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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


194 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Honey Badger said:

U UK se nadaju da cemo proci sa 20,000 smrtnih slucajeva dok se ovo ne zavrsi. Vjeciti optimisti. Jos 19,000 da odapne, pa ko prezivi moci ce odahnuti.


Vrte se po tviteru hvalospjevi Johnsonu, ocigledno naruceni. U fazonu, "nisam ga volio niti glasao za njega ali sada vidim koliko se taj covjek zrtvovao i puno ga cijenim.", dok drugi pisu da laze, kako uopste nije ni bolestan, nego se folira da izmami simpatije ovih koji ga ne mogu smislit. 


Twitter je stvarno leglo zmija i septicka jama. Mada ima i poneki biser da se nadje.


Pratis li sta pisu i govore opozicioni politicari?

Farage prica da ne moze ekonomija da se stavlja ispred ljudskih zivota. Koliko sam ispratio, dosta kritikuje Johnsona:



The first duty of any government is to protect the wellbeing of its citizens and their country. In times of crisis, the economy must always come second.



Edited by goldberg
1 hour ago, n4l1m said:

biomed research  international:classic_sleep:


pa rek`o sam..

pacijenti sa kriticnim parametrima bez respiratora imaju smrtnost 46%, a sa respiratorom 54% smrtnosti. 


Drug Tito uvek ima inovativne pristupe problemu, ovaj put potvrdjene i statistikom u najboljoj tradiciji excell tabela jednog naseg, znamo kojeg. 
I tako i jeste, statisticki gledano, , ako se ne leci virus nikako, izvestan procenat pacijenate ce sigurno umreti a neki procenat nece. 

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  • Ha-ha 1
14 minutes ago, goldberg said:

Pratis li sta pisu i govore opozicioni politicari?


Nema ovdje opozicionih politicara. Imaju ovi neki koji nisu u vladajucoj stranci ali oni nisu nikakva opozicija godinama. Znam da ne pitas to ali...


Znas li da je Corbyn jos uvijek lider Laburista i da takmicenje za novog vodju jos nije gotovo? Pa oni ne znaju gdje im je dupe, a gdje glava, kamo li da imaju nesto suvislo da kazu u vezi pandemije. Isto sto i svi ponavljaju - dajte nam testova, respiratora i support nhs. Pokusao sam malo pratiti sta Starmer prica ali mi je brzo nestao sa radara.


LibDemsi su propali ko kauc, oni vise ni ne pokusavaju da ista kazu niti ih iko slusa.


A Faraz nije vise ni politicar ako je ikad i bio. Bas sam se danas pitao sta li je s njega, ziv se nije cuo i evo ti ga pomenu. Pravo da ti kazem, ako je ista bilo dobro zadnjih dana je sto se njegova njuska nije becila sa svakog ekrana i svih novina.


Da skratim, ne pratim sta pisu niti govore opozicioni, cujem ponekad neki zamor ali slabo je to. Pravo da ti kazem, vise pratim desavanja ovdje na forumu, veselije je koliko-toliko. Na uk msm gledam krivulje zarazenih i umrlih i ako ima vijesti oko vakcine ili novih mjera i savjeta, a da su iz zvanicnih izvora. Sve ostalo mi se odavno zgadilo.

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Posted (edited)

o respiratorima:



DER SPIEGEL: The German government has contracted you to build 10,000 ventilators. How far along are you?

Dräger: The contract has a detailed delivery plan that spans the entire year. The first devices are now finished. When the news came in from Wuhan, the consequences were almost predictable. We are familiar with them from the SARS crisis. But the contract with the German government represents only part of our output. A larger portion is made up of customers from outside the country.

DER SPIEGEL: Who all is buying equipment from you?

Dräger: Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz was on the phone earlier. He needs 1,000 ventilators, but we can only make 50 available to him at this point. Countless ministers from all kinds of countries have called, and last weekend, the king of the Netherlands called.




DER SPIEGEL: Given the number of contracts, you have little choice but to set priorities. Is "Germany First” the rule?

Dräger: No. At first, almost all of the devices went to China, where need was greatest. They needed a rather simple device, and we were able to produce 400 of them a week. The device turns ambient air into purified air, only requires an electrical socket and, if necessary, an oxygen cylinder, and requires no connection to a hospital's medical gas supply system.

DER SPIEGEL: How do you decide these days whose order gets filled?

Dräger: That does, in fact, present some difficulties. We are currently receiving news every hour about the situation in various countries that we need to take into account. This means we put human factors first.




DER SPIEGEL: Car manufacturers and other firms have announced that they can manufacture ventilator components. Is that purely a PR move or is it actually helpful?

Dräger: There is little point in adapting unused production capacity to manufacture respiratory aids. I spoke with Daimler over the weekend. They would also like to help. But it’s unfortunately not so simple. We can’t build cars either. Before we invest too much thought into this, we should focus on getting devices that are sitting around in a basement somewhere back into working order. Or can we repurpose other devices? There is a lot of potential there.

DER SPIEGEL: Where do you think these kinds of reserves would come from?

Dräger: I believe it’s possible to use devices from ambulance service or anesthesiology departments. Such devices aren't meant for long-term respiration, but they can serve that purpose. We estimate that in Germany alone, 5,000 devices could be mobilized from this reserve. To make that possible, hospital staff, of course, need to be instructed in how to use these devices. And it also requires action on behalf of the regulatory authorities.




DER SPIEGEL: The machines are one thing. But ventilating COVID-19 patients is complex. Isn’t the main shortage a scarcity of experts?

Dräger: Yes, I’m afraid. And there is another problem: Germany’s health minister may have taken early action, but it remains unclear how the 10,000 devices he has ordered are to be distributed. As a result, many hospitals are contacting us directly. Despite the hardships, we need to ensure that the resources are distributed in the best way possible and that hospitals aren’t receiving advanced equipment for little money that they do not know how to use.  

DER SPIEGEL: What is so demanding about these devices?

Dräger: It’s not about the device, but about the person who is attached to it. You have to be able to evaluate the person’s state and know how to precisely adjust the device to first save the person's life and then ensure that they quickly grow healthy again. This requires years of experience.

DER SPIEGEL: In which country is the supply situation currently especially challenging?

Dräger: In Europe, the number of intensive-care beds per capita is very unequally distributed. In Italy, it is three times lower than here. In England, five times lower. The challenge in England will be greater than in Spain. And the situation in the U.S. is very alarming. The reporting system there is also underdeveloped.





DER SPIEGEL: Have you received a call from U.S. President Donald Trump yet?

Dräger: We are waiting for it. The U.S. authorities have made a request for 100,000 ventilators. That likely exceeds the annual production capacity of all manufacturers. It is absolutely mission impossible. And even that number won’t be enough. We applied to take on part of the delivery, because we have a responsibility as the biggest manufacturer.


Edited by wwww
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Posted (edited)

DER SPIEGEL: When will a shortage begin developing for filters, tubes and other components for the ventilators?

Dräger: It already has. When it comes to parts supplies, we have observed a phenomenon similar to the one with toilet paper. There is panic buying going on, but by hospitals - and it is to everyone's detriment. The parts come from all over the world, including from Turkey. I very much hope that the supply chains remain intact despite the protectionism. If someone decides to disrupt them, there will no longer be any ventilators, for anyone.

DER SPIEGEL: Your company also manufactures face masks. Have you ramped up their production like you did with the ventilators?

Dräger: Yes, but the situation is different. When it comes to the ventilators, the demand is so high that we could produce 10 times what we do now. The demand for masks is so high, we could easily sell 100 times what we do now. But that is utopian. We have doubled production and can't do more than that. The masks are produced by fully automated machines that run 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

DER SPIEGEL: Where is the demand for the masks coming from right now?

Dräger: One example: The authorities in the U.S. want to buy 500 million masks. That is simply impossible, for anyone.

DER SPIEGEL: Why aren't there enough masks out there?

Dräger: When the crisis started, speculators quickly stepped in. They bought masks by the container, and are now selling them at extortionate prices. And then there’s the fact that many people who don’t work in hospitals believe they need to wear masks.



DER SPIEGEL: The German government banned the export of face masks early on. Hasn’t that helped?

Dräger: The French president said he wanted to halt exports and confiscate protective gear. Then Germany followed, and there was a chain reaction. The problem is that there are no large mask producers in Germany. In our case, masks only make up 0.3 percent of our revenue. We manufacture them in Sweden and South Africa. The stop in exports means that other countries are also holding onto the items they produce.



DER SPIEGEL: The Association of General Practitioners in the state of Lower Saxony has released sewing instructions for protective masks, claiming that you can make your own masks out of dishtowels. Is that a good idea?

Dräger: If it helps people on the streets feel safer, then why not? That will leave more specialized products for doctors and nurses.

DER SPIEGEL: How can a supply bottleneck be avoided in the future?

Dräger: Germany needs to develop an intelligent system for storing a certain number of masks that can be used if needed. The sticking point is that masks have an expiration date. The masks would need to be regularly removed from storage as they neared their expiration date and sold. I have made a few suggestions on the issue to Health Minister Jens Spahn.

DER SPIEGEL: Do you have a stock of masks saved up in your home?

Dräger: No, not a single one. I’m only 57 years old, so I still have three years until I belong to the risk group.



o delovima za respiratore i o maskama



Edited by wwww
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DER SPIEGEL: What are the lessons to be learned from this crisis?

Dräger: It shows that common sense is more important than we all thought. This situation is so new and complicated that the problems can only be solved by people who carefully weigh their decisions. Artificial intelligence, which everyone has been talking so much about recently, isn't much help at the moment.

DER SPIEGEL: Are you still taking all the calls from government ministers and heads of state, or have you begun switching off your phone?

Dräger: Everyone who submits an inquiry receives an answer. I just got a call from a group that would like to donate a single ventilator to Romania. They will, of course, also get an answer from me.


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Posted (edited)



Vesti iz Francuske:


Six hundred million Chinese masks, including 74 million FFP2, the most effective respiratory protection. This is the spectacular objective of the market, in several parts, which is in the process of passing France with manufacturers from the Shenzhen region, in an emergency. Faced with the need to replenish almost empty stocks, which could endanger the lives of the French, according to its detractors, the government intends to set up an "air bridge" with China.

Respirators are also planned, but the question of coronavirus testing remains unresolved. The rotation of the planes could last nearly fourteen weeks, according to information from Le Monde, depending on the speed of production on site. A cargo plane is scheduled to take off on March 29 to bring back 10 million masks. Another on March 31, with a similar amount expected.






Edited by wwww
Posted (edited)


2500 faithful, 5 days of fasting and prayer, it was from a megachurch that in February everything started. 6 Corsican pensioners, a nursing assistant from Doubs, 5 Guyanese, a couple from Cotentin ... The Covid19 invaded France and left politicians without a plan B. Story




evo kako je virus dosao u Elzas. Muihouse je na tromedji Nemacke (Frajburg, Baden-Wurtenberg), Francuske i Svajcarske (Bazel), blizu Kolmara (bolnica tamo je u kolapsu, ne mogu da smeste sve bolesnike, pa su neki prebaceni u Nemacku, verovatno i u druge delove Francuske a mozda i u Svajcarsku, ne znam):


Two thousand pilgrims, five days of prayer and a virus: in Mulhouse, the scenario of a contagion


The faithful of the Evangelical Church of the Open Christian Door have spread, despite themselves, the coronavirus across the country, and up to Guyana.

Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), Monday February 17, 9:30 am. Cars park one by one in the large parking lot with 450 spaces. Clusters of adults and children are coming out: it's a week of school holidays for families. Other devotees tumble on foot, alone or as a couple. The sky is rainy but, outside, the day begins with hugs. We fall into our arms before rushing into the church, an old supermarket surmounted by a high cross hoisted on a stainless steel triptych, the symbol of the Trinity.

More than two thousand people, including 295 children, have gathered for the "week of fasting and prayer" organized for twenty-five years, during Lent, by the church The Open Christian Door.

The crowd disembarks from Mulhouse and its surroundings, but also from the rest of the country, from neighboring Germany, or even from Belgium or Switzerland. The Open Door deserves its name: fasting is not strict there - it is not even recommended for the elderly or sick - and the gathering, obviously free, requires no prior registration, as if to preserve this spontaneous outburst of faith and mutual aid.

2,200 worshipers in the Great Hall

Seven faithful came from Vesoul, in Haute-Saône, three others from Cornimont, in the Vosges. Six Ajacciennes also made the trip, as well as fifteen Guyanese, accompanied by their pastor. These belong to one of the eighteen evangelical churches of Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni.

Corsica, Guyana ... The friendships made in previous years meet weekly on Facebook, but some have not seen each other for a year. It deserves four kisses, at least, before finding a seat in the concrete building.


Za ostatak teksta niije slobodan pristup, ali da se pretpostaviti sta se desilo.


Ima jedan komentar ispod ovog twita koji tvrdi da Francuzi nisu stavili u karantin vojnike koji su isli do Wuhana da vrate francuske drzavljane odatle.


Nemci su takodje vratili svoje drzavljane, i oni su bili u karantinu (cini mi se u nekoj kasarni), ali ne znam da li su vojnici (ili ko je bio zaduzen za taj karantin) takodje bili u karantinu.

Ovde ima nesto o tome: https://www.zeit.de/wissen/gesundheit/2020-02/coronavirus-wuhan-china-deutsche-rueckkehrer-kaserne


Kazu da su imali nekih problema s Rusima koji su prethodno odobreno medjusletanje zabranili (mozda su zbg toga kasnije Rusi morali da lete malo okolo)


The return flight of the Germans from Wuhan triggered diplomatic tensions with Russia. The Bundeswehr machine was originally supposed to stop in Moscow. Russian aviation authorities had also announced that they would be allowed to land. In the end, however, Russia refused to make the stopover and explained that Moscow Airport had capacity constraints, said Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU). The minister announced a possible aftermath.

The first coronavirus cases occurred in Russia on Friday. Like many other countries, Russia has therefore tightened the entry requirements for Chinese. For groups from China who have been able to travel to the country without a visa since 2000, the visa requirement now applies, the government in Moscow said. In addition, China will initially no longer issue work visas for Chinese. The measures served the "security of the country and the protection of public health". This should also prevent the spread of the new corona virus. The government emphasized that these are "temporary" restrictions. The People's Republic is Russia's most important trading partner.


a evo ovde i o pomoci EU Kini:


In view of the emergency, the European Union has sent twelve tons of protective clothing to China. As the EU Commission announced, the People's Republic had asked for the aid. The EU emergency coordination center had contacted the EU countries. These would have gathered the twelve tons of protective clothing.


Edited by wwww




"Velika greška SAD-a i Europe je da ljudi ne nose maske"


"Po mom mišljenju, velika greška SAD-a i Europe jest da ljudi ne nose maske. Ovaj virus prenosi se kapljicama i bliskim kontaktom. Kapljice igraju vrlo važnu ulogu - morate nositi masku, jer kad govorite, uvijek iz usta izlaze kapljice. Mnogi ljudi imaju asimptomatske ili predsimptomatske infekcije. Ako nose maske za lice, to može spriječiti da kapljice koje nose virus pobjegnu i zaraze druge", rekao je.


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Posted (edited)


Sve što se zna o lečenju je na klimavim nogama.Čisto nagađanje.

Čak i da su lekovi efikasni gde da ih nađeš.Aktivne substance za većinu lekova proizvodi Kina , pakovanje je u Indiji.Indijci su pre nekoliko dana zaustavili izvoz lekova.Čuvaju za sebe.

Zdravstveni sistem u celom svetu visi o 

koncu jer nema dovoljno zaštitne opreme.Odela,rukavice ,maske ,vizuri svuda je problem .

Ovo je pošast svetskih razmera,nemoguće je proizvesti dovoljno jer svima treba u ogromnim količinama i to odmah.


Edited by sasa965




pa rek`o sam..

pacijenti sa kriticnim parametrima bez respiratora imaju smrtnost 46%, a sa respiratorom 54% smrtnosti. 



Sorry, ali medicinska nauka ne funkcioniše tako. Takva studija je na više nivoa biased, da zaključci nisu relevantni.


Naime, moguće da je veći procenat umrlih sa respiratora zato što, pazi sad - najkritičniji slučajevi idu na respirator, tako da tu postoji problem u odabiru kohorti. Da bi ispravno sproveo takvu studiju, morao bi da randomizuješ pacijente u obe grupe, a to znači da i u grupi na respiratoru i onoj izvan bi morao da imaš jednak broj teško, srednje i lako obolelih, istog starosnog profila, profila ostalih bolesti i sl, znači da imaš dve potpuno jednake grupe pacijenata. A to medikolegalno i etički, nije izvodljivo jer ne smeš svojom studijom da uskraćuješ neophodnu negu i lečenje pacijentu (tu mislim na kritično obolele u grupi bez respiratora, koji bi, čisto medicinski morao da staviš na respirator). Znači ti si kao lekar dužan da najteže slučajeve staviš na respirator, pa čak i ako faktički imaš npr. 50 teških slučajeva na 20 respiratora, opet ćeš na njih da staviš one koji su klinički najugroženiji ili one koji imaju najbolju prognozu, u svakom slučaju tvoj odabir kohorti u tom slučaju nije više randomizovan i non-biased, a samim tim su i zaključci studije irelevantni.


Btw, kad sam tražio izvor, hteo sam konkretnu studiju. Ti kao da si me uputio u biblioteku.


  • Like 11
12 hours ago, Plavi Golub said:

Ima tu jos nesto o cemu ljudi ne misle. Mnogo je parkova sklonjeno u centralno beogradskim opstinama da bi se gradilo koje sta. Tako da ljudi umesto da decu izvode oko zgrada vec day h vode na mesta gde se narod masovno skuplja ergo Kosutnjak, Ada, blokovi, Zemunski kej ili Dunavski (pojma nemam kako je sad Bgd na vodi nisam videla). Zato je po meni delimicno ta masovka u Beogradu.


Po manjim mestima gde su zgrade jos uvek ima parkova. Bar je tako u “mom” gradu. Tako da ljudi koji nemaju dvoriste mogu da izvedu deci blize kuci.


Ne znam kako je kod tebe tamo, kod mene ovde u Francuskoj, su parkovi otvoreni, ali igralista za decu su sva zatvoren, ogradjena, ne sme se ulaziti na klackalice, ljuljaske i ostale gradjevine koje sluze da se deca igraju.

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, goldberg said:


Pratis li sta pisu i govore opozicioni politicari?

Farage prica da ne moze ekonomija da se stavlja ispred ljudskih zivota. Koliko sam ispratio, dosta kritikuje Johnsona:






Po karikaturisti Tajmsa Piteru Bruksu, Dzonson upravo to i radi. Sunak je valjda ministar finansija.



Edited by Plavi Golub
12 hours ago, A sad said:


Nisam ti odmah odgovorio onog dana, hteo sam malo da sacekam da vidim kako ce se razvijati situacija. Sada je vec prilicno jasno da se manipulise podacima. Sto se broja mrtvih tice, znaci imamo devet slucajeva iz Nisa koji nisu ubrojani u zvanicnu brojku i imamo slucaj iz Sapca gde su doktori tvrdili da je covek umro od korone, ali nije ubacen u statistiku. To je ukupno 10 slucajeva za koje mi znamo, a ko zna koliko ih jos ima. Znaci na 10 potvrdjenih slucajeva imamo jos toliko onih koje vlast iz nekog razloga ne zeli da ubaci u statistiku iako sve indicije govore da u pitanju jesu smrti od korone. Sto se tice broja zarazenih i on je daleko veci. Broj testova koji se obavlja je u startu bio bezobrazno mali, a posle povecanja on je i dalje jako mali. Intuicija mi govori, a tome u prilog idu i izjave zvanicnika, da je ovo povecanje broja testova u poslednja tri dana posledica testiranja vladinog aparata, koja u vecini slucajeva nije opravdana, tako da bi verovatno i ovako visok procenat pozitivnih na testu u normalnim uslovima bio veci. Zarazeni sekretar u ministarstvu ekologije, najverovatnije nije ni dolazio na posao pa nije mogao ni da zarazi zaposlene u vladi. Ovo ne pricam napamet, to je se jasno vidi iz medija i izjave ministra Trivana, da zarazeni sekretar nije bio u kontaktu sa ministrom duzi period. To je moguce jedino ako jedan od njih dvojce ne dolazi na posao. Inace radi se o Branislavu Blazicu, koji je iz Kikinde, bio je i radikalski gradonacelnik tog grada, doktor po obrazovanju, i pretpostavka da se zarazio u Kikindi je opravdana. Zatim, iz gostovanja Nestorovica u Cirilici, jasno je da se broj obolelih objavljuje sa njamanje 24h zakasnjenja...


Razlozi za sve ovo su vrlo jednostavni. U kriznim situacijama popularnost vlasti po pravilu raste, posebno autoritarnih rezima. Medjutim problem nastaje nakon prestanka krizne situacije i tada vrlo lako moze doci do velikog pada popularnosti i stvaranja uslova za promenu rezima. Da bi to izbegli oni moraju da uspesno prebrode krizu. Ne da kao Milosevic proglase pobedu (oni ce to svakako uraditi, ali to nije dovoljno) vec da serviraju rezultate koji ce biti prihvatljivi narodu, tj birackom telu. Zato mere prevencije i jesu usmerene pre svega na penzionere (njegovo osnovno biracko telo i najlakse za manipulaciju). On mora da ima prihvatljiv broj obolelih i sto je jos bitnije prihvatljiv broj umrlih. 20 umrlih u samom startu epidemije je podatak koji izaziva paniku, a to je nesto sto on ne sme da dozvoli. Takodje broj obolelih mora da bude toliki da izaziva strah kod naroda da se ne bune protiv mera u vecoj meri, ali da ne bude ni prevelik i pokaze da su njegove mere glupost i da ne moze da upravlja situacijom. Uvodjenje ovog besmislenog policijskog casa je upravo iz razloga da se neformalne informacije sto teze prenose i prostor za manipulacije bude sto veci. Ne treba zaboraviti, da je on vec hteo da uvede policijski cas od 24h, za sta jos uvek nema nikakvog opravdanja, ali mu je sa strane (iz inostranstva) "sugerisano" sa tako nesto ne radi. On je tu sugestiju morao da prihvati, ali ce prvom prilikom uvesti policijski cas od 24h. Ovo je veoma osetljiv trenutak za njega, a meni deluje da je sistem pred kolapsom i da na broj obolelih imamo vec sada ogroman broj umrlih. 


Svaka cast na postu.

Npr u Francuskoj vlast za umrle od korone virusa ne ubraja one koji su umrli u domovima za stare , samo one koji umru u bolnicama.


Isto ima u Italiji https://www.20min.ch/ro/news/monde/story/En-Italie--les-bilans-sont-il-sous-evalues--12247158 Necu da prevodim, koga interesuje moze pogledati u google pretrazivacu, i prevesti.

Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, I, Ja Sam Laki said:

Ne znam kako je kod tebe tamo, kod mene ovde u Francuskoj, su parkovi otvoreni, ali igralista za decu su sva zatvoren, ogradjena, ne sme se ulaziti na klackalice, ljuljaske i ostale gradjevine koje sluze da se deca igraju.

Komentar se odnosio na Beograd i na mozda jedan od razloga sto su Beogradjani prozivani.

Poenta je da dobar deo ljudi koji zivi u centralnim beogradskim opstinama zbog gradnje poslednjih decenija bez pratece infrastrukture (malo zelenila oko zgrada) koje je ranije bilo ne moze decu  da izvede i proseta ih u blizini mesta gde zive.

Zato se po mom misljenju delimicno masovno skupljaju na mestima koja su navedena u komentaru.

Ne mogu se mala deca vezati za radijator kao sto je jedan od komentatora saljivo pitao. Nije nuzda da to budu klackalice ili sprave koje se dodiruju, ali se treba im lufta.

Edited by Plavi Golub
Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Plavi Golub said:

Komentar se odnosio na Beograd i na mozda jedan od razloga sto su Beogradjani prozivani.

Poenta je da dobar deo ljudi koji zivi u centralnim beogradskim opstinama zbog gradnje poslednjih decenija bez pratece infrastrukture (malo zelenila oko zgrada) koje je ranije bilo ne moze decu  da izvede i proseta ih u blizini mesta gde zive.

Zato se po mom misljenju delimicno masovno skupljaju na mestima koja su navedena u komentaru.

Ne mogu se mala deca vezati za radijator kao sto je jedan od komentatora saljivo pitao. Nije nuzda da to budu klackalice ili sprave koje se dodiruju, ali se treba im lufta.

Da, tesko je sa decom, ali ako se mora onda se mora, pa makar vezali i za radijator.

Evo ovde u FR pitaju kako objasniti deci da se nece ici na letovanje, ili da se nece ici kod bake i deke za uskrs, ili,.... 




Ili npr sinoc gledam na TV-u u FR, kako nema maski ni pod razno da se kupe po apotekama, i vlada odluci da naruci iz Kine nekoliko 100 hiljada maski. Onda su se nasli "borci" da kazu kako te maske iz Kine ne zadovoljavaju standarde EU. Pa jbm misa, sto ih onda sami ne proizvedete, pa ce odgovarati standardima EU.

Edited by I, Ja Sam Laki
9 hours ago, Honey Badger said:

Taj brat Lukasenko je lud kao naizmjenicna struja. Jebe se njega, 'ta ce virus, samo paradiraj i posumljavaj. :classic_ninja:


I pored takvog lezernog stava a bogme i izolovanosti same Belorusije testirali su 24.000 osoba sto je vise nego 10puta u odnosu na Srbiju.

  • Like 1
57 minutes ago, I, Ja Sam Laki said:

Da, tesko je sa decom, ali ako se mora onda se mora, pa makar vezali i za radijator.

Kako to uspevaš, sa svojom decom? Daj neki savet.



Mali off

Citam ovaj intervju sa Dregerom, stariji ce se setiti da su se ranije policijski aparati za alkotest nazivali dreger. 
To je ona tradicija da se proizvod naziva po brendu ili proizvodjacu ( kaladont, zilet...)

  • Like 1
19 minutes ago, urosg3 said:

Kako to uspevaš, sa svojom decom? Daj neki savet.



Pa , eto pisao je neko par dana ranije, da je ubedio decu da im se aplaudira jer su bila dobra. I da ce im svako vece aplaudirati ako budu dobra.

15 minutes ago, urosg3 said:

Kako to uspevaš, sa svojom decom? Daj neki savet.


I moj sin kuka kako ne moze da izadje na kraj sa svojim sinom osim da mu dozvoli igrice i TV po ceo dan pa sam mu preporucila da zaposli dete, deca vole da rade nesto od poslova za odrasle, vole da ucestvuju: dajte im krpu da brisu namestaj, porftise da brisu (cist) parket, podove, plocice, da srede svoje igracke i odvoje one koje su prerasli, da preslazu posudje u ormanima,  da peru sudove, to  obozavaju... da   brisu oprano voce, stariji mogu da obrisu unutrasnje prozore....radite nesto zajedno. 

2 minutes ago, I, Ja Sam Laki said:


Pa , eto pisao je neko par dana ranije, da je ubedio decu da im se aplaudira jer su bila dobra. I da ce im svako vece aplaudirati ako budu dobra.

Super, mora da mi je promaklo.  Nemaš decu zar ne?

  • Ha-ha 1

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