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„Ne mogu da odgovorim na to pitanje jer još uvek ne vidim naslednika. U prvih 100 bi mogli da budu Marko Miladinović i Hamad Međedović. Godinama sam radio sa Međedovićem. Hamad je prvo bio kod Janka Tipsarevića, pa je posle otišao kod Novaka i sada je tamo. Poslednje dve godine nije sa mnom, a reći ću to kroz pesmu Đorđa Balaševića koji u stihu kaže: ‘Nedostaješ mi ti, ljubav moja mila’. Znači ja njemu nedostajem, ako Hamad bude uz mene ima šansu da bude u prvih 100 na svetu. Ako bude ovo što radi kod Novaka i što je radio kod Janka, vrlo su male šanse. Miladinovića nikada nisam gledao, pratim te rezultate po internetu, pa pretpostavljam da ima potencijal da bude u 100 na svetu“, započeo je sa rezigniranošću u glasu Obradović.



„Ako u Srbiji budem izradio sve programe i bio zadužen za treniranje dece, ako ih budem kontrolisao, imaćemo napredak tenisa. Ako ne budem to radio neće biti napretka, jer znam da akademije nisu sposobne to da rade. Odgajio sam jednu generaciju i stvorili smo rezultate“.


„Sada sam se ‘izvukao’ i u Kini sam, tamo stvaram nove šampione. Budući broj 1 za 10 godina će biti igrač koji ima kinesko ime i sa kineskom zastavom. Ja ću kao patriota raditi i s nekom našom decom koja budu htela da rade sa mnom, pomoći ću im i biće u 100 na svetu. Bio sam poslednjih šest meseci u Kini, poslednje tri godine radim sa njima i četiri puta sam išao i vraćao se. Sada sam odradio program koji će početi od marta sledeće godine, to je nacionalni trening centar. Četiri otvaramo u Šangaju, selekcija najbolje dece je urađena, sada kreće veliki sistem. Dobio sam od Sport biroa i Đuš sporta koja je najveća kompanija za sport u Kini sedište u Šangaju. Dobio sam da budem i selektor Dejvis i Fed kup reprezentacije Kine. Kina može sve što hoće“.

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a sta bi s onim sto je obecao Kinezima da ce napraviti kineskog Novaka (pricao u Wish&Go) jer ima FORMULU (posto je, jelte, ON i napravio Novaka)? :classic_rolleyes: Tad je kao Novak bio merilo stvari, a sad ce Medjedovic da propadne u Novakovoj "akademiji" i pod njegovim mentorstvom. :ajme:


Ima Kinezi da ga posalju u rudnike da odradjuje pare koje je maznuo od njih, a nigde rezultata. (doduse, ne bi me iznenadilo da uskoro krene da tvrdi da je zasluzan i za GS titulu Raducanu, ipak je ona pola Kineskinja :classic_rolleyes: )

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Ma Kinezi uopste nisu blesavi.

Oni u principu uvek pozivaju sve moguce strucnjake iz inostranstva da im dodju i predstave ideje/nauce ih (u svim oblastima, ne samo u tenisu), onda se mnogi ne-Kinezi polakome (dobiju pocetne pare) i pomisle da ce izvuci neku veliku korist, ali ih Kinezi manje-vise na kraju uvek izrade.


pa otvarao je onaj bivsi trener Enan, Karlos Rodrigez bese se zove, akademiju u Kini jos pre 7-8 godina, on bar ima CV, pa ne bi nista od novih Kineskih sampiona.

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1 hour ago, wwww said:

Ma Kinezi uopste nisu blesavi.

Oni u principu uvek pozivaju sve moguce strucnjake iz inostranstva da im dodju i predstave ideje/nauce ih (u svim oblastima, ne samo u tenisu), onda se mnogi ne-Kinezi polakome (dobiju pocetne pare) i pomisle da ce izvuci neku veliku korist, ali ih Kinezi manje-vise na kraju uvek izrade.


pa otvarao je onaj bivsi trener Enan, Karlos Rodrigez bese se zove, akademiju u Kini jos pre 7-8 godina, on bar ima CV, pa ne bi nista od novih Kineskih sampiona.


Ono što sam se ja pitao, kao i mnogi drugi, je kako to da s' obzirom na kvantitet, Kinezi nikako ne dolaze do kvaliteta u mnogim sportovima. Da li treba još mnogo vremena da prođe, jer država (još uvek) nije zainteresovana za planiranje i ulaganje u druge sportove, (tj sva sredstva i elitni personal idu u one discipline koje im donose medalje na OI). Ili su prirodni antitalenat za tolike sportove pa prosto ne ide (Što može da padne na pamet, ali niđe veze). Nije me mrzelo da odem na ATP&WTA i vidim singles ranking, trenutno svega 10-ak Kineza u prvih 1000, a svega trojica u Top 500. Mnogo bolje im stoje teniserke naravno. Pominjalo se kako USA loše stoji što se muških tiče, pa sam ja onda pisao ovde o nekoliko glavnih razloga zašto je kod njih takva situacija kakva je. Za Kinu se sigurno mogu naći neki slični razlozi, a loš/prevaziđen sistem je sigurno glavni...

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ja mislim da je bitan razlog i koji sportovi su popularni u kojoj zemlji.


Npr. u USA ce najveci broj omladine koja je talentovana za sportove sigurno da odabere da igra americki fudbal, kosarku, bejzbol i koji jos sport je popularan i donosi velike pare velikom broju takmicara (tenis je vrlo surov sport gde izuzetno mali % igraca posle ogrommnih odricanja zaradi neke pare). Za tenis je potreban veliki pocetni kapital. Tenis je stoga rezervisan za vrlo mali broj nadarenih koji bas, bas hoce time da se bave ili su iz imucnih porodica koje ce ih finansirati.


U Kini su sigurno popularniji i stoni tenis i mnogi drugi sportovi od tenisa (koji i onako ima imidz sporta za razmazene bogatase). Tako da dzabe milijardu Kineza kad najveci sportski talenti biraju druge sportove.

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To sam i napisao za USA, i za Kanadu, samo malo detaljnije, pa sam rekao kako je North America dobra u WTA, baš zato što ženski sport nema te velike lige koje usisaju toliku količinu talenata. I prema kojima je, ceo muški high school i college sport, kompletno streamlined takoreći. Možda nisam tada pomenuo njihov koledž tenis sistem koji je bezveze, jer između ostalog, primaju gomilu stranih igrača na koledž stipendije (u ranim 20-im koji su već iskusniji, pogotovo sa igranjem liga u EU), a onda neki amer koji je još uvek tinejdžer treba da igra sa njima, malo morgen. I to je samo jedna strana. 


Jedan klip na temu



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Rio de Janeiro's police are investigating tennis player Thiago Wild for crimes of psychological violence, injury and bodily harm committed against his ex-wife, biomedicalist and influencer Thayane Lima. Wild was also banned from approaching Thayane.


"Without my noticing it, he made me change everything in my life. I started not being able to wear a cleavage, I couldn't even go to the beach to not wear a bikini. I always wore big nails, but he liked short ones because he claimed to have big nails it was 'a bitch'. If my political opinion wasn't the same as his - and in fact it isn't - he would call me stupid and say that I had to stay with the 'fucking blacks... that I walked.' he also told me to take my nose piercing and complained about my accent, saying that carioca speaks 'equal slum dwellers'", Thayane told UOL...


"One day, he hurt my finger, because he squeezed it until it almost broke just because he got angry when I published a photo on social media, alone and not with him. We were at a dinner with his parents and then he shook my hand a lot My finger turned purple and swollen. When Thiago got angry, he pushed me, pulled my hair, called me a bitch, quenga, slut, garbage, dumb. I lived at home, I didn't go out for anything while he was traveling. I let go to church (and once caused a scandal when I took a long time at a meeting there), academy," recalled the 22-year-old biomedic....


The UOL Esporte report got in touch with Thiago Wild's representatives and the athlete did not want to comment until the publication of this article. Currently, he is the 129th place in the world ranking and number 2 in Brazil....


Thayane reported having an abusive relationship with Thiago Wild. In early August, she discovered several of the athlete's betrayals, separated from him and, since then, has been undergoing psychiatric and psychological treatment. In addition to the protective measure, the young woman, with the help of lawyer Gabriela Amábile, filed a lawsuit for material and moral damages against Thiago Wild. When she met the tennis player, in 2019, the young woman was working as a digital influencer and studying biomedicine. She was even invited to participate in the tryouts for the 20th edition of Big Brother Brasil.... -


At 21, she was already able to support herself without needing the support of her parents and paid the rent for the apartment she lived in in Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro. Everything changed after she became involved with Wild.


"I was financially dependent on Thiago. We were in a stable relationship, so at his request I stopped working with Instagram advertising. After I discovered the various betrayals, his parents became aware and claimed that they would give me material and psychological support along with the Thiago, but that never happened and I ended up totally helpless", declared Thayane....



"He left me without any support. He cut everything, including my credit card, which was the only form of money I had to eat, get around, buy medicine if I had to. Thiago's father suggested a deal, but none I benefited from them in front of everything that Thiago put me through. I realized that it would be more of a 'shut up' so that I wouldn't expose things they didn't want to come up about our relationship. because I wanted the truth to come out," she added.


Also according to the 22-year-old biomedic, the tennis player did not like his work as a digital influencer. For this reason, he proposed to support her and even rent another property that was beyond her financial means. As a result, Thayane lost more than 400,000 followers from her official Instagram account, which he used as a means of work.


"I started to stop working as an influencer because every job I did was a fight for three days, he said he felt shaken and forbade me. I lost contact with people who offered me jobs and I lost a job," continued the biomedical .... 




As soon as she discovered the betrayals and decided to separate, Thayane reports that she was left helpless. According to the biomedic, one of Thiago's last actions was to terminate the rental contract, where they lived and she still lived, without telling her. She just received the eviction notice and will stay, please, at a friend's house.


Thayane tried to come to terms with Thiago and his family, but, according to the young woman, they "only cared about maintaining the tennis player's good athlete image and were afraid that the facts of his personal life would come to light". In one of the times that Thiago went to the apartment next to his parents, he became aggressive, kicked the doors and said he would throw her out of the house. All in front of his family and the biomedic, including her six-year-old niece.

She was scared and, therefore, decided to enter the protective measure, which is already in effect. Finally, the biomedical company will file a lawsuit for food, a right she has, according to the lawyer Gabriela Amábile, because Thiago left her totally helpless....


ja mislim da mu je ovo ex-devojka, ali google daje prevod kao ex-zena.

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