Cyrus Smith Posted December 16, 2021 Posted December 16, 2021 6 hours ago, stray_cat said: OK je ako većina žena podržava transžene u ženskom sportu, ali šta ćemo sa sportiskinjama, direktnim učesnicama događaja? Ja mislim da je vrlo obeshrabrujuće takmičiti se s nekim ko ima nenadoknadivu prednost u fizičkim predispozicijama. Primer: neki klinac, teniser junior, u 17. godini otkrije/oduvekjeznao da je suprotnog pola. Pod pretpostavkom da ima teniski talenat, na koj' fazon će bilo koja teniserka da ga pobedi? Još jednom, OK je podržavati transžene, recimo u ženskom tenisu, ali šta će da ostane od kompetitivnosti, jedino još neka transteniserka (ili nekoliko njih) da se pojavi. Takođe, o kom procentu populaciji uopšte kuckamo? Homoseksualaca ima, valjda, oko 5-10%, koliko ima transosoba? Mislim, OK je inkluzija, samo je pitanje kolika cena se plaća da bi se ona potpuno izvela. Sve što si napisao mislim i ja i to sam i napisao na ovom topiku ali ja sam odgovarao na kvotovane tvrdnje o ženskim pravima. Ovaj problem se ne svodi na to nego je komplikovaniji kao i mnogo šta drugo u životu. Ako se nešto ne promeni može se očekivati da će sve ženske rekorde u sportu držati transžene kako se koja su dovoljno talentovana i bezobrazna odluči da pokupi svoj trenutak slave u konkurenciji kojoj ne pripada. Nekako mislim da će pre toga razum prevladati ali to sam mislio i tamo neke '88 pa smo sada tu gde smo u rascepkanim podeljenim državicama koje u svetu služe kao primer raspada i pucanja u sopstvenu nogu. Transosoba je istorijski bilo daleko ispod 1%, sada se mladi u anglofonim zemljama tako izjašnjavaju u dvocifrenim procentima. Sigurno je da su neki ranije ostali zaključani zbog društvene klime ali je sigurno i da je dobar deo mladih danas podlegao modi i pritisku, posebno preko društvenih mrža, u suprotnom smeru. Dobar hint bi bio procenat trećeg pola u južnoj aziji gde za njih odavno postoji ime i zna se da postoje ali nemam neki podatak koliko bi to bilo. 1
JPM Posted December 16, 2021 Posted December 16, 2021 7 hours ago, Cyrus Smith said: Ovo nije borba između muškaraca i žena nego između potpuno zaluđenih radikalnom ideologijom i onih koji su još zadržali nešto razuma. To sam i rekao. Nije problem ravnopravnost polova, problem je sto samoproklamovane vodje feminizma i ne zele ravnopravnost. Sto se tice ovoga sto je @Milenko Puzigaca napisao, naravno da je zeni mesto i uz sporet i uz frizider i uz usisivac i uz dete. Jedino bih ja tu dodao i muskarca. Emancipacija zena ne treba da se svede na to da sad ni one ne rade nista po kuci, vec da se napravi kompromis i da se jednako doprinosi. I na kraju, izrazavam gadjenje prema modernom gadjenju prema domacicama. Domacica i majka je, ako ista takvo postoji, zaista SVETA uloga. Ne zbog pukog broja ljudstva koje bi moglo da ratuje i glasa, vec zbog uloge odgajivaca, edukatora. 2
Darth Bane Posted February 2, 2022 Posted February 2, 2022 Promena pola je sasvim normalna stvar u savremenom svetu. Koliko ih samo ima oni "Katoi" u Bangkok!?!?! U Nana Plazi!!! To je civilizacijsko dosignuce.
Milenko Puzigaca Posted February 8, 2022 Posted February 8, 2022 Ma to su samo još jedni hibsteri i čobani. Videla žaba da potkivaju konja...
wwww Posted March 8, 2022 Posted March 8, 2022 ova tema nekako najbolje pasuje ovom tekstu jer pominje i stvari o kojima se ovde pise. Quote As a feminist, though, I would indeed like the world to be a better place for women – and by the world, I don’t mean north London or a campus in California; I mean Herat, Tigray, Guatemala. For all the arguments about equality for women amount to nothing if we lose an international perspective. Feminism is global, or it is simply an exercise in consumer power dressed up as politics. That is exactly what happened to Western feminism in the 1990s, when everything from brunching to boob jobs was “empowering”. Quote If International Women’s Day means anything, it means facing up to what is happening to women everywhere. We have gone backwards, not forwards. The pandemic is part of this, but not the only factor. The UN estimates that women are doing more caring and household chores than ever. Women the world over do this unpaid work in the name of “family”. Nearly 10 million women are in precarious positions in terms of access to contraception and abortion, according to Marie Stopes. Closer to home, rape convictions are at an all-time low. In the first three weeks of lockdown, 16 women and children were killed in their homes. This is called domestic violence. I just call it male violence. The pandemic worsened every existing inequality, but before Covid women’s rights were already in reverse. Women are in lower paid jobs often because of trying to juggle kids and work. Childcare costs are prohibitive. Women were more likely to be furloughed and took on the lion’s share of home-schooling. The gender pay gap has increased, from 14.9 per cent in 2020 to 15.4 per cent. Quote In short, without a continual fight, no headway is made. The biggest surprise to me, though, has been that the backlash against feminism has come not from the Right, but from the Left. The whole inflated debate around trans issues is so often not about the small number of people who are gender dysphoric, and need care and dignity; it is about the rights of women to keep what we already have. It has produced an avalanche of repulsive misogyny. Quote The new religion of gender identity (is it a soul, an essence, a made-up concept?) has meant a fundamental denial of women’s experience: menstruation, birth, breastfeeding, menopause. These are not feelings in ladies’ heads, but things that happen to real bodies. As does rape, objectification, FGM, as well as all the societal expectations women deal with on a daily basis. Quote In Holyrood, Shona Robison said there was no evidence that predatory and abusive men “have ever had to pretend to be anything else to carry out abusive and predatory behaviour”. Wayne Couzens? Catholic priests? The stepfathers and ‘kind’ uncles who abuse kids? Is this woman serious? Apparently so – and while the conflation of trans people with predatory behaviour is incorrect, so it is also incorrect not to see how abusers use every loophole in the law. 2
wwww Posted April 27, 2022 Posted April 27, 2022 Quote A Labour MP appears to have broken ranks by telling GB News a "man has a penis and a woman has a vagina". Various members of the Labour Party and even its leader Sir Keir Starmer have come unstuck when asked the tricky question of what is a woman. Sir Keir refused to answer the question, stating "I don't think that discussing this issue in this way helps anyone in the long run". And his deputy Angela Rayner deemed it "not acceptable" to ask a trans woman if they have a penis. But MP for Croydon North and Shadow Justice Secretary Steve Reed gave a definitive answer on the subject when appearing on Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel. Quote When asked by broadcaster Clare Muldoon to define what a woman is, Mr Reed was definitive in his assessment. "Oh my goodness me, of course I know what a woman is. Why are you even asking that? "A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina. If that's not clear enough for you then I'm afraid it's your issue and not my issue. "The point here is that women are being abuse, targeted with sexism, that is putting them off going in to politics." Mr Reed had appeared on the show to discuss the Mail on Sunday's "basic instinct" story on Angela Rayner. Quote Sir Lindsay told MPs on Monday he had arranged a meeting with David Dillon following an outcry over claims the Labour deputy leader crossed and uncrossed her legs during Prime Minister’s Questions to distract Boris Johnson.
Cyrus Smith Posted November 14, 2022 Posted November 14, 2022 (edited) I NYT je shvatio: Quote Puberty blockers can ease transgender youths’ anguish and buy time to weigh options. But concerns are growing about long-term physical effects and other consequences. Edited November 14, 2022 by Cyrus Smith format
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