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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


194 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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6 minutes ago, marejosip said:

Od Kona baš zato očekujem ovo prvo. On sedi u kriznom štabu sa istim tim Vučićem koji ovo naređuje.



To ja pricam sve vreme. On pre podne sedi sa Vucicem koji direktno organizuje skupove a posle podne se iscudjuje na fejsbuku. 


Neki nepoznati ljudi sa skrivenih mesta preko dimnih signala organizuju skupljanje za 1000din, da te skupine lizu jedni druge i pljuvajuci uzvikuju parole. 


I covek je svesno prihvatio da bude deo te masinerije i svesno nastavlja i posle toliko vremena. Ne pricam o smesnim apelima preko fejsbuka, 

nego o licnom karakteru da cutis na sve to. I na Nestorovica koji hara nacionalnim televizijima, i na Zeljka Mitrovica, i na okupljanja, i na donosenje mera i ukidanje

od strane predsednika koje su u suprotnosti sa vec izrecenim od strane struke, i sve to znajuci da onaj koji to direktno dozvoljava ili organizuje,

sedi na dva metra (obavezna distanca) od tebe svako jutro (cenim da su im zasedanja ranom zorom). 

  • Like 8
Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Tamburinjo said:



Ne pricam o smesnim apelima preko fejsbuka, 

nego o licnom karakteru da cutis na sve to. I na Nestorovica koji hara nacionalnim televizijima

Ne ćuti 



"Mene i profesora Nestorovića mediji stavljaju u konfrontaciju, ali to nema veze sa realnošću", dodao je Kon.



Edited by Dropkick Murphys
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  • Ha-ha 1
3 hours ago, NMX said:




Pokajte se nevernici




Al pičkica nije rekla da je Vučić peder, nije izašao iz kriznog štaba, nije dobio emisiju na N1/Nova S tako da se ovo ne važi :s_d:

Ovo je neko njegovo zvanično obraćanje na KZŠ ili neformalno piskaranje ? Od ozbiljnog stručnjaka očekivano je da se zvanično obrati a ne da ćoškari.


Obratio se jutros u jutarnjem programu Prve televizije.


Vrlo je zanimljivo da oni koji prate sve sto moze da se okarakterise kao Konov propust (a 90% toga je ionako fejl) ovako krupnu stvar nisu videli.


Skoro kao Vucic koji nema pojma u kom svojstvu je Branko Stefanovic bio u Krusiku i Saudijskoj Arabiji, ali zato zna sta je Smiljka iz Male Mostanice doruckovala.


Razume li neko ovo?


""Kon je rekao da će oni koji dolaze u našu zemlju svakako morati da imaju negativan PCR test, ne stariji od 72 sata u vreme ulaska u zemlju. Ukoliko ga nemaju, onda mora da se sprovodi zaštitna mera samoizolacije ako se radi o našem građaninu ili karantin, uslovno takođe izolacija uz zdravstveni nadzor za stranog državljanina koji će moći da se testira na našoj teritoriji, pa ukoliko je negativan neće više morati da bude pod takvim nadzorom ", rekao je Kon na konferenciji u Palati Srbija."


Znaci li to da ce samo strani drzavljanin pri dolasku u Srbiju moci da se testira, pa ako je negativan moze da sparta naokolo, a nasi drzavljani ce morati u karantin/samoizolaciju, bez mogucnosti testiranja?


Ja cu morati za NL kad se otvore granice, ali moracu i nazad za Srbiju negde u avgustu....ako i do tad budu ove mere na snazi, onako kako ih ja razumem napisane, onda ulazim kao Amer, testiram se i, ako sam negativna, imam slobodu. Inace, ako udjem kao Srb, nema opcije testiranja i moracu u karantin... 


17 minutes ago, Sunshine State said:

ali moracu i nazad za Srbiju negde u avgustu....ako i do tad budu ove mere na snazi, onako kako ih ja razumem napisane, onda ulazim kao Amer, testiram se i, ako sam negativna, imam slobodu. Inace, ako udjem kao Srb, nema opcije testiranja i moracu u karantin... 



Ovo isto i mene interesuje. Ako treba da dodjem u Sr i budem 2 nedelje u stanu onda nema sanse da cu moci da dodjem. Ali sve mi mirise da ce upravo tako i biti

1 hour ago, McLeod said:

Obratio se jutros u jutarnjem programu Prve televizije.


Vrlo je zanimljivo da oni koji prate sve sto moze da se okarakterise kao Konov propust (a 90% toga je ionako fejl) ovako krupnu stvar nisu videli.


Skoro kao Vucic koji nema pojma u kom svojstvu je Branko Stefanovic bio u Krusiku i Saudijskoj Arabiji, ali zato zna sta je Smiljka iz Male Mostanice doruckovala.

Kasno Kon na prvu stiže, šteta je počinjena juče i sad ostaje da čekamo porast obolelih nakon meteža u autobusima koji su dovozili mitingaše i cirkusa ispred Skupštine.

Ako je tebi Kon = Smiljka onda jebiga ...  

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2 minutes ago, Sunshine State said:


Izgleda da je lakse naci nacin kako se (iz)boriti s virusom, nego s budalama!


Nadam se da ce ga naci i suditi za ubistvo. Taman i da je to crklo negdje, treba da se objavi ime i prezime da se zna da je to bilo djubre.

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Posted (edited)

Vrlo dobar tekst.

Bavi se situacijom u USA, no ako se brojke prilagode broju stanovnika drugde, vazi i za ostale...

 izvor: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2020/05/theres-only-one-way-out-of-this-mess/611431/?utm_source=pocket-newtab


There’s One Big Reason the U.S. Economy Can’t Reopen

The country faces the same problem today that it did two months ago: There are not enough tests to contain the virus.


The United States is mired in one of the most immiserating peacetime moments in its history. In a little more than two months, more than 70,000 Americans have died of COVID-19, a disease that did not have a name in early February. The U.S. economy, which began the year as an engine of global stability, is in shambles. The unemployment rate has surged to a level unseen since the 1930s, the Labor Department announced on Friday. Only about half of American adults have a job, the lowest share of the population employed since measurements began in 1948.


There is one way out of the mess: To fix the economy, the country must solve the public-health crisis. Survey data show that the economic turmoil is driven not primarily by government shelter-in-place policies but by Americans’ fear that going outside will result in illness.

To allow the recovery to begin, the United States must implement the kind of strategy that other countries have used to defeat the coronavirus. It must test widely to find infected people; trace their contacts, who might themselves have been infected; and isolate that potentially infectious group from the rest of the susceptible population. Setting up this kind of infrastructure was one of the initial goals of the social-distancing measures that states and cities started in March.

Yet so far the country has failed to do so. More than 10 weeks into the coronavirus crisis, too few Americans are being tested for the coronavirus, and the country’s testing capacity is not growing fast enough, according to data collected by the COVID Tracking Project, a volunteer initiative housed within The Atlantic. This week, the U.S. tested about 264,000 people a day, the highest level in the pandemic so far. But experts say that if the country hopes to get its outbreak under control, it must double or triple the number of daily tests. Some propose expanding testing more than 75-fold.

But to an almost astonishing degree, the U.S. has no national plan for achieving this goal. There is no effort at the federal level that has mustered anything like the funding, coordination, or real resources that experts across the political spectrum say is needed to safely reopen the country.

“Testing is your first fundamental step in a plan to keep infected people from susceptible people,” Ashish Jha, the K. T. Li Professor of Global Health at Harvard and the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told me. But the federal government has failed to expand testing capacity in any meaningful way, he said.

“There’s a strong sense that the White House knows the amount of testing we need is far more than we have right now,” he said, though senior Trump officials have insisted that the country’s testing supply is adequate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the country’s foremost public-health agency, has been almost “totally useless” on testing, he said. “It is really stunning and disappointing.”

Caitlin Rivers, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, also struggled to articulate the lack of any federal plan this week.

For the past few months, Rivers has helped write a series of reports for the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, about how to reopen the economy amid the pandemic. But testifying to Congress on Wednesday, she emphasized how little those plans had been followed and how much work remained to be done. The U.S. needs a federal team relentlessly focused on assessing and expanding its ability to test for the coronavirus, she said. Such a task force could tell governors, for instance, “whether and when significantly more tests may be reliably available to states,” and it could advise businesses on whether their plans to test workers “are even possible.”

But that federal effort has yet to materialize, she said: “If this work has been done, I have not seen it, and I fear that neither have the governors and other state and local leaders who are having to make decisions about how and when to reopen.”

In recent days, President Trump has seemed skeptical of the utility of tests, even though White House employees are tested for the virus every day. After Katie Miller, a member of Vice President Mike Pence’s staff, tested positive for the virus today, Trump said that the result illustrated why “the whole concept of tests aren’t necessarily great.”

“She was tested very recently and tested negative, and today I guess, for some reason, she tested positive,” the president said. “The tests are perfect, but something can happen between a test, where, it’s good, and then something happens, and then all of a sudden …” He did not finish his thought.

It is difficult to gauge the true scope of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak. The number of new COVID-19 cases and deaths reported every day seems to be falling very slightly over time. Only two states, New York and Pennsylvania, reported more than 200 deaths today. But this overall decline contains two separate trends. The first is that the initial surge of cases across the New York tri-state area is slowly waning. The second is that, outside of the Mid-Atlantic, the number of new cases has plateaued.

There has been some good news. This week, on average, fewer than one in every 10 tests came back positive nationwide. This reflects a real improvement: Throughout March and most of April, this metric—sometimes called the “test-positivity rate”—stayed at or above 20 percent, meaning that about one in every five COVID-19 tests discovered a new case. This indicated that the country was still testing only the sickest people.


The U.S. still has a ways to go, however. In countries such as South Korea that have virtually eliminated their coronavirus outbreaks, the test-positivity rate stands below 2 percent.

And the improving national figure masks some regional hot spots. So far in May, 15 states and Washington, D.C., have reported average test-positivity rates higher than 15 percent. Colorado and Michigan, where one in five tests has come back positive, are the outliers outside of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. But many other states in the country’s interior still seem to test only the sickest people: Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, and Kansas all have test-positivity rates at or above 14 percent. Georgia, Louisiana, and Virginia also have a rate above 15 percent.   

The raw numbers also show that the country’s testing capacity has modestly improved. Though the U.S. got off to an abysmal start, having tested only a couple thousand people total more than a week after community spread was discovered, the country was able to rapidly scale up testing through March. The test shortage brought an overwhelming amount of public attention, and a number of Trump-administration officials—including Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law—claimed to be working on fixing it.

The heightened focus produced results. From the second week of March to the first week of April, the number of Americans tested daily increased roughly 45-fold. Month over month, the comparison was even more staggering: 80 people were tested for the coronavirus on March 1, according to CDC data. More than 100,000 people were tested on April 1.

Then, in mid-April, progress stopped. “We went up to about 150,000 tests a day, and then we plateaued there for a few weeks,” Jha, the Harvard professor, said. Only in the past two weeks or so has the country resumed increasing its capacity. States reported more than 300,000 new test results both today and yesterday, but it is unclear if that trend will be sustained into the next week.

What caused the plateau? Nobody is certain. “Some places had reagents, but not enough swabs. Some places had swabs but not the medium you transport them in … And some places had enough capacity, but they hadn’t changed their policies from when only the sickest people could get tested,” Jha said. This week, governors have continued to say they lack enough tests. In the District of Columbia, where the number of new cases is increasing, Mayor Muriel Bowser said at a press conference today that the city only had enough reagents to test about 1,500 people a day.

How many tests might eventually be enough isn’t clear, in part because the number depends on the size of the underlying outbreak. “If you have a very large outbreak, you need a lot of tests,” Jha said.

There is a wide range in expert forecasts. Rivers told Congress this week that scaling up to 3 million to 4 million tests a week—equal to about 500,000 a day—would allow more serious contact tracing to begin. Paul Romer, a Nobel Prize–winning economist at NYU, has suggested that as many as 20 million tests might be needed every day. (He also proposes cyclically retesting every American every few weeks or so, a more aggressive approach than others have proposed.)

The Harvard Global Health Institute estimates that the U.S. needs about 1 million tests per day to isolate its current outbreak. It’s unlikely the U.S. can test that many people every day if it continues to use only the polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, nasal-swab tests currently in use, Jha said. Eventually, it will probably need one or more technological breakthroughs that allow it to test many more people more quickly and cheaply, he said. Antigen tests, which are similar to the rapid flu tests used in doctors’ offices, might be some of the first to become available.

This lack of any plan does not only seem to mar the federal testing effort. “I can’t emphasize enough how much there is no plan for how to manage this response, let alone the recovery,” Samantha Montano, an emergency-management professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, told me.


She said that the White House blueprint to reopen the country does not have anything like the level of detail that state and local governments need to continue life-saving operations while adjusting social-distancing measures. “It doesn’t tell you how to do any of those things,” she said. “At best it tells you what your goals are, but it does not tell you how to achieve those goals.”

She says she’s been mystified at how many politicians have started to signal that recovery from the pandemic has begun: “It’s a little ridiculous to watch, because it’s a little like a city trying to do reentry in the middle of the eye of a storm.”



Edited by zoran59
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Sunshine State said:

Razume li neko ovo?


""Kon je rekao da će oni koji dolaze u našu zemlju svakako morati da imaju negativan PCR test, ne stariji od 72 sata u vreme ulaska u zemlju. Ukoliko ga nemaju, onda mora da se sprovodi zaštitna mera samoizolacije ako se radi o našem građaninu ili karantin, uslovno takođe izolacija uz zdravstveni nadzor za stranog državljanina koji će moći da se testira na našoj teritoriji, pa ukoliko je negativan neće više morati da bude pod takvim nadzorom ", rekao je Kon na konferenciji u Palati Srbija."


Znaci li to da ce samo strani drzavljanin pri dolasku u Srbiju moci da se testira, pa ako je negativan moze da sparta naokolo, a nasi drzavljani ce morati u karantin/samoizolaciju, bez mogucnosti testiranja?


Ja cu morati za NL kad se otvore granice, ali moracu i nazad za Srbiju negde u avgustu....ako i do tad budu ove mere na snazi, onako kako ih ja razumem napisane, onda ulazim kao Amer, testiram se i, ako sam negativna, imam slobodu. Inace, ako udjem kao Srb, nema opcije testiranja i moracu u karantin... 



Mislim da su tako nesto morali da predvide za one koji dolaze u Srbiju zvanicno - politicki, ekonomski, kako god, ali dodje napr delegacija kineza da posavetuje - naravno da ne mogu da ih stave u karantin, znaci to je da postoji neko  pokrice za takve posete stranaca. Sta to konkretno znaci ko zna

Edited by ciao

Ma samo da se uzme novac, nista drugo ih ne interesuje..."spontani" gradjanski protesti, dovlacenje tih istih spontanih u punim autobusima, mere koje niko, a oni prvi, ne postuje...Kakva korona, kakva pravila...jos jedan lopovluk, tj da od vas, gastarbajtera uzmu jos neki dinar pride kad ste im vec doneli najsmesniji virus na svetu...

  • Like 5
2 minutes ago, ciao said:


Mislim da su tako nesto morali da predvide za one koji dolaze u Srbiju zvanicno - politicki, ekonomski, kako god, ali dodje napr delegacija kineza da posavetuje - naravno da ne mogu da ih stave u karantin, znaci to je da postoji neko  pokrice za takve posete stranaca. Sta to konkretno znaci ko zna


Evo novi clanak - jos komplikovanije:




Ovaj deo mi je nejasan:

"Ako osoba koja se vraća u zemlju nema urađen test, moraće odmah da bude usmerena na kućnu izolaciju 14 dana, kada bi trebalo da bude i testirana na koronu."


Da li ce drzava organizovati testiranje u okviru ovih 14 dana?


Sve su prilike da ja, ako odem za NL, necu ni dolaziti pre zime, kad cu svakako sedeti u kuci. Osim ako budem imala opciju da se testiram u NL ili DE pre dolaska u Srbiju.


Wuhan plans to test all 11 million residents after detecting 6 new cases of #COVID19, its first in a month. The tests will occur over a 10-day period, says Chinese state media.



  • Ha-ha 1
1 hour ago, Sunshine State said:


Sve su prilike da ja, ako odem za NL, necu ni dolaziti pre zime, kad cu svakako sedeti u kuci. Osim ako budem imala opciju da se testiram u NL ili DE pre dolaska u Srbiju.

Ja sam se vec pomirila sa situacijom da mozda ove godine necu dolaziti u SR.

Jednostavno je previse rizika - da dodjem moram da prodjem kroz barem jednu evropsku zemlju, to je onda 3 zemlje za koje moram da ispratim pravila, a i putovanje od idealnih 16 sati (to je skoro nemoguce) pod maskom mi ne deluje realno, i to samo u jednom pravcu.

  • Tuzno 1
1 hour ago, Sunshine State said:


Evo novi clanak - jos komplikovanije:




Ovaj deo mi je nejasan:

"Ako osoba koja se vraća u zemlju nema urađen test, moraće odmah da bude usmerena na kućnu izolaciju 14 dana, kada bi trebalo da bude i testirana na koronu."


Da li ce drzava organizovati testiranje u okviru ovih 14 dana?


Sve su prilike da ja, ako odem za NL, necu ni dolaziti pre zime, kad cu svakako sedeti u kuci. Osim ako budem imala opciju da se testiram u NL ili DE pre dolaska u Srbiju.


Ova mera biće na snazi do 31. maja, a nakon toga u zavisnosti od epidemiološke situacije proceniće se da li će se mera ublažavati.

- Od procene epidemiološke situacije zavisi da li će se mera ublažavati posle 31. maja - kazao je Tiodorović.

Deci do 12 godina NEĆE BITI POTREBNI TESTOVI za ulazak u Srbiju


Ko zna sta ce biti jos...

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3 hours ago, Sunshine State said:

Razume li neko ovo?


""Kon je rekao da će oni koji dolaze u našu zemlju svakako morati da imaju negativan PCR test, ne stariji od 72 sata u vreme ulaska u zemlju. Ukoliko ga nemaju, onda mora da se sprovodi zaštitna mera samoizolacije ako se radi o našem građaninu ili karantin, uslovno takođe izolacija uz zdravstveni nadzor za stranog državljanina koji će moći da se testira na našoj teritoriji, pa ukoliko je negativan neće više morati da bude pod takvim nadzorom ", rekao je Kon na konferenciji u Palati Srbija."


Znaci li to da ce samo strani drzavljanin pri dolasku u Srbiju moci da se testira, pa ako je negativan moze da sparta naokolo, a nasi drzavljani ce morati u karantin/samoizolaciju, bez mogucnosti testiranja?


Ja cu morati za NL kad se otvore granice, ali moracu i nazad za Srbiju negde u avgustu....ako i do tad budu ove mere na snazi, onako kako ih ja razumem napisane, onda ulazim kao Amer, testiram se i, ako sam negativna, imam slobodu. Inace, ako udjem kao Srb, nema opcije testiranja i moracu u karantin... 



3 hours ago, Laki Marvini said:


Ovo isto i mene interesuje. Ako treba da dodjem u Sr i budem 2 nedelje u stanu onda nema sanse da cu moci da dodjem. Ali sve mi mirise da ce upravo tako i biti



Koliko sam ja razumeo, da ce i nasi gradjani moci uraditi test , ko ne bude hteo ili mogao taj ce morati u kucnu izolaciju 14 dana. Kazu da ce test kostati oko 6000din plus usluga, i da treba da se da privatnicima odobrenje da mogu da rade test.

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, marejosip said:

Inače, posle osam dana mi je stiglo rešenje o samoizolaciji (jedino je dobro da nas je ipak neko zaveo negde). Po koje moram da odem u poštu da bih ga uzeo. 


Mare, kako su ti otac i brat?

  • Like 4

U tekstu pise da su ovo mere koje se primenjuju do 31.05, a da ce u zavisnosti od razvijanja epidemije zavisiti opustanje mera... 

Sto se tice cena, malo je mnogo, za nas cetvoro je to 200e. I to samo pri povratku, mislim da ce cene ici dole. Recimo Grci pokusavaju da ogranice cenu testa, cak su najavili da ce pokusati da idu do 10e test. 

Ono sto mene interesuje je koliko vremena treba da se dobije rezultat testa? 


Situacija je originalna (nikad se ranije nije desila), ne zna se šta će biti ni za 2 nedelje, nigde na svetu, kamoli za duži period.


Ja mislim da će testovi imati cenu vrlo kratko, sve dok putuju oni koji moraju. Kada turističkim država (a koja nije?) baš mnogo bude zatrebalo da putuju i oni koji hoće, biće sve to za dž (kao i putno zdravstveno osiguranje na koronu).

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