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Pelikansi izgubise i trecu tekmu u neizvesnoj zavrsnici, bas steta..inace igraju odlican i smislen basket, sa Zionom bi bili brutalna ekipica.

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Posted (edited)

Bice Igor trener za mesec dana..
Uzasno izgledaju KIngsi, ono 10 koraka nazad u odnosu na proslu sezonu.
Od bitnijih tema padose Janis i Baksi bez Butlera lepo lepo 
Kada se vrati Butler vratice se i  muda uzasno ft pucanje u clutchu.

Edited by LayupFromTheMidget

Frank Ntilikina played 12 seconds at the end of the first half and did not see the court again. Poor Dennis Smith Jr., who is completely broken psychologically at this point, was booed off the court in the second half, as the Garden faithful chanted “We want Frank.” They did not get Frank.


inače, fizdale dobio booos još na predstavljanju 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, LayupFromTheMidget said:

Bice Igor trener za mesec dana..
Uzasno izgledaju KIngsi, ono 10 koraka nazad u odnosu na proslu sezonu.
Od bitnijih tema padose Janis i Baksi bez Butlera lepo lepo 
Kada se vrati Butler vratice se i  muda uzasno ft pucanje u clutchu.


Kingsi su projektovani kao tim koji će se boriti za plejof, Sansi kao sprdnja lige, evo ih dominiraju Kliperse, a Kingsi potpuno izgubljeni. Još jedan dokaz da je u kolektivnom sportu hemija ključna. Ekipa nema vođu na terenu.


Ps. prošle godine je bila priča da su Kingsi počeli da padaju kada je trejdovan Iman Šampert - navodno je bio ključni za hemiju u svlačionici. Iz ove perspektive ima smisla.

Šampert je FA.

Edited by Tokyo Sexwale

Sansi ce izgleda biti iznenadjenje kao SAC prosle godine, sa SACu fenjer. Jebem te Bogdane sto ne uze pare, sad bi igrao sa manje grča.

Možda je Šumpert bio dobar u svlačionici, ali na terenu glup kao noga, sa pripaljivanjem bez milosti.

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what. a. win.


back 2 back, bez aytona i rubija, jos su juce igrali overtime u gostima na planini dok su ih clipsi odmorni cekali u arizoni.


oubre suspendovan na 35 utakmica.

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  • Being the home-opener, MSG announced all the players on the roster before tip-off. The first Knick intro’d was Kadeem Allen, who was announced as “two-way player Kadeem Allen.” The fuck is that? A two-way contract isn’t some honorific. That’s like introducing the players by broadcasting their salaries or a list of their fears. Show some class, Knicks.
  • Mike Breen said that since 2001, the Celtics have a better winning % at MSG than their own arena. How many teams do you think can say that about another team? Not many, I bet. I wonder which other teams could say that about the Knicks, if any. Houston, surely.
  • At one point Boston rookie Carsen Edwards took a three from about 27 feet out — in rhythm, to be fair — and Mike Breen laughed with sheer joyful appreciation at its audacity. Breen didn’t shoplift as a kid. He was never the lookout. But he was definitely waiting just around the corner to bike home as fast as he could with his thieving friends, never feeling more alive than then.
  • If you didn’t see the game on MSG, trust me when I tell you have no idea what you missed with Clyde’s suit. It literally sparkled.



Grateful that 42 years since he was a Knick, Clyde still gets hyped for games against Boston.

3 hours ago, uini said:

Frank Ntilikina played 12 seconds at the end of the first half and did not see the court again. Poor Dennis Smith Jr., who is completely broken psychologically at this point, was booed off the court in the second half, as the Garden faithful chanted “We want Frank.” They did not get Frank.


inače, fizdale dobio booos još na predstavljanju 

Imaš igrača koji je dokazano ponavljam dokazano pre oko mesec dana spakovao tog istog Kembu u mali džep i ne igra ti nego puštaš lika koji je očigledno i dalje povređen da igra još i da mu zvižde navijači... ako ne leti iz kluba do kraja novembra treba da zapale taj msg i da posade ruzmarin u pepelu. 


Inače kada smo kod Bogdana tomi pivo je lepo spakovao priču iako veze sa mozgom nema 



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31 minutes ago, uini said:

ne samo pre mesec dana, frankie ima istoriju dobrih partija protiv kembe, kao i protiv traea npr

Naravno, ali ono je bila neka veća scena gde je sigurno više ljudi gledalo polufinale SP nego Niksi-Šarlot ili Atlanta 

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