

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Ne bavim se ekologijom ( daleko bilo), bavim se citanjem i zivotinjama, a znam i verujem samo svojim ocima,

raznorazne (uglavnom) narucene statistike nikako me ne zanimaju.

Ovaj je ilegalan izvoz jako zanimljiv. Kina se obavezala da ce svoju plastiku da vraca u Kinu pa je onda ta ista plastika

hiljade tona zavrsavala u okeanima. Sada su i to batalili.

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