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Masku treba zabraniti ulaz u EU




Alternative for Germany (AfD) co-leader has revealed that she took a phone call from tech billionaire Elon Musk, who congratulated her on the party's election success.


Alice Weidel says that the AfD is "in communication" with the Trump administration in Washington and she had woken up to a number of missed calls from the US.


Weidel - whose party secured nearly 21% of the vote - says the AfD's results in Sunday's vote was "a historic success" and a sign that "we are on the rise".

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18 hours ago, A sad said:

Zabraniti stranku koja je osvojila 20% glasova. Sta sve necu cuti od "liberalnih demokrata". Mozda bi bilo korisno i neutralisati tih 20%, to bi resilo problem. 


Uporno se izbegava da se priznaju sopstvene greske i nesto promeni. Ne, to ne dolazi u obzir, samo zabranjuj. 


Šta konkretno misliš da možemo da naučimo iz ovoga pa da ga primijenimo u praksi i nešto promijenimo? 

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