Plavi Golub Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 (edited) @melankolicPokusaj da se igras detektiva. Da li bi ti bio na listi sumnjivih, Intuitivno onako?. Onu zenu je potplatio jer mu se to nije uklapalo u predizbornu kampanju. Da se kandidovao u Francuskoj na izborima, ne bi potplacivao nikog, jer tamo niko obrvu ne bi digao na to. Ne kazem da sam sigurna sto posto. Edited August 10, 2019 by Plavi Golub 1
Plavi Golub Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 (edited) 8 minutes ago, Honey Badger said: Ovaj PragerU je Fox propaganda, totalni trash koji treba izbjegavati. Poluistine i gole lazi spretno uvijene u (po)neke fakte, pa izgleda kao da prave smisla. Evo ko su PragerU: Ko je ovaj lik HB? Edited August 10, 2019 by Plavi Golub
... Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 Just now, Plavi Golub said: Ko je ovaj lik HB? Dennis Prager. Osnivac ovog "univerziteta". Prilicno podla propagandna masina.
mrd Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 1 hour ago, Baby said: Trade war urodio "plodom" Doduse, bilo je predvidivo... Hide contents ‘Trump is ruining our markets’: Struggling farmers are losing a huge customer to the trade war — China U.S. farmers lost their fourth largest customer this week after China officially cancelled all purchases of U.S. agricultural products, a retaliatory move following President Donald Trump’s pledge to slap 10% tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese imports. China’s exit piles on to a devastating year for farmers, who’ve struggled through record flooding and droughts that destroyed crop yields, and trade war escalations that have lowered prices and profits this year. “It’s really, really getting bad out here,” Bob Kuylen, a farmer of 35 years in North Dakota, told CNBC. “There’s no incentive to keep farming, except that I’ve invested everything I have in farming, and it’s hard to walk away.” Sto te to brine, ako im se ne svidja, nece ponovo glasati za njega. Mislim da je u sustini to dobra stvar, svako ce da preispita svoj izbor. Ne zaboravi da su ga ti ljudi i radnici i izabrali. Pusti ih da procene da li im odgovara, ili ne. Mozda je njegova retorika neprihvatljiva, (kazem mozda posto pustam svakoga da proceni), niko Clintona nije krivio za Columbinu.
Plavi Golub Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 49 minutes ago, Kinik said: Razlika izmedju konzervativaca i progresivaca je u tome sto ovi prvi sasvim jednostavno podnose svoje politicko opredeljenje, kazu - takav sam, nemam nameru da menjam nista i nemoj ni da pokusavas da me ubedjujes. Pazi nakon vekova nametanja svog vrednosnog sistema drugima koji nisu "vredni" da dobiju prostor za samostalno delovanje, odlucivanje, you name it, sad je frka sto samom egzistenicijom njima neko nesto namece. Podnose oni svoje vrednosno opredeljenje dok mogu da ga eksplicitno i implicitno namecu. Zato se ovaj konflikt vrednosnih sistema tako intezivirao.
Angelia Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 55 minutes ago, Angelia said: Pa vidi ja generalno nikome ne verujem bez dokaza, ali to navode zrtve sex-trafficking. Znaci jedna je stvar kad tvrdis da te neko napao bez dokaza, ali koji razlog imas da tvrdis da te neko nije napao? Ili zasto bi to tvrdio advokat zrtava daleko pre nego je Tramp postao predsednik: 25 minutes ago, melankolic said: Zanimljivo, angelija, da nisi verovala žrtvama Trumpovog napastvovanja + onoj porno zvezdi s kojom je imao romansu a koju je potplatio preko osuđenog advokata da ćuti a ovamo veruješ žrtvi sex trafikinga kada to ide u njegovu korist. Koji su sad to dupli standardi? Citaj. Mislim da sam bila jasna.
Plavi Golub Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 (edited) 15 minutes ago, Honey Badger said: Dennis Prager. Osnivac ovog "univerziteta". Prilicno podla propagandna masina. Pa sta je smisao ovoga? Ono nije ovde tako dobro, ne dolazite ovamo. Ostajte tamo. Taj fazon. Edited August 10, 2019 by Plavi Golub
melankolic Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 [mention=60]melankolic[/mention]Pokusaj da se igras detektiva. Da li bi ti bio na listi sumnjivih, Intuitivno onako?. Onu zenu je potplatio jer mu se to nije uklapalo u predizbornu kampanju. Da se kandidovao u Francuskoj na izborima, ne bi potplacivao nikog, jer tamo niko obrvu ne bi digao na to. Ne kazem da sam sigurna sto posto. Njemu svakakve gadosti uopšte nisu strane.Pronađi samo šta je rekao o sopstvenoj ćerki pa će ti biti jasno da je sve kod njega moguće. Lik koji propušta na zabavu makroa za maloletnice jer se znaju, jasno da tu nešto smrdi.
... Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 2 minutes ago, Plavi Golub said: Pa sta je smisao ovoga? Ono nije ovde tako dobro, ne dolazite ovamo. Ostajte tamo. Taj fazon. Sta je smisao cega? Lik je disecirao PragerU video i pokazao koliko je neistine u tome. Pogledaj video ili nadji neki drugi na YT, ima toga dosta. Mozes i ovdje malo da se upoznas. I ostali takodje, ne treba nasjedati kao idiot. 1
Plavi Golub Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 Pa sad ja nemam nikakve dokaze, vise onako nije mi najsumnjiviji. A blago receno mi je antpatican po vecini stvari. Znam za tu budalastinu koju je izgovorio. Ja sam to shvatila drugacije, ali ne bih da spamujemo temu.
Kinik Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 3 minutes ago, Plavi Golub said: ... pazi nakon vekova nametanja svog vrednosnog sistema drugima koji nisu "vredni" da dobiju prostor za samostalno delovanje, odlucivanje, you name it, sad je frka sto samom egzistenicijom njima neko nesto namece. Podnose oni svoje vrednosno opredeljenje dok mogu da ga eksplicitno i implicitno namecu. Zato se ovaj konflikt vrednosnih sistema tako intezivirao ... Ne slazem se. Nikada jos nije bilo u USofA ovakvih eskstrema, da se silom namece progresivni aktivizam - bullyingom, pretnjama, difamacijom, laznim optuzbama. Neki cak uvijeno govore o primeni sile. To je poznato iz evropske trulezi - komunofasizma. Tebi niko ne namece obavezu da se pridrzavas konzervativnih pogleda. To je svaciji slobodni, individualni izbor. Niko ti ne kaze da si ovakva-onakva ako ne prihvatis suludi totalitarizam. A pogledaj leftiste - pa to je raspomamljena gomila, ideoloski talog i sljam koja trckara unaokolo, lepi etikete i zapeva zaombirane mantre. Kod mene su im uvek zatvorena vrata. To sto ja hocu da zivim kako ja mislim da treba, van njihove honjive orwelijane - to je moj izbor. Sta se to, uposte bilo koga tice, i zasto bi me se uopste ticalo za sta oni agituju i koga indoktriniraju? Posle tolikih godina iskustva u jednom patoloskom, lazljivom sistemu - da to ponovo podrzavam? Sta treba - da se izmestim iz ove shitholine, odem u svet i tamo podrzavam shitholinsku bolescinu? Na cemu oni zasnivaju neku svoju perspektivnu - to mi je totalno jejasno. Na lazima i obmanama, zatupljivanju i ignoranciji? 2 minutes ago, Plavi Golub said: ... ne dolazite ovamo ... ostajte tamo ... Izvrces i ucitavas. Jasno je receno - ne dolazite ovde da biste glasali za ono od cega ste pobegli! ... 1
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 18 minutes ago, Honey Badger said: Dennis Prager. Osnivac ovog "univerziteta". Prilicno podla propagandna masina. Belosvetska budalastina, to ne treba gledati, jos manje posmatrati ozbiljno. Svaka budala ima svoju interpretaciju... a ovaj je teska budala 1
Angelia Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 39 minutes ago, melankolic said: Zanimljivo, angelija, da nisi verovala žrtvama Trumpovog napastvovanja + onoj porno zvezdi s kojom je imao romansu a koju je potplatio preko osuđenog advokata da ćuti a ovamo veruješ žrtvi sex trafikinga kada to ide u njegovu korist. Koji su sad to dupli standardi? Uostalom stvarno ne mogu da zamislim kako neko treba da dokaze da se nesto nije desilo. Ja bih ipak proveravala one koje su navele da jesu koristili usluge Epstaina.
... Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 1 minute ago, Baby said: Belosvetska budalastina, to ne treba gledati, jos manje posmatrati ozbiljno. Svaka budala ima svoju interpretaciju... a ovaj je teska budala Taj PragerU je veoma mocna propagandna masina, uopste nisu bezazleni niti budalastina. Rade veoma pametno, efektivno i podlo. 2
Plavi Golub Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 (edited) 12 minutes ago, Honey Badger said: Sta je smisao cega? Lik je disecirao PragerU video i pokazao koliko je neistine u tome. Pogledaj video ili nadji neki drugi na YT, ima toga dosta. Mozes i ovdje malo da se upoznas. I ostali takodje, ne treba nasjedati kao idiot. Ukapirah. Hvala ti pogledacu, kad uhvatim vremena. Mora ta uslovno receno "leva" strana da se uzemlji nekako da bi se efikasno suprotstavila. Generalno je u politiku i sa leva i sa desna uslo mnogo populizma, po mom misljenju zbog toga sto se doslo ponovo do perioda kad se njome bave u obrazovnom i zivotnom smislu nekompetentne osobe. I uzgred budi receno lose vaspitane. Edited August 10, 2019 by Plavi Golub 3
Kinik Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 2 minutes ago, Baby said: ... Ovi sa Pragera su vrlo konkretni i svojim stavovima, ne moraju da se pozivaju na leftisticke lazi i progresivne debilizme. Ja strogo izbegavam leftisticke izvore / sajtove - nemam ni vremena ni zelju da gazam po tom ideoloskom blatu, a ne bih im u zivotu dao ni £! Evo primera belosvetske budalastine. Sta covek da kaze za ovu nakazu? ... 1
Kinik Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 8 minutes ago, Angelia said: ... uostalom stvarno ne mogu da zamislim kako neko treba da dokaze da se nesto nije desilo ... Sta ces kad na leftistickim unijima ne izucavaju anticke mislioce - 'jer su bili pristalice robovlasnistva'. Pa bi to robovlasnistvo da zamene svojim, komunjarskim. Bagra. ... 1
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 1 minute ago, Honey Badger said: Taj PragerU je veoma mocna propagandna masina, uopste nisu bezazleni niti budalastina. Rade veoma pametno, efektivno i podlo. Da, izvrce cinjenice da bi dokazali nesto. Pametno je samo zato sto je pravljeno kao za budale, sve nacrtano da kao bude jasnije. Realno, par stotina hiljada pregleda na drzavu od 300 miliona stanovnika i nije neka mocna propaganda. U sustini ih prate oni koji vec imaju izgradjene neke slicne stavove, samo sada dobijaju neku potvrdu da su u "pravu" Ako pogledas njihove videe, najvise pregleda imaju neki tipa "zasto je moderna umetnost losa" ili "zasto on bas hoce vas".. normalni ljudi ne traze odgovor od njih niti nesto uce putem njihovog sajta (njegovog). Gledanje vise moze da iznervira nego nekog nesto nauci. Evo nabola sam slucajno neki video, "zasto se fenistkinje ne bore za prava zena muslimanki"... mslm, kakva je to tema/pitanje, kome uopste treba odgovor na ovako nesto osim ako nece da nadje nesto protiv feministkinja?! 2
Kinik Posted August 10, 2019 Posted August 10, 2019 ... Totalitarni sistemi su se hvalili milionima glasaca i podrskom do 99% pa su chabrirali. ...
Angelia Posted August 11, 2019 Posted August 11, 2019 2 hours ago, melankolic said: Lik koji propušta na zabavu makroa za maloletnice jer se znaju, jasno da tu nešto smrdi. Nemam pojma dal kontas da su se po kretanju u istim krugovima druzili pre 25 godina. Ne znam za tebe, ali ja neke likove sa kojima sam bila dobra pre 25 godina danas ne mogu ni da prepoznam. Znaci na direktno pitanje istrazitelja pre 3 godine, devojka koja tuzi Epstaina, odgovara ovako (parafraziram malo): Da li je Tramp imao sex sa devojkama. Ne, nikad ga nisam videla u tom drustvu, Jeffrey se hvalio da ga zna. Da li je Klinton bio korisnik usluga. Ne, nikad ga nisam videla, Jeffrey se hvalio da ga zna. I onda imenuje one kojima je bila podvodjena, neki su high-ranking Dems. Meni deluje da su oni imali bolji motiv da se on ucutka. Po tvom misljenju treba ozbiljno istraziti Klintona, on bar ima dokazan track record sa mladim devojkama. Logicno bi bilo, da one za sve pare, tvrde da je svao ko je iole poznat ili bogat, bio deo toga. Ona prva iz 2005 osim sto kaze da je Tramp prekinuo svaki kontact sa JE, tvrdi da je on jedini koji joj je pomogao. 2 hours ago, Kinik said: Neki cak uvijeno govore o primeni sile. ... Uvijeno - nema tu nista uvijeno. Zar nije onaj republikanski senator banovan sa twitera jer je postavio video levicara koji pozivaju na nasilje ispred njegove kuce?
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted August 11, 2019 Posted August 11, 2019 1 hour ago, Angelia said: Meni deluje da su oni imali bolji motiv da se on ucutka. Skoro pa sigurno da su mi pomogli oko "samoubistva" ali socijalne mreze ne krive demse... istrazivanje nece dati nikakav rezultat, gotovo sam sigurna da ce ostati samoubistvo. Odahnuli su mnogi.
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted August 11, 2019 Posted August 11, 2019 Evo sta kaze FBI: Spoiler FBI struggles to confront right-wing terrorism FBI Director Christopher A. Wray assured Congress last month that his agents were aggressively combating domestic terror threats from a broad array of extremist groups. “The FBI, working with our state and local law enforcement partners,” he said, “is all over this.” But the bureau is now scrambling to investigate domestic terrorism on two fronts — a mass shooting in Gilroy, Calif., followed days later by a far more deadly attack in El Paso — appearing to undercut Wray's assertions and raise questions about whether the FBI is doing enough to identify and stop murderous plots by home-grown fanatics with no ties to foreign terrorist organizations. Some former law enforcement officials and Democratic lawmakers contend federal agencies have been caught flat-footed by a surge in mass shootings by white supremacists and other extremists targeting minorities, immigrants and religious groups. Indeed, the gunman who killed 22 people at a Walmart store in El Paso on Aug. 3 pushed the total number of victims slain in domestic right-wing terrorism since 2002 to 109. That's more than the 104 people killed on U.S. soil by zealots linked to Al Qaeda or other foreign Islamist groups, the chief FBI focus since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. “The FBI has been slow to react to this, to realign resources,” said Daryl Johnson, a former Homeland Security analyst who wrote a controversial 2009 memo warning of the rise of right-wing extremism, sparking a political backlash. His unit was later disbanded and the department's work on violent right-wing extremism was halted. “This problem is growing," added Johnson, who recently published "Hateland," a book on the threat. "This is a persistent problem that needs to be addressed.” By any measure, the dangers posed by domestic terrorists have been building for years. The FBI arrested 115 domestic terrorism suspects in fiscal 2018 and appears on pace to arrest as many this year. The vast majority, agents said, are driven by racist and anti-government ideology. A senior FBI counterterrorism official, speaking on condition of anonymity to brief reporters in May, said the bureau had recorded a “significant” rise in cases involving “racially motivated extremism” since last fall. He declined to provide specifics, or attribute what might be behind the spike. Overall, FBI agents have arrested more suspects in domestic terrorism investigations in the last three years than in probes with an international nexus — 355 people versus 310. The FBI did not provide a breakdown of charges lodged against the suspects, or the status of their cases. The FBI currently has about 850 open investigations into domestic terrorism, officials said, although that tally is down slightly from last year. Outside experts said the FBI needs to do a better job of infiltrating extremist groups and identifying so-called lone wolves, such as the alleged El Paso gunman, who told police he became self-radicalized after reading and posting racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic screeds on social media and the internet. Just as Al Qaeda increasingly relied on sympathizers and supporters acting independently to launch attacks around the globe, right-wing zealots are increasingly acting on their own after reading hate-filled material online. That has made investigations far tougher. “If they keep to themselves, how do you uncover that?” asked Joseph Persichini Jr., a former top FBI agent. “Most of these recent gunmen, if not all of them, are very independent.” The FBI has a checkered past of infiltrating civil rights organizations, black community groups and civil liberties organizations in the 1960s, among other abuses. It now is far more careful to stay inside the law as it investigates national security threats. FBI agents, for example, face restrictions on opening investigations into domestic organizations, even those appearing to threaten racial or religious groups, because the U.S. Constitution protects free speech and gun ownership. “Our focus is on the violence,” Wray told the Senate Judiciary Committee on July 23. The FBI doesn't "investigate ideology, no matter how repugnant. We investigate violence. And any extremist ideology, when it turns to violence.” Former agents said that can make domestic extremism more difficult to tackle than threats linked to Islamic State, which is deemed a foreign terrorist organization and thus a clear target for law enforcement. Justice Department rules govern the conduct of investigations that might involve free speech rights. Agents can't launch an inquiry into a white supremacist for spewing racist bile — the suspect must first commit a crime, such as plotting an attack, officials said. “People do have the right to say certain things,” said Tom Baker, a former top FBI official. “When they advocate violence or commit another crime, that is where it steps over the line. We don’t want the FBI intruding into the political process or policing speech.” The suspect in the El Paso shooting, for example, told investigators he came to his racist views on his own, largely by reading online screeds, and hadn’t joined or been influenced by any group, a law enforcement official said. Patrick Crusius, who is being held without bail in the case, had posted an online manifesto shortly before the shooting that said he was acting in response to a Latino “invasion” of the United States. He told police that he targeted Mexicans, authorities said. Suspects sometimes amass a buffet of radical beliefs, which can complicate attributing an attack to a specific ideology. The FBI is conducting a domestic terrorism investigation into the shooting that left three victims dead on July 28 at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, but agents are still unsure of the assailant's motives. They said the gunman, 19-year-old Santino William Legan, who killed himself in a battle with police, was exploring competing violent ideologies and had lists of other potential targets, including religious organizations, courthouses, federal buildings and political institutions involving both the Republican and Democratic parties. The FBI is also assisting in the investigation of the shooting that killed nine people Aug. 4 in Dayton, Ohio, hours after the El Paso massacre. The FBI is not yet treating the case as an act of domestic terrorism because it is unclear whether the shooter, who was killed, had a political or ideological motive. Still, it can be difficult to assess how well the FBI is confronting domestic terrorism because it has released scant information about its investigations or its assessments. It has refused to release detailed statistics on its caseload, even the number of racially motivated suspects it is investigating, despite FBI officials saying such cases represent about 40% of its 850 investigations. Lawmakers are also pressing the FBI to produce an annual report on domestic terrorism. “We have not seen the intensity and focus on where the problem really is — right-wing radical terrorism,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. Thompson is also critical of the Department of Homeland Security's decision to shift resources away from countering anti-government and white supremacist groups. Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan said he is seeking more resources from Congress to battle white supremacism and domestic terrorism. "We need to invest more — no question," McAleenan said on "CBS This Morning," adding that he thought his department was responding aggressively to the threat. Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, wants leaders at the FBI and Department of Justice to speak out more forcefully about right-wing extremism, but said they may fear being rebuked by President Trump. He and other Democrats argue that Trump's racist tweets and comments have encouraged far-right groups to come out of the shadows. "This is politically fraught," Schiff said. "They would look like they were criticizing the president's rallies, speeches and Twitter feed." The FBI director and top Justice Department officials, including Atty. Gen. William Barr, say they take domestic extremist groups extremely seriously. "We very aggressively treat domestic terrorism as a priority," Wray told the Senate committee.
Angelia Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 22 hours ago, Baby said: Skoro pa sigurno da su mi pomogli oko "samoubistva" ali socijalne mreze ne krive demse... istrazivanje nece dati nikakav rezultat, gotovo sam sigurna da ce ostati samoubistvo. Odahnuli su mnogi. Znam da ne krive Dems, ali socijalne mreze krive Trampa za sve, on mu dodje dezurni krivac. Koliko vidim ti high ranking Dems, su imali bolje motive za tako nesto. Ma sta pricamo, ako hocemo da se igramo teorije zavere jedan princ je imao bolje motive. Ili evo jos jedna movie theory - sta ako je on isetao iz zatvora u onoj body bag?
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 1 hour ago, Angelia said: Znam da ne krive Dems, ali socijalne mreze krive Trampa za sve, on mu dodje dezurni krivac. Koliko vidim ti high ranking Dems, su imali bolje motive za tako nesto. Ma sta pricamo, ako hocemo da se igramo teorije zavere jedan princ je imao bolje motive. Ili evo jos jedna movie theory - sta ako je on isetao iz zatvora u onoj body bag? Ma ne krive Trampa za sve, prosto je podeljeno. Imas one koji ga obozavaju i one koji ga mrze, onih izmedju ima jako malo. Necu nista da nagadjam, videcemo na sta ce ispasti, FBI je uzeo da ispita smrt. Tramp je zapoceo prvi lavinu kriveci Klintona (isto bez ikakvog pokrica, mislim, tako se ne radi) i onda su se obrusili na njega. Videcemo ko je najvise mogao da izgubi svedocenjem ovog... i sada su tuzbe presaltali na onu Maxine i jos neku.
ObiW Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 The chief federal prosecutor for the Western District of Virginia is on a mission: to use the federal judiciary to strike a blow against mounting white nationalist violence. And nailing James Fields was arguably the easy part. The bigger challenge was the organized groups of white supremacists who had planned the massive rally with the intent to threaten and physically assault counterprotesters: How could they be held responsible? Cullen and his prosecutors have set their sights on a white supremacist group called the Rise Above Movement, based in Southern California, charging four of its members with conspiracy to commit violence and crossing state lines to riot in Charlottesville. The prosecutors’ ironic weapon of choice against the extreme-right group: an anti-riot statute passed in the 1960s to rein in leftist Vietnam War protesters. The case is the first time federal authorities have tried to disrupt a violent white supremacist terrorist organization on charges other than drug- or gun-dealing or murder. And it’s remarkable not just for the legal tactics involved, but because of the person carrying them out: Thomas Cullen, a Trump-appointed conservative prosecutor from a prominent Republican Virginia family. While the president and others in the GOP have mostly averted their gaze and refused to confront the phenomenon of white supremacy, Cullen is choosing to stare it down. “I could care less about politics,” he says. “Hate crimes and violence by white supremacist organizations that qualify as domestic terrorism are way up. Prosecuting them is common sense. It’s the right thing to do.”
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