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Uh, Radmana bih i ja voleo da čujem, verujem da je dosta avangardan lik, mislim da je ili genijalac ili priličan tupan, nema između.


A zašto da ne i šamana Kotura, kad smo već kod želja. 

6 hours ago, Chaos Is Me said:

Uh, Radmana bih i ja voleo da čujem, verujem da je dosta avangardan lik, mislim da je ili genijalac ili priličan tupan, nema između.


A zašto da ne i šamana Kotura, kad smo već kod želja. 


8 hours ago, Chaos Is Me said:

Uh, Radmana bih i ja voleo da čujem, verujem da je dosta avangardan lik, mislim da je ili genijalac ili priličan tupan, nema između.


A zašto da ne i šamana Kotura, kad smo već kod želja. 


neka moja poznanica, fotograf po vokaciji, koja je početkom dveiljaditih radila neki basket nba projekat "watching", pa je tada imala priliku da se susretne sa dikijem, pejom, radmanom, jaricem i mnogim drugim nba igračima - mi je tada pričala da je radman ubedljivo najkulji ovako izvan basketa. 


e sad, to je bilo pre skoro 20 godina, i ja sam tada bio kul jbga. 

6 hours ago, laki pepe said:

Ja sam jedno vrijeme furao njegovu frizuru 🙄


koju torimaux, ima ih 15ak. a ne mogu da nadjem onu tarzanku sto je furao, to me sad razdire












  • Like 1

Ja sam bio pre 3 god na nekoj svadbi i trebalo je Radmanović da sedi za mojim stolom (ionako bila sve neka smor ekipa okolo), međutim na kraju nije došao al je zvao mladoženju da se izvini, pa sam morao da se napijem kao vepar. 

  • Ha-ha 11
Posted (edited)



On this week’s Saturn Award mentioned ‘sode, Shwin and Drew are joined by one very special, Seth Partnow of the Athletic*, and one not-so-special guest, Jeremy Cohen of the Knicks Film School podcast. The four amigos, well, Seth mainly, answers a number of questions related to NBA advanced analytics and the inner workings of a front office. We learn Seth’s “favorite” adjusted plus-minus stat, what NBA front office titles mean, and so much more. This episode is brought to you by Easter candy. Easter candy: the perfect way to distract your kids when you need some alone time.





*Seth Partnow covers the NBA and basketball analytics for The Athletic. He resides in Milwaukee and was formerly the Director of Basketball Research for the Milwaukee Bucks.

Edited by uini

U vezi dokumentaraca. Pogledao sam sinoć The Last Days of Knight, O Bobby Knightu i kontroverzama koje su dovele do njegovog otpuštanja sa Indiane 2000.  Dobro urađen, preporuka.





nisam još poslušao, neka ga ovde


Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr and Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll discuss all things draft, including how they are preparing for a virtual draft, how they scout players, and drafting late-round guys like D.K. Metcalf and Draymond Green (3:25) before talking about the coaches in both the NFL and NBA who innovated the game like no one before them (39:30).

This show is raising money for COVID-19 relief.

Subscribe: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Art19 / Stitcher / RSS


Haha, svaka čast što si iskopao ovo, pročitao sam ceo tekst, klasično proseravanje random američkog seronje  :classic_biggrin:



Inače, prvi put vidim ovaj termin Yugoslobs, pa sam proguglao i evo šta sam našao





A sloppy and hairy eastern european man (generally serbian) who lays pipe on idealistic pot smoking college bitches. This type of college ho is mentally limited (low IQ) and takes an interest in "the environment." A YugoSlob prides himself on performing violent oral acts, proclaiming, "I'm serious. I'll do that!" A YugoSlob also is mentally challenged, often failing at tests and life.

A desperate and lonely college girl going on a foreign exchange trip cheats with a Yugoslob.





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