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20 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Joanikije se prvi vakcinisao Fajzerom, ali se nije nešto pretrgao da promoviše vakcinaciju.

mozda ga Navak pita za savet, pa mu ovaj kaze da nije nista strasno, i bozji ljudi se vakcinisu i time ne izdaju veru i Boga.



Nada umire poslednja :classic_biggrin:


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In an interview during that September week in Serbia, Djoković recalled his twelfth birthday in 1999, during which NATO bombs dropped on his hometown, observing: “The war made me a better person because I learned to appreciate things and to take nothing for granted. The war also made me a better tennis player because I swore to myself that I’d prove to the world that there are good Serbs, too.” It didn’t require twenty major titles and countless other records for Djoković to prove that there are good Serbian tennis players. Indeed, that had likely been established as a fact long before he made the promise to himself. But the burden of representing a twenty-first century Serbia to the world is one that he and, to a lesser degree, the other members of the golden generation still carry. It’s why tennis, for them, is more than a game.



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Krajicek hopes to bring Djokovic to Rotterdam: 'Fantastic when he comes'


Novak Djokovic is not on the list of participants of the ABN Amro tennis tournament in Rotterdam, which starts on February 7. But if it is up to tournament director Richard Krajicek, the Serbian number one in the world will participate next month.


That is striking, since Djokovic was refused entry to Australia because he was not vaccinated against corona. Different rules apply in the Netherlands. "The Dutch government allows him to come, we follow those guidelines. It's just allowed. The situation in Australia is completely different," said Krajicek.


Extra call?

He will not make an extra call to the Serb. "No, I don't know if this is the right time. He has something else on his mind. Moreover, he knows that he can come here. Great if he wants to come."


Djokovic traveled to Australia early this year to defend his title at the Australian Open. He would have surpassed Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer with a 21st Grand Slam title. However, his visa application failed.


As he is not competing in the Australian Open, there is a gap in his match schedule that Krajicek could take advantage of. The Serb has only participated in the ATP tournament in Rotterdam three times before, most recently in 2010.




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Krajicek opens the Ahoy door for Djokovic: ‘He has not broken any rules, so he is welcome’


ABN Amro tennis tournamentRichard Krajicek had visible difficulties with it last year, an empty Ahoy. But the Rotterdam tennis tournament had no choice but to keep the doors closed this year, the director explained today. Krajicek also opened the door for Novak Djokovic, who was eventually refused entry in Australia.


Djokovic also participated in 2010 in Ahoy. 


There has been no contact with Novak Djokovic in recent days, the message remains that the Serb is always welcome and knows that. Krajicek: ,,Normally he goes skiing in February, to recover from the Australian Open. Now he may have to recover from that tournament. But we follow the rules of the Dutch government here, Djokovic has not broken any rules, so he is welcome. I also try not to have an opinion about it, everyone is free not to be vaccinated.”


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@ciao ?



Sick in mid-December, Djokovic can actually circulate freely in France at least until mid-June and play Roland Garros


The doors of Roland Garros open for Novak Djokovic. After being expelled from Australia, the Serbian tennis player will still be able to defend his title in Paris in the spring. Even if not vaccinated. In fact, the new vaccination passport can also be attributed to those who have recovered from Covid for no more than six months. Having fallen ill in December, Djokovic can actually circulate freely in France at least until mid-June.


This is what emerges from the new legislation, approved by parliament, with the green light of the Constitutional Council. In fact, from Monday in France to access the sports facilities, even professional athletes will have to show the super green pass. It will therefore be necessary to be vaccinated or cured for more than 11 days from positivity and less than six months. Djokovic, according to his lawyers, was positive on December 16. The Parisian tournament will start on May 22nd and end on June 5th. Consequently, with a certificate of recovery, the Serb will be able to benefit from the same treatment as a vaccinated. Except for specific provisions that the executive could pass in the implementing decrees, perhaps also for exemplary reasons, there will therefore be no problems for Djokovic at Roland Garros in May. Then when the health situation could be even more favorable and still push the authorities to lighten the procedures.


Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, wwww said:


@ciao ?



Jeste tako je sada usvojeno na svim instancama i trebalo bi da ostane ili ovako ili da bude lezernije da kazem, predvidjeno je da ako situacija bude bolja se ukinu zahtevi ali nije predvidjeno zatezanje ako bude gore. Ne verujem da ce se ovo menjati jer ovo je sada zakon koji je prosao parlament i senat ( senat uvek malo ublazi zahteve i to su i sada uradili) ali ovo nije nesto sto moze preko noci da se menja u smislu poostravanja, mogu da se olabave mere, to je predvidjeno ali ne poostravanje.

Glavna razlika u odnosu na ono sto smo ranije imali je to da nema vise testa koji vazi 24h i moze da zameni vakcinalni pasos, to je do sada moglo, turista recimo ili bilo ko je mogao da se testira onog dana kad hoce da ode u kafanu, muzej i slicno i ako je negativan moze 24h da ima "propusnicu", sada ne, sada je samo uz vakcinu ili ako si imao covid pre vise od 11 dana a manje od 6 meseci ili takodje ako imas neku kontraindikaciju za primanje vakcine tipa alergije na nesto iz sastava vakcine, sklonost ka nekom carditisu ili sta vec itd, a za to daje potvrdu tvoj izabrani lekar opste prakse.

Edited by ciao
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znaci kao i kod nas:

2G je za one koji su vakcinisani ili prelezali

3G je za vakcinisane, prelezale ili koji imaju negativni pcr test.


to je sasvim druga stvar od onog sto sam ja prethodno bila razumela, naime da se vise ne priznaje imunitet onima koji su prelezali zarazu, tj. da vazi samo 1G (samo vakcinisani)


ako se ne varam PHH je rekao da je i on sad negde zakacio virus, sto bi onda znacilo da bi i on mogao da igra RG (spada u 2G), dok Sandgren npr. ne moze jer je on imao infekciju pre vise od godinu dana (no ako se u medjuvremenu inficira onda bi i on mogao).


za ulazak u USA ostaje 1G (samo vakcinisani).


naravno, ostaje opcija da ATP uvede obaveznu vakcinaciju svih igraca da bi igrali turnire, mada je Azarenka pre neki dan (doduse za WTA, ali isto je to) rekla da ne bi mogli da uvedu obaveznu vakcinaciju (sigurno bi ih onda mogli tuziti zbog prakticno zabrane bavljenja poslom, posto ATP/WTA imaju monopol, tj. nema laternative za profi tenisere).

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ne znam da li ima negde i na srpskom/maternjem, ali evo Ozmovog teksta:



“After visiting the monastery’s shrines, we spent more time with our dear guest in the dining room”, it was stated in the public announcement by Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littora. “We have spoken about everything that has happened lately, the tribulations Novak is going through in the last month. Metropolitan of Montenegro Joanikije wished for Novak to return to court as soon as possible, so that he can continue doing things with which he celebrated not only himself, but his people and his nation”.



iz novosti: https://www.novosti.rs/sport/tenis/1078398/najnovije-vesti-novak-djokovic-latest-news-ostrog-mitopolit-joanikije-sveti-vasilije-ostroski-novak-ostroga-nove-pobede


OKREPIO se juče kraj ćivota Svetog Vasilija Ostroškog Novak Đoković, nakon višednevne iscrpljenosti zbog drame koju je preživeo u dalekoj Australiji.

Blagodat Čudotvorca dalo mu je novu snagu i energiju pred nova dokazovanja. U Ostrogu, genije belog sporta sreo se sa mitropolitom crnogorsko-primorskim Joanikijem i bratijom manastira.


- Bog te blagoslovio. Dobro nam došao. Želim da se što pre vratiš na teren i ponovo počneš da se baviš onim po čemu si proslavio ne samo sebe već svoj narod i državu - rekao je vladika Joanikije, prenoseći radost sveštenstva, monaštva i celog naroda.


Prvi teniser sveta, čiji koreni vode poreklo iz Jasenovog Polja kod Nikšića, minulog septembra proglašen je za počasnog građanina Nikšića. Inicijativa je potekla upravo od Marka Kovačevića, gradonačelnika.

- Mi iz Nikšića imamo poseban razlog da budemo ponosni na sve što je dosad uradio, jer njegova porodica potiče sa teritorije naše opštine i on to ističe sa ponosom. Mislim da će nama biti veća čast što ga proglašavamo počasnim građaninom nego njemu samom - poručio je Kovačević.

Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, oko Ibada said:

da li bi iz ugla "opamecivanja novaka" zapravo bilo dobro da rafa uzme ovo? 

znam znam, tesim se avansno... :classic_mellow:


Može da se gleda i tako, mada bih ja voleo da njih dvojica rešavaju tu famoznu GOAT trku u direktnim duelima. Ovako bi mi bilo malo bezveze, iako RN nije prekršio nikakva pravila 😉 pa i da osvoji, neće biti baš nezasluženo. Sad, što je u tom procesu malo bio nekolegijalan i šutirao protivnika dok je na zemlji, jbg.


edit - i australijska ministarka sporta je izjavila da navija da Rafa osvoji i to u jeku skandala sa NĐ, tako da eto, AO će biti potpuni uspeh ako se to desi :s_d:.

Edited by implant
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19 minutes ago, oko Ibada said:

da li bi iz ugla "opamecivanja novaka" zapravo bilo dobro da rafa uzme ovo? 

znam znam, tesim se avansno... :classic_mellow:

Ne zavisi to od Rafe nego od politike vakcinacije, dok god bude postojala bilo kakva mikroskopska šansa da igra nevakcinisan, neće se opametiti.

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da li bi iz ugla "opamecivanja novaka" zapravo bilo dobro da rafa uzme ovo? 

Samo iz ugla držanja lekcije kako se uzima kad ima a ne kad ti treba. Novak je već izbacio sebe sa USO i da se nije otvorila opcija izuzeća ne bi se pojavio ni u Melburnu. Tako da nema ništa od opamećivanja. On verovatno sada fura onu četničku politiku čekanja.

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