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Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2 - naučne/medicinske informacije i analize

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92

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22 hours ago, Sunshine State said:

Ok, sta talas obuhvata, kako je definisan? Kao pojava novozarazenih nakon perioda sa 0 zarazenih?

Je l'ovo sto se sad desava u SRbiji i okolo drugi talas ili drugi pik prvog talasa?


Meni je ovo drugi talas. Bilo je primirje krajem maja i pocetkom juna.

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Researchers in Spain who screened nearly 70,000 people found that 14 per cent who were positive for antibodies in a first round of testing gave a negative result two months later. The apparent disappearance of antibodies was mostly seen in those who had very mild symptoms or who had been asymptomatic.

“Immunity can be incomplete, it can be transitory, it can last for just a short time and then disappear,” Raquel Yotti, director of Spain’s Carlos III Health Institute, which co-led the study, said. “We must keep protecting ourselves and protecting others.”




The study also indicated that just 5.2 per cent of Spain’s population have developed antibodies against the disease, despite the country being one of the worst hit in Europe with roughly a quarter of a million recorded cases to date. A strict three-month lockdown from March 14 to June 21 helped reduce the rate of infections.

Health workers were twice as likely to have contracted coronavirus as the normal population. The report also found that over 30 per cent of those who had antibodies said that they had not felt ill despite being infected.





New polling has indicated that close to a third of Britons will definitely not get vaccinated against Covid-19 or are unsure if they will once a vaccine is developed.

In a survey, conducted on behalf of the research group Centre for Countering Digital Hate, 6 per cent indicated that they would definitely not get vaccinated. However, another 10 per cent indicated that they would “probably not” get vaccinated, while another 15 per cent said they did not know. In contrast, 38 per cent of respondents said they would “definitely” get vaccinated, and another 31 per cent said they “probably” would.

The centre said that the results came amid a sharp rise in the presence of social media channels promoting anti-vaccine content. “Our hope for a return to normal life rests with scientists developing a successful vaccine for coronavirus. But social media companies’ irresponsible decision to continue to publish anti-vaccine propaganda means a vaccine may not be effective in containing the virus,” Imran Ahmed, its chief executive, said.

“The price for their greed is a cost paid in lives. There is simply no responsible justification for publishing lies and conspiracy theories about vaccines.”

Jo Stevens, Labour’s shadow culture secretary, said: “This poll lays bare just how dangerous disinformation online can be. The rapid spread of false information about vaccinations could literally be a question of life and death.”


Edited by Plavi Golub
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4 minutes ago, AgroLaki said:

Pošto su mi u apoteci dali bočicu hidrogena 3% umesto alkohola koji sam tražio, da li on deluje protiv korone, jer sad sam u banji, pipam sve i svašta a nemam opciju opet da odem u apoteku da uzmem alkohol.

U banji nema nigde rakije - zbog dezinfekcije, naravno? :smiley33:

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Autopsies on people who died of the coronavirus are helping doctors understand how the disease affects the body -- and one of the most remarkable findings concerned blood clotting, a pathologist says.

Dr. Amy Rapkiewicz, the chairman of the department of pathology at NYU Langone Medical Center, spoke to Erin Burnett on OutFront Thursday night.
Some Covid-19 patients are known to develop blood clotting issues, but the degree and the extent to which that occurs was described as "dramatic" by Rapkiewicz.
In the early stages of the pandemic, bedside clinicians noticed a lot of blood clotting "in lines and various large vessels," she said.
"What we saw at autopsy was sort of an extension of that," she said. "The clotting was not only in the large vessels but also in the smaller vessels.
"And this was dramatic, because though we might have expected it in the lungs, we found it in almost every organ that we looked at in our autopsy study," she said. Rapkiewicz's study outlining her findings was published at the end of June in The Lancet journal EClinicalMedicine.
The autopsies also showed something unusual about megakaryocytes, or large bone marrow cells. They usually don't circulate outside the bones and lungs, Rapkiewicz said.
"We found them in the heart and the kidneys and the liver and other organs," she said. "Notably in the heart, megakaryocytes produce something called platelets that are intimately involved in blood clotting."
Researchers hope to discover how these cells influence small vessel clotting in Covid-19, she said.
Pathologists have been surprised by something they didn't find.
During early stages of the pandemic, doctors thought the virus would provoke inflammation in the heart with myocarditis, she said.
But autopsies have found a very low incidents of myocarditis, Rapkiewicz said.
She said that one of the "opportunities -- if there is one to count in the virus" is that pathologists have had a chance to examine the organs of many Covid-19 victims and investigate the disease processes that take place. She said that opportunity really wasn't available with H1N1 or the original SARS outbreak.


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Amazing but important finding: SarsCov2 in children is less harmless than expected. There are increasing indications of severe courses even in children without risk factors. In this study, 1.5% of the children had to go to the intensive care unit. Long-term forecast here too unclear



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BCG vaccine protection from severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)


A series of epidemiological explorations has suggested a negative association between national bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccination policy and the prevalence and mortality of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, these comparisons are difficult to validate due to broad differences between countries such as socioeconomic status, demographic structure, rural vs. urban settings, time of arrival of the pandemic, number of diagnostic tests and criteria for testing, and national control strategies to limit the spread of COVID-19. We review evidence for a potential biological basis of BCG cross-protection from severe COVID-19, and refine the epidemiological analysis to mitigate effects of potentially confounding factors (e.g., stage of the COVID-19 epidemic, development, rurality, population density, and age structure). A strong correlation between the BCG index, an estimation of the degree of universal BCG vaccination deployment in a country, and COVID-19 mortality in different socially similar European countries was observed (r2 = 0.88; P = 8 × 10−7), indicating that every 10% increase in the BCG index was associated with a 10.4% reduction in COVID-19 mortality. Results fail to confirm the null hypothesis of no association between BCG vaccination and COVID-19 mortality, and suggest that BCG could have a protective effect. Nevertheless, the analyses are restricted to coarse-scale signals and should be considered with caution. BCG vaccination clinical trials are required to corroborate the patterns detected here, and to establish causality between BCG vaccination and protection from severe COVID-19. Public health implications of a plausible BCG cross-protection from severe COVID-19 are discussed.

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Basically, we are screwed!


Bolje onda da se radi vise na razvoju antivirusnih lekova, ako je moguce, jer po ovom sto citamo ispada da bi trebalo da se svakih nekoliko meseci vakcinisemo...


"The antibodies fall off very quickly. The easier the infection, the faster."

"This does not mean that there is no immunity after several months, but it will likely be incomplete"


edit: virus je medju nama relativno kratko da bi se bilo sta s nekom vecom sigurnoscu moglo tvrditi. U situaciji kad pandemija hara svetom, ovakve vesti ne znam cemu doprinose, osim dodatnom strahu kod ljudi.

Ziveti se mora, verovatno cemo kao Azijati od sad nositi maske svuda, ali ne moze svet stati zbog ovoga na duze vremena

Edited by Sunshine State
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10 minutes ago, Sunshine State said:

edit: virus je medju nama relativno kratko da bi se bilo sta s nekom vecom sigurnoscu moglo tvrditi. U situaciji kad pandemija hara svetom, ovakve vesti ne znam cemu doprinose, osim dodatnom strahu kod ljudi.


Upravo tako. Jedino sto ovakvi clanci rade je da unose paniku medju ljude. Velika vecina tih istrazivanja je ili na malom uzorku ili su nepotpuna (ne pricam za ovaj slucaj vec generalno).


Sto se imuniteta tice, moguce je da je covek prekratko u kontaktu sa ovim virusom i da ce imuni odgovor postajati sve bolji kako vreme ide.

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3 hours ago, Sunshine State said:


edit: virus je medju nama relativno kratko da bi se bilo sta s nekom vecom sigurnoscu moglo tvrditi. U situaciji kad pandemija hara svetom, ovakve vesti ne znam cemu doprinose, osim dodatnom strahu kod ljudi.

Ziveti se mora, verovatno cemo kao Azijati od sad nositi maske svuda, ali ne moze svet stati zbog ovoga na duze vremena

Ima suvise "could" u tom textu. Ne bih to preozbiljno shvatala dok neko ne dosta "is" u textu.

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Ovih dana dominiram sa glupim pitanjima, pa da ispostujem i danas...

Ako su antibiotici ustvari antibakterijska supstanca, zasto se prepisuju u 90% slucajeva kod COVID-19 koji je virusna infekcija?
Ustvari, zasto nam za kojekakve upale grla i sl (koje su cesce virusne nego bakterijske), doktori prepisuju antibiotike? Kako tacno mogu da pomognu u tom slucaju? Samo smiruju upalu?


Zar nije logicnije koristiti steroide u tu svrhu, pogotovo sad za koronu? (ovde se referenciram na steceno znanje u House MD, I shit you not)

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9 minutes ago, RatzenStadt said:

Ovih dana dominiram sa glupim pitanjima, pa da ispostujem i danas...

Ako su antibiotici ustvari antibakterijska supstanca, zasto se prepisuju u 90% slucajeva kod COVID-19 koji je virusna infekcija?
Ustvari, zasto nam za kojekakve upale grla i sl (koje su cesce virusne nego bakterijske), doktori prepisuju antibiotike? Kako tacno mogu da pomognu u tom slucaju? Samo smiruju upalu?


Zar nije logicnije koristiti steroide u tu svrhu, pogotovo sad za koronu? (ovde se referenciram na steceno znanje u House MD, I shit you not)




Virus urusava imunitet, i organizam je takav podlozan bakterijskoj infekciji, i ne samo , vec i gljivicnoj naprimer...Vecina nas ima neke bakterije koje ne bi trebalo da se nalaze u usnoj duplji ili bronhijama..

Zato se daju antibiotici da sprece eventualnu infekciju, nije preporucljivo uzimati uvek, jer vecinu virusa nas imunitet lako pobedjuje...kod svih tih upala grla, pa i bronhita  svrsishodnije je leciti to drugim preparatima do dve nedelje..


Steroidi se koriste da smanje upalu, i kao imunosupresanti, to jest smanjuju imuno odgovor organizma koji je nekad prejak...Britanci su imali neku studiju o upotrebi deksametazona kod covid 19..


Ne znam da li sam ti pomogao))..



Edited by attolini
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 Antibiotik je vrlo širok pojam. Anti bios (anti život) je temelj. 



Danas se sve više radi na alternativnim antibioticima npr. virusima koji deluju protiv najopasnijih bakterija (bakterije koje sretnešpo bolnicama).


Ti virus su bakteriofagi. Primer kako deluje bakteriofag:









Sad znamo, da postoje virusi koji ulaze u čelije sa jedrom (evkariontske čelije): v-> e  (npr. SARS-CoV-2)


Postoje virusi koji napadaju čelije bez jedra (prokariontske čelije; npr. bakterije) v-> p (npr. T4 bakteriofag)



Da, postoji i treča grupa virusa: virusi koji napadaju viruse: v->v

Ti virusi su virofagi.



The family currently comprises two genera, Mavirus and Sputnikvirus [3], with one and six isolates, respectively. Notwithstanding, as more virophages are isolated or identified in metagenomes, the family is likely to expand [6,7]. Lavidaviruses infect protists but replicate only in the presence of a suitable GV co-infecting the same host cell. During a co-infection, virophages require energy, ribosomes, and metabolites from the cell, but they do not cause cytopathic effects in the cellular host alone. Based on their ability to inhibit the replication of GVs during a co-infection, virophages are primarily parasites of GVs and not of the host cell [2,8]. The term “virophage” reflects this status of a “virus of a virus” [2]. The virophages Sputnik and mavirus replicate at the expense of their GVs Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus (APMV) and Cafeteria roenbergensis virus (CroV), respectively [2,4] (Fig 1). Another Sputnik-related virophage called Zamilon also requires co-infection of the amoebal host with a GV but does not affect replication of the latter [9]. Dependence on GVs thus appears to be a common feature of virophages, whereas their pathogenic effect on GVs varies.





Sve je počelo 2008 u Franciji...






Ako koga interesuje koliko je priča kompleksna i sve je još novo/nepoznato... dec 2019:





we present a global metagenomic study of virophages using a computational approach resulting in the identification of 328 new high-quality genomes and over 45,000 virophage genome fragments. This represents a massive increase compared to previously known virophages that allowed us to conduct in-depth analysis of their genomes confirming previous results from others (i.e., presence of the four core genes) and drawing novel biological conclusions (e.g., ancient synteny of the four core genes, discovery of high-quality virophage genomes from unreported habitats including human gut, revised virophage classification, prediction of eukaryotic virus hosts for several virophages, and degree of genome mobility) about these important entities of the viral world. Overall, we provide a global analysis of the diversity, distribution, and evolution of virophages.













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On 7/10/2020 at 10:27 AM, AgroLaki said:

Pošto su mi u apoteci dali bočicu hidrogena 3% umesto alkohola koji sam tražio, da li on deluje protiv korone, jer sad sam u banji, pipam sve i svašta a nemam opciju opet da odem u apoteku da uzmem alkohol.


Ruke dobro operi sa običnim sapunom. Kako?


t= 30s...

step -1. Sapun nabaviš u nekom Lidlu. Imaju one na 1L....najeftinije ...sa tim  'filom' po 1L puniš manju npr. 300 mL embalažu oblike kao na donjoj slici.

Tu embalažu kao na donjoj slici menjaš redovno. npr. na 2 meseca.


Step 0. Kratki nokti, bez sata, bižuetrije na rukama/prstima. 

Otvori česmu sa papirom A, sapun pritisni sa papirom B,...


step 8: dobro operi ruke.

step 9:

sa papirom C obriši ruke do suhog, sa papirom D zatvori česmu.


Bitno je  da ne dirneš na početku sa umazanim rukama papire C i D.


Ne diraj se po obrazu tokom dana.

Ne grizi nokte i slično (npr. kopanje po nosu).

Šišaj nokte redovno.




Ne treba ti peroksid ni etanol.



To je sasvim dovoljno.





No u banjama možeš i glivice dobiti. Ali to je več druga tema. :default_coffee:





Edited by Asterion
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At least 246 cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have been linked to nightclubs in Seoul, South Korea. During the April 30–May 5 holiday, young adults from across the country who visited nightclubs in Seoul contracted COVID-19 and spread it nationally. Nightclubs were temporarily closed to limit COVID-19 spread.




Cases related to the COVID-19 outbreak in nightclubs in Itaewon, Seoul, South Korea, that were diagnosed in major cities and provinces of South Korea as of May 25, 2020. A) Distribution of cases by city (n = 246). B) Distribution of primary and secondary cases contracted in nightclubs within the Seoul metropolitan area, by neighborhood in which the nightclubs are located (n = 118, of which 96 contracted the disease in Seoul nightclubs).



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Pfizer is increasingly confident that its efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine will be successful. In a July 7 interview with TIME, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said he believes that Food and Drug Administration approval could come as soon as October. On the basis of promising results in an early-stage trial released on July 1, Pfizer has dramatically increased the projections for the number of doses it will produce this year, from tens of millions to 100 million. Bourla also disclosed that the company has begun commercial talks with governments around the world about how many doses they will receive.

Bourla is so convinced his $52 billion global pharmaceutical giant is on the right track that he has decided Pfizer will start producing the vaccine before receiving approval from the FDA.



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1 hour ago, Amigo said:

Izgleda da je vakcina tu negdje iza coska. Kompanije Moderna je napravila vakcinu koja obecava.



Tu iza čoška...ima tu više čoškova... FDA, proizvodnja na večem nivoju,masovna cepljenja, ...


1 hour ago, Kronostime said:

Nesto sam sumnjicav prema tim najavama: jos uvek virus nije u potpunosti proucen i stalno se otkriva nesto novo u vezi njega, a svi vec imaju "skoro spremnu vakcinu" ?

Smrducka tu nesto.:smiley33:

Malo ima i PR-a u svemu tome...itd.


Ko napravi  efikasnu vakcinu/ lek protiv ovog virusa postaje besmrtan.

Znaš onu... Ko prvi devojci...




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22 minutes ago, Asterion said:

Tu iza čoška...ima tu više čoškova... FDA, proizvodnja na večem nivoju,masovna cepljenja, ...


Malo ima i PR-a u svemu tome...itd.


Ko napravi  efikasnu vakcinu/ lek protiv ovog virusa postaje besmrtan.

Znaš onu... Ko prvi devojci...




Upoznao se sa shorom i 3 sela unaokolo.:default_coffee:

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