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Član foruma
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Everything posted by Angelia

  1. Interesatno koliko se rezultati razlikuju, iako se pominje da je moguce da u gusce naseljenim mestima ima vise onih koji su bili zarazeni. UM researchers used statistical methods to account for the limitations of the antibody test, which is known to generate some false positive results. The researchers say they are 95% certain that the true amount of infection lies between 4.4% and 7.9% of the population, with 6% representing the best estimate. That would mean about 165,000 estimated infections in Miami-Dade, with the margin of error equating to 123,000 residents on the low end and 221,000 residents on the high end. The results are similar but not identical to other serological surveys in California, but indicate far less infections than a recent survey in New York, which found a nearly 14% infection rate statewide and upwards of 20% in New York City. Ono sto je pozitivno u tome, je da onda smrtnost nije toliko visoka. A da je samo mali deo zarazenih prijavljen.
  2. Zavisi sa koje pozicije gledas, iskreno ja Trampa ne vidim kao opasnog. Prvo posto realno nije da bas upravlja, a drugo ovo je netacno, jednostavno izvrtanje onog sto je rekao. Edit: Mislim nije kao da je preporucio da se kupamo u Cloroxu: Please Do Not Bathe In Clorox Like Cristina Cuomo Has Been Doing Cristina Cuomo has been bathing in bleach to "combat the radiation and metals" in her system as she recovers from the coronavirus. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cristina-cuomo-clorox-coronavirus_l_5ea1e30ec5b60f4ac13f4914 Kaze po preporuci lekara...
  3. Vidi, ti si uvukao Trampa u pricu, a da moj post nije imao veze s njime, nego sa komentarisanjem da i u US ima glupih ljudi, sto je za ocekivati. Ali sam napomenula da je ozoniranje, specijalna bolest. Znaci i Tramp je postavio dva glupa pitanja, izblamirao se nevidjeno, tacno .... ali ne postuje svaki dan kako je otkrio lek, i da ce se bode domestosom.... Znaci postoji gradacija idiotluka.
  4. Ja sam rekla da se ne ozonira 🙂 Naravno da ima. Organizovan je protest, sta god da je to je njihovo pravo. Zasto bi isao tamo da provociras? Sta se time postize? Sukob naravno.
  5. Ti si bas extreman, ne ja samo uklanjam papriku, mrzim taj ukus paprike, u stvari mrzim punjene paprike....papriku u bilo kom kuvanom jelu ne podnosim, jedem kad moram. Samo kiselu papriku obozavam.
  6. Nemam pojma kako je postalo ok da se opravdavaju kontra mitinzi. I to od onih koji su prosli ono sranje 90tih. Ne brini, nece. Covek postavio glupo pitanje, da li bi strucnjaci nesto mogli da urade s tim, i rekao nisam lekar. OK ispao glup, nije mu ni prvi ni poslednji put .... CDC je jos prosle nedelje (znaci pre ove izjave) morao da upozori da se dezinfikciona sredstva ne udisu i ne piju, posto su primetili povecan broj trovanja istima.
  7. Vidi, ko se leci po preporuci Trampa a ne lekara, zasluzio je Darvinovu nagradu, ja to rekla jos kad su pili sredstva za ciscenje akvarijuma.
  8. Sta se iznenadjujes mi imamo 330 miliona, ali ipak se niko ne ozonira na vodecoj televiziji
  9. Ako si procitala ceo text primetila bi da on govori u slucaju recesije, sve te stvari stoje mnogo gore. I to je dokazano.
  10. S obzirom kako je text napisan ja ne bih obracala paznju na taj text: U evropskim zemljama, poput Italije, vlasti su primenjivale mnogo strože mere borbe protiv širenja korone, stavljajući sve u zatvor i isključujući samo mali broj ljudi da napuste kuću u slučaju vanrednih situacija ili zbog hrane i lekova.
  11. Interesantan text, iznenadjujuce balansiran za NY Times. Rasprava se konstatno vodi kao da oni koji su za popustanje mera, i otvaranja ekonomije, u stvari za organizovanje koncerta i Olimpijade sutra, a da su oni koji zastupaju duze mere za spasavanje zivota. Istina je u stvari negde u sredini, retko ko propagira kompletno otvaranje bez brige sta ce to znaciti. Zato je predlog bio da se to desava u fazama i uz stalnu preporuku, da zivot dok nema vakcine i leka, nece biti sutra utakmica, restoran, kafici....Nego da ce dosta odgovornosti biti i na ljudima da prihvate da ce neke mere potrajati. Medjutim, ekonomija ovako ne moze da potraje. Za one koji mrze da otvore link: The United States has always tolerated a certain amount of preventable death. To use Rahm Emanuel’s example, Americans reduce traffic fatalities by requiring seat belts and air bags, imposing speed limits and employing police. But until better technology is perfected, the only way to actually stop all car crashes — banning cars — is untenable, so some deaths are countenanced, a total of 38,800 in 2019. Auto accidents are not communicable so not an apples-to-apples comparison to the coronavirus. But the ordinary flu still claims thousands of lives a year — anywhere from 12,000 in the 2011-12 season up to an estimated 61,000 in 2017-18 — which society accepts without stay-at-home orders. Those seasonal deaths, however, are spread over many months, while the coronavirus hit with catastrophic fury in a matter of weeks and would have caused even more devastation without the quarantines. Government makes money-versus-lives trade-offs all the time. When a regulatory agency weighs a new safety rule, it measures the cost to industry or consumers against the gain by assigning a dollar value to each life that might be saved. If a new rule costs billions of dollars but would only prevent a few dozen deaths, it likely would not be adopted — even though someone would die as a result. The idea that the government translates life to dollars and cents may sound bloodless but it is not unusual. A White House report from 2017, for instance, estimated the cost of 41,000 deaths attributed to opioid overdoses in 2015 at $431.7 billion, an average of $10.5 million per person. By that calculation, the 60,000 deaths projected from the coronavirus would be valued at $631.8 billion — while the roughly 2 million lives theoretically saved by lockdowns would be worth about $21 trillion, or nearly eight times the $2.7 trillion in relief spending brokered by Congress and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. But James Stock, a Harvard economist who served on President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, said this crisis goes beyond such ordinary calculations because a shuttered economy represents an almost existential threat to the very idea of America. “We really have to be talking not just about our reduction in consumption in the short run but what this is going to be doing to the economy and the republic in the long run,” he said. “It’s those big issues that we’ve been afraid to talk about. A year of this and we would just see an unrecognizable transformation of what America would look like coming out of it.” Stephen Moore, a conservative economist who serves on Trump’s reopening committee, said those advocating restarting the economy are caricatured as putting profits over lives. “I reject this idea that the people who are for keeping the economy shut down are the angels because they’re the ones who care about human life,” said Moore, who has coordinated with lockdown protesters. “What about the poverty? What about the suicides? What about the child abuse cases and the alcoholism and the drug overdoses and the depression and all of the negative effects to health and well-being that are associated with an economy in recession?” https://news.yahoo.com/cold-calculations-americas-leaders-reopening-122102505.html
  12. Slazem se o narativu, samo da naglasim, kod nas se za PPP mora dokazati papiroloski da di pare namenski utrosio, jako komplikovana pravila, ali pare se daju direktno firmama, pa ako nisi imao izdatke za vreme koje su ti dali, a ti pare moras da vratis. Sto je ok. Dont start me with IRS. To su veca bagra nego sto mozes da zamislis. Nije tema za to. Ali ako ti je IRS usao za audit, nesto ce da platis cak i ako nisi kriv.
  13. Pa nije to nista cudno evo i u US, ovaj plan pomoci malim preduzecima, a prvi na listi konglomerati. Znaci postoje "povlasceni" samim time sto su veci.
  14. Jbte da ovog foruma nema trebalo bi ga izmisliti Pocela sam da placem od smeha....u sred pandemije
  15. Njemu je to posao, ali sto vi to ljudi gledate meni nije jasno. Ima sve na netu posle napisano.
  16. Pa kasarna je ista, a i period odprilike. Nemam pojma zasto ali par rodjaka su svi sluzili u toj kasarni, u razlicitim periodima.
  17. Trebao si da citiras ovo: Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response. Znaci radilo se o reorganizaciji, a ne o otpustanju tima, isto kao sto se prosipa ista prica o CDC, koja je isto laz.
  18. A ti si godiste mog rodjaka, koji je mozda i sluzio s tobom, po tvom opisu kad si bio.
  19. Znaci Tramp uskladistio sve one respiratore? opasan je on, mora da je i isao u skladiste da im povadi delove, kazu neki su bili u kvaru. A sto se tice ukidanja sluzbe....ponovis laz dovoljno puta i ona postane istina: As the COVID-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus has spread around the world, a number of politicians, news organizations and public figures have made the false claim that the Trump administration cut the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s anti-pandemic work in over 40 countries to just 10. The CDC told us that’s not true. The claim appears to have been based solely on outdated news reports from early 2018 that said the CDC was preparing to dramatically reduce its work helping to prevent infectious-disease epidemics. Those reports said much of that work on the Global Health Security Agenda, a pact between over 60 nations that began in 2014, had been funded by a five-year, nearly $600 million supplemental package that was dwindling. That one-time funding, which Congress originally appropriated in response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in 2014, ran out at the end of September 2019. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/03/false-claim-about-cdcs-global-anti-pandemic-work/
  20. Vidi meni jedna stvar nije jasna. Sloboda govora je ustavno zagarantovano pravo, u Americi. Ljudi u Americi ga praktikuju, i odgovara im. Kako to uopste utice na tebe da si protiv prava nekoga u Americi? Da to je lepo sto je upozorio. Samo da znas da nedostatak respiratora, kako u bolnicama tako i u federalnim rezervama, ili PPE, nisu nastale u 3 godine. Ako je bio toliko svestan opasnosti, zasto nije nesto uradio po tom pitanju?
  21. Ahhhh vizir Znala sam ja sta je vezir, samo mi nije bilo jasno kako i zasto bi ih Mitrovic imao i davao okolo. Reko ko zna sta se promenilo u medjuvremenu, mozda sad neki veziri prate penzionere koji se plase.
  22. I ja se nadam da sam to prelezala. Ali ko bi ga znao.
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