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[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja


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1 minute ago, Darth Bane said:

Negde sam procitao da je Izrael najmultikulturalnija drzava na svetu! Cak vise i od Amerike I svih tzv "imigrantskih " drzava. Druga je Australija! 

Onda mozes zamisliti stepen multikulturalnosti u Izraelu! 


ako je multikulturalnost imati par procenata arapa koji zive kao gradjani drugog reda i procenat etijopijanskih jevreja koji zive kao gradjani treceg reda onda jebes takvu multikulturalnost


pravi izrael je forever pure

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1 hour ago, comandante said:

btw ne znam kako da ti kazem ali fyi vucic je podrzao klintona protiv trampa, i razumem te ako zbog toga imas kurshluz

Kakve to veze ima sa bilo cime?



20 minutes ago, comandante said:


ako je multikulturalnost imati par procenata arapa koji zive kao gradjani drugog reda i procenat etijopijanskih jevreja koji zive kao gradjani treceg reda onda jebes takvu multikulturalnost


pravi izrael je forever pure

:classic_biggrin: Aha od nekih 9 miliona, ima "samo" 1.8 milion Izraelskih Arapa i jedno 2 miliona Rusa. In onda jos jedno 5% ostalih.

Ne znas ti nista o Izraelu.

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Just now, Angelia said:

Kakve to veze ima sa bilo cime?




pa ima, ono kada istovremeno botujes za trampa i za vucica (koji botuje protiv trampa)...ne moram valjda da nacrtam - kurshluz @kinikche :classic_biggrin:



Just now, Angelia said:


 Aha od nekih 9 miliona, ima "samo" 1.8 milion Izraelskih Arapa i jedno 2 miliona Rusa. In onda jos jedno 5% ostalih.

Ne znas ti nista o Izraelu.:classic_biggrin:


i svi imaju ista prava...mrmot….branko kockica...milina :classic_smile:

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25 minutes ago, comandante said:


pa ima, ono kada istovremeno botujes za trampa i za vucica (koji botuje protiv trampa)...ne moram valjda da nacrtam - kurshluz @kinikche :classic_biggrin:




i svi imaju ista prava...mrmot….branko kockica...milina :classic_smile:

Koliko puta si bio u Izraelu?  Zamisli kad se pred novu godinu Jaffa zasvetli od jelki, ili da je to naj gay-friendly drzava na svetu. A u Tel Avivu ima plaza za muskarci samo i one sa burkama.... znam ja se zeznula, pa cuvari plaze trcali zamnom da ne uvredim neciji senzibilitet. I ako udjes u pustinju beduini zive onako kako hoce.

Svi imaju ista prava. Ko nema ista prava su oni izvan Izraela, ali i za to postoji dobar razlog, jbga kad ti neko stalno radi o glavi i preti unistenjem, malo si osetljiv koga pustas u kucu ....


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36 minutes ago, comandante said:


pa ima, ono kada istovremeno botujes za trampa i za vucica (koji botuje protiv trampa)...ne moram valjda da nacrtam - kurshluz @kinikche :classic_biggrin:


Jel Vucic voli da pije kafu? Ozbiljno sam zabrinuta da mi se slucajno neko misljenje ne poklopi sa Vuchicem, sta znam - ako se poklopi postacu Vucic :classic_biggrin: Posto je Vucicevo misljenje o bilo cemu na ovom svetu izvan SR jako bitno, mislim i da se Tramp zabrinuo sta Vucic botuje 

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Propaganda je point of view. 


Moderacija vodi računa, ali nije thought police niti ima uređivačku agendu osim već explicitiranog diskusionog civilizacijskog minimuma/dogovora.


Na vama je da se ne gađate “propagandom” već smisleno i origanlo razmenjujete (argument based) mišljenje, uz diferencijaciju i uvažavanje sagovornika. 



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19 minutes ago, Honey Badger said:

... mislim da bi moderacija trebala malo obratiti paznju na sta se podmece po forumu ... 


Nemam 30 minuta vremena za nekog 'klauna'.


A sto se tice zabrana / ukidanja - to je leftisticko podmetanje i orwelijana.

Kada se kaci budalasti 'guardian', onda je to OK, kada se kaci Fox, ili Preger koji razaraju leftisticke drljavine, onda - pomagaj Moderacijo! Koliko se meni cini, 4um nije u UK / Canadi i nema potrebe da bude 'poturica'.


Fox i Preger se napadaju zato sto kratko, jezgrovio, razotkrivaju leftisticku drljavinu, cine je jednostavno komicnom.

Ali ne time, sto joj stavljaju svoje reci u usta - vec zato sto je puste da sama govori, pa se ona skrlja u vratolomijama.




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2 hours ago, Honey Badger said:

OK, ne bih vas vise zadrzavao.

Izvini HB ali, recimo onaj video Petersona je odlican, nema mu se sta prigovoroirti. A ja preferiram da vidim video pa da odlucim da li mi sadrzaj odgovara ili ne, nego da mi se prevenciono uskracuje jer nemam intelektualne snage da ne podlegnem propagandi, pa mi treba moderacija da me zastiti od nje.

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>> ... In Major 9-0 California Decision, The Supreme Court Unloads The Constitution Over Excessive Fines
By Jon Brenner|August 16, 2019


California is known for its high taxes and overreaching government—but they were just delivered a major setback.
The Constitution protects all Americans from state’s imposing excessive fines.

The Founding Fathers wanted to protect free speech and make sure states don’t use fines as a source of revenue. This protects Americans from an abusive government, makes sense right? Not to California.

The state is in trouble over a fiasco where they took a man’s $40,000 car for a crime that carries a maximum $10,000 fine!
Then the Supreme Court stepped in…


From The Hill:

The Supreme Court… ruled unanimously that states must adhere to the Constitution’s ban on excessive fines, a decision that will likely limit the ability of states to impose certain fees and seize property…


Wow, what a win!

This is a major 9-0 win for every supporter of small government – people who want the government to stay out of our lives and our bank accounts.
And President Trump is seeing this as a huge win for Americans, too.
Donald, keep reining in the liberal Democrat states! Tell them they can’t just bully Americans, pushing us around, as if we had no right to our own money.


The Supreme Court ruling a big wake-up call. It’s a warning to Democrats that the American’s rights come first. We are not your servants—it’s you who are supposed to serve us.


We are Americans, and we are FREE. You do not have the right to take our money excessively and unconstitutionally.
Well, the Supreme Court won’t let them get away with it anymore.
Even Supreme Court liberals including RBG won’t let California get away with this nonsense.


Source: The Hill ... <<



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13 hours ago, Kinik said:




Nemam 30 minuta vremena za nekog 'klauna'.


A sto se tice zabrana / ukidanja - to je leftisticko podmetanje i orwelijana.

Kada se kaci budalasti 'guardian', onda je to OK, kada se kaci Fox, ili Preger koji razaraju leftisticke drljavine, onda - pomagaj Moderacijo! Koliko se meni cini, 4um nije u UK / Canadi i nema potrebe da bude 'poturica'.


Fox i Preger se napadaju zato sto kratko, jezgrovio, razotkrivaju leftisticku drljavinu, cine je jednostavno komicnom.

Ali ne time, sto joj stavljaju svoje reci u usta - vec zato sto je puste da sama govori, pa se ona skrlja u vratolomijama.





kralj :classic_laugh:



nego izgleda ne pratis voljenog predsednika, evo sto je juce rekao o foxu





i da ti preporucim bas dobru seriju the loudest voice

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President Donald Trump said Tuesday that Jewish people in the U.S. who vote for members of the Democratic Party are not loyal.

“I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty,” he told reporters when speaking about Israel barring Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), two lawmakers who have been critical of the Israeli government, from entering.




According to the Pew Research Center, about 79% of Jewish voters in America voted Democrat in the 2018 midterm elections.

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National Rifle Association: Uputstvo za mere bezbednosti dok se izvodi masovno pucanje


The Onion:


NRA Publishes Tips For Staying Safe While Committing A Mass Shooting


FAIRFAX, VA—Citing its longtime commitment to the promotion of safety among firearm enthusiasts, the National Rifle Association published a series of pointers Tuesday on how to keep safe while carrying out a mass shooting. “Every gun owner should know the NRA’s fundamental safety rules so they can avoid being tackled or disarmed in the middle of their deadly spree,” said spokesperson Dana Loesch, explaining that guns should always be loaded, held with a finger on the trigger, and pointed in the direction of anyone trying to stop a shooter from unleashing carnage at a shopping mall, house of worship, or former place of employment. “Before you go spraying bullets from an AR-15 into the crowd at a concert, make sure you familiarize yourself with the venue’s entrances and exits, chaining them shut if possible. Also identify restrooms or stairwells where you can barricade yourself and reload before reemerging to make your final stand against law enforcement.”


Loesch added a reminder to stretch before mass shootings to avoid pulling a hamstring or twisting an ankle while exercising one’s Second Amendment rights.

Edited by Yoyogi
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24 minutes ago, DJORDJE said:

Ma znam.Haski sindrom, kao kod Srbalja.

Zakacila sam na vestima da su uhapsili jedno 4-5 ludi na osnovu pretnji za mass shooting, jedan mi je delovao kao idiot klinac, 15 godina. Ali deluje da red flag zakon, moze da ima efekta.

Nece resiti pojavu, ali moze da pomogne.

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Zakacila sam na vestima da su uhapsili jedno 4-5 ludi na osnovu pretnji za mass shooting, jedan mi je delovao kao idiot klinac, 15 godina. Ali deluje da red flag zakon, moze da ima efekta.
Nece resiti pojavu, ali moze da pomogne.

Vrlo slab efekat :

“A 2016 study published in the journal Law and Contemporary Problems analyzed data from the 762 gun removals under Connecticut's "risk warrant" law from October 1999 through June 2013 and determined that there was "one averted suicide for every ten to eleven gun seizure cases."[43] The researchers concluded that "enacting and implementing laws like Connecticut’s civil risk warrant statute in other states could significantly mitigate the risk posed by that small proportion of legal gun owners who, at times, may pose a significant danger to themselves or others."[43]

A 2018 study published in the journal Psychiatric Services utilized CDC data from all suicides in all 50 states from 1981-2015 to "examine the effects of Connecticut and Indiana's risk-based firearm seizure law on state-level firearm suicide rates."[44] The researchers concluded that "Indiana’s firearm seizure law was associated with a 7.5% reduction in firearm suicides in the ten years following its enactment, an effect specific to suicides with firearms and larger than that seen in any comparison state by chance alone. Enactment of Connecticut's law was associated with a 1.6% reduction in firearm suicides immediately after its passage and a 13.7% reduction in firearm suicides in the post–Virginia Tech period, when enforcement of the law substantially increased." The study also found that "Whereas Indiana demonstrated an aggregate decrease in suicides, Connecticut's estimated reduction in firearm suicides was offset by increased nonfirearm suicides."[44]”

- Wikipedia
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