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Meni su miševi slatki, pacova se bojim. Da vidim zmiju u sobi ne znam kako bih preživela :default_sofa:

3 minutes ago, We lose every week said:

Pih...šta bi da je Eastern brown snake...a nije neuobičajena pojava da se uvuče ljudima u kuće, šupe ili dvorišta. 


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3 minutes ago, vanjabarsa said:

lepo se zahvalis na "gostoprimstvu" i prvi let i bezanija kuci :classic_smile:


To bi onda bilo celo maltretiranje nizašta, ostaće svi makar da uzmu pare za to prvo kolo. Drugo je što se dosta njih dosad već pokajalo.

26 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Najviše me brinu ovi neki ekstremi kao pozivi da se igračima oduzmu telefoni. Koji im je đavo, nekoj demokratiji kao?

A Queri se uplasio Rusa pa pobego:lol_2: ma nece telefone, samo punjace:wicked:


16 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Meni su miševi slatki, pacova se bojim. Da vidim zmiju u sobi ne znam kako bih preživela :default_sofa:



Ja sam za malo infarkt dobila kad mi je po sobi krenuo da leti ogroman skakavac  zmiju ne bih ni prezivela🙈

12 minutes ago, vanjabarsa said:

lepo se zahvalis na "gostoprimstvu" i prvi let i bezanija kuci :classic_smile:


Ne znam da li mogu sad i da se vrate kuci, a bilo bi najpametnije.. Tempirali formu za AO radili vredno, vezbali i sad odjednom treba sve to da propadne zbog 14 dana katantina! 


Sada dok su u karantinu ne mogu, a da ne prekrše mere. A za kršenje obavešteni su šta im sledi.


Nejasno je koliko su testovi pouzdani, niko (ako nije bilo propusta u organizaciji) nije mogao da udje u avion u mestima iz kojih su poletali bez negativnog testa ili med. dok. ako su preboleli virus.

28 minutes ago, wwww said:

postavili su cuvare/policajce na svaki sprat koji kontrolisu da neko ne izadje iz sobe


Mislim stvarno, ajd obezbedjenje na ulazu/izlazu iz hotela ali ovo :smiley26:


Ako su avioni stvarno bili 20% puni i podeljeni kako je rečeno možda još ima nade da se urgira da prvobitne mere važe kao što je obećano igračima. Ako su natrpali avione da bi uštedeli, onda sumnjam :classic_rolleyes:

Pretpostavljam da bi bilo osnova da igrači/ce tuže turnir za prevaru ili nešto slično ako ima dokaza?


Among other things, Alize Cornet also criticized the fact that everyone must stay in their hotel room. She wrote on Twitter that the aircraft were divided into different sectors of ten people each and that it was originally said that in the event of a corona case, only these ten people and not all of the people on board have to be quarantined. Can you confirm that?


I didn't hear it like that. When I think about it, it makes sense. There were already different sections on the plane and it was made sure that the players sit far apart. When Sandgren got on the plane, I knew he was positive. He had mentioned this earlier in our group chat. Then all of a sudden he did come and I thought: “Wow, I can use that if he infects me now.” But I thought that you would be safe if you gave a negative test after leaving the aircraft. I didn't think everyone would have to be put into a hard quarantine if any of the passengers were positive. That was never communicated to us - I looked at the fact sheet and the measures. Of course, they left the back door open everywhere so that in the end the Health Department would decide, but it sounded more like each case being looked at individually. That was not the case with us. Rather, they put the template on everyone and said that everyone is a potential threat to Australia. At a call in the afternoon that only the players from our plane were there, we asked if we could test ourselves. According to the health organization, the incubation period should be up to 14 days, with the British mutation it may be even longer. It was a one-way street. Based on the argument, it was immediately apparent that the government did not want to risk anything. She doesn't care what the food is like or how the internet works - you just don't want to risk anything.



When the quarantine is over, the ATP Cup is already on the agenda. What do you expect from this tournament given the short preparation time?


I will definitely support the team at the ATP Cup. I've been training well recently too, especially at Delray Beach. The conditions there were great. That was also the reason why we were there. I knew Melbourne could be a chore. The training conditions here are not the best, you are also limited. I don't think I'll unlearn how to play tennis during these two weeks. I think I'll be of help to the team. For me this is also the light at the end of the tunnel. I know the ATP Cup and a normal life are waiting for me. I am allowed to move freely and without a face mask, go to a restaurant again and spectators will be there again - only 50 percent, but 50 percent in Australia is still a lot. If you survive the two weeks reasonably well, then halfway normality and finally a feeling of life again await! You're looking forward to that. The Australian Open as a Happy Slam is one of the favorite tournaments for almost everyone anyway. I've never been to the ATP Cup, but I've only heard good things about it. And Dominic (Thiem, note) and Dennis (Novak, note) also compensate for the bad conditions that I have anyway. They have the best conditions in Adelaide and are allowed to train more than the people in Melbourne. Therefore, it should balance itself out again.



Could you elaborate on the advantages of Adelaide players?


It is said that they only have five hours of training time a day. I'm not there, of course, but I know there has been a lot of discussion in the player chat. Conditions are much better in Adelaide. First, players were allowed to take a lot more staff with them. Medvedev and Zverev, for example, were only allowed to take two supervisors with them, while Thiem, Nadal and Djokovic each came with ten people. They also have a gym in their hotels. So you don't have to do your fitness exercises during the five-hour period. You only have the five hours to play tennis. There was a huge discussion and the other players were also upset. It was then that Djokovic could understand that and how the other players wanted to be in Melbourne. One day later it was said that everything was already organized for him in Adelaide. It's not apples and apples here, it's apples and pears - and I caught the sour lemon.



Keyword equal opportunities: The Australian Open starts on February 8th. Will it even be possible to be competitive in a Grand Slam tournament under these conditions? And do you also see a difference between singles and doubles in this regard?


In my case, I hope it can be done. Somewhere I believe and hope that doubles will be easier. I imagine it to be more difficult in individual cases, because you don't get to your intensity at all for two weeks. In addition, you play in singles in the best-of-five format and in doubles you have two players. Of course, you have to be quick to react, but individually it's really difficult to achieve the necessary fitness. For many individual players who now have to stay in their rooms, the tournament in the week before the Australian Open will be rather unnecessary. It will be about becoming competitive. When it comes to equal opportunities, it must be said that the truth is that there is no one hundred percent equal opportunities throughout the season. The top stars are always preferred. But they deserved it somewhere because they put in the money and the entire tour lives off of them. Normally the players have no problem with this hierarchy, because the point is that Rafa or Domi can train at the best time on Center Court. Now they are allowed to train more naturally. Now it's really unfair if you look at it objectively. But that's the balancing act that Tennis Australia has to manage. They wanted to please the top players so that they could even come. I don't know if all the players would have got on the plane if they had known that if one of the 80 passengers had a positive case, they would have to be put into a hard quarantine. I'm also not sure if Rafa or Novak would have come if they had the same hotel as us. I'm not angry with Tennis Australia, I can understand everything anyway. In the end, we have to be happy that a Grand Slam tournament is even possible. There are special requirements in Australia, but I really hope it will be a cool event when we're all out of quarantine and the players don't get injured for failing to get themselves up to a competitive level. There is also the fact that you are not even allowed to see your physiotherapist. Usually one is used to going to a massage. Now you can only treat yourself in the room.



Baš maločas čitah Osvaldov intervju.

Zanimnljivo da Craig Tiley kaže da se razmatra pomeranje za nedelju dana. 


A i ova Cornet preteruje , 10 ljudi po igraču, :77: 

9 minutes ago, wwww said:

incubation period should be up to 14 days, with the British mutation it may be even longer

Prvi put ovo čujem :classic_ohmy:


3 minutes ago, Crni Bombarder said:


Jedan od razloga što ne volim ovaj film, drugi su paukovi ili škorpije ili šta su sve još ubacili :classic_rolleyes:


Da ne trolujem dalje temu,ali u prvom delu Indy upada u leglo zmija..tako da... @alcesta

Ovo zaista lici na kompletni fijasko..mozda i sa dugorocnim posledicama po organizatore Ozi Opena i rukovodstvo njihove teniske federacije.

3 minutes ago, aloviti said:

novaku su ovi obroci verovatno prejedanje za ono sto mu jelena servira, ostane i za teslu i za pjera kad zavrsi


Izlazi Nolo sa stomacicem iz karantina 

  • Ha-ha 2

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