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17 minutes ago, uini said:


kažu za ostatak sveta 20i april. cenim da je na netflixu u tri ujutru, kao game of thrones, ako je u usa u 9 uveče 

Edit rečeno je da na netflixu ide 


Ja se nadam da neće da bude samo na američkom Netflixu :classic_smile:

1 hour ago, Skyglider said:


Ja se nadam da neće da bude samo na američkom Netflixu :classic_smile:


ne, baš su rekli da je netflix pre svega za neameriku 

On 4/5/2020 at 2:23 PM, uini said:

ja cekam sa nestrpljenjem ovo krajem aprila



NETFLIX (outside of the U.S.)

Monday, April 20 - 12:01 a.m. PT - “The Last Dance” Episodes 1 and 2
Monday, April 27 - 12:01 a.m. PT- “The Last Dance” Episodes 3 and 4
Monday, May 4 - 12:01 a.m. PT- “The Last Dance” Episodes 5 and 6
Monday, May 11 - 12:01 a.m. PT - “The Last Dance” Episodes 7 and 8
Monday, May 18 - 12:01 a.m. PT- “The Last Dance” Episodes 9 and 10



  • Thanks 1

Novakaine was an OG three-point specialist


Boston Celtics v New York Knicks

The Steve Novak discount double check belongs in a museum



Now let’s all do the discount double check as we enjoy the highlights of Melo, JR and Novak from Novak’s career night, and reminisce about the good old days when we were allowed to gather in large groups.





Where Does Scottie Pippen Rank Among the NBA’s All-Time Greats?






2. Of anyone I’ve ever seen in person, Pippen was the best defender. We always hear how Bird and Magic played “free safety,” a nice way of saying that they always guarded the other team’s weakest offensive player, then used that advantage to roam around, sneak behind low-post guys and jump passing lanes. Extending that analogy, Scottie was a strong safety out of the Ronnie Lott mold, a consistently destructive presence who became nearly as enjoyable to watch defensively as Jordan was offensively. Nobody covered more ground or moved faster from point A to point B. It was like watching a cheetah in a wildlife special—one second Scottie would be minding his own business, the next second he would be pouncing. Everyone remembers Kerr’s jumper to win the ’97 Finals, but nobody remembers Pippen tipping Utah’s ensuing inbounds pass, then chasing it down and flipping it to Toni Kukoc to clinch the game. No other player except for Jordan, LeBron and maybe Kobe had the physical gifts and instincts to make that play.


3. Only Jordan was a better all-around player in the ’90s … and that was debatable. From ’91 to ’95, Pippen averaged a 20-8-6 with 2.4 steals, shot 50 percent and doubled as the league’s top defensive player. In the playoffs from ’91 to ’98, he averaged 17-23 points, 7-9 boards and 4-7 assists every spring and consistently defended the other team’s best scorer. During MJ’s “sabbatical,” Scottie (20.8 PPG, 8.7 RPG, 5.6 APG, 49% FG) dragged the Bulls to within one fecally pungent call of the Eastern finals and should have been our ’94 MVP runner-up behind Hakeem. The following year, he became one of four postmerger players (along with Cowens in ’78, Kevin Garnett in ’03 and LeBron in ’09) to lead his team in total points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks in the same season. And he redefined the “point forward” concept during the ’90s, allowing the Bulls to play any combination of guards without suffering in the ballhandling/defense departments.


Chuck Daly created a great term to describe Scottie: a “fill in the blanks” guy. If a teammate was getting killed defensively, Scottie had his back. If you needed rebounding, Scottie went down low and grabbed some boards. If you needed scoring, Scottie could create a shot or attack the rim. If you needed a turnover, Scottie had a better chance of getting it than anyone. If you needed ballhandling, he could do it. And if you needed to shut someone down, he did it. Like the Wolf in Pulp Fiction, Scottie specialized in cleaning up everyone else’s mess. When Magic was running amok in the ’91 Finals, Scottie put the clamps on him. When the Knicks were shoving an MJ-less Chicago team around in the ’94 playoffs, Scottie dunked on Ewing and stood over him defiantly. During the Charles Smith Game the year before, Pippen and Horace Grant were the ones stuffing Smith and saving the series. When the ’98 Pacers nearly snuffed out the MJ era, Jordan and Pippen crashed the boards in Game 7 and willed themselves to the line again and again, two smaller guys dominating the paint against a bigger team. They just wanted it more.

  • Like 4
29 minutes ago, Skyglider said:


Kakvi su utisci ?


odgledao i drugu. dobro je, ima neku voznju back n forth kroz dekade tj dogadjaje koje smatraju povezanim i bitnim, nije linearna prica


i izgleda prilicno iskreno postavljeno. nije tu da bi se jordanu titrala yayca ili bilo kome drugom od glavnih likova

  • Like 2

Ako mogu ja...Prve dve epizode za nas koji smo to gledali kad se desavalo, nista novo, neka retrospektiva bez nekih detalja koji vec nismo znali...Vise je za neke nove generacije koje to nisu dozivele, da uvide sta je "true greatness" u kosarkaskom smislu..Pitko, gledljivo, dobro upakovano, mada ocekujem malo vise pikanterija koje nismo znali u narednim epizodama.

  • Like 2

verovatno je tako. s'tim što sam ja lično tada znao samo generalno o čemu se tu radi kada su u pitanju stavke izvan terena.


nije bilo toliko toga da se čita i vidi a nisam ni sam baš vodio preterano računa na temu, nego, uključim tekmu i gledam.

u tom smislu je meni čak i to zanimljivo

Posted (edited)

Odgledah prvu epku. Klasican uvod. Inace lik koji radi ovaj dokumentarac je radio 30 for 30 Fab Five.  Setio sam se kako je Nikola Loncar na tom Mekdonalds turniru osvojio takmicenje u sutiranju trojki ( toga nema u filmu a ni na YT).


A kurshlus sa Krausom je bio jos ranije , kad je trejdovan tada najbolji MJ-ov drugar Charls Oukli. Uglavnom Kraus je uradio dosta dobrih stvari za Bulse, doveo Kukoca, draftovao Pipena, H.Grant-a, doveo Fila Dzeksona da bude pomocni trener na pocetku. Na kraju je ipak njegov licni ego presudio da se Bulsova dominacija zavrsi '98. Bas se videlo da ga je publika vec  '97 zamrzela, kad su primali prstene cela dvorana mu je zvizdala.


Inace bas velika imena su bila u tom USA Olympic timu 84.



Edited by Zvezdinho
29 minutes ago, Zvezdinho said:

Odgledah prvu epku. Klasican uvod. Inace lik koji radi ovaj dokumentarac je radio 30 for 30 Fab Five.  Setio sam se kako je Nikola Loncar na tom Mekdonalds turniru osvojio takmicenje u sutiranju trojki ( toga nema u filmu a ni na YT).


A kurshlus sa Krausom je bio jos ranije , kad je trejdovan tada najbolji MJ-ov drugar Charls Oukli. Uglavnom Kraus je uradio dosta dobrih stvari za Bulse, doveo Kukoca, draftovao Pipena, H.Grant-a, doveo Fila Dzeksona da bude pomocni trener na pocetku. Na kraju je ipak njegov licni ego presudio da se Bulsova dominacija zavrsi '98. Bas se videlo da ga je publika vec  '97 zamrzela, kad su primali prstene cela dvorana mu je zvizdala.


Inace bas velika imena su bila u tom USA Olympic timu 84.



u ep2 pricaju da je problem nastao sezonu koja je prethodila tom trejdu.

hteli su da nateraju dzokija da presedi sezonu kad je imao prelom noge da bi tankovali i uzeli dobar pik a ovom to bas nije selo najbolje.


7 minuta po poluvremenu...Kako se vidi frustracija kod MJ-a kad ga posade na klupu, taj deo mi je bio sjajan 😁 Ta zelja da bude na terenu, da konstantno napreduje, da uvek bude najbolji...neverovatno.

  • Like 3

Odgledao sam obe epizode, baš dobro urađeno. I ne znam kako nema ničeg novog, ima snimaka sa treninga, pa neki snimci iz Francuske sa McDonalds turnira, pa priče iz detinjstva, pa ona priča kad je u rookie sezoni tražio saigrače po hotelu, pa ih našao sve u jednoj sobi sa kurvama i kako povlače linije.... sve su to neki noviteti za mene, a nisam baš tako mlad :classic_biggrin:


Elem, highlight druge epizode  :classic_biggrin:














  • Ha-ha 4

Aaaaaa kakav šuterski amok. Nije bilo mnogo košarkaša koji su imali taj intimni odnos sa protivničkim košem kada ih uhvati... Jordan, naravno, Ajverson, Kari, KD i verovatno najviše od svih Kobe.Pokojni Dražen i Galis.  Mislim, jebo i analitiku i lošu statistiku midrejndža i bolhoging i sve, kad vidiš ovo moraš da se oduševiš. Bar ja.

  • Like 7

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