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Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2 - naučne/medicinske informacije i analize

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92

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3 minutes ago, Slavisa iz Tavankuta said:


Zasto ne paracetamol?

Ja bas suprotno, ako ima tako nekih problema, samo paracetamol (doliprane ). Ovaj doliprane ne znam da li ima kod nas, ali mi je prijatelj, koji ima problem sa ledjima tako da kad ga usine mora puzeci da ode do toaleta. Narucio nekoliko pakovanja doliprana , i popije samo kad ima takvu bol. Kaze samo to mu pomaze. Ili ako ne, onda inekcije.

ili aspirin sumece. 


1 hour ago, Kronostime said:

Ako nemas neko mlado zensko celjade od 200 meseci da te opravi - Brufen 500 ti nece skoditi.:default_coffee::default_coffee:


1 hour ago, Slavisa iz Tavankuta said:


Zasto ne paracetamol?

Ja bas suprotno, ako ima tako nekih problema, samo paracetamol (doliprane ). Ovaj doliprane ne znam da li ima kod nas, ali mi je prijatelj, koji ima problem sa ledjima tako da kad ga usine mora puzeci da ode do toaleta. Narucio nekoliko pakovanja doliprana , i popije samo kad ima takvu bol. Kaze samo to mu pomaze. Ili ako ne, onda inekcije.

ili aspirin sumece. 


Sam paracetamol je efikasniji kao antipiretik, a za bolove (ako mi nekad treba) uzmem Panadol Plus (paracetamol + caffein) - on je i analgetik i antipiretik

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I ja nisam nasao drugu primenu paracetamolu osim spustanja temperature. Probavao da ga koristim u slucajevima blagih bolova umesto brufena (jer je neko opste razmisljanje valda da je manje stetan za stomak), ali ni ic da pomogne.

16 minutes ago, RatzenStadt said:

I ja nisam nasao drugu primenu paracetamolu osim spustanja temperature. Probavao da ga koristim u slucajevima blagih bolova umesto brufena (jer je neko opste razmisljanje valda da je manje stetan za stomak), ali ni ic da pomogne.


Ti uzmi paracetamol, pa zamisli da si popio brufen. Mozda i pomogne 😜

Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Klotzen said:

Najmanje stetan je nimulid ali je on i najslabiji. No u 90% situacija ce on da odradi posao.


No, no!!


Due to concerns about the risk of liver toxicity, nimesulide has been withdrawn from market in several countries (Spain, Finland, Belgium, Ireland, and United States). Liver problems have resulted in both deaths and the need for transplantation.


@RatzenStadt probaj s Panadol Plus

I paracetamol (acetaminofen) nije bas nestetan za jetru, pogotovo uz kozumaciju alkohola, pa pripazi malo

Edited by Sunshine State
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6 minutes ago, Sunshine State said:


No, no!!


Due to concerns about the risk of liver toxicity, nimesulide has been withdrawn from market in several countries (Spain, Finland, Belgium, Ireland, and United States). Liver problems have resulted in both deaths and the need for transplantation.


@RatzenStadt probaj s Panadol Plus

I paracetamol (acetaminofen) nije bas nestetan za jetru, pogotovo uz kozumaciju alkohola, pa pripazi malo


To pise na leku ovde u srbiji. Zabranjen za one sto boluju od osteoartritisa. Takode se ne preporucuje zavisnicima i u kombinaciji sa nekim lekovima. Izuzev toga nus pojava prakticno i nema.

5 minutes ago, Klotzen said:


To pise na leku ovde u srbiji. Zabranjen za one sto boluju od osteoartritisa. Takode se ne preporucuje zavisnicima i u kombinaciji sa nekim lekovima. Izuzev toga nus pojava prakticno i nema.


Ja ne bih, ako bas ne mora. 


Nimesulide must be withdrawn worldwide due to serious liver damage

Nimesulide exposes patients to fatal liver damage. When a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is needed, it is better to use one with a favourable benefit-harm balance such as ibuprofen. EU authorities fail to protect consumers.

The International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB) deems it unacceptable that nimesulide has been allowed to remain on European and some other markets in the world. This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) offers no therapeutic advantage or better gastrointestinal safety compared with other NSAIDs, whereas it exposes patients to a higher risk of fatal hepatic disorders.

Nimesulide has never been approved for use in countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia New Zealand, Japan and other countries in view of concerns over its safety profile.

In 2002, Finland and Spain withdrew nimesulide from the market following reports of serious liver damage. Cases including 2 deaths had also been reported in France at the time. Ireland and Singapore decided to withdraw nimesulide from the market in 2007.


Moze  naproxen, ako ima u Srbiji, bezbedniji je od ibuprofena

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18 minutes ago, Referent said:

Šta nemačka medicina i cenjeni Drosten kažu za covid i trudnice?

RKI: https://www.rki.de/SharedDocs/FAQ/NCOV2019/gesamt.html



Aktuell gibt es keine Daten zur Empfänglichkeit für eine SARS-CoV-2-Infektion in der Schwangerschaft. Aufgrund der physiologischen Anpassungen und immunologischen Vorgänge kann eine erhöhte Empfänglichkeit nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

Im Fall einer Infektion scheinen Schwangere jedoch häufiger keine oder nur milde Symptome (z.B. seltener Fieber) zu entwickeln. Bei Verdacht auf eine Infektion sollte daher die Indikation für eine Testung auf SARS-CoV- 2 großzügig gestellt werden.

Zur Frage der Schwere des Krankheitsverlaufs geben die bisherigen Studien und Fallberichte, in denen Schwangere mit COVID-19 untersucht wurden, keinen Hinweis darauf, dass die Krankheit bei Schwangeren schwerer verläuft als bei Nicht-Schwangeren, in Einzelfällen kann eine intensivmedizinische Behandlung erforderlich sein. Todesfälle, darunter auch im Wochenbett, die möglicherweise in Zusammenhang mit einer Erkrankung stehen, wurden bislang nur vereinzelt berichtet.

Hinsichtlich möglicher Auswirkungen einer COVID-19 Erkrankung auf das Ungeborene gibt es bisher nur wenige Daten, insbesondere fehlen hier Langzeituntersuchungen. Daher können zu dieser Fragestellung keine validen Aussagen gemacht werden. Generell kann hohes Fieber während des ersten Schwangerschaftsdrittels das Risiko von Komplikationen und Fehlbildungen erhöhen.

Die Möglichkeit einer Übertragung im Mutterleib kann, basierend auf den bisher vorliegenden wenigen Untersuchungen und Fallberichten aus China zu Immunreaktionen bei Neugeborenen, nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

In den meisten Fällen zeigen die Kinder SARS-CoV-2-positiver Mütter nach der Geburt keine Krankheitszeichen. Bislang sind nur einzelne Fälle von Erkrankungen bei Neugeborenen beschrieben, die möglicherweise Folge einer Infektion im Mutterleib sind. Eine Übertragung von der Mutter auf das neugeborene Kind ist - sofern keine geeigneten Schutzmaßnahmen ergriffen werden - bei engem Kontakt möglich. Es gibt nur wenige Untersuchungen zur Fragestellung, ob das Virus in der Muttermilch nachweisbar ist. Bislang gelang nur in einem Fall der Nachweis von Virus-RNA. Allerdings kann die beobachtete Infektion des Neugeborenen hier auf anderem Wege erfolgt sein, weshalb ungeklärt bleibt, ob das Virus in der Muttermilch tatsächlich auch infektiös und eine Übertragung durch das Stillen damit möglich ist.

Insgesamt ist die Datenlage derzeit noch nicht ausreichend, um alle Fragen zu COVID-19 in der Schwangerschaft sicher zu beantworten.




There are currently no data on susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy. Due to the physiological adaptations and immunological processes, an increased susceptibility cannot be excluded.

In the case of an infection, however, pregnant women seem to develop no or only mild symptoms (e.g. rare fever). If an infection is suspected, the indication for testing for SARS-CoV-2 should be given generously.

Regarding the question of the severity of the course of the disease, the previous studies and case reports, in which pregnant women were examined with COVID-19, give no indication that the disease is more severe in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women; in individual cases, intensive medical treatment may be necessary. Deaths, including in the puerperium, which may be related to an illness, have so far been reported only sporadically.

So far, there is little data regarding the possible effects of COVID-19 disease on the unborn child, in particular long-term studies are missing here. Therefore, no valid statements can be made on this issue. In general, high fever during the first trimester of pregnancy can increase the risk of complications and malformations.

The possibility of transmission in the womb cannot be excluded, based on the few examinations and case reports from China on immune reactions in newborns available to date.

In most cases, the children of SARS-CoV-2 positive mothers show no signs of illness after birth. So far, only isolated cases of diseases in newborns have been described, which may be the result of an infection in the womb. A transfer from the mother to the newborn child is possible - if no suitable protective measures are taken - with close contact. There are only a few studies to determine whether the virus is detectable in breast milk. So far, virus RNA has only been detected in one case. However, the observed infection of the newborn may have occurred in another way, which is why it remains unclear whether the virus in breast milk is actually infectious and whether transmission through breastfeeding is possible.

Overall, there is currently insufficient data to reliably answer all questions about COVID-19 during pregnancy.

takodje: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Steckbrief.html#doc13776792bodyText5

paragraf 5


Letnja pauza sto se tice podcasta prof Drostena, do avgusta. Covek ima puno posla u laboratoriji/klinici, a i onako nema nekih spektakularnih otkrica.

Zato prenosim twitove Lauterbacha koji objavljuje i komentarise ukratko najnovije interesantne studije.

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Od mog CEO - nas contribution ovoj posasti:


"Our large vaccine study with Pfizer, which is evaluating the safety and efficacy of four different SARS vaccine candidates against COVID-19, is on track, with 165 healthy volunteers enrolled and a further 30 expected this week. The team is also gearing up for the larger Phase 3 portion of the study, which will start in July and will enroll 30,000 patients"

  • Like 8
Posted (edited)

Je li sam ja jedini kome smetaju ove medijske priče o "drugom talasu"? Mislim da daje pogrešan imidž o tome šta se u stvari dešava. 


Na žalost, virus neće otići sam od sebe, biće tu dok ne steknemo imunitet, ili preko vakcine ili dok se velik broj ne zarazi. Tako, u zavisnosti kako koja država sprovodi mere, biće mnoštvo talasa, svaki u svoje vreme i u različitim mestima. 

Edited by Darko
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Researchers from the University of Barcelona have detected the presence of SARS-COV2 in waste water samples collected in Barcelona on March 12, 2019. According to these data, the virus would have been present among us a year earlier than previously thought. .

As reported by the University of Barcelona through a statement, the presence of the new coronavirus would prove the presence of the virus a year before the pandemic declared.

Researchers from the Enteric Virus Group  of the UB Gemma Chavarria-Miró, Eduard Anfruns-Estrada and Susana Yeso , led by Rosa Maria Pintó and Albert Bosch, have participated in the investigation  .


Frozen samples from the months prior to the start of the systematic sampling of the waters, where the virus appeared between the beginning of January and the beginning of March 2020, have been analyzed. influenza diagnoses in primary care, contributing to community transmission before public health measures were taken, "said Albert Bosch, president of the Spanish Society of Virology.

With these data, the experts expanded the search framework to the frozen samples of 2018 and 2019. And it was here that they found the virus: “all the samples were negative for the presence of SARS-COV-2 genomes except for 12 March 2019, where the levels of presence of the virus were very low but were clearly positive by PCR, and also, using two different tests, "the researchers explained.


Ako ovaj rad prodje recenziju mislim da ce doci do velikog obrta u odnosu prema COVID-19 zarazi i pandemiji koju je ona prouzrokovala.

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8 minutes ago, badenac said:

Ako ovaj rad prodje recenziju mislim da ce doci do velikog obrta u odnosu prema COVID-19 zarazi i pandemiji koju je ona prouzrokovala.


A sta ako se neki sismis pokakio u tu vodu? 🤔


Do kakvog bi obrta moglo da dodje? Mislis da ce neko reci: "OK, posto je ovo zapravo godinama prisutno medju nama, ukidamo pandemiju"? Mislim da od toga nema nista. 

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11 hours ago, badenac said:



Ako ovaj rad prodje recenziju mislim da ce doci do velikog obrta u odnosu prema COVID-19 zarazi i pandemiji koju je ona prouzrokovala.


Ptice mogu da obole od infektivnog bronhitisa koji izaziva virus iz grupe korona. Da li je sigurno da su izolovali baš baš Sars Cov2.

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