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Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2 - naučne/medicinske informacije i analize

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92

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Das gemeinsame Interesse von Gesundheit und Wirtschaft: Eine Szenarienrechnung zur Eindämmung der Corona- Pandemie

The common interest of health and business: A scenario calculation to contain the corona pandemic

Prof. Dr. Michael Meyer-Hermann, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung Michael_Meyer-Hermann.jpg

Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Leibniz Institute for Economic Research)



Studija (na nemackom):





Joint study calculates health and economic scenarios to ease pandemic restrictions

The Ifo Institute and the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI) spoke out in favor of a "prudent, gradual opening process" in the corona crisis. They recommend that politicians test more to limit infections from growing as loosening increases. "These measures are essential to limit the health and economic costs of the pandemic," says a joint study by the two institutes.

"The strategy of prudent, gradual easing is not only preferable in terms of health policy, but also economically," say Ifo President Clemens Fuest and the head of the System Immunology Department at HZI, Michael Meyer-Hermann. "If politics allows more economic activity in the short term, the phase of restrictions according to our simulation analyzes will increase so much that the total costs will increase."

 Based on the status on April 20, epidemiological and economic calculations showed that a slight easing was at best suitable to minimize the economic costs without endangering the medical goals. “It is not true, however, that a very fast easing brings economic benefits and therefore a conflict with health policy goals arises. Against this background, it is a common interest of health and business to carry out the easing carefully and to observe very closely how the infection numbers develop. "

 If test capacities were expanded significantly and more personnel were hired to record them, cases could be recognized early and new chains of infection prevented. The assumption for the calculations is that 300 infections per day can be checked without significant contact restrictions and thus the economic performance is hardly restricted.

 If the number of reproductions remained at 0.627 and the closings that were in effect until April 20 were maintained, the scenarios would result in a total loss of value added over the years 2020 and 2021 of just under 333 billion euros. With almost 288 billion, the majority would be in 2020, which would be 8.8 percent of the economic output of the year. The rest of 45 billion euros would be in 2021, which would be 1.4 percent of the economic output of the year.

 Slight loosening with a reproduction number of 0.75, on the other hand, would be associated with a higher added value of around 26 billion euros. This would correspond to a reduction in economic costs by 0.4 percentage points. A further opening with a reproduction number of 1 would, however, be associated with considerably higher economic costs.


A tightening of the measures would cause greater economic costs in every scenario. A reproduction number of 0.5 would cause additional economic costs of 1.1 percent of the economic output in 2020 and 2021, which corresponds to 77 billion euros. If the number of reproductions drops to 0.1, this would trigger economic costs of 4.2 percent or 277 billion euros.

The predicted number of additional fatalities while maintaining the measures before April 20, 2020 is 5,000. This number only decreases slightly with low reproductive numbers, but increases significantly from a reproductive number of 0.9 and more and already reaches 1.0 more than 20,000 additional victims.

In order to take the most economically advantageous route, which can be reconciled with a further containment of the epidemic, a slight easing should be economically preferred compared to the measures on April 20, 2020. Significant easing is not recommended from both a health and an economic point of view.


u sustini simulirali su kako pomiriti negativne efekte po zdravlje i ekonomiju, tj. naci najbolji scenario do 31.7.2021. (kad se pretpostavlja da bi vakcina mogla da bude na raspolaganju) za koji ce biti najmanje mrtvih i privreda ce biti najmanje pogodjena / najbolje se oporaviti.

Simulacije su pokazale da bi pri prebrzom i nekontrolisanom ponovnom otvaranju svega (pored porasta zrtava) i ekonomija u krajnjoj liniji imala vise stete (u kratkom periodu bi imali povoljan rezultat, koji bi se potom totalno izgubio i cak islo dalje u minus kad bi ponovo moralo da se sve zatvara zbog nekontrolisanog rasta zrtava, tzv. italijanski scenario). Dobili su neku vrednost R faktora, koju treba pre posmatrati kvalitativno (ne u apsolutnoj vrrednosti) koja je naravno ispod 1 i trenutno je oko danasnje vrednosti po proracunu RKI.



Based on the status quo of the measures applicable before April 20, 2020, our epidemiological and economic simulations show that a slight, gradual relaxation of the shutdown measures is suitable to reduce the economic costs without the medical costs Endanger goals. Furthermore, we cannot see any conflict between economic and health costs in terms of a strong easing - the costs would be higher in both dimensions. Too much loosening is therefore not preferable. Such a policy would allow more economic output in the short term, but according to our simulation analyzes, the phase of slight restrictions would be extended so much that the overall costs will increase overall in 2020 and 2021.


These factors suggest that a continued gradual opening process. However, politicians are required to push ahead with measures such as significantly increased testing that limit the increase in new infections as the number of loosening increases. These measures are essential to limit the health consequences and economic costs of the pandemic.


When interpreting the results of this study, the premises and limits of the simulation models used must be taken into account. In particular, there is an uncertainty in the parameterization of the models, which we have mapped by varying the parameters. A direct and narrow quantitative interpretation of these results is not recommended. However, we consider the qualitative statement that a slight and gradual loosening of the restrictions to be lifted quickly, both economically and health-politically, is robust.


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Ako je ovo tacno, corona je mrtva :classic_angry: Wall St misli da jeste.


EXCLUSIVE — A California-based biopharmaceutical company claims to have discovered an antibody that could shield the human body from the coronavirus and flush it out of a person’s system within four days, Fox News has exclusively learned.

Later Friday, Sorrento Therapeutics will announce their discovery of the STI-1499 antibody, which the San Diego company said can provide "100% inhibition" of COVID-19, adding that a treatment could be available months before a vaccine hits the market.

"We want to emphasize there is a cure. There is a solution that works 100 percent," Dr. Henry Ji, founder and CEO of Sorrento Therapeutics, told Fox News. "If we have the neutralizing antibody in your body, you don't need the social distancing. You can open up a society without fear."



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Through further testing, the researchers at Sorrento found that there was one particular antibody that showed to be 100 percent effective in blocking COVID-19 from infecting health cells — STI-1499.


1 hour ago, Angelia said:

Ako je ovo tacno, corona je mrtva :classic_angry: Wall St misli da jeste.


EXCLUSIVE — A California-based biopharmaceutical company claims to have discovered an antibody that could shield the human body from the coronavirus and flush it out of a person’s system within four days, Fox News has exclusively learned.

Later Friday, Sorrento Therapeutics will announce their discovery of the STI-1499 antibody, which the San Diego company said can provide "100% inhibition" of COVID-19, adding that a treatment could be available months before a vaccine hits the market.

"We want to emphasize there is a cure. There is a solution that works 100 percent," Dr. Henry Ji, founder and CEO of Sorrento Therapeutics, told Fox News. "If we have the neutralizing antibody in your body, you don't need the social distancing. You can open up a society without fear."




Ovo ako je istina bi bilo fantasticno. Medjutim meni je ovo veoma alarmantno zato sto to objavljuje Fox koji sve vreme zajedno sa Trampom vrsi pritisak da se sve otvori i tekst mi se cini pretenciozan. 



You can open up a society without fear."


Kada budu objavili ostali mediji koji nisu za otvaranje cu poverovati u ovo i kada se pojavi neki naucnik da to potvrdi. U krajnjem slucaju, moraju poceti lecenje ovih sada zarazenih naveliko pre nego sto se insistira na otvaranju bez problema, a broj kriticnih slucajeva je konstantan i broj izlecenih sporo raste. 

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Klotzen said:

Nisu još ni sa testovima krenuli a tvrde da deluje 100%. Mene to potseća na Del Boja 🙂

Nisam ni ja sigurna da li treba verovati, ali saradnja sa Mount Sinai im daje kredibilitet.


25 minutes ago, Baby said:


Ovo ako je istina bi bilo fantasticno. Medjutim meni je ovo veoma alarmantno zato sto to objavljuje Fox koji sve vreme zajedno sa Trampom vrsi pritisak da se sve otvori i tekst mi se cini pretenciozan. 

Firma je izdala statement, nema to nikakve veze sa Foxom, osim da su oni prvi pokupili pricu.

Sada su je vec objavili svi mediji. izjave su uzete iz njihovog press release i investors statement, akcije su im otisle 244% gore od slanja press release.


Jbga kad je Fox alarmantan:



Poenta nije u Fox newsu, nego u tome da nisu uradili trial. Fox je naravno napravio najsiru pricu.

Edited by Angelia
1 hour ago, Angelia said:



Jbga kad je Fox alarmantan:



Poenta nije u Fox newsu, nego u tome da nisu uradili trial. Fox je naravno napravio najsiru pricu.


E jbg jeste. Oni su najavili lek stigo, svi na posao, zaboravite virus...



Chief executive Henry Ji said: "Our STI-1499 antibody shows exceptional therapeutic potential and could potentially save lives following receipt of necessary regulatory approvals.”

“We at Sorrento are working day and night to complete the steps necessary to get this product candidate approved and available to the waiting public," he added.


Potencijalno ne znaci 100% a ni ovog momenta, niti je lecenje odobreno da bi oni terali ljude da nastave kao da se nista ne desava. 

1 minute ago, Baby said:


E jbg jeste. Oni su najavili lek stigo, svi na posao, zaboravite virus...



Potencijalno ne znaci 100% a ni ovog momenta, niti je lecenje odobreno da bi oni terali ljude da nastave kao da se nista ne desava. 

Jel ti meni prigovaras sto su oni rekli da ce da radi 100%?  Ja rekoh ako je tacno.

Znaci nije Fox izmislio, a Wall St je odreagovao, mozda su samo napumpali svoje akcije. Znaci nista dok ne bude trial stvarno, ali deluju legit, iako mozda preteruju sa 100%.

1 hour ago, Angelia said:

Jel ti meni prigovaras sto su oni rekli da ce da radi 100%?  Ja rekoh ako je tacno.

Znaci nije Fox izmislio, a Wall St je odreagovao, mozda su samo napumpali svoje akcije. Znaci nista dok ne bude trial stvarno, ali deluju legit, iako mozda preteruju sa 100%.


Ja pricam o foxu ne tebi. Iako bi me radovalo da nesto nadju da ovo prestane... 

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Angelia said:


Firma je izdala statement, nema to nikakve veze sa Foxom, osim da su oni prvi pokupili pricu.

Sada su je vec objavili svi mediji. izjave su uzete iz njihovog press release i investors statement, akcije su im otisle 244% gore od slanja press release.


Poenta nije u Fox newsu, nego u tome da nisu uradili trial. Fox je naravno napravio najsiru pricu.



Nije ta prica bas "najsira" a i ne moze da bude kad neko zuri da objavi "breaking news".


Prvo, Sorrento nije izumio nista nego se bavi razvojem i marketingom.

Vest od pre dva meseca:


SAN DIEGO, March 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRNE, "Sorrento") today announced it has entered into an exclusive license agreement with China-based antibody biopharmaceutical company, Mabpharm Limited (Hong Kong Stock Exchange: 2181HK, “Mabpharm”), for the clinical development and commercialization of the ACE-MAB fusion protein (Sorrento’s product code name STI-4920 and Mabpharm’s product code name CMAB020) for the potential treatment of COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Mabpharm has generated a fusion protein (CMAB020) that binds to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Under the exclusive license agreement, Sorrento will focus on the development and commercialization of ACE-MAB in the North American and European markets, while Mabpharm retains rights in the rest of the world, including the China and Japan markets.


izvor, citav clanak: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/03/24/2005609/0/en/SORRENTO-COLLABORATES-WITH-MABPHARM-ON-DEVELOPMENT-AND-COMMERCIALIZATION-OF-ACE-MAB-TO-POTENTIALLY-TREAT-COVID-19.html


Dalje, vest od juce, DBT News:


Sorrento Therapeutics Inc. [NASDAQ: SRNE] slipped around -0.15 points on Thursday, while shares priced at $2.62 at the close of the session, down -5.42%. Sorrento Therapeutics Inc. stock is now -22.49% down from its year-to-date (YTD) trading value.



A danas, sa FOX-a:


Sorrento Therapeutics' stock soars 255% on massive volume after upbeat report on COVID-19 antibody experiments


Bilo bi zanimljivo znati ko je kupio deonice juce i da li je prodao danas...


U medjuvremenu, danas Wall Street Journal:

Be 100% Skeptical of 100% Coronavirus Cure



Mozda sam ja pomalo paranoidan, al' meni je ta Sorrentova prica sumnjiva. Bilo bi lepo da gresim.



Edited by zoran59
  • Like 1
Just now, Baby said:


Ja pricam o foxu ne tebi. Iako bi me radovalo da nesto nadju da ovo prestane... 

Fox je preneo izjave iz firme. Nemam pojma sta ti smeta u tome.


5 minutes ago, zoran59 said:

Zoki oni imaju nekoliko istrazivanja vezanih za Covid 19, malo mi je problematicno da kazes sa takvom sigurnoscu da nisu nista izumeli. Izvukao si jedan projekat i onda tvrdis da je to to. Mislim mozda su optimisticni, i podigli cene na Wall St, ko zna.

MAY 15, 2020
MAY 08, 2020
APR 02, 2020
MAR 31, 2020
MAR 25, 2020
MAR 24, 2020
MAR 23, 2020
MAR 20, 2020
MAR 09, 2020



15 May — Lifting lockdown could spell surge of infections for France

More than 20,000 people in France have died of COVID-19, but the nation’s infection rate in mid-May stood at roughly 5% — well short of the 65% needed for herd immunity.

Simon Cauchemez at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and his colleagues modelled France’s coronavirus outbreak. (H. Salje et al. Science, http://doi.org/dvt3; 2020). They found that France’s lockdown, which began 17 March, reduced viral spread by 77%. The team projected that by the time the lockdown was relaxed on 11 May, an estimated 4.4% of the population would have been infected.

Some two-thirds of the population would need to be immune for immunity alone to control the epidemic. As a result, herd immunity cannot prevent “a second wave at the end of the lockdown”, the authors write.




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Posted (edited)



I thought I’d finish up this post by briefly reviewing some of the data that have come in since the last time I discussed hydroxychloroquine. It’s basically all been negative, except, of course, Raoult’s study published, Early treatment of COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: A retrospective analysis of 1061 cases in Marseille, France, a week ago in the same journal whose editor is one of his cronies. 


So, the evidence for hydroxychloroquine is basically all negative, except for studies from Didier Raoult’s group (and those are singularly uninformative) and a small study long ago. 


Given the existing state of the evidence, I would argue that the pretest probability of a positive study is very low. Existing preliminary evidence for hydroxychloroquine, were this any other drug and were we not in a pandemic, would very likely not justify a large randomized clinical trial. Unsurprisingly, Didier Raoult is ecstatic


187 studies registered on ClinicalTrials.gov? This is madness, particularly for a drug that’s shown so little promise in preliminary studies. That is Didier Raoult’s legacy, shunting research on effective treatments for COVID-19 down what is almost certainly a blind alley that is wasting (and will continue to waste for the foreseeable future) resources before scientists can finally move on to something else.

Edited by handys
  • Like 1

Fatality Rate based on New York City Actual Cases and Deaths

Worldometer has analyzed the data provided by New York City, the New York State antibody study, and the excess deaths analysis by the CDC. Combining these 3 sources together we can derive the most accurate estimate to date on the mortality rate for COVID-19, as well as the mortality rate by age group and underlying condition. These findings can be valid for New York City and not necessarily for other places (suburban or rural areas, other countries, etc.), but they represent the best estimates to date given the co-occurrence of these 3 studies.

Actual Cases (1.7 million: 10 times the number of confirmed cases)

New York State conducted an antibody testing study [source], showing that 12.3% of the population in the state had COVID-19 antibodies as of May 1, 2020. The survey developed a baseline infection rate by testing 15,103 people at grocery stores and community centers across the state over the preceding two weeks. The study provides a breakdown by county, race (White 7%, Asian 11.1%, multi/none/other 14.4%, Black 17.4%, Latino/Hispanic 25.4%), and age, among other variables. 19.9% of the population of New York City had COVID-19 antibodies. With a population of 8,398,748 people in NYC [source], this percentage would indicate that 1,671,351 people had been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and had recovered as of May 1 in New York City. The number of confirmed cases reported as of May 1 by New York City was 166,883 [source], more than 10 times less.

Actual Deaths (23,000: almost twice the number of confirmed deaths)

As of May 1, New York City reported 13,156 confirmed deaths and 5,126 probable deaths (deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate but no laboratory test performed), for a total of 18,282 deaths [source]. The CDC on May 11 released its "Preliminary Estimate of Excess Mortality During the COVID-19 Outbreak — New York City, March 11–May 2, 2020" [source] in which it calculated an estimate of actual COVID-19 deaths in NYC by analyzing the "excess deaths" (defined as "the number of deaths above expected seasonal baseline levels, regardless of the reported cause of death") and found that, in addition to the confirmed and probable deaths reported by the city, there were an estimated 5,293 more deaths to be attributed. After adjusting for the previous day (May 1), we get 5,148 additional deaths, for a total of actual deaths of 13,156 confirmed + 5,126 probable + 5,148 additional excess deaths calculated by CDC = 23,430 actual COVID-19 deaths as of May 1, 2020 in New York City.

Infection Fatality Rate (23k / 1.7M = 1.4% IFR)

Actual Cases with an outcome as of May 1 = estimated actual recovered (1,671,351) + estimated actual deaths (23,430) = 1,694,781.

Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) = Deaths / Cases = 23,430 / 1,694,781 = 1.4% (1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover).

Mortality Rate (23k / 8.4M = 0.28% CMR to date) and Probability of Dying

As of May 1, 23,430 people are estimated to have died out of a total population of 8,398,748 in New York City. This corresponds to a 0.28% crude mortality rate to date, or 279 deaths per 100,000 population, or 1 death every 358 people. Note that the Crude Mortality Rate will continue to increase as more infections and deaths occur (see notes under the paragraph "Herd Immunity" below for details).

Mortality Rate by Age

See also: Death Rate by Age and Sex of COVID-19 patients

When analyzing the breakdown of deaths by age and condition [source], we can observe how, out of 15,230 confirmed deaths in New York City up to May 12, only 690 (4.5% of all deaths) occurred in patients under the age of 65 who did not have an underlying medical condition (or for which it is unknown whether they had or did not have an underlying condition).

Underlying illnesses include Diabetes, Lung Disease, Cancer, Immunodeficiency, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Asthma, Kidney Disease, GI/Liver Disease, and Obesity [source]

Under 65-year-old (0.09% CMR to date)

85.9% of the population (7,214,525 people out of 8,398,748) in New York City is under 65 years old according to the US Census Bureau, which indicates the percent of persons 65 years old and over in New York City as being 14.1% [source].

We don't know what percentage of the population in this age group has an underlying condition, so at this time we are not able to accurately estimate the fatality rate for the under 65 years old and healthy.

But we can calculate it for the entire population under 65 years old (both healthy and unhealthy): with 6,188 deaths (26% of the total deaths in all age groups) occurring in this age group, of which 5,498 deaths (89%) in patients with a known underlying condition, the crude mortality rate to date will correspond to 6,188 / 7,214,525 = 0.09% CMR, or 86 deaths per 100,000 population (compared to 0.28% and 279 deaths per 100,000 for the general population).

So far there has been 1 death every 1,166 people under 65 years old (compared to 1 death every 358 people in the general population). And 89% of the times, the person who died had one or more underlying medical conditions.

NOTE: We are gathering and analyzing additional data in order to provide more estimates by age group.

Herd Immunity and final Crude Mortality Rate

Crude mortality rate is not really applicable during an ongoing epidemic.

And to reach herd immunity for COVID-19 and effectively end the epidemic, approximately two thirds (67%) of the population would need to be infected. As of May 1, New York City is at 20%, based on the antibody study findings.

Therefore, the crude mortality rate has the potential to more than triple from our current estimate, reaching close to 1,000 deaths per 100,000 population (1% CMR), and close to 300 per 100,000 (0.3% CMR) in the population under 65 years old, with 89% of these deaths (267 out of 300) occurring in people with a known underlying medical condition (including obesity).


Znaci mere za one preko 65 i sa underlying condition, a ostali mogu nazad na radne zadatke. Naravno to ne znaci da se treba izlagati riziku bespotrebno.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Vjekoslav said:

grafova za Srbiju nema, medjutim nema ni podataka o dostupnim ICU krevetima za Covid-19 ni u USofA pa opet postoji graf. tako da mi nije jasno. a nije mi jasno ni zasto je broj ICU kreveta konstanta, pa valjda je taj broj rastao kako je i epidemija rasla.



Ne znam odakle im podaci, ali evo danas u izvestaju RKI stoji da u Nemackoj ima ukupno 32236 kreveta u intenzivnoj u 1265 bolnica, od cega je 19944 (62%) zauzeto a 12292 (38%) slobodno (strana 9: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Situationsberichte/2020-05-17-de.pdf?__blob=publicationFile).

Na slicnom dijagramu s covid19.healthdata  sajta za Nemacku stoji da je 5383 ICU kreveta available.

Na ovom sajtu: https://rp-online.de/panorama/coronavirus/corona-fallzahlen-nrw-karte-zeigt-coronavirus-infizierte-tote-und-genesene_aid-49470887

ima stanje raspolozivosti kreveta po bolnicama u NRW. Od 308 bolnica 199 ima slobodne ICU krevete, 77 ima ogranicen broj a 26 nema vise slobodnih ICU kreveta na raspolaganju. Kaze: trenutno je u NRW 4440 kreveta zauzeto, 36% kapaciteta je slobodno, 215 slucajeva je na intenzivnoj, od toga 146 dobija vestacko disanje.

Edited by wwww
  • Like 3

An experimental vaccine against the coronavirus showed encouraging results in very early testing, triggering hoped-for immune responses in eight healthy, middle-aged volunteers, its maker announced Monday.

Study volunteers given either a low or medium dose of the vaccine by Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Moderna Inc. had antibodies similar to those seen in people who have recovered from COVID-19.

In the next phase of the study, led by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, researchers will try to determine which dose is best for a definitive experiment that they aim to start in July.




Upravo pročitah u nekom članku da se sumnja na Kawasaki bolest kod obolele dece u Americi.

Još nije jasno da li je to u nekoj vezi sa koronavirusom.

1 minute ago, melankolic said:

Upravo pročitah u nekom članku da se sumnja na Kawasaki bolest kod obolele dece u Americi.

Još nije jasno da li je to u nekoj vezi sa koronavirusom.

To su jos pre 7 i vise dana uocili u UK i USA. Zapravo se radi o necem sto je slicno tom sindromu, ali ima i neke razlike. Kod dece su uocili neke upale krvnih sudova ili slicno, sto se manifestuje na razlicite nacine. Za sada je % obolele dece izuzetno mali (a i broj covid-19 inficirane dece generalno je izuzetno mali). Ovo nije primeceno u Aziji. (mislim da smo vec postavljali linkove o tome) Tek treba da utvrde da li je ovo u vezi s covid-19 (kod dobrog dela dece su nasli virus, kod nekih i antitela, ali ne kod svih).

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, NMX said:

Je l bilo ovo vec? I ima li istine u ovome?0048ddf4d334071e54b5ca2792c15875.jpg

mislim da sam negde cula nesto o tome, ali ne znam da li sam to procitala na ovom forumu.

mislim da sam negde cula nesto o tome, ali ne znam da li sam to procitala na ovom forumu.
Jeziva je vest, ako se iapostavi da je tacna. A za to ce morati da se uradi mnogo sira analiza, na vise pacijenata.
  • Like 1
22 minutes ago, NMX said:

Je l bilo ovo vec? I ima li istine u ovome?0048ddf4d334071e54b5ca2792c15875.jpg


Ta vest je najmanje mesec dana stara, pre ce biti 2 meseca.


Pa heparin, antikoagulant  je sastavni deo terapije pri lecenju covida vec nedeljama u svakoj bolnici. Ne stvara samo plucne vec, redje doduse i cerebralne i ostale embolije.



  • Like 1
37 minutes ago, NMX said:
40 minutes ago, wwww said:
mislim da sam negde cula nesto o tome, ali ne znam da li sam to procitala na ovom forumu.

Jeziva je vest, ako se iapostavi da je tacna. A za to ce morati da se uradi mnogo sira analiza, na vise pacijenata.


Nisam videla da je neko pomenuo, ali osim slicnog sindroma Kawasaki bolesti kod dece su nasli jos neke reakcije na virus, i nazvali ga koronavirus prsti. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/covid-toes-other-rashes-latest-possible-rare-virus-signs/2420555/


Evo posle skoro tri meseca izgleda da se jos mnogo toga nije tacno ustanovilo i stalno se nesto novo otkriva, ali se ne nalaze nikakva resenja. Sumnjam da cemo se mi brzo otarasiti virusa, jos ako mutira... 



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