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A tu se razlikuje od ostalih sportista po čemu tačno? :classic_biggrin: 

Moram reći da mi je to bilo najveće razočaranje u Berdiha, pomislila sam da je drugačiji kad je bio sa Lusi a onda je Ester dokazala da ipak nije :classic_biggrin:



Xisca Perello - born Maria Francisca Perello - is an insurance worker and business graduate.

She serves as project director for the Rafa Nadal Foundation, the charity which Nadal launched almost ten years ago.


The couple said their vows in front of around 350 guests at the La Fortaleza castle in Majorca, the island of his birth.

Among the invitees were actors Tom Hiddleston, Olivia Colman and Hug Laurie.


ne znam gde ovu glupost staviti, pa cu staviti ovde:




neverovatna je kreativnost u iznalazenju razloga kako da se spreci da se Novak ikada smatra boljim od Fedala.



(inace, ovo je iz teksta SI i Tennsi channel novinara Wertheima, koji uvek nadje neka pisma citalaca u svom mejl boksu koja nipodastavaju Novaka; inace je svojevremeno, pre nekih 10-tak godina, pisao (citav clanak) kako je njegov otac ogroman Fed fan, te je i on, u cast ocu; mislim da je njemu mnogo krivo sto se nije prvi setio da napise onaj clanak o Fedu kao religijskom iskustvu :classic_rolleyes:)


i posle se vajni "novinari" bune kako Opelka nije u pravu kad je rekao da su teniski novinari ocajni, najgori od svih sportskih novinara. :classic_dry:

Posted (edited)

How many children miss the opportunity to demonstrate their skills because parents do not have the means, the experience or the right contacts? How many give up their dreams because people in positions of power block their way? For every Leylah, there are many other forgotten people who are told they don't stand a chance, that they are crazy because they see things differently and ultimately get pushed aside.


Edited by wwww
4 hours ago, Boxy said:


Ali nije manekenka :classic_biggrin:




Samo zato što je rano upoznala Rafu pa se okrenula pravim vrednostima 😊

Visinu (178) i lepotu ima za tako nešto.

Posted (edited)



Q. The Australian Open, the government of Australia has strongly suggested that players get vaccinated before coming. Players that are unvaccinated will probably face more quarantine requirements if they’re allowed in at all. Do you agree with that policy as someone who has been vocal about the importance of vaccines?


ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, I mean, my understanding is if you’re unvaccinated you’re still allowed to play, it’s just the rules are going to be different, and that’s understandable.

Well, my understanding of the virus is that you’re significantly more likely to catch the virus if you’re unvaccinated, and you’re also more likely to pass it on, as well.

Obviously Australia in particular has been very, very strict over there. The public there have had to endure a painful 18 months or whatever. If people are going to come in to the country and potentially risk an outbreak in their community or whatever, yeah, that’s understandable.

It’s not to say you can’t play. You might just have to leave a few weeks earlier than everyone else. That’s the player’s choice. If the local government puts that in place then, yeah, I would support that.

It would be great if more players got vaccinated.



But like I said, I support vaccination. I hope that more of the players get it done. Well, I don’t want to come off the court having played a match and, again, be talking about something like that. I’d rather focus on the tennis. We’re concentrating on the vaccine a lot because a lot of the players haven’t taken it yet.

Hopefully people gain more confidence in it over time, can see the benefits outweigh any of the potential risks or side effects that people are worried of. I’m not saying that that never happens. I understand it is in rare cases, like people can get some side effects. For the most part the benefits way outweigh any of the risks.

Hopefully more of the players can see that.

Edited by wwww

Pravila za NextGen turnir:

Paragraf IV u rulebook 2021:



Participation is mandatory, and all qualified players shall be entered. The exception to this is that any player(s) who are qualified for the Nitto ATP Finals as a Direct Acceptance or as a designated Alternate are excluded from mandatory participation. All direct acceptances must be at the tournament site to attend the official pre-tournament media events scheduled Sunday night and Monday and must be available for play through the completion of the round robin competition and the knock-out competition if eligible.



D. Failure to Participate

If a player, qualified for the Next Gen ATP Finals as a direct acceptance fails or refuses to participate in this event, except for bona fide injury or other reason which constitutes good cause, the player shall receive a fine in the amount of $25,000.



Pravila za WTF:



1) Selection List. The selection list for the event shall be:
a) The top seven (7) players in the FedEx ATP Race to Turin* (based exclusively on results from tournaments played in 2021) as of the Monday after the last ATP Tour tournament of the calendar year; followed by
b) Up to two (2) Grand Slam winners of that year, in order of their positions, positioned between eight (8) and twenty (20) in the FedEx ATP Race to Turin* as of that Monday; followed by
c) Players positioned eight (8) and below in the FedEx ATP Race to Turin* as of that Monday.
*The Race to Turin is a ranking using the same rules as the FedEx ATP Ranking (Singles) but based exclusively on results from 2021 events only.



C. Failure To Participate in the Nitto ATP Finals

1) If a player, qualifi ed for the Nitto ATP Finals as a direct acceptance or designated as the alternate, fails or refuses to participate in this event, except for bona fide injury or other reason which constitutes good cause, the player shall not be in good standing.

2) All direct acceptances and the alternate must appear at the site of the event(s) as determined by ATP and participate in the pre-tournament media conference.

Failure to appear shall result in a penalty of fi ve percent (5%) of total ATP prize money earned during the ATP circuit year.

Please also see 1.07 G. 2) b).

1.07 G. 2) b)


Nitto ATP Finals. All players must play, if qualified, in the Nitto ATP Finals. Alternates must appear and fulfill the requirements of the alternate, as determined by ATP. A player who is otherwise qualified but does not play in the Nitto ATP Finals may receive 80% of bonus by appearing at the finals event to do promotional activities, as determined by ATP.


e sad, kako ce da uzimaju u obzir listu u ponedeljak (15.11.) posle poslednjeg ATP turnira (250 u Stokholmu) ako se taj turnir zavrsava 13.11. (subota), a WTF pocinje 14.11. (nedelja). Plus sto imaju obavezu da ucestvuju u KZS i ostalim promocijama pre WTF turnira.


Hoce da koriste neku masinu za putovanje kroz vreme?


Malo je bez veze i ovo pravilo da učestvuju prvih 7 i maksimum 2 GS šampiona. Kad bi se u nekoj teoriji i desilo da slem osvoje 2 igrača koji završe godinu van top 8, onda bi morali da imaju 9 učesnika u singlu.

15 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Malo je bez veze i ovo pravilo da učestvuju prvih 7 i maksimum 2 GS šampiona. Kad bi se u nekoj teoriji i desilo da slem osvoje 2 igrača koji završe godinu van top 8, onda bi morali da imaju 9 učesnika u singlu.

pazi, kad bi takvo pravilo postojalo na WTA onda bi (prema sadasnjem stanju stvari) Osaka i Raducanu morale da zavrse na zavrsnom turniru (a van su top 7). Kako bi oni sad to organizovali - pojma nemam. mislim da nisu dobro srocili tekst.


Endijeva KZS ranije na turniru:


interesantno je da dobar deo njegovih odgovora je totalno elementaran (prica o broju patiika koje nosi sa sobom, o burmi koju je izgubio/gubio), bez neke velike filozofije i filozofiranja.

takodje je zanimljiva prica o igranju na chelendzerima.

ima i jedan mali deo o Alcarazu i Musetiju. I o Emi (bas fini i razumni komentari i komplimenti).

19 hours ago, Boxy said:

Mozda sam mogla i kod Ane na temu da stavim :classic_smile:




Citala sam neke komentare na ovu vest (koju su objavili razni twiterasi): koliko nipodastavanja kandidata! U stilu: totalno ne zasluzuju da budu nominovani i primljeni i slicne gluposti!

Mislim, sta ljudi ocekuju, da osvajaci GS-ova i brojevi 1 rastu na grani?


Elem, pogledala sam malo da vidim koliko kojih ima.


Brojevi 1 u Open eri:


Ima ih ukupno 27, od kojih je 11 jos uvek aktivno (ukljucujuci, Serenu, Venus, Kim i Jelenu, koja jos uvek oficijelno nije otisla u penziju). Od preostalih 16 u HoF jos uvek nisu primljene Ana, Wozniacki, Sharapova i Safina. Sharapova i Wozniacki jos nisu dovoljno dugo u penziji (valjda tek posle 4 godine penzije mogu da ih kandiduju) i Safina nije osvojila GS. Sve ostale #1 su vec u HoF.



Ima ih ukupno 27, od kojih je 4 jos uvek aktivno (Big4). Od preostalih 23 u HoF jos uvek nisu primljeni Ferrero, Muster, Rios i Moya. Od njih Rios nije osvojio GS, ostala trojica imaju po jedan.



Sto se tice osvajaca GS titula, njih ima mnogo vise.

U Open eri odrzano je ukupno 214 GS turnira.



Ima ukupno 56 osvajacica GS titula, od kojih je 26 osvojilo samo 1 GS titulu. 19 igracica je jos uvek aktivno (valjda nisam neku preskocila). Od ovih koje su penzionisane, visestrukih GS sampionki koje nisu u HoF ima samo jedna - Sharapova. Od ovih koje su osvojile samo 1 GS titulu 4 su vec primljene u HoF (Ann Haydon-Jones, Conchita Martínez, Gabriela Sabatini i Jana Novotná), a ni jedna nije bila #1. Od ostalih koje su osvojile samo 1 GS titulu jedino je Ana bila i #1.



Takodje imaju 56 osvajaca GS titula, od kojih je takodje 26 osvojilo samo 1 GS titulu. :classic_biggrin: Kakva koincidencija! 9 igraca je jos uvek aktivno. Od ovih koji su penzionisani, visestrukih GS sampiona koje nisu u HoF ima 2 - Kriek i Bruguera (po 2). Od ovih koji su osvojili samo 1 GS titulu 7 je vec primljeno u HoF (Andres Gimeno, Rodddick, Ivanisevic, Orantes, Chang, Stich), od kojih je samo Roddick bio #1. Od ostalih koje su osvojili samo 1 GS titulu Moya, Ferrero i Muster su bili i #1.


Dubl nisam analizirala (Flavia je bila #1 u dublu)


Dakle, kandidati za HoF 2022 su sasvim ok.

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