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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


194 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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2 hours ago, stray_cat said:


U vezi famozne urbane legende da i vakcinisani prenose virus (i bogati plaču), imam primer u firmi:

- vakcinisan se zarazio i u roku od odma' bio svestan da mu je nešto, otiš'o na bolovanje nije više nikog zarazio;

- nevakcinisan se zarazio i "uspeo" da zarazi još jednog, takođe nevakcinisanog, sad su na bolovanju. Moj vrlo laički zaključak je da je postojao duži period vremena u kome nije bilo simptoma (virus je bio tu, organizam nije znao).



Za drugove sa foruma koji su prelezali, ili koji jos leze, Deltu posle koliko vremena od kontakta, pod uslovom da znate kako ste se zarazili, ste primetili simptome? 


jos jedan tekst iz jula meseca: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gesellschaft/impfen-corona-103.html



What is legally allowed?


Is it legally permissible to increase the willingness to vaccinate through disadvantages for non-vaccinated people? Would it even be conceivable that a vaccination would be compulsory?


Currently, those who have been vaccinated, those who have recovered and those who have been tested are largely on an equal footing. In any case, the differences are hardly noticeable in everyday life. But they already exist on the return trip from a high-incidence area: Vaccinated and convalescent people do not have to be in quarantine. All others have to isolate themselves first and can only "free themselves" after five days.


If the numbers rise again drastically in the autumn, stricter contact restrictions will apply again in the federal states. If, for example, only two households are allowed to meet, the vaccinated people do not count under the current legal situation. A noticeable disadvantage for everyone who does not yet have vaccination protection. Politicians are also calling for certain events to be attended only by those who have recovered or who have been vaccinated. A negative test should then no longer be enough.



Is unequal treatment compatible with the Basic Law?


The first impulse from many: This is a discrimination against non-vaccinated people. Article 3 of the Basic Law says: "All people are equal before the law". However, this statement does not prohibit the state from making differences where this is objectively justified. In any case, the following applies to all people: fundamental rights may only be restricted by each individual if there is a good reason, i.e. a legitimate goal, for it. And if there is no more lenient means of achieving this goal. The goal of protecting the health and life of others is unquestionably legitimate. The state is even obliged to protect its citizens. Most of the corona measures restricting fundamental rights therefore withstood judicial reviews.


What danger does vaccinated people pose?


In order to answer the question of whether people who have not been vaccinated may be restricted more than those who have been vaccinated, it is therefore essential: do they pose a lower risk? One thing is clear: vaccination does not offer 100 percent protection either, and the risk that people who have been vaccinated will pass on the virus is not zero. But the Robert Koch Institute writes: "The risk that a person will become PCR-positive despite a complete vaccination is already low." In addition, the RKI refers to observational studies that at least currently suggest that vaccination significantly reduces the risk of transmission of the coronavirus. If so, it would no longer be justified to further restrict the basic rights of those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered. In other words: the risk from the non-vaccinated is much higher. Incidentally, also because you know that the rapid tests by no means offer the same level of security. According to current knowledge, unequal treatment should therefore be justified. However, it is of course possible that this will change again as a result of new virus mutations.

The restriction of the basic rights of non-vaccinated persons must of course always be examined separately. They are only legally permissible if this is necessary to protect the life and health of others. This depends on various variables such as the current incidence number, the death and hospitalization rates or the R-factor. The argument that the unequal treatment would involve compulsory vaccination through the back door is somewhat wrong. Everyone could still choose not to get vaccinated. Even without vaccination, his basic rights should only be restricted if this is absolutely necessary.



What about private providers who insist on vaccination?


In addition, private providers such as restaurateurs or hairdressers can basically decide freely who they want as customers and who not. The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), which prohibits discrimination based on gender, ethnic origin or age, for example, offers limits. However, different treatment based on the vaccination status is not objectionable.



Compulsory vaccination for certain occupational groups


A compulsory vaccination for certain occupational groups, as is now being introduced in France, for example, is also repeatedly discussed. Such a statutory vaccination requirement would be a serious encroachment on the fundamental rights of those who do not want to be vaccinated. It would only come into question if, without it, the danger to the life and health of certain groups such as patients in hospitals, visitors to nursing homes or children in kindergartens and schools could not be protected in any other way. However, it must certainly also be taken into account that kindergarten or school children are less likely to have severe courses of corona infections. Since 2020 there has been an obligation in Germany for a measles vaccination for children and carers in daycare centers and schools. On the other hand, some parents have filed a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court, which has not yet been decided. A judgment from Karlsruhe could also provide the first clues in the matter of Corona, but there are also serious differences between Covid-19 and measles.



General compulsory vaccination


It would be particularly difficult for the state to order a general compulsory vaccination. However, such a compulsory vaccination would be even more difficult to justify for everyone. Only if the life and health of the population could not be protected in any other way and severe processes for many people could not be prevented in any other way, one could think about such a step.


Posted (edited)

o inkubacionom periodu za delta soj: https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/126601/SARS-CoV-2-Delta-verbreitet-sich-auch-bei-Durchbruchinfektionen-schneller



SARS-CoV-2: Delta spreads faster even with breakthrough infections


Galveston / Texas, Hong Kong and Rotterdam - virologists blame the P681R mutation for the increased infectivity of the Delta variant, the dynamism of which was recently also shown in the Chinese province of Guangdong, where SARS-CoV-2 appeared to be under control for a long time.


A study from the Netherlands found that breakthrough infections among health workers can be associated with high levels of virus shedding.


The new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has increased its fitness and transferability in (at least) 3 steps in the course of the pandemic. The first step was the mutation D614G. According to virologists, it “opened” the surface structure of the S protein, which made it easier for the receptor binding site to reach the ACE2 receptor in human cells. The mutant D614G displaced the original Wuhan type within a short period of time in the spring of last year.


The second step was the mutation N501Y, which arose independently of one another in the variants alpha, beta and gamma and increased the binding capacity of SARS-CoV-2. From England, Alpha has established itself in most countries in a short period of time.


The third step, which increased the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 in the delta variant by another 40%, could have been the mutation P681R according to the experiments by Pei-Yong Shi from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston . The mutation is located at the furin cleavage site. In order to be able to penetrate cells, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein must be broken down into 2 parts by the enzyme furin, which is located on the surface of the cell.


Shi was recently able to show in a laboratory study that viruses with the P681R mutation penetrate epithelial cells much more easily. The researchers infected cells simultaneously with viruses of the alpha and delta variants. After a few days, detection of the specific mutations was used to determine which virus strain had prevailed. This was usually the delta variant.


According to the publication in bioRXiv (2021; DOI: 10.1101 / 2021.08.12.456173), this advantage was lost after the researchers restored the mutation P681R to its original wild-type form. Shi concludes from this that the mutation is largely responsible for the higher transferability of the delta variant.


Not all of the experts interviewed by Nature shared this view. They pointed out that the variant kappa, which, like Delta, was first identified in India, also carries the mutation P681R (and is similar to Delta in other areas as well). Unlike Delta, however, Kappa was unable to establish itself. It could therefore be that other mutations are responsible for the success of Delta.


Just recently, how dangerous Delta is was also shown in China. The country had previously sealed itself off against virus imports. But on May 21, the delta variant was suddenly detected in Guangdong province, which borders Hong Kong. The Chinese authorities managed to stop the outbreak by June 18 through mass tests and rigorous quarantine (under supervision) after 167 cases had occurred.


The processing of the outbreak presented by a team led by Benjamin Cowling from the University of Hong Kong shows how dynamic the delta variant is. The rapid replication meant that 73% of infections occurred before the carriers noticed their own infection: the latency period (from infection to contagiousness) was 4.0 days, shorter than the incubation period (from infection to the first symptoms ), which Cowling puts at 5.8 days.


Most of those infected eventually noticed their infection. Asymptomatic courses were relatively rare with a share of 4.8%. Another 17.4% had only mild symptoms. Cowling estimates that if it spread unhindered, every infected person infected 6.4 more people. In the wild type of SARS-CoV-2, this R0 value was estimated at 2 to 4.


Vaccination given in China with inactivated viruses can slow the spread of the virus. Of the 167 sufferers, 16 (9.6%) were vaccinated, which suggests a certain rate of breakthrough infections. People who had not yet been vaccinated or had only received 1 dose had a 2 to 6-fold increased risk (which, however, could only be estimated imprecisely with wide confidence intervals).


Edited by wwww
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o novim simptomima kod inficiranih delta sojem: https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/erkrankung-mit-der-delta-variante-was-die-corona-mutation-fuer-neue-symptome-hervorrufen-kann/27403222.html?ticket=ST-4704612-ldOh1fJoiOuJItBBZ4rO-cas01.example.org



Most often, those affected by the Delta variant complained of headaches, a runny nose, and a sore throat and throat. According to the study, fever is still a symptom, but the loss of smell and taste, which was previously considered a typical corona symptom, is less common.

The symptoms are thus similar to the symptoms of a conventional cold, which can inevitably lead to confusion.



What to do if you have symptoms of a corona infection?


Whether a cold or a potential corona infection: If in doubt, those affected should first contact their family doctor or the responsible health department. Here you can find out whether you should be tested for Covid-19. You then have to go to a test center or get a corona self-test in the pharmacy, supermarket or drugstore.

In order to protect the environment and society and to counteract the further spread of the virus, contacts should be reduced. In any case, it is important to keep the common hygiene rules such as keeping your distance and wearing a mouth and nose cover.


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Those affected who were in contact with an asymptomatic corona patient would be more likely to experience an identical course.


In addition, the study shows that the risk of infection from people with corona symptoms is four times higher than when infected people have a mild appearance. You can get infected with the coronavirus without noticing it. The course of the disease from Covid-19 can not only be weak, sometimes it is completely absent.



Sars-CoV-2 spread particularly often on the first day of the symptoms. According to the study, this applies regardless of age, gender or other parameters with regard to the physical condition.


The realization that the risk of infection is apparently highest two days before the onset of symptoms is emphasized. In the further course of the disease, the threat would allegedly be noticeably reduced.



Corona infection: why Delta should be more perfidious than previous virus variants


Another study from China comes to a similar result - and apparently attributes the development to the rampant Corona Delta variant. The thesis is expressed that earlier manifestations had a shorter time span between the infectiousness and the onset of symptoms. The authors of the study from the University of Hong Kong write that around three quarters of the transmissions of the delta variant take place earlier before the symptoms begin. What then causes the increased risk of infection? Infected people do not yet know and feel nothing of their positive state and therefore pass the virus on more quickly because appropriate measures have not yet been taken.


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Posted (edited)

pa na tom uzorku od 167 ljudi u Kini zarazeni su bili infektivni u proseku posle 4 dana od zarazavanja, a simptomi im se pojavili u proseku posle 6 dana.


Intersantno je da je samo 9,6% zarazenih bilo vakcinisano, i to kineskom vakcinom (ovde nisu naveli kojom: Sinovac ili Sinofarm, odnosno koja je raspodela koje vakcine). Sad, mozda uzorak nije bas dovoljno veliki za pouzdanost analize (plus ne znamo koliko je proslo od vakcinacije, koja je starosna/medicinska struktura inficiranih), ali opet sasvim fin rezultat za vakcinu.

Edited by wwww
1 hour ago, Ridji said:


Za drugove sa foruma koji su prelezali, ili koji jos leze, Deltu posle koliko vremena od kontakta, pod uslovom da znate kako ste se zarazili, ste primetili simptome? 


Ja sam se zarazio u petak uveče pre dve nedelje.


U ponedeljak uveče sam počeo da se osećam kao da ću se razboleti, u utorak ujutru dobio temperaturu. Znam sigurno da je petak pošto se još dvoje ljudi zarazilo koji su bili tu sa mnom. I njima su se isto javili simptomi u ponedeljak utorak. Inače od nas troje, dvoje nas je bilo vakcinisano i jedan nije pošto je kao preležao. Svi smo prošli ok, ali koliko sam čuo nevakcinisani je oko 3 dana imao visoku temperaturu i malo jače simptome, mi vakcinisani smo prošli laganije.


Inače bilo je još nekoliko ljudi u tom izlasku, kolko mi je poznato svi vakcinisani i nisu se ni zarazili, a ni ja na kraju nisam zarazio svoju devojku sa kojom živim. U principu u skladu sa podacima koji su dostpuni da vakcina i protiv delte štiti u određenoj meri od zaraze, a i da smanjuje šansu da zaraženi i dalje bude prenosilac.

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meni je ovo zanimljivo, nisam razmisljao u tom pravcu, ali kad razmislim, ima logike


Those affected who were in contact with an asymptomatic corona patient would be more likely to experience an identical course.

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Svedska i njen Tegnell opet mimo sveta. Od 1.novembra se ukidaju sve preporuke osim onih o pranju ruku, drzanju distance i ostajanju kod kuce u slucaju simptoma (ova potonja dva ko moze da si priusti; ko ne moze, slobodan je da ide okolo i zarazava koga hoce). Od 1.novembra nema ni testiranja za vakcinisane, bez obzira na simptome, a ukida se i preporuka o radu od kuce, znaci svi na svoja radna mesta. Boster vakcina se vec daje starijima od 80 godina, dok za ostale nije ni u najavi. To sto od decembra ljudima mladjim od 80 pocinje sukcesivno da istice sest meseci od druge doze, takodjer nije nesto sto Tegnella interesuje. 

Tacno je da je u Svedskoj postignut visok stepen vakcinacije i da u poslednje vreme nema mnogo ozbiljno bolesnih i umrlih od covida. Ali da li je pametno prestati pratiti zarazavanje i reagovati tek kad krene masovno umiranje, kao ono proleca 2020? Pri tome ne mislim da treba uvoditi bilo kakve restriktivne mere, ali zar je toliko tesko omoguciti ljudima da se testiraju, npr ako rade ili zive u zajednickom domacinstvu sa starijima? Ili pratiti razvoj situacije cisto statistike radi, ili zbog ranog uocavanja eventualnih negativnih trendova?

Ja ovo stvarno ne razumem. Hajde za razne mere, maske i slicno da je bio u pravu. Ali ovo s ukidanjem mogucnosti testiranja za vakcinisane stvarno lici na inacenje, i ni na sta drugo.

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3 minutes ago, djura.net said:

meni je ovo zanimljivo, nisam razmisljao u tom pravcu, ali kad razmislim, ima logike


Those affected who were in contact with an asymptomatic corona patient would be more likely to experience an identical course.




Prve informacije o ovome su se pojavile pre godinu dana...zato ja gadjam i nadam se  da ce nas  zaraziti  klinci, ako vec nisu...Oni idu normalno u skolu bez masaka i proslu i ovu skolsku godinu..



2 hours ago, Ridji said:

Za drugove sa foruma koji su prelezali, ili koji jos leze, Deltu posle koliko vremena od kontakta, pod uslovom da znate kako ste se zarazili, ste primetili simptome? 


Gospodja dobila pozitivan test u cetvrtak (7. 10) a ja u utorak (12. 10). S tim sto sam se u petak ujutru testirao (antigen i pcr) i bio negativan. Znaci, od petka do utorka sam od nje zakacio i razvio simptome (gubitak cula mirisa i ukusa).

54 minutes ago, djura.net said:

meni je ovo zanimljivo, nisam razmisljao u tom pravcu, ali kad razmislim, ima logike


Those affected who were in contact with an asymptomatic corona patient would be more likely to experience an identical course.


I ovo bih mogao da potvrdim na licnom primeru.


Na brzaka sam napravila nekoliko dijagrama za Nemacku (po pokrajinama) : poredjenje

- broja inficiranih u poslednjih 7 dana na 100.000 stanovnika (nije uzeta u obzir starosna struktura inficiranih)

- % vakcinisanih po pokrajinama po godinama (gruba starosna struktura)

- broj umrlih u poslednjih 7 dana na milion stanovnika po pokrajinama (nije uzeta u obzir starosna struktura inficiranih)


inficirani - vakcinisani:


u principu postoji generalni trend da je vise vise zarazenih u onim pokrajinama gde je % vakcinisanih manji




slicno je i s brojem umrlih: trend je da ima vise umrlih tamo gde je manji % vakcinisanih.


ovde se takodje vidi da je vise umrlih u pokrajinama bivse istocne Nemacke, gde je i % vakcinisanih manji.

Bavarska takodje ne spada u pokrajine s najvecim % vakcinisanih, dozvolili su da im broj inficiranih poraste i sada imaju veliki broj umrlih.

Brandenburg ima malo inficiranih, malu gustinu naseljenosti, ali ne preterano dobar % vakcinisanih i broj umrlih je bitno iznad proseka (moze biti i da starosna struktura ljudi utice, tamo procentualno ima vise starih nego dece).

S druge strane Berlin i Hamburg imaju visok % vakcinisanih, visok procenat radno sposobnog stanovnistva (koje je prilicno pokretno) a manje starih ljudi, solidan broj inficiranih, ali vrlo mali broj umrlih.




16 hours ago, ciao said:

Imam pitanje : kakva je situacija sa ostalim vrhunskim i popularnim sportistima iz Srbije, mislim na fudbalere i kosarkase, pretpostavljam da su i dalje najpopularniji sportovi, ne pratim mnogo ali imena koja znam tipa Bogdanovic, Jokic (srbin ili hrvat?), nevazno ali sigurna sam da ih ima ultrapoznatih i popularnih u regionu, da li su oni vakcinisani ili nisu? Obavezno ili neobavezno, javno ili ne? ili od cirkuzantnih zanimanja jedino Ceca i Karleusa u Srbiji pozivaju na vakcinisanje?

Da spomenem usput da nisam cula ni za jednog ni umetnika ni sportistu u Francuskoj da pominju vakcinaciju da ili ne, videli smo predsednika drzave da se vakcinise i njegovu suprugu i to je sve od javnih licnosti koliko se secam a ne znam ni zasto bi.


Ne znam za fudbalere i kosarkase, ali Olimpijci su snimili video gde su pozvali ljude da se vakcnisu,ne mogu da ga nadjem sada. Milica Mandic i jos neki.

3 hours ago, attolini said:




Prve informacije o ovome su se pojavile pre godinu dana...zato ja gadjam i nadam se  da ce nas  zaraziti  klinci, ako vec nisu...Oni idu normalno u skolu bez masaka i proslu i ovu skolsku godinu..




Zanima me kako se procenjuju trenutno sanse da vrtici budu problem, tj. da sama deca zakace virus? Citao sam neku studiju, sad ne mogu da je iskopam, po kojoj se kao najznacajniji faktor ne pominje kako je u vrticu odnosno skoli, vec da li su roditelji vakcinisani. To bi sugerisalo da vrtici ne predstavljaju problem. S druge strane, delila se ovde izjava da deci moze i nedetektovani tromb da se otkaci i napravi rusvaj. Da li imate neke preporuke oko dobrih studija koje ovo ispituju? Ja sam citao neke koje su vise opservacione, ali ne uspevam bas da nalazim neke koje idu u pricu o dijagnostici potencijalno opasnih efekata izlozenosti virusom.

10 minutes ago, handys said:


Zanima me kako se procenjuju trenutno sanse da vrtici budu problem, tj. da sama deca zakace virus? Citao sam neku studiju, sad ne mogu da je iskopam, po kojoj se kao najznacajniji faktor ne pominje kako je u vrticu odnosno skoli, vec da li su roditelji vakcinisani. To bi sugerisalo da vrtici ne predstavljaju problem. S druge strane, delila se ovde izjava da deci moze i nedetektovani tromb da se otkaci i napravi rusvaj. Da li imate neke preporuke oko dobrih studija koje ovo ispituju? Ja sam citao neke koje su vise opservacione, ali ne uspevam bas da nalazim neke koje idu u pricu o dijagnostici potencijalno opasnih efekata izlozenosti virusom.




Plasim se da ne mogu mnogo da pomognem...Mogu samo da pisem kako sam ja formirao stav po pitanju dece...


Sve studije koje sam citao su stare 7-12 meseci kad je meni to bilo aktuelno, stvarno ne bih mogao da se setim svega sto sam procitao i gde...Na samom pocetku epidemije februar-mart slusao govor  direktora najpoznatijeg instituta virusologije u Rusiji na nekom simpozijumu, i tada kad je bilo govora da se deca ne zarazavaju on je tvrdio da je to glupost...i bio je u pravu..

Pratio sam neka Svedsko Finska istrazivanja vezano za prenosenje virusa, nemacka iskustva itd...

Da skratim, ono sto pamtim je da su deca u uzrastu 4-12 godina u najmanjem riziku...Trudim se da ne razmisljam u pravcu trombova ili neceg slicnog cija je verovatnoca izuzetno niska...Ja sam to sveo na rizik isti kao i kad ih pustam da vilene sami po gradu, parku itd..Klinci 8 i 10 godina...


Nekad je ziveti u ocekivanju katastrofe gore nego sama katastrofa....mada koliko su se puta vratili "polomljeni" ne znam sta je strasnije))..




SAD: Članice STO da podrže odricanje od prava na vakcinu


"Bela kuća pozvala je sve članice Svetske trgovinske organizacije (STO) da podrže odricanje od intelektualne svojine za vakcine protiv kovida 19.

Godinu dana nakon što su Južnoafrička Republika i Indija predstavile predlog za privremeno odricanje od prava intelektualne svojine na vakcine i terapije protiv kovid 19 u STO, pregovori nisu uspeli da postignu bilo kakav napredak.

Više od 100 zemalja koje podržavaju izuzeće kažu da bi to pomoglo u spasavanju života, tako što bi zemljama u razvoju dozvolilo da proizvode vakcine protiv kovida 19, ali Evropska unija i nekoliko zemalja, uključujući Švajcarsku, i dalje se protive."


Alo, Evropo!! Alo!!!! 😡


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22 minutes ago, Sunshine State said:

SAD: Članice STO da podrže odricanje od prava na vakcinu


"Bela kuća pozvala je sve članice Svetske trgovinske organizacije (STO) da podrže odricanje od intelektualne svojine za vakcine protiv kovida 19.

Godinu dana nakon što su Južnoafrička Republika i Indija predstavile predlog za privremeno odricanje od prava intelektualne svojine na vakcine i terapije protiv kovid 19 u STO, pregovori nisu uspeli da postignu bilo kakav napredak.

Više od 100 zemalja koje podržavaju izuzeće kažu da bi to pomoglo u spasavanju života, tako što bi zemljama u razvoju dozvolilo da proizvode vakcine protiv kovida 19, ali Evropska unija i nekoliko zemalja, uključujući Švajcarsku, i dalje se protive."


Alo, Evropo!! Alo!!!! 😡



Pitanje je da li zemlje drugog i treceg sveta imaju znanje i tehnologiju za bezbednu proizvodnju vakcina...Ali to to najbolje znas 🙂

10 minutes ago, Prijatelj Mitar said:


Pitanje je da li zemlje drugog i treceg sveta imaju znanje i tehnologiju za bezbednu proizvodnju vakcina...Ali to to najbolje znas 🙂


Ma ne radi se samo o zemljama drugog i treceg sveta - a i da se radi, pa pusti Indiju nek pravi vakcine za Indijce, nece Nemac uzimati tu vakcinu.

Kako te trece zemlje prave ostale lekove i vakcine?

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Najbolje vreme izgleda za vakcinu-revakcinu je izgleda rano jutro...imunosistem ne radi jednako 24 casa...





"By deciphering the cell migration mechanisms underlying the immune response, scientists from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), in Switzerland, and the Ludwigs-Maximilians University (LMU), in Germany, have shown that the activation of the immune system is modulated according to the time of day.


Indeed, the migration of immune cells from the skin to the lymph nodes oscillates over a 24-hours period. Immune function is highest in the resting phase, just before activity resumes — in the afternoon for mice, which are nocturnal animals, and early morning for humans.


These results, which can be read in the journal Nature Immunology, suggest that the time of day should possibly be taken into account when administering vaccines or immunotherapies against cancer, in order to increase their effectiveness."




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