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[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja

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Dnevna doza će ujediniti čitav svijet. Za sada su na istoj strani Saudijska Arabija, Turska, Španija, Francuska, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Irska, rusija, Kina i Njemačka. Way to go, dude!


Trump's Gaza plan for 'Riviera of the Middle East' triggers international condemnation



WASHINGTON/PARIS Feb 5 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's plan for the U.S. to take over war-torn Gaza and create a "Riviera of the Middle East" after resettling Palestinians elsewhere has shattered U.S. policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and sparked widespread criticism.

The shock move from Trump, a former New York property developer, was swiftly condemned by international powers, with regional heavyweight Saudi Arabia, which Trump hopes will establish ties with Israel, rejecting the plan outright.


Turkey called the proposal "unacceptable" and France said it risked destabilising the Middle East.

Countries from Russia, China, Germany, Spain, Ireland and the UK said they continued to support the two-state solution that has formed the basis of Washington's policy in the region for decades, which has held that Gaza would be part of a future Palestinian state that includes the occupied West Bank.

Trump, in his first major Middle East policy announcement, said he envisioned building a resort where international communities could live in harmony after over 15 months of Israeli bombardment devastated the tiny coastal enclave and killed more than 47,000 people, by Palestinian tallies.


Trump's son-in-law and former aide, Jared Kushner, last year described Gaza as "valuable" waterfront property.

Welcoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House on Tuesday, Trump said he would support an effort to permanently resettle Palestinians from Gaza to places where they can live without fear of violence, and he and his team had been discussing this possibility with Jordan, Egypt and other regional countries.


In a news conference, Trump said Jordan's King Abdullah and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi would come around to the idea despite their rejections, saying they will "open their hearts and will give us the kind of land that we need to get this done and people can live in harmony and in peace."

The casual proposal sent diplomatic shockwaves across the Middle East and around the globe. China said it opposed the forced transfer of Palestinians.

"China has always believed that Palestinians governing Palestine is the basic principle of post-conflict governance," China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said, adding Beijing backs a two-state solution in the region.

Some of the toughest criticism came from France, which said the forced displacement of Gazans would be a serious violation of international law, an attack on the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinians and destabilise the region.

An official from Palestinian militant group Hamas, which ruled the Gaza Strip before fighting Israel in a brutal war there, said Trump's statement about taking over the enclave was "ridiculous and absurd".

"Any ideas of this kind are capable of igniting the region," Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters, saying Hamas remains committed to the ceasefire accord with Israel and "ensuring the success of the negotiation in the second phase".

It is not clear whether Trump will go ahead with his controversial plan or is simply taking an extreme position as a bargaining strategy. He provided no specifics at the news conference.



Russia believes a settlement in the Middle East is only possible on the basis of a two-state solution, the Kremlin said on Wednesday, while Spain's Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said "Gaza is the land of Gazan Palestinians and they must stay in Gaza".

Earlier on Tuesday Trump called for the permanent resettlement of more than two million Palestinians to neighbouring countries from Gaza, which the U.N. estimates could take up to 21 years to rebuild.

A U.N. damage assessment released in January estimated there is more than 50 million tonnes of rubble left in Gaza.

Trump's proposal raises questions whether Middle East power Saudi Arabia would be willing to join a renewed U.S.-brokered push for a historic normalisation of relations with U.S. ally Israel.

Saudi Arabia, a key U.S. ally, said it would not establish ties with Israel without the creation of a Palestinian state, contradicting Trump's claim that Riyadh was not demanding a Palestinian homeland.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has affirmed the kingdom's position in "a clear and explicit manner" that does not allow for any interpretation under any circumstances, the statement said.

Trump would like Saudi Arabia to follow in the footsteps of the United Arab Emirates, a Middle East trade and business hub, and Bahrain which signed the so-called Abraham Accords in 2020 and normalised ties with Israel.

In doing so, they became the first Arab states in a quarter century to break a longstanding taboo.

Trump said that he plans to visit Gaza, Israel and Saudi Arabia, but did not say when he plans to go.

Michael Milshtein, a former intelligence officer and one of Israel's leading specialists on Hamas, said Trump's comments put Israel on a collision course with its Arab neighbours.

"Maybe Trump is trying to promote pressure on the Arab states (so) that they will not create any obstacles if he will try to promote a normalisation between Saudi Arabia and Israel," he said.

Netanyahu would not be drawn into discussing the proposal, other than to praise Trump for trying a new approach.



Displacement is a highly sensitive issue among both Palestinians and Arab countries.

As fighting raged in the Gaza war, Palestinians feared they would suffer from another "Nakba", or catastrophe, referring to the time when hundreds of thousands were dispossessed of their homes in the 1948 war at the birth of the state of Israel.

"Trump can go to hell, with his ideas, with his money, and with his beliefs. We are going nowhere. We are not some of his assets," Samir Abu Basil, 40, a father of five from Gaza City,

told Reuters via a chat app.

"The easier for him if he wants to resolve this conflict is to take the Israelis and put them in one of the states there. They are the strangers and not the Palestinians. We are the owner of the land."



  • Like 6

Ko nije verovao da je Trump najveca budala u moderno politicko vreme, mogao se uveriti gledajuci jucerasnju konfenciju za stampu.


Mrtav-ladan je izjavio da Gaza treba da postane "vlasnistvo" (property of) USA. A onda ce USA tamo napraviti "rivijeru Bliskog istoka." Majko mila!?

Naravno, nije rekao kako bi to bilo izvedivo, ali je u odgovoru na jedno potpitanje rekao da ne iskljucuje slanje americke vojske tamo.

A Palestinci? "Oni neka isele u susedne drzave."

Na pitanje ko bi onda tamo ziveo, odgovorio je "ljudi iz celog sveta."

Na pitanje da li bi Sudijska Arabija imala zamerke, hladno je odgovorio "ne." Idiot, samo par sati kasnije je reagovao Bin Salman i njegov ministar spoljnih poslova je izdao saopstenje gde kaze da je ta ideja neprihvatljiva i da se SA zalaze za resenje sa dve drzave.

Naravno, pre ove bljuvotine nije pitao ni Palestince ni "susedne drzave" sta misle o tome.


Uprkos "America first!" retorici, pokazuje neverovatne ekspanzionisticke/imperijalisticke tendencije. Panamski kanal, Grenland, Kanada, pa sad i Gaza.

Predsednik je jedva dve nedelje i vec je uspeo da zavadi USA sa celim svetom. Pravi "veliku USA" kao i Milosevic Srbiju.


Ne mogu da verujem da je toliki idiot i da su dvi oko njega idioti.

Pre ce biti da je vrhunski spin-majstor - jer je toliko potakao novinare na pitanja oko ove gluposti (sto je ocigledno besmisleno gubljenje vremena) da se nisu setili da ga pitaju za realne tekuce probleme koje pravi.


A hoce da ukine ministarstvo obrazovanja, zaustavio je USAID, najurio vrh FBI itd.

I onda mu MAGA idioti veruju da nije znao sta je Project 2025 - a dobar deo predsednickih dekreta (executive orders) koje je done je direktno prepisan iz toga. Stavise, neke autore Projecta 2025 je postavio na razne funkcije u vladi.


Neki MAGA republikanac mu se juce na CNN divio i pohvalio ga kako je sposoban jer je pretnjom carinama naterao Meksiko da postovi 10 000 vojnika za dodatno obezbedjenje granice a Kanadu da organizuje projekt vredan 200 miliona $ za borbu protiv sverca droga i ljudi na severnoj granici.

Onda mu je (tom politicaru) Kaitlan Collins ukazala da je meksicka vlada dva puta vec uradila to isto za vreme Bidenove vlade, bez ikakvih pretnji, a Trudeau je najavio taj projekt pre 6 nedelja, bez carina. A ova budala bez pardona ispali: "pa dobro, sada su zahvaljujuci Trumpu to potvrdili!"


Trump pravi svinjarije brze nego ih normalan covek moze cak i samo komentarisati, a politicar se ne stigne suprotstaviti.


Gubimo bitku protiv budala!

  • Like 12
3 minutes ago, zoran59 said:


Uprkos "America first!" retorici, pokazuje neverovatne ekspanzionisticke/imperijalisticke tendencije. Panamski kanal, Grenland, Kanada, pa sad i Gaza.

Predsednik je jedva dve nedelje i vec je uspeo da zavadi USA sa celim svetom. Pravi "veliku USA" kao i Milosevic Srbiju.



Cula sam dobru izjavu jednog novinara, parafraziram: "Tramp vlada kao kralj jer je suvise slab da bude drzavnik"


  • Like 2
2 hours ago, freethrow said:

eeeeh... polako sa takvim zaključcima. Bilo bi zabavno videti kako bi izgledala Evropa okrenuta sebi posle 2SR... 

Bila bi jeftinija jaja na obe strane bare?


28 minutes ago, McLeod said:

Tragikomicno je sto mu je ovo za Gazu nije cak ni najvise zlocinacka ideja koju je izbacio za ovih mesec dana.

Najava etničkog čišćenja ili ostavljanje desetina/stotina miliona gladnih i bolesnih bez pomoći širom svijeta, nije lako izabrati favorita.

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

Sta kazu "Arab Americans for Trump"? Dosta im je bilo muskaraca u haljinama (koje btw i sami tradicionalno nose), pa ce dobiti etnicko ciscenje Gaze. 

A onaj kojeg su "nepravedno optuzili u Hagu" se kezi jer je to dogovorio sa budalom.

1 hour ago, DJORDJE said:

Da propadne NATO i srbadiji konacno svane.

Da NATO-a nije bilo, Srbija bi osjetila rusku bratsku ljubav kao i ostatak istocne Evrope pa bi valjda danas bila zdravije drustvo.

Edited by ters
  • Like 3
18 minutes ago, Beonegro said:

Najava etničkog čišćenja ili ostavljanje desetina/stotina miliona gladnih i bolesnih bez pomoći širom svijeta, nije lako izabrati favorita.


Nista nije bolji ni za amere



43 minutes ago, zoran59 said:

Trump pravi svinjarije brze nego ih normalan covek moze cak i samo komentarisati, a politicar se ne stigne suprotstaviti.


Gubimo bitku protiv budala!

Spin doktor, reko ja da ne gledate gde se stvarna aktivnost desava. Za sada RFK I Tulsi idu napred, AG je potvrdjena. A Mask cisti jednu po jednu agenciju sto bi rekli, gde su nasi novci. Ako mu uspe, to sto je obecao, Tramp je zagarantovao svoj legat. Ide buldozerom, dok se vi bavite posterima u Srbiji I Gazom.

Sva ta medjunarodna prica je za sada sitnica. Glavna stvar je da je odlucio da ispuni obecanje is 2015te, drain the swamp. 

  • Ha-ha 1
21 hours ago, Angelia said:

Nemam pojma, u Publixu ima jaja. Ja sam za nestasicu cula iz vesti.

Ima se, moze se.

3 minutes ago, Angelia said:


Spin doktor, reko ja da ne gledate gde se stvarna aktivnost desava. Za sada RFK I Tulsi idu napred, AG je potvrdjena. A Mask cisti jednu po jednu agenciju sto bi rekli, gde su nasi novci. Ako mu uspe, to sto je obecao, Tramp je zagarantovao svoj legat. Ide buldozerom, dok se vi bavite posterima u Srbiji I Gazom.

Sva ta medjunarodna prica je za sada sitnica. Glavna stvar je da je odlucio da ispuni obecanje is 2015te, drain the swamp. 


Jeste, slazem se, cisti agencije i vrlo moguce je odgovoran za dve avionske nesrece, a pogotovo mu je dobro ovo ciscenje iz FBIja gde hoce da deklasifikuje podatke i osveti se onima koji su vodili istragu o upadu u Kapitol. Bas onako odlicno temeljno ciscenje koje ce koristiti svim Amerikancima.


Koji se zovu Donald Dzon Tramp.

  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1
15 minutes ago, Angelia said:


Spin doktor, reko ja da ne gledate gde se stvarna aktivnost desava. Za sada RFK I Tulsi idu napred, AG je potvrdjena. A Mask cisti jednu po jednu agenciju sto bi rekli, gde su nasi novci. Ako mu uspe, to sto je obecao, Tramp je zagarantovao svoj legat. Ide buldozerom, dok se vi bavite posterima u Srbiji I Gazom.

Sva ta medjunarodna prica je za sada sitnica. Glavna stvar je da je odlucio da ispuni obecanje is 2015te, drain the swamp. 




Da, da napuni mocvaru drugim krokodilima. 


Sta ti je deda mraz doneo za novu godinu?

  • Ha-ha 1
31 minutes ago, McLeod said:


Jeste, slazem se, cisti agencije i vrlo moguce je odgovoran za dve avionske nesrece, a pogotovo mu je dobro ovo ciscenje iz FBIja gde hoce da deklasifikuje podatke i osveti se onima koji su vodili istragu o upadu u Kapitol. Bas onako odlicno temeljno ciscenje koje ce koristiti svim Amerikancima.


Koji se zovu Donald Dzon Tramp.


Agencije ce da zameni nacista Musk, sam radi istrage i susi mocvaru. Posto ce Cemerika sada sve sama proizvoditi, tamnoputi mogu na polja pamuka, latinosi preko zida raus.

  • Like 1

Nema kraja pobjedama:


European leaders are trying to accommodate Mr Trump—for now. A handful of populist leaders share his views. A larger group is betting that he will become distracted and find other targets. Some hope to wait him out. But the moment that Mr Trump convinces allies that their favoured world order is dead, their incentives will reverse. With nothing to lose, even friendly European governments will try to deceive, resist and hedge against a hostile America. Already, influential voices in Brussels, Berlin and other capitals murmur that Europe should draw closer to China.


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