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NBA 2019/2020 - North remembers



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6 minutes ago, OnionKnight said:


Horford leti.



Vjerujem da će bez obzira na pozicije, Simmons najviše imati loptu u rukama, naročito kad napadaju nepostavljenu odbranu. Milton bi u tom slučaju doprinosio spejsingu i izigravao sekundarnog plejmejkera. Svakako mi ovo ima više smisla nego da je tu Horford. 

Okacio sam juce izjavu Browna a i citao sam kasnije jos nesto vezano za Filu i ova promjena je uglavnom da Ben ne prenosi loptu vec da se ubrza igra tj da on bude taj koji zavrsava kontre, nesto poput Lebrona u Klivlendu i Majamiju.

Vidjecemo kako ce im taj eksperiment ispasti

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20 minutes ago, gggggggg said:


nije mi ovo previse pouzdan info. mislim da je samo u izolaciji jer se druzio sa westbrookom. no nebitno totalno.


jos dve nedelje a neke ekipe nisu ni kompletne :classic_wacko:

7.7 su imali 2/322 u Mehuru koji su bili pozitivni.
Da ga jebes ako pola sveta igra fudbal bez vecih problema (Igraci Ciriha, Rostova i neki Iranci su timski fasovali koronu) mogu i ovi sa Disney strogom kontrolom..
Ovde su samo treneri rizicna grupa Popovic i DAntoni su matori ljudi.

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Tek sad vidim kakav smesan ugovor ima Milton cetiri sezone. Moze se reci da je Fili dosao dzekpot.. Iz moje perspektive nisam zadovoljan Tobajasom, on ima max, a ni po cemu poseban. Njega bi morali da se ratosiljaju prvom prilikom, pogotovo ako im je u planu da Ben stalno igra PF.. 

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Spremaju se Portlandjani jako, Kolins i Nurkic se potpuno oporavili i sjajno igraju. Melo na treninzima pegla defanzivu, kazu da je nikad spremniji, sto potvrdjuje i njegov izgled, znaci nije samo na pricama.

Danas puni 30. godina Dame Time


Послато са G3121 помоћу Тапатока

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7 hours ago, SteveFrancis#3 said:

Pa kad je mator usao u ligu 


zato sad pola njih gleda henrija opasnost u rookie i sophmore sezonama i uče osnovne košarkaške elemente (ako znaju da hodaju stabilno : ))


kad sam već ovde, da pejstujem deo teksta - ne zbog kontenta, već zbog stila & tona pisanija koji me je jako zabavio. staviću u spoiler za svaki slučaj





Way too many of the Knicks’ roster this season can be offensively summarized by half or all of the following four words: Ball dominant, can’t shoot. This, in the golden age of off-ball shooting as an additive skill, is the essence of why the 2019-20 Knicks might be the worst shooting team since the NBA’s three-is-better-than-two eureka moment.


The roster was one big high-stakes Jenga tower of offensive redundancy. Robinson: Can’t shoot. Barrett: Ball dominant and can’t shoot. Julius Randle: Ball dominant and can’t shoot. Elfrid Payton: Ball dominant and can’t shoot. Paragraph break?

Just a few more: Dennis Smith Jr.: Ball dominant and can’t shoot. Allonzo Trier: Ball dominant. Taj Gibson, Frank Ntilikina, Kevin Knox, Kadeem Allen, and Maurice Harkless; Can’t shoot.


This particularly reductive skillset was the foundation of the Knicks’ offensive struggles this year, which ranked 29th in half-court efficiency, per Synergy Sports. Watching that offense, especially in the early David Fizdale dog days of last season, was the basketball equivalent of staring at the sun and refusing under any circumstances to blink — not good for the old retinal health, really.


The diminishing returns of so many non-shooters could not be meaningfully mitigated by Marcus Morris (44% from three) having a career-best season shooting the ball. Or the return from injury of Reggie Bullock — a respectable shooter over his career — in January. Or the just-about-OK long-range shooting of trio Bobby Portis (35.8%), Damyean Dotson (36.2%) and Wayne Ellington (35%).


That means the Knicks had one player shoot more than 36.2% from three: Marcus Morris. On the whole roster. With no minimum minutes logged or games played. This would include any hypothetical specialists the front office could, in theory, bring on board during the season. Nobody, apart from Morris, of the 17 professional basketball players that appeared for the Knicks this year shot better than 36.2% from deep.


I harp briefly on this barely-analytical statistical sticking point because you have to go back four years, 118 individual team seasons, and a 3-point revolution to find another team with less shooting on the roster.


The 2016-17 Pistons had one player on the roster that year to shoot over 36.2%. It was Reggie Bullock, funnily enough, at 38.4%.

This was a historically bizarre philosophical hill for Steve Mills, former Knicks president, to die on. Not so much a ballsy zag as the rest of the league zigs. This was neither zig nor zag. This was just turning around and retracing the steps of statistical progress back to a simpler time, where progressive spacing had more to do with typewriters than NBA titles.


Needless to say, this wasn’t an ideal developmental environment for Robinson or Barrett. By the same token, it was a worst case scenario for both Randle and Payton to showcase their talents, who are in some ways positional variants of each other. Both have clear NBA talent. But the perception of both took a big hit this year.


Particularly Randle, who was asked to do one of the hardest things in basketball: take on a significantly bigger individual role for the first time in his career, on a bad team, with players seemingly handpicked to torpedo his offensive strengths and spotlight his weaknesses. He played badly, but was also in a situation where it was extremely difficult for him to succeed.


For Robinson, the answer to the question of how to best utilize his offensive talents next season is as simple now as it should have been last summer: shooting, shooting, shooting. Exclusively rim-running bigs like Mitch, even if they are elite efficiency-wise, are the least stylistically versatile player archetypes when putting together synergistic combinations of players.


Mitch more than pays his toll as a non-shooter with rim protection on one end and rim pressure on the other. Add RJ to the equation, a bad shooter at this stage of his career, and as a five-man unit you’re hovering around negative spacing equity already. Add Randle or Payton to this and you’re threading a very small needle. Put all four together and you can effectively forget about a functional offense.


Payton shot 20% on 69 3-point attempts this season. Only two other NBA players in the last five seasons have shot as poorly from deep on equivalent volume; Dewayne Dedmon and Theo Pinson (of course he’s now a Knick!), both this season, neither of whom are starting point guards.

Randle shot a tick under 28% on 231 three point attempts this season. Only four other players since 2010 were as inefficient from three on equivalent volume — Jordan Poole this season, Marcus Smart in 2015-16, Corey Brewer in 2014-15, and Josh Smith in 2013-14.


There are seven active players in the NBA (and only 16 this century) who have taken more than 540 career threes and shot less than 30% from deep; Giannis Antetokounmpo, DeMar DeRozan, Michael Carter-Williams, Evan Turner, Stanley Johnson, Julius Randle, and Elfrid Payton.





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8 hours ago, uini said:


zato sad pola njih gleda henrija opasnost u rookie i sophmore sezonama i uče osnovne košarkaške elemente (ako znaju da hodaju stabilno : ))


kad sam već ovde, da pejstujem deo teksta - ne zbog kontenta, već zbog stila & tona pisanija koji me je jako zabavio. staviću u spoiler za svaki slučaj



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Way too many of the Knicks’ roster this season can be offensively summarized by half or all of the following four words: Ball dominant, can’t shoot. This, in the golden age of off-ball shooting as an additive skill, is the essence of why the 2019-20 Knicks might be the worst shooting team since the NBA’s three-is-better-than-two eureka moment.


The roster was one big high-stakes Jenga tower of offensive redundancy. Robinson: Can’t shoot. Barrett: Ball dominant and can’t shoot. Julius Randle: Ball dominant and can’t shoot. Elfrid Payton: Ball dominant and can’t shoot. Paragraph break?

Just a few more: Dennis Smith Jr.: Ball dominant and can’t shoot. Allonzo Trier: Ball dominant. Taj Gibson, Frank Ntilikina, Kevin Knox, Kadeem Allen, and Maurice Harkless; Can’t shoot.


This particularly reductive skillset was the foundation of the Knicks’ offensive struggles this year, which ranked 29th in half-court efficiency, per Synergy Sports. Watching that offense, especially in the early David Fizdale dog days of last season, was the basketball equivalent of staring at the sun and refusing under any circumstances to blink — not good for the old retinal health, really.


The diminishing returns of so many non-shooters could not be meaningfully mitigated by Marcus Morris (44% from three) having a career-best season shooting the ball. Or the return from injury of Reggie Bullock — a respectable shooter over his career — in January. Or the just-about-OK long-range shooting of trio Bobby Portis (35.8%), Damyean Dotson (36.2%) and Wayne Ellington (35%).


That means the Knicks had one player shoot more than 36.2% from three: Marcus Morris. On the whole roster. With no minimum minutes logged or games played. This would include any hypothetical specialists the front office could, in theory, bring on board during the season. Nobody, apart from Morris, of the 17 professional basketball players that appeared for the Knicks this year shot better than 36.2% from deep.


I harp briefly on this barely-analytical statistical sticking point because you have to go back four years, 118 individual team seasons, and a 3-point revolution to find another team with less shooting on the roster.


The 2016-17 Pistons had one player on the roster that year to shoot over 36.2%. It was Reggie Bullock, funnily enough, at 38.4%.

This was a historically bizarre philosophical hill for Steve Mills, former Knicks president, to die on. Not so much a ballsy zag as the rest of the league zigs. This was neither zig nor zag. This was just turning around and retracing the steps of statistical progress back to a simpler time, where progressive spacing had more to do with typewriters than NBA titles.


Needless to say, this wasn’t an ideal developmental environment for Robinson or Barrett. By the same token, it was a worst case scenario for both Randle and Payton to showcase their talents, who are in some ways positional variants of each other. Both have clear NBA talent. But the perception of both took a big hit this year.


Particularly Randle, who was asked to do one of the hardest things in basketball: take on a significantly bigger individual role for the first time in his career, on a bad team, with players seemingly handpicked to torpedo his offensive strengths and spotlight his weaknesses. He played badly, but was also in a situation where it was extremely difficult for him to succeed.


For Robinson, the answer to the question of how to best utilize his offensive talents next season is as simple now as it should have been last summer: shooting, shooting, shooting. Exclusively rim-running bigs like Mitch, even if they are elite efficiency-wise, are the least stylistically versatile player archetypes when putting together synergistic combinations of players.


Mitch more than pays his toll as a non-shooter with rim protection on one end and rim pressure on the other. Add RJ to the equation, a bad shooter at this stage of his career, and as a five-man unit you’re hovering around negative spacing equity already. Add Randle or Payton to this and you’re threading a very small needle. Put all four together and you can effectively forget about a functional offense.


Payton shot 20% on 69 3-point attempts this season. Only two other NBA players in the last five seasons have shot as poorly from deep on equivalent volume; Dewayne Dedmon and Theo Pinson (of course he’s now a Knick!), both this season, neither of whom are starting point guards.

Randle shot a tick under 28% on 231 three point attempts this season. Only four other players since 2010 were as inefficient from three on equivalent volume — Jordan Poole this season, Marcus Smart in 2015-16, Corey Brewer in 2014-15, and Josh Smith in 2013-14.


There are seven active players in the NBA (and only 16 this century) who have taken more than 540 career threes and shot less than 30% from deep; Giannis Antetokounmpo, DeMar DeRozan, Michael Carter-Williams, Evan Turner, Stanley Johnson, Julius Randle, and Elfrid Payton.







Ne ucis na koledzu da sutiras, vodis loptu, driblas ili dodajes. Niko od trenera nema vremena da se bavi time i posvecuje (ocigledno neophodnu) paznju tako sitnim i bazicnim stvarima. U nekom idealnom kosarkaskom svetu bi svi igraci na te koledze trebalo da dodju sa vec savladanim tim elementima, a da kroz utakmice i rad sa trenerima uce samu igru, filozofiju, akcije i prepoznavanje stvari na parketu. Zasto to nije tako, duga je prica, ali nije moguce kao prosto resenje problema ponuditi obavezan cetvorogodisnji boravak na koledzu. Za mnoge objektivno izuzetno talentovane igrace to predstavlja cistu stagnaciju i gubljenje vremena, a mislim da ni matematika ne pruza bas cvrstu potporu da je senior nuzno zaista sustinski kompletniji i de facto bolji igrac freshmana. Mnogi za te 4 godine gotovo za jotu ne napreduju nego samo napucavaju brojke srazmerno povecanju uloge i potrosnje koje dolazi sa svakom novom sezonom.

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ucili ili jok, radili po programu koledza, sa privatnim trenerom ili sami iza skole - tek, cinjenica je da su igraci od 21, 22, 23 godine ulazili u ligu spremniji, makar pola njih i potpuno spremni da isporuce od dana prvog. ne racunam tu majstore kojima je otprilike svejedno koliko imaju godina i sati kosarke u rukama.


mozda je prosto kilo9metraza jos odigranih tekmi za 2, 3 ili 4 godine


sta god da je, igraci sada uglavnom dolaze nespremni a fransize osim za nekolicinu uglavnom nemaju zivaca


tako je kako je, samo primecujem razliku

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recimo, da je bogdan ušao u ligu sa 19, 20 godina, kako bi to izgledalo? i koliko bi se zadržao u odnosu na to koja franšiza ga je birala. 


možda je glup primer, meni je zgodan jer se otprilike sećam bogdana sa 20ak 


Edit ili par stepenika iznad : siakam i butler. snašli bi se oni u ligi svejedno, ali kakvi bi ispali, ko zna


a kontam da svake dve sezone imaš po dva takva slučaja za koja nikada nećemo čuti 

Edited by uini
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1 hour ago, Barkley#34 said:

Dodao bih i to da je razlika da li se pritisak na tebe sruči kad imaš 19 ili 22 godine. Između ostalog, i kroz tu kilometražu se polako pripremaš na isti.

Msm da je veci pritisak igrati kod Duleta, kada mu sroci jednu socnu psovku.


Inace od novih vesti, Calmers ce mozda potpisati za Lejkerse. Kako vreme prolazi, povrede, izostanci, sve manje verujem u LAL. Mislim da ce Kavaj staviti burmu na prst. 

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25 minutes ago, Drakaris said:

Msm da je veci pritisak igrati kod Duleta, kada mu sroci jednu socnu psovku.


Inace od novih vesti, Calmers ce mozda potpisati za Lejkerse. Kako vreme prolazi, povrede, izostanci, sve manje verujem u LAL. Mislim da ce Kavaj staviti burmu na prst. 

Ne mogu Lejkersi da potpisu Calmersa, Rondo je povrijedjen i nemaju pravo zamjene.


Ma kakav Kawhi, ukenjalo ga prosle sezone. Nije se susreo sa Lejkersima. Lako je bilo Filu, Milvoki i GS dobiti😉

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49 minutes ago, Miki28 said:

Ne mogu Lejkersi da potpisu Calmersa, Rondo je povrijedjen i nemaju pravo zamjene.


Ma kakav Kawhi, ukenjalo ga prosle sezone. Nije se susreo sa Lejkersima. Lako je bilo Filu, Milvoki i GS dobiti😉

Da ovo nije hakovan nalog? Miki da kaze da je Kavaja usralo 😄


Nevolje padaju samo u LAL dvoriste. Klipersi ne samo sto su popunjeni po pozicijama, vec su i zdravi svi igraci. Ovu titulu ce osvojiti ona ekipa koja se najvise sacuva od povreda i Korone. 


52 minutes ago, MilošVB said:

Ima li neki info,kakav je izgladneli Džoker na treninzima?

U ovom Diznilendu, tek ima da izgladni, sudeci po tome da se dosta igraca zali na hranu. 

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12 hours ago, Drakaris said:

Da ovo nije hakovan nalog? Miki da kaze da je Kavaja usralo 😄


Nevolje padaju samo u LAL dvoriste. Klipersi ne samo sto su popunjeni po pozicijama, vec su i zdravi svi igraci. Ovu titulu ce osvojiti ona ekipa koja se najvise sacuva od povreda i Korone. 


Tad je bio WetheNorth a ne u Klipanima.

Dobar je Kawhi ali Obrva je broj 1, on vodi do prstena😁


I Bledso pozitivan. Bice iznenadjenja u ovom PO

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