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Everything posted by Angelia

  1. Ja bi icekivala da neko ko je nevin demantuje, da kaze "Nije tacno, nije njegov kompjuter, nije se nikad desilo, sve je to laz". Umesto toga on govori kako nista nije bilo inappropriate, da je to ruska kampanja.... A to izgleda kao izbegavanje odgovora.
  2. Robust neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 infection persist for months SARS-CoV-2 has caused a global pandemic with millions infected and numerous fatalities. Questions regarding the robustness, functionality, and longevity of the antibody response to the virus remain unanswered. Here we report that the vast majority of infected individuals with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 experience robust IgG antibody responses against the viral spike protein, based on a dataset of 30,082 individuals screened at Mount Sinai Health System in New York City. We also show that titers are relatively stable for at least a period approximating 5 months and that anti-spike binding titers significantly correlate with neutralization of authentic SARS-CoV-2. Our data suggests that more than 90% of seroconverters make detectible neutralizing antibody responses. These titers remain relatively stable for several months after infection.
  3. Nemam pojma Baby, da nije FBI potvrdio da nije nikakva malverzacija, i da su u posedu laptopa jos od decembra, ja bi mislila da nije tacno. Drugo ni Biden nije negirao da je laptop vlasnistvo sina. Uz to kazu, nisam videla (nije ni potvrdjeno), da je njihov advokat poslao pismo trazeci da ga dobije nazad. Ako uzmes te cinjenice u obzir - veoma moguce. Sad jos imas i svedoke, telefonske poruke.... Naravno sve sto nisam licno videla ili nije potvrdjeno istragom, ja sam sumnjicava.
  4. Papiri nadjeni. Bas me interesuje sta je u njima kad su ovoliko gradili misteriju
  5. Mislim glasovi koji nemaju datum slanja jasan da su poslati pre dana izbora. Takvi se nikad pre nisu racunali pa ne vidim ni zasto bi sada. Ali to ce odluciti SC.
  6. Ma da, oni su trazili da se prihvate glasovi koji nisu prethodno bili po zakonu zato sto hoce da odrade ok posao A ne zato sto hoce da uvuku vise glasova koje inace ne bi racunali. Tako da je GOP potez potpuno legitiman. Znaci oni samo odgovaraju na ono sto su Dems uradili pre mesec dana, i pokusavaju da ih blokiraju.
  7. Nema tu nikakvog spina, znaci cinjenica je da su to uradili pre mesec dana i da je GOP krenuo da ih blokira. Bez postmark nije bilo pravilo pre toga. Ja nisam procitala njihov podnesak da vidim da li je "sa ili bez", valjda ti jesi ili samo zakljucujes tako, posto objasnjenje je: Republican legislators and the Pennsylvania Republican Party asked the justices on Sept. 28 to put the Pennsylvania court’s ruling on hold. They argued that the portion of the ruling allowing unclear postmarks would result in the counting of some ballots that are actually sent after Election Day, thereby violating federal election law and the U.S. Constitution. Znaci ja zakljucujem da se odnosi na one "bez" Ko sad spinuje?
  8. Pa i nije ti neki argument za zasto. PA sud je odluku o brojanju glasova koji nemaju validni postmark napravio pre mesec dana. Ne vidim razlog zasto se to ne bi proveravalo na Sc kao ok. Mislila sam imas neki pravni argument zasto bi glasali 8:0. Iako ocekujem da SC odbije ovako blizu izbora, sto nije pravni argument vec politicki.
  9. Hmmmm Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, will tell "Tucker Carlson Tonight" in an exclusive interview Tuesday evening that Joe Biden's denials of knowledge or involvement in his son's foreign dealings are "a blatant lie." Bobulinski, a Navy veteran and the former head of SinoHawk Holdings -- which he describes as a partnership between the CEFC China Energy conglomerate and two Biden family members -- told Carlson that he almost walked out of last week's second presidential debate when Biden discussed the topic. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-tony-bobulinski-tucker-carlson-joe-biden
  10. Toliko su bili pogodjeni sto je naoruzani napadac upucan da su morali odmah da opljackaju par radnji: Following Wallace's death, which was recorded and posted on social media, hundreds of people -- some armed with bricks -- protested in the 52nd Street commercial district, and the demonstration quickly turned violent. Police cars and dumpsters were set ablaze and NBC10 Philadelphia reported that at least 30 police officers were hurt. A 56-year-old sergeant was struck by a truck and was hospitalized with a broken leg, among other injuries. Stores including several Rite Aid pharmacies, a restaurant, and clothing and shoe shops were broken into. Two ATMs were also reported to have been smashed. More than 30 people were arrested during the confrontation, according to police. The Philadelphia Police Department confirmed to Fox News that two women and four men were arrested in looting at Snipe Sneaker Stores, four men were arrested in looting at the American Kids Store, seven men were arrested in looting at three Rite Aid locations, one man was arrested in looting at Jessabelle Restaurant and five juveniles were charged with looting at a Foot Locker.
  11. Negiranje mu je bilo mnogo izokola - nisu negirali da laptop nije njegov, nisu negirali da su mailovi lazni. Definitivno postoji pokusaj da se zataska, ali je pitanje kako ce biti iskoristeno.
  12. Daj molim te, navodis stvari od kojih vecinu rade dems, kao Trampov autoritarizam? Koje to 3 on ne radi, pa cu te pitati sta od ovoga nije radjeno od strane dems....ili ne rade sada.
  13. ACB je zvanicno imenovana kao sudija. kako ce ovo uticati na izbore? Da li to znaci da ce Tramp dobiti u landslide ili da ce republikance demotivisati u glasanju sada jer su postigli svoj cilj? bice interesatno za gledati, u svakom slucaju jeste istorijski presedan koliko ce ljudi glasati. Malo je bilo smesno danas citati da je AOC komentarisala kako su redovi za rano glasanje "voters supression" a mogla je lepo da glasa postom Kakva drama queen.... prijatelj mi kaze da se u kalifornija odvija nevidjena kampanja za Trampa - kaze ne pamti ikad takve kampanje za bilo kog republikanca a glasa oko 20 godina, znaci ne pamti Regana. Cali momci jel imate neke informacije?
  14. Veoma hrabro od tebe da poredis ilegalce, koji pretrcavaju ogradu, preplivaju reku, ne bi li bolje ziveli u US, sa ni manje ni vise nego robovima koji su kidnapovani iz svojih okolina. A i za decu su odlucivali roditelji kad im je odlucivanje bilo u moci, tako da ti i to ne stoji. Jos malo pa ces da uporedis ilegalce koji su svojevoljno prekrsili zakon US sa native Americans koji isto u neko vreme nisu bili gradjani, pa ces se iscudjavati prosvetiteljstvu kao vidi kako nismo napredovali, tretiramo krsenje zakona, kao krsenje zakona a ne pravo... Hmmm cenzus garantuje anonimnost, nemaju pravo da daju licne podatke. A ako se toliko njih ne prijavljuje, sta je onda problem postaviti pitanje da li ste legalno u US, da li ste gradjanin? Zasto se onda dems ubise da se to slucajno ne desi, ako si ti u pravu pa se ilegalci i ne broje? Da ne pricamo da su isli od vrata do vrata da provere da se svi popisu. Cenzus se ne bavi pitanjem da se neko zapita da li si nestao Ima svoju namenu, i u toj nameni ilegalci nemaju sta da rade, jer nemaju pravo glasa, samo su iskorisceni za krojenje izbornih jedinica za Dems, nista vise. Isto kao sto nemaju studenti, turisti i slicni prrivremeni posetioci - nikakva prava da kroje politicku mapu US.
  15. Kako mislis nije dosao svojom voljom? Sta ih neko kidnapovao i preneo preko granice? Kakve veze ima Musolini sa ilegalcima? Naravno da se ilegalci vide kao ljudi koji su u zemlji ilegalno, i nemaju pravo glasa, kako si hteo da ih vidim kao legalne i da imaju pravo glasa? pa jbga mozda kad budem probala da ti objasnim da je krsenje zakona legalno
  16. Bold - videcemo, meni uopste ne deluje naivno ako imaju dokaz da je Biden dobijao udeo u isplatama. Inace sto se tice ovog clanka, odlicna ideja, opravdanje je svi to rade, i naravno kako je problem bio samo konflikt interesa. Jedna dobra stvar u ovom textu jeste analiza da Biden ne porice - a to jeste problem, ne kaze to se nije desilo. Ali ne, nije svi rade, da VP profitira od svoje pozicije - to je striktno zabranjeno. Pitanje nije da li je postojao konflikt interesa, posto ocigledno jeste, i pitanje nije da li je Hunter profitirao od oceve pozicije, posto ocigledno jeste, i da stanemo na tome ovaj text bi bio u pravu. Problem je sta ako je Biden profitirao ili barem pokusao da profitira?
  17. 1 covek 1 glas, nema ni teoretske sanse zato sto bi to obesmislilo ulogu drzava, i bukvalno oduzelo glasove vecini drzava - kao sto si napisao. Sto bi New Hampshire uopste glasao onda, i kome bi bio bitan? Sve federalne pare bi isle u drzave sa najvecim brojem stanovnika, ovako se malo bolje balansira moc. Sve sto drzavni legislatori rade, od menjanja sistema glasanja za elektore, do menjanja izbornih jedinica, je da pobede jedni druge kad god mogu. Ne idu na blokiranje nekog treceg, ali prakticno to se postize. Prvo mislim da su trebali da izbace ilegalce iz cenzusa za kreiranje izbornih jedinica (zato sto daje neopravdani broj elektora tamo gde je najveca ilegalna populacija koja nema pravo glasa), i onda da naprave elektore koji ce glasati kako je njihova izborna jedinica glasala. Umesto sto svaka drzava ima svoj sistem. Samo za to nema politickog koncenzusa. Zato sto bi onda morali da rade kampanju nacionalno, a to se nikom ne isplati.
  18. Sam si sebi odgovorio Ne mislim ni ja da je to savrseno kako jeste - mislim da treba da bude da svaki electoral glas ide posebno, zato sto ce ti dosta ljudi reci cemu glasanje kad ce moji uvek glasati XXX. Ali to nije menjano jako dugo i nece.
  19. Ova istraga je bila pre laptopa, laptop je sad u rukama FBI koji tek pocinje istragu. Vidim da si propustio dosta. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/laptop-hunter-biden-linked-fbi-money-laundering-probe Mislim kad kazes nije na foxu
  20. Pa direktne veze. Zato sto drzave individualno imaju uticaj na nacin glasanja, i zato sto svaku promenu treba da odobre Kongres i Senat, koji jesu predstavnici svojih drzava pa se stoga nece odreci svojih prava. Ponekad stvarno deluje kad napises ovoliko netacnih stvari, kao da ne zivis u USA. On je probao da progura da jedno od pitanja u cenzusu bude da li ste gradjanin USA, i nije uspeo. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/2020-census-count-done-fight-over-results-just-beginning-n1244617 Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution mandates that an apportionment of representatives among the states must be carried out every 10 years. Therefore, apportionment is the original legal purpose of the decennial census, as intended by our Nation's Founders. Apportionment is the process of dividing the 435 memberships, or seats, in the U.S. House of Representatives among the 50 states, based on the state population counts that result from each decennial census. The apportionment results will be the first data published from the 2020 Census, and those results will determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives for the next 10 years. State and local officials use decennial census results to help redraw congressional, state, and local district boundaries to contain roughly equal numbers of people to ensure each person’s voting power is closely equivalent (meeting the one-person, one-vote rule).
  21. Pa to mu dodje ko lutrija, bas bas da si nesrecan pa da ga tako dobijes. Iako se slazem da je takvo ponasanje stvarno neprimereno.
  22. Hunter skandal. Neverovatno koliko se mediji trude da sakriju celu pricu da si eto ti propustio. Trebalo bi da bude izuzetno problematicno ako je VP koristio svoju poziciju za zaradu.
  23. Biden's blunders: From claiming 200 million Americans have been wiped out by Covid to forgetting the Declaration of Independence August 8, 2019: He tells the Asian & Latino Coalition in Des Moines, Iowa, that 'poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.' He attempted to clear up his statement, adding: 'Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids — no, I really mean it. But think how we think about it ... We think how we're going to dumb it down. They can do anything anybody else can do given a shot.' Later that day he tells a crowd: 'We choose unity over division. We choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts.' August 9: Biden was accosted by a right-wing Turning Point USA staffer at a rally in Iowa. 'How many genders are there?' He asked. Biden replied: 'There are at least three.' The reporter said, 'What are they?' And Biden responded: 'Don't play games with me, kid.' Biden then shook someone in the crowd's hand before turning back and saying, 'By the way, the first one to come out for marriage was me.' August 10: Biden says he was VP when the Parkland school shooting took place, even though it occurred in 2018. 'Those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president,' he told a reporter. A campaign official clarified that Biden meant the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, in December 2012. August 24: Biden mistakes New Hampshire for Vermont. Speaking in Keene, NH, he said: 'I love this place. Look, what's not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it?' September 2: Biden appears confused about the definition of a magazine for a rifle, telling supporters in Iowa: 'The idea that we don't have elimination of assault type weapons, magazines that can hold multiple bullets in them, it's absolutely mindless.' By definition a magazine holds multiple rounds. September 25: Biden forgot the name of the last Supreme Court nominee under President Barack Obama on Jimmy Kimmel's show. 'Back when, when they were holding up before Trump got elected, they were holding up, uh, um, the nomination of the president put forward for the Supreme Court,' Biden rambled. 'Merrick Garland,' Kimmel said. 'Merrick Garland, a really fine man,' Biden added. November 2: Says he's in Ohio when he's in Iowa. November 20: Biden claimed that he had the backing of the Senate's only black female Senator during a Democratic debate. 'I have more people supporting me in the black community that have vouched for me because they know who I am… The only African-American woman who's ever been elected to the United States Senate.' Senator Kamala Harris corrected him, saying: 'That's not true. The other one is here!' December 5: He called a voter a 'damn liar' and 'fat' after he asked if his son Hunter earned a job on the board of a Ukrainian gas company as a result of his father's high office. 'You're a damn liar, and that's not true,' Biden snapped at him. 'I'm not sedentary. You want to check my shape, let's do push ups together, let's run, let's do whatever you want to do, let's take an IQ test.' He continued, 'But look, fat, here's the deal.' February 9, 2020: Biden called a 21-year-old woman a 'lying, dog-faced pony soldier' during a Q&A in New Hampshire. Asked by the economics student Madison Moore about his poor performances in the Iowa caucuses, he asked if she'd ever attended a caucus. Moore said she had and Biden hit back: 'No you haven’t! You’re a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.' February 24: In South Carolina he said: 'My name's Joe Biden. I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate.' During the same speech he claimed to to have worked with Chinese leader 'Deng Xiaoping' on the Paris Climate Accord - Deng died in 1997. February 25: During the final Democratic debate he claimed that '150 million people have been killed since 2007' by guns. If that were the case, half the American population would be dead. March 1: He calls Fox News host Chris Wallace 'Chuck,' and then claims it was because he'd had a recent interview with NBC's Chuck Todd. March 3: He confused Super Tuesday with 'Super Thursday.' And during the same speech he botched the Declaration of Independence, saying: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing.' March 4: He confused his wife with his sister on stage at a rally in California. 'By the way, this is my little sister Valerie!' Biden said while grabbing his wife's right hand. 'And I'm Jill's husband,' he went on while reaching for his sister's. March 9: 'Together, I think we can win back the House,' Biden said before correcting himself. 'We're gonna keep the House, increase it and flip the Senate.' March 10: Biden pledged to ban the 'AR-14,' (instead of AR-15) when challenged by a worker who accused him of 'trying to diminish our second amendment right and take away our guns.' April: He appeared to forget Barack Obama's name while discussing Russia's annexation of Crimea. 'Because they invaded another country and annexed a significant portion of it called Crimea. He's saying that it was president - my boss - it was his fault.' May 22: Biden tells radio host Charlmagne the God that 'if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black.' August 31: Speaking at a steel factory in Pittsburgh, he stumbled badly over his words, saying: 'COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 years. Look, here's, the lives, it's just, it's uh, I mean think about it. More lives this year than any other year for the past 100 years.' September 15: Biden says that wealthy people were able to stay home during lockdown because 'some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf.' Speaking to a group of veterans in Tampa, Florida, he said: 'The American public, the blinders have been taken off. They've all of a sudden seen a hell of a lot clearer. 'They're saying: "Jeez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf."' September 20: Biden said that 200 million had died of coronavirus, confusing a million for a thousand. 'It's estimated that 200 million people have died probably by the time I finish this talk,' he said. September 21: He botches the pledge of allegiance, saying: 'I pledge allegiance to the United States of America, one nation, indivisible, under God, for real.' The correct text is: 'I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.' October 12: He appeared to forget that he ran against Mitt Romney in 2012. 'You may remember,' Biden said when telling reporters he was opposed to Democrats criticizing Amy Coney Barrett's faith, 'I got in trouble when we were running against that senator who was a Mormon, the governor.' October 24: He tells a virtual meeting: 'We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.' October 25: He got confused about who is president, calling him, 'George.' Speaking at the 'I Will Vote Concert' Biden said: 'Four more years of George, er, George, er, he - we're going to find ourselves in a position where, if Trump gets elected, we're going to be in a different world.' He was aided by his wife Jill who appeared to mutter 'Trump,' under her breath while Biden struggled for the words. Nemam pojma, meni ovo deluje kao demencija, a ne prosta greska u scenariju
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