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[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja


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31 minutes ago, Angelia said:

Naravno, ali iz drugih razloga. Ne zbog godina, nego sto je on bio predsednik koji je imao autoritet nad njom. Njene godine nisu bile bitne. I ceo svet je presao preko toga.


Ti si pisala da je Klintonov impicment mnogo strasniji nego to sto pripisuju Trampu (abuse of power and obstruction of congress)... 


I nisam ni mislila na godine, nego na stepen licemerstva koji je probio sve barijere kada i kako maga gleda na svet. 

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Evo jedno pitanje - komsije, momak i devojcica koja je bila bucka i koju su druga deca zezala je branio od njih. Osam godina je stariji, to je bilo tipa kad je ona imala 9-10 godina a on zavrsavao srednju. On otisao da studira u drugi grad, ona se isto posle nekoliko godina odselila, nisu se videli godinama i onda slucajno sreli kad je ona imala 20-21 i smuvali. Je l' to ok ili ne, i da li je on grumer?

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13 minutes ago, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 said:


Ti si pisala da je Klintonov impicment mnogo strasniji nego to sto pripisuju Trampu (abuse of power and obstruction of congress)... 


I nisam ni mislila na godine, nego na stepen licemerstva koji je probio sve barijere kada i kako maga gleda na svet. 

Prvo, mnogo strasniji je subjektivna ocena, mozda sam rekla gori. Zato sto je lagao u svedocenju Kongresu. Tramp nije, I ispostavilo se da je impichment izmisljen. Kod Klintona nije bio. Cinjenica je da jeste to uradio.

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1 hour ago, DameTime said:


Ok, to nisam znala, ako je tako to onda jeste veoma problematično.

Sta je problematicno? Ko kome moze da odredjuje kada ce i u koga da se zaljubi? Da nema takvih

cudnih ljubavnih veza knjizevni bi svet bio mnogo siromasniji. To sve naravno nema veze sa ovim

sa Floride.

Makron se smrtno zaljubio u nju, ona je vec imala troje dece, jedno je dete bilo i starije od Makrona,

on je inistirao na ovoj kasnoj zenidbi s njom, njoj to sve nije bilo mnogo prijatno.


Meni je cudno da se u kampanji nije pojavio Tramp kao korisnik usluga servisa mladih, maloletnih devojaka

koje je organizovao Epstajn. Onda sam shvatila da je to sve pod velom velike tajne jer je lista Who is who,





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6 minutes ago, Selina said:

Sta je problematicno? Ko kome moze da odredjuje kada ce i u koga da se zaljubi? Da nema takvih

cudnih ljubavnih veza knjizevni bi svet bio mnogo siromasniji.


Kapa dole za trol gospođo. Književni svet, ta vam je dobra.


Zamislite tek da nema ubistava i drugih zločina, šta bi Herkul Poaro radio, prodavao bi vafle verovatno.


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16 minutes ago, Angelia said:

Prvo, mnogo strasniji je subjektivna ocena, mozda sam rekla gori. Zato sto je lagao u svedocenju Kongresu. Tramp nije, I ispostavilo se da je impichment izmisljen. Kod Klintona nije bio. Cinjenica je da jeste to uradio.


Znas kako znas da Tramp laze? - Mrda usta. 


Eto, to je ta licemernost o kojoj pricam. 


Elem, veliki pobornik slobode govora Elonia je banovala Stiven Kinga zbog nadimka. 

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4 minutes ago, Smrtokapa said:

Kapa dole za trol gospođo. Književni svet, ta vam je dobra.


Zamislite tek da nema ubistava i drugih zločina, šta bi Herkul Poaro radio, prodavao bi vafle verovatno.


Idi bre u peršun, pomislih Puzigaća se vratio na 4um :lol_2:

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9 minutes ago, Smrtokapa said:


Kapa dole za trol gospođo. Književni svet, ta vam je dobra.


Zamislite tek da nema ubistava i drugih zločina, šta bi Herkul Poaro radio, prodavao bi vafle verovatno.


Bez trilera bismo nekako i preziveli, ali bez poezije, baleta, drama, muzike, tesko. Barem ja tako.

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Hajde da se vratimo na detalje slucaja za koji je Gaetz optuzen - trgovina maloljetnim osobama za potrebe seksa. Tacno je da je tuzilac procijenio da ce biti tesko doci do osudjujuce presude radi nekoliko razloga: 1) svjedok je i sam bio trgovac ljudima i svjedocio je na osnovu nagodbe da bi sebi smanjio kaznu, 2)  javni i politicki profil optuzenog bi uticao na prevelik uticaj javnosti i politickih faktora na ishod sudjenja, 3) pretesko je dokazati optuzbe takvog tipa gdje je potrebno izvesti dokaze  o namjeri 


Tuzilastvo je obustavilo istragu ali nije izdalo nikakvu izjavu o neosnovanosti optuzbi - Gaetz ima pravo zatraziti takvu izjavu ali to nije uradio. Dakle ne pricamo o razlici u godinama kod ljudi koji su iznad ili na granici "age of consent", ili zaljubljivanju, nego o trgovanju seksualnim robljem i svercovanjem maloljetnih lica preko granica radi seksualne zloupotrebe. 

Edited by ters
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Ostade Rudi gologuz radi petljanja za Trampov racun. A bio je "grdonacelnik Amerike" i licnost godine u godini kada je stvarno trebao lider i jaka licnost da se prevazidje sok nakon terorirstickih napada na USA. Meni je to jedna veoma tuzna prica, ali ju je sam zasluzio.

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11 minutes ago, ters said:

Ostade Rudi gologuz radi petljanja za Trampov racun. A bio je "grdonacelnik Amerike" i licnost godine u godini kada je stvarno trebao lider i jaka licnost da se prevazidje sok nakon terorirstickih napada na USA. Meni je to jedna veoma tuzna prica, ali ju je sam zasluzio.


Covek se tako istinski trudio da pomogne Trampu u vezi kradje izbora, mislim Trampove kradje, zasluzio je bar neku poziciju u novoj administraciji, da ne tumara kao neki beskucnik. Nadje li se neki guest room tamo na Floridi za njega?



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Nisam videla nikakva nagadjanja zbog cega je Trump izabrao Gaetza, i sta time dobija?


Da li to radi smisljeno zbog medija i poluditisa koji ce izazvati ili ga je imenovao sasvim bezvezno  kao ono kad neko napise post potpuno nesvesan toga sta je napisao.....imali smo takve postove.


Dakle ovde je kljucno da li je samo u pitanju zahvalnost za podrsku ili postoji jos neki razlog....Trumpa sigurno ne mozemo nazvati nekim ko radi stvari bezazleno jer naprosto nije bezazlen tip.


Sto se bezazlenosti tj. gluposti tice tu je kandidatkinja Kamala imala stoputa vecu prednost nad Trumpom.

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24 minutes ago, Mama_mia said:



Da li to radi smisljeno zbog medija i poluditisa koji ce izazvati ili ga je imenovao sasvim bezvezno  kao ono kad neko napise post potpuno nesvesan toga sta je napisao.....imali smo takve postove.




Pa oba slucaja zvuce veoma trezveno, videcemo.


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2 hours ago, McLeod said:

Evo jedno pitanje - komsije, momak i devojcica koja je bila bucka i koju su druga deca zezala je branio od njih. Osam godina je stariji, to je bilo tipa kad je ona imala 9-10 godina a on zavrsavao srednju. On otisao da studira u drugi grad, ona se isto posle nekoliko godina odselila, nisu se videli godinama i onda slucajno sreli kad je ona imala 20-21 i smuvali. Je l' to ok ili ne, i da li je on grumer?


To je komsijska ljubaznost. Da bi bio groomer morao bi da manipulise sa njom sa ciljem, a on je nestao iz njenog zivota bez da ju je zloupotrebio. Bar iz ovog sto si ti napisao. 

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AFTER DONALD TRUMP won the presidential election in 2016—when he was a former television star rather than a former president—he managed the White House transition as if he was staging his reality show, “The Apprentice”. Aspiring cabinet members arrived at the tower that bears his name in New York and walked past TV cameras. That series was drawn-out, with celebrity appearances, including by Kanye West. This time Mr Trump is directing a tighter show: deliberating at his estate at Mar-a-Lago away from cameras and issuing his hiring verdicts over social media at a much faster pace. Unfortunately, the outcomes are hardly saner.

The most alarming choices came in a 24-hour period. On November 12th Mr Trump announced that Pete Hegseth, a Fox News personality who served in the National Guard, would be defence secretary. Mr Hegseth is one of the few who defended Mr Trump’s statement that there were “fine people on both sides” of protests against a white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. He is preoccupied by the scourge of wokeness in the army but has no experience in government.

Mr Trump also announced that Tulsi Gabbard, a conspiracy-minded Democrat-turned-Republican who is so free-spirited that she met Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s murderous dictator, and declared him “not the enemy of the United States”, would be director of national intelligence. Worse, he decided that Matt Gaetz, a flamboyant Florida congressman, would be his attorney-general. The fbi, over which the attorney-general has supervisory control, had probed allegations that Mr Gaetz sex-trafficked a minor. It brought no charges, but Mr Gaetz later faced an investigation by the House Ethics Committee. (He denies any wrongdoing.) He is an ultra-loyalist, who last year pledged that if the fbi and other agencies “do not come to heel” they should be abolished or defunded.

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AFTER DONALD TRUMP won the presidential election in 2016—when he was a former television star rather than a former president—he managed the White House transition as if he was staging his reality show, “The Apprentice”. Aspiring cabinet members arrived at the tower that bears his name in New York and walked past TV cameras. That series was drawn-out, with celebrity appearances, including by Kanye West. This time Mr Trump is directing a tighter show: deliberating at his estate at Mar-a-Lago away from cameras and issuing his hiring verdicts over social media at a much faster pace. Unfortunately, the outcomes are hardly saner.

The most alarming choices came in a 24-hour period. On November 12th Mr Trump announced that Pete Hegseth, a Fox News personality who served in the National Guard, would be defence secretary. Mr Hegseth is one of the few who defended Mr Trump’s statement that there were “fine people on both sides” of protests against a white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. He is preoccupied by the scourge of wokeness in the army but has no experience in government.

Read more of our coverage of America’s presidential election

Mr Trump also announced that Tulsi Gabbard, a conspiracy-minded Democrat-turned-Republican who is so free-spirited that she met Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s murderous dictator, and declared him “not the enemy of the United States”, would be director of national intelligence. Worse, he decided that Matt Gaetz, a flamboyant Florida congressman, would be his attorney-general. The fbi, over which the attorney-general has supervisory control, had probed allegations that Mr Gaetz sex-trafficked a minor. It brought no charges, but Mr Gaetz later faced an investigation by the House Ethics Committee. (He denies any wrongdoing.) He is an ultra-loyalist, who last year pledged that if the fbi and other agencies “do not come to heel” they should be abolished or defunded.

All of these are sensitive positions in which Mr Trump felt that he had been previously betrayed. His past attorneys-general acted with too much independence and too little like his consigliere; top intelligence officials attracted his ire for probing his links to Russia; his past defence secretaries and senior generals kiboshed his ideas. With these selections, Mr Trump indicates that he does not plan to tolerate such dissent this time. Those suspected of disloyalty (or disguised neoconservatism) are not welcome. Choices this bizarre may face difficulty being confirmed by the Senate, even one with a Republican majority. Perhaps that’s the point. Four defecting Republican senators would be sufficient to reject them, but blocking all three picks would be uncharacteristically defiant.

Mr Trump’s other appointments—at departments that he perhaps does not feel personally wronged by—are more conventional. Marco Rubio, a Florida senator, is his selection to be secretary of state. This would be an encouraging pick for America’s allies: Mr Rubio co-sponsored a bill to make it harder for the president to pull America out of NATO. As the Republican Party has moved in a different direction he has too, embracing Trumpism while keeping some of his old instincts. He has made supportive statements about Ukraine (yet voted against the most recent bill to arm it, citing the need to prioritise border security). Mr Rubio, the child of Cuban émigrés, has a hereditary anti-communism that has been redirected at China.

Other foreign-policy appointments have similar views and credentials. Mike Waltz, a former Florida congressman, is to be national security adviser. Like Mr Rubio, he sides with the “prioritisers” in MAGA-land such as J.D. Vance, the incoming vice-president, who argue that taking the Chinese threat seriously requires reducing commitments to European security and to Ukraine. Elise Stefanik, the choice to be un ambassador (the sixth woman in a row to hold this position), is a congresswoman from New York who has distinguished herself as one of Mr Trump’s most enthusiastic fans in the House. She is best-known for obliterating college presidents in hearings on campus antisemitism. This seems a solid résumé for someone to represent an administration which mistrusts multilateralism in the world’s highest-profile multilateral forum.

And then there are the weirder appointments—for departments that do not yet exist. Mr Trump announced that he would tap Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, to run a new commission with Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur and former Republican-primary opponent, to reduce government waste and cut red tape. This is a worthy aim, but, as often with Mr Musk, it is hard to know whether to take him literally. He is calling it the Department of Governmental Efficiency (doge), named after his preferred cryptocurrency, which itself started as a joke. Yet his aims are grandiose: Mr Musk has called for $2trn of cuts to federal spending (nearly a third of the budget), which is impossible to reconcile with Mr Trump’s campaign promise not to touch Social Security or Medicare or raise the retirement age.

Even before Congress applies its checks, it is clear that this cabinet will differ starkly from Mr Trump’s previous one. In Trump One, Mike Pence, the former vice-president, helped fill the first cabinet with Reaganite Republicans. They vied for influence with maga acolytes, who scoffed at conservative pieties about small government, robust internationalism and free trade. The lines of this fight often blurred, and each side claimed some victories. One former Trump adviser said the president-elect was a moderate in his own maga movement. This time the true believers have the upper hand. 



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16 minutes ago, Angelia said:

To sto znaci, ako su roditelji reagovali kako su reagovali.

Da li je Bridgite nekome slala novac za seks sa maloljetnim Emanuelom nakon sto ga je prosvercovala preko granice? 

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3 minutes ago, ters said:

Da li je Bridgite nekome slala novac za seks sa maloljetnim Emanuelom nakon sto ga je prosvercovala preko granice? 

Nemam pojma, to nije pitanje za mene. 

Inace sad vidim da iz izvestaja, ta devojka je rekla da se pretvarala da je starija tj punoletna.

Ako je radio to sto kazes, to je policija trebala da istrazi.

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2 hours ago, DJORDJE said:

Ko je kandidat za DEA? Da nije mozda El Chapo, covek kvalifikovan 100%.


Posto je Trump odlucio preskociti FBI provjere za kandidate, i to nije nemoguce... Bice da  je El Chapu establishment smjestio optuznice i presudu, a glavni mediji su pisali samo o negativnim stvarima koje je radio redovno preskacuci koliko ljudi je zaposljavao i koliko novca je upumpao u ekonomiju. 

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