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- Audi najavio da ce posle novogodisnjih praznika poslati zvanicnu potvrdu FIA o nameri da ucestvuju u F1 pod novim pravilima za pogonske agregate koji stupaju na snagu 2026. usput cestitajuci odlazecem predsedniku FIA Zanu Totu "fer i korektno" finale F1 sezone 2021 u Abudabiju sto je ocigledno prc upucen Mercedesu, no nije bilo drugo sta ni za ocekivati od najljucih rivala...

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Ne znam sto al ja ih vise vidim uz Red Bull ili mozda alfa tauri. Red Bull vec ima odredjenu istoriju moto sporta gde saradjuje sa VW grupacijom, pa mi nekako pribliznije ra se ostvari ta mogucnost. Sumnjam da ce red bull bas rizikovati pa odmah uletiti u neproverenu pricu, ali zato imaju rezervni tim. 

McLaren je izvesnija opcija jer trenutno nista ne rizikuju, jer nema rezultata. Videcemo, samo da ne bude zuta stampa, cenim da Audi moze napraviti dobru pricu, bez da naguli kao BMW onomad

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Žan Alezi će ići na sud zbog podmetanja petarde sestrinom skoro bivšem mužu. (Je l' neko rekao španska serija?) Mogao bi da dobije čak i 10 godina.




Former Ferrari driver Jean Alesi is set to stand trial on charges linked to an incident in which he is alleged to have detonated a large firework at the office of his brother-in-law ,causing significant damage to the building.

Frenchman Alesi, who raced 202 times in Formula One for a variety of teams across 13 seasons, claims that the explosion, which cracked an armored window and caused structural damage to its frame at the architects's office near his home in Villeneuve-les-Avignon, was little more than a "bad joke". Alesi's brother-in-law is currently separated from his sister.

Witnesses to the explosion reported the number plate of a BMW driving away from the scene with its lights off.

Subsequent inquiries linking the vehicle to Alesi's brother, Jose, who was later arrested.

Alesi then approached police to say that he had been driving the car at the time of the explosion and that he was joined by his son, Giuliano – who is also a racing driver – along with another friend.

While in police custody, Alesi told officers that he had "jammed a big firework bought in Italy" into the frame of the window, but that he had not considered the scale of the damage that it was capable of. 

He added that it was intended as a prank towards his brother-in-law and that he has no animosity whatsoever towards him.

However, Antoine Wolff, who is the deputy prosecutor for the city of Nimes under whose jurisdiction the incident took place, charged the 57-year-old driver with detonating an explosive which damaged property – and added that it took place "in the context of a family conflict".

"Jean Alesi was taken into custody on Monday at around 4pm for damaging the property of others by means of an explosive device," he said.

"I am quite skeptical about the notion of a ‘joke’ carried out at 10pm without the person targeted knowing who is responsible," Wolff said of the matter.

Alesi's brother-in-law is reported to have told authorities that he has "no problem" with the 57-year-old. 

If found guilty to the fullest extent of the law, Alesi could be facing a term of up to ten years in prison.

Giuliano Alesi, meanwhile, has been charged with being an accomplice in the explosion – but both men will have to wait a considerable period of time before learning their fates as a backlog in the French criminal justice system means their cases won't be heard until some time in 2023.


Edited by Duh sa sekirom
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18 hours ago, Hertzog said:

Ne znam sto al ja ih vise vidim uz Red Bull ili mozda alfa tauri. Red Bull vec ima odredjenu istoriju moto sporta gde saradjuje sa VW grupacijom, pa mi nekako pribliznije ra se ostvari ta mogucnost. Sumnjam da ce red bull bas rizikovati pa odmah uletiti u neproverenu pricu, ali zato imaju rezervni tim. 

McLaren je izvesnija opcija jer trenutno nista ne rizikuju, jer nema rezultata. Videcemo, samo da ne bude zuta stampa, cenim da Audi moze napraviti dobru pricu, bez da naguli kao BMW onomad


Ove višegodišnje najave da će Audi/Porsche/VW ući u šampionat mi deluju da su iz kuhinje PR same F1 kako bi mazali oči da se bar neko interesuje da uđe u ovu i ovakvu F1. Znate, kao vesti tipa da nekog našeg fudbalera iz Super Lige traže Englezi i nude 20 miliona ili više, a u stvarnosti niko u Engleskoj ni ne zna da postoji taj fudbaler. Klasično dizanje cene bez pokrića. Naravno i Audiju prijaju takve PR objave jer i sebi malo dižu cenu i prestiž. 


Dok ne vidim bolid na test stazi sa četiri prstena na motoru ništa ne verujem...


Ako zaista uđu u šampionat to će biti sa Red Bulom. Samo će preuzeti tehnologiju koju je Red Bul nasledio od Honde i eto ih za malo para u eliti. Naravo ako u ovim glasinama ima ikakve ozbiljne namere.



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Nije Audi bas skroz bez iskustva sto se tice hibrida visokih performansi:




Ova nova pravila za 2026. ukidaju MGU-H ali znacajno pojacavaju MGU-K sto zapravo poprilicno lici na konfiguraciju kakva se koristila u LMP1 (doduse bez pogona na sva cetiri). Zbog Audija su tako i ispregovarana, na negodovanje Mercedesa koji su MGU-H tehnologiju doveli do apsolutnog savrsenstva pod ovim sadasnjim propozicijama, sto im i daje prednost u odnosu na ostale proizvodjace trenutno u F1.

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Tačno je da Audiju nisu strane hibridne tehnologije ali su je zadnji put trkali na Lemanu davne 2016. Ako predpostavimo da će ući 2026. to je čak 10 godina razlike što je autosportu večnost i trebaće im puno vremena da uhvate priključak kao npr. Honda 2015. godine. Zato verujem da će isplatiti Hondu za njihova prava na intelektualnu svojinu i odmah se naći na čelu. 


Takođe, R18 je bio TDI hibrid. 😀 Trebaće im ovaj 1.6 benzinac.

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Pa ne moze niko da udje pre 2026. jer su do tada zamrzli homologaciju novih motora i komponenti, ko sta ima sada to mu je do kraja 2025. E sad, to ne znaci da ce Audi i Porse zaista i da udju 2026. ali evo tri godine su pregovarali s njima oko novih specifikacija motora bas da bi ovi usli, sto su oni i potvrdili u zvanicnom dopisu FIA o nameri ulaska u F1 pod novim specifikacijama 2026. tako da za sada sve lici da ce ipak da udju.

No videcemo.

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