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NBA 2020/2021 - Lejkersi b2b ili neko drugi???

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9 minutes ago, Miki28 said:
Hmmm od 2001 game 2? A game 1 nista?😀 ciscenje svih redom na zapadu pa i tog SA sa tornjevima. Ubili ih u pojam


Par godina ranije Nick the quick, Eddie, Kobe i Shaq👍


Premlad sam bio, i ovu G2 sam slucajno ostao gledat sa starim i prvim komsijom pa eto ostalo mi urezano haha

41 minutes ago, Zvezdinho said:




— Not a super eventful Clyde game, but I swear I heard Breen say that Andre Drummond used to play all three major sports in high school. Drummond, as far as I know, was a somewhat early bloomer and was big throughout most of high school. All I could think of was 1) his poor knees in football and 2) that poor ump in baseball trying to establish a strike zone for a dude that’s nearly seven feet tall. That said, I tried googling to find some old photos of Drummond playing other sports and couldn’t find any. Maybe I’m just spoiled by the internet, but I’m almost willing to call Mike Breen a liar over not being able to find any proof. Pics or it didn’t happen.


That aside, Breen had the funniest line of the night, when Drummond had like 25 points and 15 boards already in the third quarter and dished his first assist to Larry Nance Jr.: “He’s now nine assists away from a triple double.” That gave me a good chuckle, and Clyde too.


evo kad je izasao durant preuzeo je igru.


inace, malo se prica o orlandu koji i nakon svih povreda i gde polu-anonimusi dobijaju znacajnije minute i idalje izgledaju sasvim ok i kompetetivni. nisu uopste atraktivni, ali dolaze do rezultata.  


Krakati su Netsi sa ovom 2 iz OKC: Greenom i Durantom na 3 i 4.
Green ce verovatno da bude small ball petica kada se Irving vrati. Odbrana ce biti problem pogotovo sa Irvingom ako budu preuzimali sve, unistava ih Vucevic ne moze KD dole da ga cuva.

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1 minute ago, LayupFromTheMidget said:

Krakati su Netsi sa ovom 2 iz OKC: Greenom i Durantom na 3 i 4.
Green ce verovatno da bude small ball petica kada se Irving vrati. Odbrana ce biti problem pogotovo sa Irvingom ako budu preuzimali sve, unistava ih Vucevic ne moze KD dole da ga cuva.


Mogli bi da pojure Dedmona 

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