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4 hours ago, BattleBender said:

Na stranu to sto me taj gol, naravno obradovao (i zbog lfc-a i zbog Madisona, kojeg sam bas zagotivio) ali sam za to da postoji neki modus da se takve situacije sviraju kao golovi.
Znam da je tesko odluciti tu sta nije za gol, sta jeste, najlakse je postaviti egzaktan nacin da se nesto svira kao gol ili ne.

Ali sta koj kurac menja nekih 5-10 cm-a nekog kostobrana, ramena. 
Nagradi neciji dobar effort...

Bilo bi kul da se postavi neka granica, da je npr jedan korak zona koja odlucuje sta je ofsajd, sta ne.


Meni kod primene VAR vise smetaju situacije u kojima dosudjuju ofsajd nakon sto se akcija vec odigrala.


Uopsteno, VAR tehnologija treba da prati mec i da odmah signalizira ofsajd, a ne da tu sad sudija proverava sta i kako. Ocigledno je i ta tehnologija u samom povoju.


Premier League: How badly VAR has affected Liverpool, Man Utd and England's top teams

By Kat Lucas

14:18 14/02/21 BST

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Liverpool bemoaned the implementation of VAR once again after their 3-1 defeat to Leicester City. 

Stockley Park failed to notice a foul on Sadio Mane in the build-up to Jamie Vardy's goal, while also dubiously allowing James Maddison's equaliser to stand despite Daniel Amartey initially being ruled offside. 

The Reds have been on the receiving end of quite a few questionable decisions already this season, which hasn't helped their faltering title defence. 

At the very least, it's banished taunts of 'LiVARpool'. 

The champions might feel they are particularly hard-done-by - but do they have a point? 

ESPN have listed exactly how badly every Premier League team has been affected by VAR, and it appears Kopites might be onto something. 

Overall so far this season, there have been 80 decisions overturned and just three rejected overturns. So by and large, if a decision goes to the VAR, it's getting overturned. 

Liverpool have had no fewer than 10 decisions go against them, with just five calls in their favour. But it shouldn't be forgotten that for all the controversy surrounding the Reds, they are far from the only Premier League team being affected. 

ESPN's breakdown explains the number of decisions for and against each team and they've ranked every club from who benefits the most - Chelsea and Everton - to the club worst hit by the technology. 

=1. CHELSEA +3

Overturns: 7
Leading to goals for: 2
Disallowed goals for: 0
Leading to goals against: 0
Disallowed goals against: 0
Net goal score: +2
Subjective decisions for: 2
Subjective decisions against: 1
Net subjective score: +1
Penalties for / against: 1 / 0


=1. EVERTON +3

Overturns: 5
Leading to goals for: 2
Disallowed goals for: 0
Leading to goals against: 0
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: +3
Subjective decisions for: 2
Subjective decisions against: 0
Net subjective score: +2
Penalties for / against: 1 / 0


Overturns: 13
Rejected overturns: 1
Leading to goals for: 2
Disallowed goals for: 1
Leading to goals against: 3
Disallowed goals against: 3
Net goal score: +1
Subjective decisions for: 3
Subjective decisions against: 4
Net subjective score: -1
Penalties for / against: 1 / 3

=3. BURNLEY +2

Overturns: 3
Leading to goals for: 0
Disallowed goals for: 0
Leading to goals against: 0
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: -1
Subjective decisions for: 1
Subjective decisions against: 0
Net subjective score: +1
Miscellaneous: 1

=5. LEEDS +1

Overturns: 5
Leading to goals for: 1
Disallowed goals for: 1
Leading to goals against: 1
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: 0
Subjective decisions for: 1
Subjective decisions against: 1
Net subjective score: 0
Penalties for / against: 0 / 1


=5.MAN CITY +1

Overturns: 5
Leading to goals for: 1
Disallowed goals for: 2
Leading to goals against: 0
Disallowed goals against: 0
Net goal score: -1
Subjective decisions for: 1
Subjective decisions against: 1
Net subjective score: 0
Penalties for / against: 1 / 0


Overturns: 7
Leading to goals for: 1
Disallowed goals for: 0
Leading to goals against: 2
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: 0
Subjective decisions for: 3
Subjective decisions against: 2
Net subjective score: +1
Penalties for / against: 1 / 2


Overturns: 7
Leading to goals for: 3
Disallowed goals for: 0
Leading to goals against: 1
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: +3
Subjective decisions for: 2
Subjective decisions against: 2
Net subjective score: 0
Penalties for / against: 3 / 1


Overturns: 9
Leading to goals for: 2
Disallowed goals for: 3
Leading to goals against: 0
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: 0
Subjective decisions for: 2
Subjective decisions against: 1
Net subjective score: +1
Penalties for / against: 2 / 0


=10. MAN UTD 0

Overturns: 15
Leading to goals for: 2
Disallowed goals for: 2
Leading to goals against: 1
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: 0
Subjective decisions for: 5
Subjective decisions against: 2
Net subjective score: +3
Penalties for / against: 2 / 1
Miscellaneous: 1


Overturns: 7
Rejected overturns: 1
Leading to goals for: 0
Disallowed goals for: 3
Leading to goals against: 0
Disallowed goals against: 2
Net goal score: -1
Subjective decisions for: 3
Subjective decisions against: 2
Net subjective score: +1
Penalties for / against: 0 / 0


Overturns: 9
Rejected overturns: 1
Leading to goals for: 1
Disallowed goals for: 0
Leading to goals against: 1
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: +1
Subjective decisions for: 3
Subjective decisions against: 4
Net subjective score: -1
Penalties for / against: 1 / 1

=10. FULHAM 0 

Overturns: 9
Rejected overturns: 1
Leading to goals for: 1
Disallowed goals for: 1
Leading to goals against: 1
Disallowed goals against: 2
Net goal score: +1
Subjective decisions for: 4
Subjective decisions against: 5
Net subjective score: -1
Penalties for / against: 2 / 1


Overturns: 10
Leading to goals for: 4
Disallowed goals for: 2
Leading to goals against: 1
Disallowed goals against: 0
Net goal score: +1
Subjective decisions for: 3
Subjective decisions against: 2
Net subjective score: +1
Penalties for / against: 3 / 1

=10. WEST HAM 0 

Overturns: 7
Leading to goals for: 0
Disallowed goals for: 0
Leading to goals against: 1
Disallowed goals against: 3
Net goal score: +2
Subjective decisions for: 1
Subjective decisions against: 2
Net subjective score: -1
Mistaken Identity: 1
Penalties for / against: 0 / 1


16. WOLVES -1

Overturns: 7
Leading to goals for: 0
Disallowed goals for: 1
Leading to goals against: 1
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: -1
Subjective decisions for: 1
Subjective decisions against: 3
Net subjective score: -2
Penalties for / against: 0 / 1


Overturns: 9
Rejected overturns: 1
Leading to goals for: 1
Disallowed goals for: 2
Leading to goals against: 3
Disallowed goals against: 3
Net goal score: -1
Subjective decisions for: 2
Subjective decisions against: 3
Net subjective score: -1
Penalties for / against: 1 / 3

18. ARSENAL -3

Overturns: 5
Leading to goals for: 0
Disallowed goals for: 1
Leading to goals against: 1
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: -1
Subjective decisions for: 1
Subjective decisions against: 2
Net subjective score: -1
Penalties for / against: 0 / 0



Overturns: 14
Rejected overturns: 1
Leading to goals for: 0
Disallowed goals for: 6
Leading to goals against: 3
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: -8
Subjective decisions for: 3
Subjective decisions against: 4
Net subjective score: -1
Penalties for / against: 0 / 3

=19. WEST BROM -5

Overturns: 7
Leading to goals for: 0
Disallowed goals for: 0
Leading to goals against: 3
Disallowed goals against: 1
Net goal score: -2
Subjective decisions for: 0
Subjective decisions against: 3
Net subjective score: -3
Penalties for / against: 0 / 0

*All stats correct as of 15:30 on Saturday, 14 February. 




4 minutes ago, 12Laki said:

Cekaj jel me zezas?

Ne vidim sta je sporno. Lewin je imao prostora da zaustavi kretnju, a namerno je nastavio sa kretnjom da bi izazvao kontakt. Trent mu nije ušao direktno u putanju. 


I meni je u direktnom prenosu delovalo kao penal. Tek na u usporenom snimku sam video da nije. Iznerviralo me je vise bahato i autorativno ponasanje sudije koji je monitor pregledao onako na brzaka bez namere da sagleda spornu situaciju iz vise uglova kada je vec dosao na review, nego poraz Liverpula jer sam navikao na losu igru i poraze.

3 minutes ago, 12Laki said:

Aha.Jbg i meni je u prvi mah delovalo kao cist penal jbg.No opet i bez tog penala bi vas dobili jer vi niste u stanju nista da realizujete.

Kako mislis nisu u stanju da realizuju? Da bi nesto realizovao moras nesto i napravit a ovi ne bi dali gol da se igralo jos 180 minuta. Prisli golu nisu, jadno, sporo i bezidejno. 

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Sudije nastavljaju da dominiraju.Onakvo ponasanje glavnog sudije,koji na sekund gleda snimak i odlučuje da na osnovu toga potvrdi svoju odluku,je skandalozno.Nema ono veze sa penalom.Navijao sam za Everton,ali realno,ono je poklon penal.


Cist penal. 
Neverovatno mi je da ljudi ne mogu da shvate osnovne principe kako bisudjenje trebalo da izgleda.


Lewin je mozda imao mogucnost da ne ostvari konstakt sa Trentom, ali zasto bi on bio zrtva, zasto da kompromituje svoju sansu za gol. Zasto da gubi fizicki balansa, da se spotakne i dovede u situaciju iz koje ne moze da sprovede loptu u gol.
Trentu ni zuti karton, ako je nenamerno zaustavio protivnika, ne mora da dobije nikakav karton iako je zaustavio prakticno prazan gol.
Ali mora da bude penal.

22 minutes ago, We lose every week said:

Golman Njuke brani penal kao da skače u vodu sa metar visine pa se predomisli delić sekunde prekasno. 

Ocajno je branio vcrs, morao je bolje reagovat i kod gola Rasforda a posebno kod gola Jamesa.

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