alcesta Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 Serena je došla do one žene i pretila joj da će joj nabiti lopticu u grlo, stvarno da je sram bude kako je izdramila. Dajte da ne uvlačimo sad svašta. 2
Drug Crni Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 Ma ja..izasla u minjaku u grad..ko joj je kriv,izazivala je..tairad
Boxy Posted September 7, 2020 Author Posted September 7, 2020 Skupljac loptica koji ne gleda gde leti loptica, plus je ovo slajs ma isto je, apsolutno, nema razlike
Plavi Golub Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 (edited) 30 minutes ago, John Terry said: Zapazio sam jos jednu sitnicu, u moru onih gluposti o njoj na drustvenim mrezama. Ta sitnica je da joj je nick "catwoman63". Zena, dakle, ima 57 godina a "zove se" catwoman. Takva vrsta trazenja paznje karakteristicna je za nedozrele drama queen osobe koje nikada emotivno ne sazru. To ne kazem ja nego psihologija. Ona sebe u 57 godina vidi kao cica macu. Drma je kriza poznih godina kao Karleusu sto drma kriza srednjih. A kakav bi njoj nadimak prilicio? Sta se kao bavi se sudjenjem i da drami umesto da seta unuke negde i eventualno planira parcelu gde ce da je sahrane, ona sebe nazaiva catwoman, ju skandala . Klimaktericna baba. Btw nisam znala da se catwoman prevodi sa cica maca. Tamo ladno zive i do blizu sto godina i ljudi rade duboko u godinama. Jbte ispade zena negativac i pijandura jer ovaj ne ume da se kontrolise. Kako to, a u najboljim godinama? Nije ni cudo sto se nama kao narodu sve ovo desava. Edited September 7, 2020 by Plavi Golub 1
alcesta Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 1 minute ago, John Terry said: Veoma realna pretnja 😄 Kakve veze ima? Svakako Serena može dve takve u zubima da nosi. Jesu li sudije tu da trpe svakojaka iživljavanja? Da je sreće Serenu bi tu automatski diskvalifikovali a ne da joj se oduzima poen. Zbog takvih stvari retko ko i sme da sudi FF.
Malkolm Brogdon Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 Moram hitno da menjam ime na instagramu. Sutra da me ubije neko, ja cu biti kriv. 2
momohyoideus Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 9 minutes ago, Boxy said: Skupljac loptica koji ne gleda gde leti loptica, plus je ovo slajs ma isto je, apsolutno, nema razlike Iz pravilnika: Quote N. ABUSE OF BALLS Players shall not violently, dangerously or with anger hit, kick or throw a tennis ball within the precincts of the tournament site except in the reasonable pursuit of a point during a match (including warm-up). Violation of this Section shall subject a player to fine up to $20,000 for each violation. In addition, if such violation occurs during a match (including the warmup) the player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule hereinafter set forth. For the purposes of this Rule, abuse of balls is defined as intentionally hitting a ball out of the enclosure of the court, hitting a ball dangerously or recklessly within the court or hitting a ball with negligent disregard of the consequences. Kao sto vidis, pravilo ne prepoznaje da li je u pitanju skupljac loptica i da li gleda gde leti lopta ili ne. Ne prepoznaje ni da li je u pitanju slajs ili ne.
Boxy Posted September 7, 2020 Author Posted September 7, 2020 Ovo nije bilo ni violently, ni dangerously niti with anger, ne mora dalje da se cita.
GlennGould Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 Pišu se epovi, upiru se prstići, češljaju se biografije umesto da se spozna i tumači set pravila sportske igre i dotičnog natecanja. Umesto busanja u tradicionalnu ispraznu mitografiju (e.g. srpski inat), umesto traženja opravadanja za sopstevnu glupost u drugima (viktimizacija/žrtveni jarac), prihvatite osobnu odgovornost za sopstvene postupke (sudbinu) i poradite na sebi da postanete ono što jedino možete biti - postanite ono što jeste: i.e. ...I need to go back within and work on my ... and turn this all into a lesson for my growth I and evolution as a player and human being. 2020 Official Grand Slam Rullbook N. ABUSE OF BALLSPlayers shall not violently, dangerously or with anger hit, kick or throw a tennis ball within the precincts of the tournament site except in the reasonable pursuit of a point during a match (including warm-up). Violation of this Section shall subject a player to fine up to $20,000 for each violation. In addition, if such violation occurs during a match (including the warm- up) the player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule hereinafter set forth.For the purposes of this Rule, abuse of balls is defined as intentionally hitting a ball out of the enclosure of the court, hitting a ball dangerously or recklessly within the court or hitting a ball with negligent disregard of the consequences. R. UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCTPlayers shall at all times conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and give due regard to the authority of officials and the rights of opponents, spectators and others. Violation of this Section shall subject a player to a fine up to $20,000 for each violation. In addition, if such violation occurs during a match (including the warm- up), the player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule hereinafter set forth. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties hereinafter set forth. For the purposes of this Rule, Unsportsmanlike Conduct is defined as any misconduct by a player that is clearly abusive or detrimental to the Sport. In addition, unsportsmanlike conduct shall include, but not be limited to, the giving, making, issuing, authorising or endorsing any public statement having, or designed to have, an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of the tournament and/or the officiating thereof. T. DEFAULTSThe Referee in consultation with the Grand Slam Chief of Supervisors may declare a default for either a single violation of this Code or pursuant to the Point Penalty Schedule set out above. In all cases of default, the decision of the Referee in consultation with the Grand Slam Chief of Supervisors shall be final and unappealable. Any player who is defaulted as herein provided shall lose all ranking points earned for that event at that tournament and may be fined up to the prize money won at the tournament in addition to any or all other fines levied with respect to the offending incident. In addition, any player who is defaulted as herein provided may be defaulted from all other events, if any, in that tournament, except when the offending incident involves only a violation of the Punctuality or Dress and Equipment provisions set forth in Article III. B and C, or as a result of a medical condition or when his doubles partner commits the Code Violation which causes the default. 1
zoe Bg Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 7 minutes ago, Malkolm Brogdon said: Moram hitno da menjam ime na instagramu. Sutra da me ubije neko, ja cu biti kriv. Meni svaka treca slika sa nekom casom 5
momohyoideus Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 (edited) 5 minutes ago, Boxy said: Ovo nije bilo ni violently, ni dangerously niti with anger, ne mora dalje da se cita. Nego sta je nego je "dangerously". Svesno gadja coveka koji ne gleda loptom u glavu. Btw, pravilo se cita do kraja. Edited September 7, 2020 by momohyoideus
Plavi Golub Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 (edited) 8 minutes ago, GlennGould said: Pišu se epovi, upiru se prstići, češljaju se biografije umesto da se spozna i tumači set pravila sportske igre i dotičnog natecanja. Umesto busanja u tradicionalnu ispraznu mitografiju (e.g. srpski inat), umesto traženja opravadanja za sopstevnu glupost u drugima (viktimizacija/žrtveni jarac), prihvatite osobnu odgovornost za sopstvene postupke (sudbinu) i poradite na sebi da postanete ono što jedino možete biti - postanite ono što jeste: . Ispucah limit. Pa upravo. Kosarkas Slobodan Jankovic je ostao do smrti invalid vezan za kolica zbog nemoci da kontrolise frustraciju u trenutku. 8 minutes ago, GlennGould said: For the purposes of this Rule, abuse of balls is defined as intentionally hitting a ball out of the enclosure of the court, hitting a ball dangerously or recklessly within the court or hitting a ball with negligent disregard of the consequences. Ovo crveno je Djokovicev slucaj kako je razumem.. 8 minutes ago, GlennGould said: In addition, unsportsmanlike conduct shall include, but not be limited to, the giving, making, issuing, authorising or endorsing any public statement having, or designed to have, an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of the tournament and/or the officiating thereof. Edited September 7, 2020 by Plavi Golub
alcesta Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 Koliki ono beše prošlogodišnji rekord u broju postova na temi? Ako se nastavi u današnjem tempu možda se možemo primaći, tek smo na pola turnira 1
berti Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 Novak bio besan, a Federer nije. Eto razloga za eliminaciju jednog a za odusevljenje drugim. To sto je i ovaj pogodio sakupljaca loptica je nebitno jer je bio slajs. Kako li vam ne dosadi vise... 2
zoe Bg Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 1 minute ago, alcesta said: Koliki ono beše prošlogodišnji rekord u broju postova na temi? Ako se nastavi u današnjem tempu možda se možemo primaći, tek smo na pola turnira Nema sanse, tek smo na 1/5
Boxy Posted September 7, 2020 Author Posted September 7, 2020 9 minutes ago, momohyoideus said: Nego sta je nego je "dangerously". Svesno gadja coveka koji ne gleda loptom u glavu. Btw, pravilo se cita do kraja. Slajs nije opasan udarac po definiciji i on ne gadja svesno coveka, nego dobacuje lopticu skupljacu, to radi nekoliko desetina puta tokom svakog meca.
Odjosh Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 (edited) Novak posteno izbacen jbg. Uputio lopticu u pravcu u kome nije gledao, hirurskom preciznoscu oborio sudiju, kraj price. Jbg, tenis je sport nijansi i detalja, ove sudije pored terena imaju sve manje smisla, oni su kao u nekoj video igrici smetnja, tipa ubijes civila dobijes negativne poene. Lici na posao kasirke u prodavnici, sve vise ljudi pici na self checkout. (Kao sto je obucar jos davno okacio kopacke o klin). Dakle, ove sudije koje predstavljaju hazard po igrace svojom pojavom na strasnom mestu, i ta deca koja trce okolo kao pokretne mete treba polako da ustupaju mesto elektronici, bilijarskim kanalima za loptice pored terena, a mozda i nekakvim specijalcima koji ce potpisati da na teren ulaze uz sopstvenu odgovornost. Edited September 7, 2020 by Kido from Junkovac 1
momohyoideus Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 (edited) 4 minutes ago, Boxy said: Slajs nije opasan udarac po definiciji i on ne gadja svesno coveka, nego dobacuje lopticu skupljacu, to radi nekoliko desetina puta tokom svakog meca. Ok, nadji mi tu definiciju na koju se pozivas gde pise da slajs nije opasan udarac. Tim gore sto to radi nekoliko desetina puta tokom svakog meca. Kako dobacuje loptu skupljacu kad ovaj nije spreman da je uhvati? To nije dobacivanje. Edited September 7, 2020 by momohyoideus 1
berti Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 Gde li pise u pravilima da se slajs ne racuna, gde pise da je bitan intenzitet udarca? Novak NIJE gadjao sudiju, nije ni znao da je na tom mestu u tom momentu. 2
JPM Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 Quote The lack of malice and intention couldn’t have been clearer when you saw Djokovic’s face react in horror. Quote This disqualification isn’t good for tennis. A small-minded ruling won’t create new tennis fans. A rule was interpreted so narrowly and without the spirit of this unprecedented occasion — bouncing the world’s best player originally hesitant to fly to the US because of the pandemic. Glad you came, Novak? Quote Soeren Friemel, the tournament referee, went on Zoom to say whether it was intentional was not an issue. The only thing that mattered, he said, was his determination that the ball was struck “angrily’’ and injury ensued. Friemel wasn’t on the court at the time. He didn’t look at the replay to confirm how angry or how hard Djokovic hit the ball because it is against Grand Slam policy. Yet a player can protest a first-round, first-set, first-serve fault via replay. Tennis is amazing. Quote Only ESPN’s Cliff Drysdale summoned the courage to go against the USTA. Drysdale said this wasn’t the time or place to enforce this rule this strictly during a pandemic and in a sport that was shelved for five months. Quote But now it has no Djokovic — and not because he caught COVID-19 again. The tournament referee is lucky no fans were at Arthur Ashe Stadium on Sunday to hear his decision. Sjajno. Bravo covece. BRAVO!!! 1
Boxy Posted September 7, 2020 Author Posted September 7, 2020 2 minutes ago, momohyoideus said: Ok, nadji mi tu definiciju na koju se pozivas gde pise da slajs nije opasan udarac. Tim gore sto to radi nekoliko desetina puta tokom svakog meca. Kako dobacuje loptu skupljacu kad ovaj nije spreman da je uhvati? To nije dobacivanje. Pa skupljac loptica mora uvek da pazi Nemam ja sta ti nalazim definiciju, valjda znas sta je slajs...
wwww Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 20 minutes ago, zoe Bg said: Meni svaka treca slika sa nekom casom a kamo Nutela? 3
momohyoideus Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 Just now, Boxy said: Pa skupljac loptica mora uvek da pazi Nemam ja sta ti nalazim definiciju, valjda znas sta je slajs... Dobro, znaci skupljac loptica ne radi svoj posao dobro, pa je kazna za to udarac u glavu? Valjda se to prijavi sudiji, skupljac se zameni i nastavi mec? Pa kad se pozivas na definiciju onda je red da je i citiras.
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