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Archaeologists Claim They’ve Discovered the Trojan Horse in Turkey


The structure found fits the description by Virgil, Augustus and Quintus Smyrnaeus. So archaeologists have started to consider that the discovery is indeed the remains of the subterfuge Greeks used to conquer ancient Troy.


Another discovery that supports the archaeologists’ claims is a damaged bronze plate with the inscription “For their return home, the Greeks dedicate this offering to Athena.” Quintus Smyrnaeus refers to the particular plate in his epic poem “Posthomerica.” The plate was also found on the site.


The two archaeologists leading the excavation, Boston University professors Christine Morris and Chris Wilson, say that they have a “high level of confidence” that the structure is indeed linked to the legendary horse. They say that all the tests performed up to now have only confirmed their theory.


“The carbon dating tests and other analysis have all suggested that the wooden pieces and other artifacts date from the 12th or 11th centuries B.C.,” says Professor Morris. “This matches the dates cited for the Trojan War, by many ancient historians like Eratosthenes or Proclus. The assembly of the work also matches the description made by many sources. I don’t want to sound overconfident, but I’m pretty certain that we found the real thing!”


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Definicija debila koji voli više basket, no leba da jede:


Odvedem klince u kvart, igraju fudbal, ja im branim itd. Neki klinci krenu da pikaju basket i ja im se naravno pridružim. Bos. 

Završim basket sa dva krvava žulja na nogama.

Kraj priče o debilu.

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